INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours
Morning gals! Hope you are doing better JWow, and less itching! I only wear compression stockings, but not for Lymphedema... Just for plain old edema in one ankle... they really help, but I can't imagine wearing like a whole long sleeved SHIRT .... I can hardly get into my stockings, even with this device that makes it easier to put them on with... Man, I would have to have 2 people helping me put that on!
And I'm pretty sure the Camster is insinuating that I color my hair? AND I'm a tramp? Okay yes! I AM in charge of the Chickens for a couple days now, you see... SO, I will feed them and clean their water, and squeeze them till I get enough eggs...Ha, ha! JUST kidding! I DO pick them up sometimes... and they really ARE pretty. But I don't think you can train them, or anything... or sleep with them?
Probably not... So I'll just chicken-sit them, and leave it go at that.
Yes, happy Easter to all of you! Hope your head feels better, Blessings... Ouch!
Lilshitziggy, I loved your post! Geez! You make so much sense sometimes.... I can't relate...! A "crick?" You just made that up, but that's okay.... I gotcha.... Our "ditch, or crick, or creek" or whatever it is, is usually dry... except when there is flooding up above, coming down from the mountains, or when they turn it on for the farmers way further downstream, like in Ft. Morgan, etc....
So we must get busy planting! I have to get Rhubarb starters... or whatever they are called!
And you got it right, talking about wives and husbands and stuff.... Sometimes things really ARE rough, and we're lucky if we can come through it in one piece... or at least move on to pull ourselves together....
Sometimes, I think SOME women are afraid to think about making it on their own... and they can't find their way out of that "box"..... But like Jackie always said.... just take 10 minutes to think about it... if you made it, then go for another 10.... and so on... Women ARE stronger than they think.... Not like me and Cammi, but most women.... Ha, ha!
Anyway little friend Ziggers, I loved your post...! I DO have a dog-house out back... It was Lacee's, and man that thing is HUGE! Enough room for a HORSE I think... but I had it all carpeted and comforters thrown in, even pillows... So it IS big enough for both of us, when we get delegated to the dog-house again...Ha!
It was just sitting out in the alley one time! So I said, "Now who on earth would leave a perfectly good dog-house out HERE, just waiting to be dragged in my YARD?" So I did!
Lacee was just a puppy when I scarfed that house! I mean she wandered around in there, like it was her castle! I even installed a micro-wave, and a bathroom.... like SASSY did! (just kidding..)
LittleBlueBird.... Hope you are okay! Let us know...
Am I the only one that does not know what a Hudson is Sass? Am I supposed to know? Does Cammi know? If SHE does, and I DON'T, I'll really be worried!
And Spookie.... Sass and my Daughter in Orlando LOVE Christmas, and trees, and lights.... and I'm sure DD would LOVE to leave hers up forEVER if she could... I mean if her DS's would let her...Ha! I love little lights all over too! I put them in my shell hangings, and all over my garden! It just means happiness, and celebrations!
I just want to know about "Hudson".... it's code or something....
Dwilli! That post was beautiful... So many happy memories!
Okay, so Happy Easter to everyone.... almost here! xoxoxoxo
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Chevy I assumed Hudson was a place or school, not the car.
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Hi! I wonder how many of you, who are taking Tamoxifen are having
insomnia problems and sadness (depression?) What do you do/ take to help
you? What about melatonin? Is it safe to take it with Tamoxifen? Thanks.0 -
I don't have a problem with insomnia but I do want to welcome you here. Sas or someone else probably would probably have the answer regarding melatonin. I had more issues with depression and guilt early on in treatment. Now the episodes are few and far between. Lack of sleep sure wouldn't help the depression and depression can mess with your sleep. Maybe getting a handle on one might lessen the other?
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Hi Rose Aurora, I'm on tamoxifen and I had trouble sleeping for awhile mostly because the hot flashes and night sweats. My oncologist put me on effexor which helps a lot. I also had some depression/anxiety for awhile, but I don't think it was because of the T, it was because of the reason for being on the T. The effexor helps with that a little too, but I think (for me at least) it was a matter of time and working out some coping mechanisms.
I haven't taken melatonin, but I'm sure you'll get some answers about that soon.
Good Morning everybody.. cami we colored eggs, Had a couple friends and thir two kids staying here for the last few days - two boys 3 and 5 - cute as the dickens whatever the 'dickens' is. FBB - still right here in your pocket & Chevy brought some chickens so there's poop all over in here, but we are all having fun anyway and we're happy 'cause we know you're going to feel better very soon. Chevy - Hudson is where I live and Sassy used to teach classes here. Jwowsome - I have a mild case of le & after awhile just quit with the sleeve and glove most of the time because I just couldn"t stand them and they didn't seem to help anyway. Hope yours gets to the point where you can go without the compression. Hope everybody else is good - hae to go get ready to go to Indiana..will bbl.
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Rose! I took Tamoxifen for awhile, and started taking Melatonin for the sleep problems.... But for ME anyway, it caused diarrhea.... I mean REALLY! But I didn't connect the two, for a week or so!
Finally I had to take Imodium AD to take care of THAT! I was taking like 4 pills a day. When I finally connected the problem, to what I was taking, I quit the Melatonin, and then I was fine... didn't have to take any more Imodium AD after that.
The SE's usually last a couple weeks, for me.... then you might get NEW ones...Ha! The leg cramps at night were the worst. I think each woman reacts differently! Hope this helps...just if you find yourself running to the bathroom all day long, then maybe stop the Melatonin?
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love you guys to pieces! Teka, thanks for letting everyone know why I was off the grid for a few days. It was rough going into surgery just days after being in hospital for pneumonia. But surgery went well and I'm home again. Thought the anesthesia people were going to have a heart attack when they saw I had pneumonia. But I had to have the expander out so I can have brain MRI.
And my surgeon who could have just done a slap dash job since I was kind of an emergency he fit between cases, really took his time to make righty match lefty, despite my not even having finished the fill process. He is a true artist despite all my problems. I just hope he put a blue or pink gummy bear in there, cause I hate the green ones. They taste weird.
And you know how people say stupid things to you? I had a friend say "its a shame you're having surgery on Good Friday. Because Jesus died that day and so did my aunt when she was having surgery on a Good Friday. Let's hope your surgery isn't around 3 pm when Jesus died." Yikes! Thanks a lot!!! I came to at 2:50pm with 10 minutes to spare! Whew! Lol
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FBB, That is one for the record books. It's probably the most tactless remark I've read on BCO. Hugs.
Chevy, Are you going to color any of the eggs? Or do they lay colored eggs (like Aracunas)? Or just have omlets for Easter breakfast.
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Oh Wren she'll probably just have one of the chickens for Easter dinner.
OMG FBB I can not believe (but I do) that anyone would say that to u. How insensitive can anyone be. Well I'm gad u'r home and u sound pretty good. Whew
Welcome Rose, I've never been on Tami but a lot of us have sleeping problems with other things so I take Xanax at night and that helps me. But not always it just depends on how they work.
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Wren! Hi Sweety! Nope, we don't color eggs any more! I remember my Grandma did though, even when she was 80! I think she did it for MY Daughter's! But she always was fun...
The Hens next door lay colored eggs sort of! Some are a real pale blue, and even green.... but mostly brown. One of those girls lays the tiniest eggs I have ever seen! So I have one of those with a normal size egg...Ha! I only got 2 this morning... One of the Hens was still laying, and didn't come down from her nesting area, when I brought their treats over... I kind of reached under the side of her, because I could see 2 eggs... They lay in one spot! They have 2 nesting areas, but they take turns, waiting for that one spot!
Cammi, you little chit! Of COURSE I would not eat the Chickens! I kind of like them now... They aren't real "cuddly" but like when I pick one up...
FierceBB... I'll be damned! Someone actually SAID that to you? She does not deserve you to be her "friend.".... We all know moron's like that... so just dump her! Teka is right.... Hope she never has to join us here.... She doesn't deserve US either...Ha!
You should say to her.... "You know, you really made me feel bad, like you thought I was going to die, because I had this done so close to Easter! Maybe you should go to some sort of "empathy class for Moron's until you learn how to speak to someone you supposedly care about!" I can never think of something to say right away.... but when you really get to thinking about it, THEN you can. Send her an email.... tell her you are still alive and NOW what?
Some people are just stupid...
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while I'm catching up:
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OK This is Wild Sunshine speaking in Easter Bunny talk.
FBB - What a friend. Geesh. Glad you are at home recovering. Hope you are getting the "royal" treatment from your family. Resting and recuperating. Love you bunches. When is the MRI?
Quiet Easter here. Just DH and I. I have a ham steak and will make new potatoes and sugar snap peas. Not very Eastery but easy/peasy.
Welcome Rosa. Don't know the answer about Melatonin/Tammy but bet someone will come on who does. May just be a bit slow with an answer because of the Easter weekend. If it gets overlooked when responses pick up just ask again. We do get a bit sidetracked at times but sincerely want to help with any questions.
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Yesterday, I was walking down the street, holding my wifes hand... he said...
I suddenly dropped her hand, and grabbed my cell phone to take this picture. She hit me in the chest and wouldn't talk to me the rest of the day.
Last night she asked me..."Yow COULD you?"
I sai "How could I not? It's not every day you see a dog driving a car."
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thanks, Chevy and Teka
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it's funning, I'm smartie cotton tail. Hi guys, hope everyone enjoys their Easter. Tomorrow is full ahead on Opitfast. Yesterday and today I did a partial, only four meals instead of six because I had lunch out. So now no more "food" until August.
No experience with tami or melatonin. Sorry, SAS will be back to answer, shes our med wizard here.
Badger, cute buns!
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Smaarty, have you been on Optifast before? is it a total liquid diet? Good luck with it.
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Ohmygosh... I am SO far behind... will have to catch up later!
In the meantime, wishing everyone a very
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Badger, so very cute! Maybe, being "behind" is in style?
Hi Rosa Aurora, welcome! This is a great place to turn to when you're awake in the night time hours. I started on Tamoxifen in August, but bit sure I'm the best one to offer advice about difficulty sleeping. Since I was born have been a night owl. Dad still says how I would sleep during the day and up all night, some things never changed. Was never one to go to sleep early. I started on melatonin and that helps some. Since I'm not working, been easier to keep my strange hours. Can't say Tamoxifen caused depression, just have a lot going on in my life that isn't the best right now. I did have a case of adult ADD for a while but that has improved a lot.
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hi Cami! I thought I was the only one awake. Happy Easter!
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Hi 2nd==I've been sleeping most of the day si I woke up with m sweety Katie-Kat in my arms like a baby and after cuddling a bit woke up. Damn I thought it was later, now of course I'll be tired all day. This is madness I tell u Madness. LOL
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same here. Woke up this morning, fell asleep, then fell asleep again this afternoon. Wide awake now. Making one of those scarves that Chevy was talking about (for DD for Easter).
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Happy Easter y'all!
Rosa, I have had chronic insomnia childhood (which i am sure has contributed to my cancer.) Taking Tamoxifen has made it worse, as the night sweats make things more uncomfortable. I take lunesta and have for a few years. I got really, really depressed when I first started. It could have been just the situation, but I was unable to move forward at all. I started taking 37.5mg of effexor every other day. It has helped with the depression and night sweats. Starting an exercise program has helped as well. Talk to your doctors and therapists.
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2nd will u finish it in time???
Jwow--Having this all of u'r life is awful, One of my GF has always had it and when we were young I used to think how?? I mean those days show me a bed and I'd sleep (shut up Chevy) and we'd do sleepovers it was no prolem for her to stay up, and she still has it but now she takes meds for it and it helps, but those days no one took anything. Now I see first hand how miserable it is.
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CHevy- getting this shirt on must look hilarious. First time, it took me 20 minutes. stuck with my hands over my head going in circles. By the time i have it on, i am exhausted.
FBB- so glad you seem to be okay today. I think your friend was just scared and put her foot in her mouth. I do it all the time.
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Cam- it stinks. I used to self medicate with herb, but stopped that long ago. And now with the tam, it is high in phytoestrogens, so would not use it anyway. I've tried it all, yoga, teas, meditation, herbal suppliments, melatonin, you name it. lunesta and the occasional clonapin if things get really bad. Otherwise, do what I did tonight, put on Airplane or some other silly movie and try to laugh for a bit.
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Jwow I remember my GF going to work and staying up like crazy and maybe she's sleep2-3 hrs and just be exhausted. I now know how this feels and like u to be like this u'r life it's awful. I worked the first 4 months I got chemo and those steroids kept me great at work but hardly slept and when I was at work I wasn't sleepy but didn't feel right, then I'd crash like the 3rd day--what a mix of aggravation.
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ya- the steroids were nice b/c i was at least really productive! i got so much chit done when i was on them. They do make you feel horrid though.
i just figure, i will sleep when i die. if i can get a few naps here and there now, that's great. I dont worry too much about it any more. I am tired all the time, but, whatever… that is just how it is.