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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Tang, you have chemo brain, best excuse you will ever have, to act like a blonde. 

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Tangerine, you know the chevster will be all hopped up on oxy and Jack, not that the cray cray chevrootie needs any artificial stimulants to be a menace to society. 

    Holeinone is right - chemo brain it is. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hi Owlettes, been working on 2D6, need to buzz off to get the last minute blood work done. Please, go and read the posts from the last two days. I'm trying to start a revolution to protect people from preventable harm. You are my BCO family. You all know your at the top of my list for wanting no harm to come too. 

    Haven't caught up on reading, hope all is well since last night L&H&P's sassy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh boy Ziggy u've got Chevy allll figured out----she love to go to the stores and now she gets to roll people over instead of just bumping into them--Oh boy she'll be on U-tube this week-end--I can't wait.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Gooooooood Morning, Owlettes! (Well, it's morning for two more minutes here in Cali...)

    I survived the Memorial Service for MIL! In fact, it was downright awesome. It helped that I made DH start the planning three years ago... and that all the legal stuff was in place... and that I am a compulsive list maker... DH and I were in charge of ALL the arrangements. All of them..... did I say EVERYTHING? LOL

    The day was sunny and gorgeous: 80 degrees! DH and I got to the church early to decorate... nothing fancy, just some pretty flowers and photos and mementos of Mom. The sanctuary was packed... almost 150 people there - pretty unusual for a 93 year old lady! But Dad (92 year old FIL) belongs to many organizations, and everyone showed up for him, plus we had many church friends show up for us.

    The one family member who has been the Turd in the Punchbowl throughout all of this did not show up. But her husband and daughters did, and he read her (edited) remarks during the service. Another granddaughter sang, accompanied by her husband on guitar, and their adorable little girl signing along to the lyrics. DH and his older sister spoke. Dad was so pleased...

    The reception was a lot of fun, lots of hugging and laughing and fond memories shared.

    Since it was held at our church, DH and I were host and hostess... the church ladies donated desserts and coffee and lemonade and iced tea. By the time we got home, we were both exhausted but immensely relieved that there had been no family psychodrama.

    The next morning, our youngest son and granddaughter came to spend the day with us. They had driven down from Seattle. Oh my gosh, DGD is now ten years old and soooo funny and smart and oh-so-dramatic... we just had the best "girl time" while DS and DH yacked away in the Man Cave.

    The rains have come and gone for now... we have one clear day, then tomorrow the storm comes in again for Friday and Saturday.

    At least it should be gone when I have to show up for (groan) JURY DUTY on Monday!!!!

    O.K. All for now.... hugs to all.....


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Okay, you SEE you guys!  SHE is worse than me and Cammi put together!  And did you SEE what she has me trolling around in? 

    I get more points if I mow down someone in a wheel-chair...right? 

    Yes, a SHOWER!  Just had to do it!  So I smell better than ANY of you now...  Hah! 

    Got our taxes done!  Yippee!  I had to prop my foot up on an over-turned waste-basket of theirs.... But soon, the Tylenol kicked in, and I felt better!    Daughter is so cute.... She just makes me laugh!    We went to lunch before, and she treated me like I was "special" or lame or something! 

    I am NOT a menace miss Ziggypoptart!  I am a cute little kiddle....  on wheels!  Brat!  She really IS a little shit! 

    Man, I'm afraid to take Oxy in the day-time.... especially driving  this 4-wheeler around... wait.... It only has 2 wheels plus 2 tennis balls.  Smart-ass!

    Now Cammi, don't humor her!  She will just get worse...  I might report her to the Special Victims unit... or who-ever they are.... YOU know, the people that pick on the elderly?  How old IS this person!  Little brat! 

    Just have to tell you all....  I love ya!  Thanks for making ME laugh! xoxo

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Blessings, so happy that your MIL service was memorable and drama free. How nice for FIL to be able to celebrate her life and be proud of you & DH. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Blessings I'm glad all went well and yep that's a lot of people, how well u'r family is loved. And there has to be so many memories to share to honer her. And enjoying u'r GD is the best, with beautiful weather to help. U2 must be exhausted.

    Thanks for all the weather updates, Ours is crazy here so need I say more. My job has been pretty quiet today, but for some reason Thursdays are every week, makes me wonder why, cuz even when I worked for the state we used to tell our friends to come in on Thursdays cuz it was the slowest day to get in and out. Hmmm

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Spookie!  This looks like you!

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Just stopping by to say hello to all of you. I have been TRYING to catch up, reading through so many pages - you all really keep moving! I laughed, I sympathized, I enjoyed the conversation from a distance. My life has been so hectic with medical appointments recently and I haven't fell well enough to post my usual diatribes, but feeling a bit better tonight and wanted to let you all know I think of you every day and am sending my best thoughts of lovingkindness your way. Sassy, you keep up that genetics research!!! You and I have had several conversations on that, and I may try to follow up for myself soon as it seems I am going through one medication regimen after another right now.

    Love the animal photos!

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Blessings, so happy for you that everything went well.

    What, is everyone posting owl snacks now? Chipmunks, baby chicks....  Here's what I had for breakfast. My pizza garden isn't growing yet.


  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    This is totally random, but for some reason I think ya'll would understand....

    My mini-schnauzer is in terrible need of a grooming. He's in bad shape, we haven't had time to take him, not to mention just not feeling up to it and now I'm embarressed to drop him off like this. LOL, so it just gets worse. The dog pictures made me feel guilty...I'm a bad doggy mommy :(

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Play the C card! Tell them you've been undergoing medical stuff and haven't been able to get him in. They'll understand. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Chevy!!! Spookie thinks that is her sister. Is it yours?

    Tang!!watch out for sneaky groomers!!!!When I was doing chemo, Spookie was still in full coat. It's a PITA to keep up, and I couldn't. Sent her to groomer for a bath. On pick up groomer asked if I'd seen her foster? I peeked over the Dutch door, there he was!!!!3 days later he had a fur ever home. 


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Cammi, miss they could ship snow and ice down here, the ground is so parched. Nice rain started in the middle of the night but only lasted a couple hours. Sunshine today to dry out vey thing, we're expecting another larger storm tomorrow and the weekend. 

    Chevy, 2 weeks out? How was the dr appt? 

    Enerva, you always have the best animal photos!

    Blessings, so happy the memorial service went so well! Now, a chance to rest and recoup?

    Sassy, not sure if you'll see this tonight. Wishing the best for you tomorrow! 

    Last night, (really, in the middle of the night), after I posted, was without Internet for a couple hours. Thought DH had unplugged the Internet (he did just that the night before). By the time it can back, was too tired and DD got up at 4 AM. Wishing I had some energy back.

    BTW, with all this talk of pumpkin, have been craving a pumpkin pie

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    hi all, I'm pages behind so just popping in to say SAS I'm in your pocket for tomorrow! ♥

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    SAS-thinking about you. You know we'll all be in your pocket tomorrow, but wait!! You'll be naked! So maybe in a cute doc's pocket watching you. You didn't say if this was an in and out kind of thing. Be sure to have Cami or Chevy post something if you can't.  Be better quick!

    Blessings-glad your arrangement went well. I haven't had to deal with anything like that. My parents didn't want anything so nothing is planned. They have all the arrangements made, so it will be easy for my sister and me.

    Chevy-did you zoom around walmart yet. Crash? Or just run down people?

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    SAS, Definitely in your pocket tomorrow. I had a gown with pockets, so I'm assuming you'll have the same.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    In your pocket, Miss Sassypants!!!! SillyHeart

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Sas, hanging with you tomorrow in spirit. Your pockets will be hopping with lord only knows with this group...

    Chevy, I am jumping in an answering for Sas, Sheldon is the scientist on "Big Bang Theory". He has aspergers or some kind of social dysfunction. 

    Linda,...Welcome insanity of insomnia....

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    LOL - Holeinone - you nailed that one, the motley crew in sassy's pocket ... I just don't even know how to begin to describe it. All I can say is if the doctor gives sassy any shit, he is going to be one sorry fellow. We'd be like some cray cray Lilliputians swarming all over Dr. Gulliver. Chevy's spiked heels would pierce his chest & Cami be getting that gun out and pouring bong juice down his nostrils.... 

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    spookie will be all bouncing up and down yapping and Maddy'll be taking a nap 

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Ok here is another cute one 


  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Aww, cutie little hedgehogs. Although if you dint know what they were those on the top left would look like some strange sexual parts. Sorry. dint mean to plant that in anybody's brain. Going away now. 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Good night Owls!


    Good morning Owls!

  • jwoo
    jwoo Member Posts: 931

    this has to be one of my favorite threads on any site. You ladies are so active, and clever! I need one of those coffee trees so bad! Teka- that owl pic is me in the morning fo sho!

    I am going to have to sit down one day and start on page 1 sometime next week. 

    When I first got diagnosed, I never thought I would find anyone to identify with, but everyone on these forums are amazing, and it is so great to have this kind of support system, even if we never meet in person, it is a great . /endgush

    Here is cute kitten video for you.

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439

    I am with you Ziggy on the hedgehogs, not that I know much about them, thought they looked like something curcumcised....I mean where do their eyes go?

    Any one noticed that when ones hair eventually goes naturally blonde/grey, ones brains seem to shrink in direct ratio to how much hair is grey?

    My hair has gone very white since starting chemo...the very little of it I now I was just wondering does the IQ leach out along with the colour?

    And thanks thesis required on this topic...just wond'ring, you know? Hoping your procedure goes well today.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Here I am --Oh my theory of staying off the computer more at night kind of works to fall asleep, but I'm up to early

    Good Morning owl of you.

    Teka u'r so ready for spring--

    OK Ziggy I thought the same thing with that one pic. and so did I think everyone--we're a disgusting bunch that's why we all get along.

    Sas we're all with u this morning.

    Chevy be careful, or abstain. I think I mean something else. Oh well haven't had my shower or coffee yet, Oh I hate to take my shower it's so much work hahaha

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Hello again Linda3!  Even if we can't help with your "medication" stuff, hope we can at least make you smile....  You don't have to post, because sometimes we don't feel good, but just read and post when you can!

    Yes, our little Teka, is a woman of many words.... if you put about 10 posts together...Ha!  I thought that was funny.... SHE always gives us a funny face...image

    Oh Blue-bird!  I love that about a "Pizza Garden!"  Yes, tomatoes, peppers, scallions....  sweet-basil.... I was just wondering about the cheese part..... Oh wait... Littlegoats might have cheese?  I've got chickens we can think about.... 

    Tang!  You WHAT?  Can you do the deed yourself?  I took Lacee one time, and I hid behind a display, and watched them groom her, and told myself that I could do a better job myself!   So next time she looked raggedy, I did it!  You start out doing a little at a time.... then more the next day....  I got really good at it!   I even would bathe her in one of those "kiddie-pools" set on the picnic table filled with water, and warmed by the Sun, till the afternoon!  It was her "spa day!"   Followed by her favorite treats and massage.

    Teka, is that HER in your Avatar?    Can you groom a cat? 

    Maddy, I go this morning!  Everything going good!  Didn't even take any pain meds after the 2 Aleve at 5 last night!   Yes, 2 weeks today was the surgery...  I was leaning up against the walker by the sink, fixing my coffee, and it rolled underneath me, and fell on my FOOT!   Man, you just stand there, with your foot writhing in PAIN, and unable to utter nary a word!   That hurt so muckinfutz~!  As Cammi would say! 

    Smartypants, I might go today...Hah!  Except I don't have pajamas on.

    After the Dr. appt, we will maybe go.... but maybe I don't know....

    So Sheldon is someone we might know?  Thanks GG..I still don't have a clue...image  I'm probably watching COPS or something when that show is on.

    The ziggers is in the house!  Ha!  Yes, we will ALL be with Sass...  She is our own private moderator...  like we pay any attention to her....  WE will ALL  take care of her.....  as soon as I find out what is wrong with her.

    Enerva.... Sooooooo cute little babies!  They remind me of "sugar-flyers" or some other little thing... maybe sugar-gliders?  Or Lemurs?  Like what I broke? 

    Oh, littleshit picked up on THAT one!  I TOLD you guys!    Yes, you DID mean to point that out!  Ha, ha!  I never would have noticed...  image

    Morning Jwoo!  I LOVE little kitten video's....  You doing okay? 

    And HI Sheila!  See?  Quite a few Sheila's on here! 

    Cammi sweetie!  Yes showers ARE too much work!   But you smell so good afterwards!  My next one is scheduled for sometime in March....

    WHAT am I being careful about?  Or abstaining from?   I don't think I can.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


    The little Lemur I didn't break!