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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited August 2012

    Oh Eema, so sorry to hear you are putting up with something else.

    Sarah, hope that you get the news you want to hear.

    My dad has decided on palliative care.  From diagnosis to this in 4 weeks has been crazy.

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited August 2012

    Thanks bgirl,the scan was clear. I.m massively relieved. So sorry to hear about your dad. Take care of that ankle,eema. Hugs to you. Son and oh off to a transformers convention weekend tomorrow. Peace!

    Love ,Sarah xx

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited August 2012

    Jane - Sending hugs & prayers for you & your dad... Cry

    Sarah - Great news. Hope you enjoy some peace & quiet while the guys are gone to the convention. 

    Eema - I'd say you can't catch a break but .....Hope the ankle heals quickly.....

    Hugs to all you ladies. 

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited August 2012

    Sarah, glad scan was clear.

    Kiwimum - hope you are enjoying every minute of the Olympics and London!

    Jane, so sorry things are moving so fast.

    Eema - nice to hear from you, sorry about the ankle.

    I had wrote that my CEA tumor marker was up to 4.8 at the end of June and I needed to have it re-tested in 4-6 weeks.  So I tested Aug. 2nd and now it is 5.0.  Previous to June it was 3.4, although it has been as high as 5.9.  So more waiting, re-test again in beginning of Sept. and if it has gone up, then PET scan, which I have never had.  We are dong scans every 6 months, so I had CT scan and bone scan in April, and would have again in October.  So headed for some sort of scan in Sept/October either way...

     My other marker CA27-29, that MO says are usually more specific to breast cancer, have remained fine. 

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited August 2012

    Welcome JAG!!!!

    I have finally found time to check in. Between "those" tests, surgery and VACATION to see my daughter, I knda stayed in FB. I know....... BAD!!!!

    Can't say I am not jealous Kim, but have fun at the olympics!!!!! But maybe I can pick you out!!!LOL

    Reading Mama, I don't think you can blame chemo becuz I didn't have that!!! My brain is so fried that I can't even remember names, what I walked down the hall to get or who I picked up the phone to call.....btw, someone did answer and so I just started talking til I remembered!!!! Sealed

    OK, time for bed!!!! The news is on after the Olympics and it all sounds bad. What  about the happy things like Womens soccer & polo golds????

    Good Night ALL!!!! See you on FB :D

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited August 2012

    Oh nooooo!  Where have we all gone?!  Let's keep this rolling girls-we're such a world of support for eachother.

    Welcome Jag!  Your strength is amazing!

    I think there is another newbie, but I'll lose my post if I go backwards.  Sorry, chemo brain-I can't remember what was on the previous page.

    For the new girls, we do have a Facebook group too that a bunch of us post daily in.

    Nothing new here-it's damn hot, so I'm trying to stay inside as much as possible!

    Have a terrific week all-lots of love! 

  • lostinmo
    lostinmo Member Posts: 332
    edited August 2012

    Stopping in again to say hello

    It's been crazy here surgery, meeting the RO, having the simulation done. Start rads on the 24th. After that I think I'm done with active treatment. Maybe yes?

    I am trying to get to know everyone better but posting is just so hard. I do read and keep up though. 

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited August 2012

    Hi, friends!

     Wanda, you're on your way!  MIss you gals.  Sorry I've been reading along too, but not posting so much.  I'm trying to get organized and make the most of my time these days--semester starts in a couple of weeks!  ACK!  WHERE did this summer go?  Anyway, love to you all.  I'm so excited that Jack will be in school FULL TIME this year--yay for first grade.  I hope that makes getting stuff done easier.  Tomorrow's another Herceptin infusion...I want that year of infusions to be over, but at the same time, I think come November I'll be nervous about stopping it.  

    I started seeing a therapist--I think I need to be easier on myself and learn about life after "C" and all.  It sure is a life changer.  But, I'm doing pretty well I think.  :)  LOL.  

    Gotta run.  Love!!!

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited August 2012

    Cristy-I need to find a counselor as well.  Now that I'm done with LE therapy, and the $40 a week co-pays.  I wasn't happy with my last one, and used 5 visits of my 20 per year figuring that out.  Crap.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited August 2012

    Hi Everyone,

    I have not been here in a long time to ramble endlessly....Thinking of all you girls though. Just wanted to say I think treatment and all the dr. visits although not fun, there is a certain amount of "comfy-ness" because we are being looked after. I have found the after part kind of like " I am supposed to go live my life as if IT is never coming back and I BEAT it????? I'm with you all I am learning to do that. Most of the time I do not think that way. Most of the time the things I speak about and laugh about do not relate to cancer that is good. It really takes time. I love our group because we share life stories not just cancer it is kinda like therapy really  ( isn't it)..think that is why I never talk cancer with face to face people....I have to interact with them and I may feel something one day for that all understand that moment and then it is over...face to face people hold onto that moment??? does that make sense??? I go again....sorry hope that made sense...LOve to all you girls..we are gonna be just fine...little ol' ladies remember....with vodka!!  LOL

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited August 2012

    Kim - You are so right. Now that I have entered the follow-up phase of treatment, it is kinda scary that I am back to my own in between the 6 month visits. That said, I too am trying to just settle back into my life as if this was a bad dream and most days, can pull it off. And yes this group is my therapy! Can't wait to be the little old lady strutting around in my red hat with my

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited August 2012

      Odie..I would be very proud to plod along in my big red hat with you ( and a ...beverage)  LOL  Glad you are doing well.

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited August 2012

    Still on 3 months, but looking forward to hopefully longer stretches after my Sept mamo and Nov 6th month MRI. It is a little bit scary so sometimes feel conflicted.

    Was working on learning to get over the fear and just live in June.  Providing palliative care for my dad's cancer the last 6 weeks has taught me to face it head on.  Been very hard, but I am definitely getting to accepting whatever may be in a hurry.

    We have even still been doing a lot of laughing even through our tears.  Helping my youngest to get ready for her first year of university this week, so taking a couple of days off.  It shows that life does go on and we need to make the most of every day. 

    Here is to being old ladies with a drink on the beach.

  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited August 2012
    Haven't posted in quite some time, but I do check in to read how everyone often.

    Welcome to all the new folks.

    Want to say thank you to everyone for posting. I find myself slipping back to the old habits of not exercising and eating not as healthy as I should, oh and of course drinking coffee, red wine and the occassional dark beer more than I should. When I read your posts, it energized me to embrace the new 'lifestyle'. So back on the bike, more walks, yoga, etc... So thank you all of you.

    Aside from those old habits creeping back in, I have been doing well. Still on 3 month doctor visits, keep hoping I can graduate to 6 months, but my blood counts are still low. At least I really enjoy chatting with my oncologist. She is the best. Going to be evaluated again for LE, having issues with slight swelling in both arms. Hair was growing back so much that I decided to cut it really short because I could not stand the heat between the hot flashes and the weather. Then my DH and sons got into the act. They didn't want me to have the shortest haircut in the family. Nice to know we can all have fun with our hair styles as our choice and be dictated by health if that makes sense.

    Gearing up for the next round of college apps with my youngest. We are stilling having a few issues of trust, but so much better than what we went through last year with him. He is talking to us more about the cancer and other things in his life that he worries about now, which is good. I guess with most things in life, it will be a work in progress. Glad I am here to work on it.

    I too look forward to all us being very old folks with a drink on the beach.  Cheers!

  • swim_girl
    swim_girl Member Posts: 10
    edited August 2012

    Hi all, I'm new to the thread. I'm 41, married, no kids (unless the dogs count). I'm finished with my main treatment and getting ready to start the dreaded tamoxifen whenever it shows up in the mail.

    So far the worrying has been worse than the actual experience each step of the way. DH was surprised at how quickly I bounced back from surgery, even with a re-excision. When I talked to the RO during rads, I told him I was always hot, sweaty, and tired this time of year, so I wasn't sure if it was because of rads or just summer. I'm hoping the pattern will continue with tamoxifen--that I'll stress about it now but be able to deal when the time comes. I know things will never go back to the way they were before my diagnosis, but I am very ready to move forward and get on with my life.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited August 2012

    Welcome swimgirl. Absolutely furry kids count! ....LOL Have two myself.... Hopefully you will continue smooth sailing with the Tamoxifen. I am almost one year into the 5 year sentence and consider the SE's as tolerable. 

    Happy Monday ladies! Wishing everyone a great week.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited August 2012

     Hi Everyone,

    Hi proudmom....I have not been on as much here. Mostly check in on the facebook group. I am glad your son is doing so much better. Mine just started high school. Feel more and more the need for that magic book that tells us what we should do or say to help our young men. It is a fine line isn't it? Letting go and hanging on!!  Also glad you are doing well. Hopefully you do not have LE. I do have it on my BC side slightly. I have to wear a sleeve most of the time to keep it in check. I wish that I did not have it as I think I could forget about BC more?? Unfortunatly now that I have it..I will always have it. BUT....if that is my only BC hang up...I will take it.

    Hi and welcome swim is a wonderful group here. The posts have been slower lately. So glad to know you made it through treatment. I can not comment on Tamox. as I am not able to matabolize it so I am on a drug called fareston. Hope you find it very easy. Several girls are on it and I think for the most part had little trouble. I also have furry "sons" and a real son. Lol..2 big dogs and a cat...they are like children I think actually as I type, I have the two dogs at my feet and I can not put my feet down!! I think back about the amount of time they were right with me during chemo etc...they are so very smart. (not just mine,but dogs in general) ok rambling again.

    Hope you all have a good tuesday. Have to wake the young man and get him to school..then exercise time.

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited August 2012

    Welcome swimgirl!  Glad you found us.  Furry babies definitely count-I guess I should change that in the description.  I'm 41 with a 17 year old and a 12 year old, 5 big dogs and 3 cats-OH MY.

    The posts have definitely slowed down-I'm hoping that's everyone taking a break from cancer stuff, but hopefully they'll be back!  I think we all are ready to move forward with our lives.

    Several women have or are taking Tamoxifen so they will be able to give you advice.  I was on it for about 6 months before they switched me-my hot flashes were terrible, but those started during chemo so I don't know that it was necessarily the Tamox, or just chemo-induced menopause.  I honestly don't remember the other side effects I had except joint soreness, but that has continued on the other post menopausal drugs I'm on as well.

    We also have a Facebook group that has about 25 of us in it-we comment on there daily, so PM me if you would like to join.

    Hello to the rest of you!  I hope you're all having a great summer! 

  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited August 2012

    Hi swim_girl,

    I have been on Tamoxifen for over a year now.  Here are a few things that I have learned:  Everyone does not experience the same SEs, you will probably have some but not all of them; Not all generic Tamoxifen is the same, different manufacturers use different fillers which can effect the type and severity of SEs you may experience.  There is a thread on this forum which talks about some of the different brands, don't be afraid to ask your pharmacy to change brands.  I ended up switching brands and my SEs became so much more manageable in a very short period of time; Don't eat any grapefruit; and give your body some time to adjust to the medication before making changes, but don't be afraid to try something different and talk with your doctor about the SEs.  Some folks take Tamoxifen in the morning, others at night.  Some people split their dose.  I discovered that I have to eat within an hour of taking it otherwise I feel a little nausea.  

    And yes, furry creatures count as kids.  Mine has me so wrapped around her paws.  Figured better to spoil her than my kids. 

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited August 2012

    Hey pals!  Hey Swim!  Welcome!  I'm on Tamoxifen.  I would say I get some "warm" every once in a while I just get hot and need to catch my breath, but not like dripping sweat or anything.  Really, I don't feel any SEs at all from it.  I get some muscle aches in my legs sometimes, but I don't know...nothing I would even really complain about.  

    I have been seeing my onc every 3 months b/c of the EKGs with Herceptin.  I had to cancel my last one because...I finally got my '81 Vespa up and running, and I crashed it.  I separated (tore the ligaments) in my shoulder.  SO stupid!  I've been beating myself up about it, but I guess accidents happen to everyone.  I just felt like I a cognitive problem, y'know?  ugh.  So, here I am nursing this now.  argh.

    Not much else is really new here...Jack's about to start 1st grade...which means FULL DAY!  wooo hoooo!!!!  I loathe planning all the lunches and stuff, but it will be great to have time to work.  Hubby is out of work, so that really, really, really sucks.  He's applying out to lots of stuff, but it just breaks my heart that he doesn't have a job he is happy with.  My fingers are crossed that he gets something soon...really SOON.  

    Mom is here visiting right now.  She's awesome.  I don't know what I would have done without her through all this--even though she lives 5 hours away.  She was always here when I needed.  She's selling her house up north though, and will be full-time in Florida when it sells.  They say it takes like a year or so to sell a place, so I don't think it's really right around the corner, but it still bums me out some.

    Anyway, love you all!   

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited August 2012

    Stopping back in to say hi to the "oldies" and welcome, and sorry to meet you, to the newbies. This is an amazing place for support.

  • Dutchie
    Dutchie Member Posts: 37
    edited August 2012

    Hi Swim Girl! We love to have new people and congratulations on kicking cancer's butt! I haven't been here in ages do just thought I'd drop in and say hello!

  • achpurple
    achpurple Member Posts: 245
    edited August 2012

    Figured I'd chime in since the first ones in this group have been reminising (had to Google that one to spell it right, thanks chemo) about how much we needed BCO at the time of our diagnosis.  Welcome to all the newbies, wish I could keep up with you all.  Great group of women here with lots of support, but most of us who are further into our treatments or are finished completely have moved on to Facebook.  If you are interested in joining our group there, please PM one of us and tell us who you are so we know to "friend" you if you send us a request.

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited August 2012

    Prof you are soooo lucky!  My hot flashes are definitely HOT-I start to sweat between my boobs, and on my forehead.  I literally carry a tissue in every pocket of any pants I wear so I can mop my forehead.  And because the hair is so short and thin there, I'm just positive that everyone can see it.  I feel like a damn old lady.  I should do like my Grandma did and keep a tissue in my shirt.  Haha.

    Hi ProudMom-Hi Odie!  Nice to see you!

    Lostinmo and swimgirl-I hope you check in more often or join our Facebook group.  All these ladies have a wealth of knowledge and can offer you so much support!  Welcome again! 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited August 2012

      Howdy everybody..... 

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited August 2012

    I sweat like a truck driver. All night long, and a few times during the day. I'm not on any meds but did have my ovaries removed last October. My kid doesn't want to snuggle because my pillow is always wet in the morning. Ew!

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited August 2012

    Kim, I hope I'm lucky.  I hope it's working.  I sometimes worry that with little SEs maybe I'm not blocking all the estrogen I should be.  ugh.  It's all so nerve wracking.  My hubby sweats a lot (alot, Kim) and so does my son...too funny...little six-year-old with a sweaty upper lip.  Eema, Jack never wants to use Daddy's pillows...only Mommy's.  :)  Meanwhile, Jack is still using pull-ups.  He just doesn't wake up.  And, they're totally expensive.  Anyone else deal with that? 

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited August 2012

    Ok, I THINK I caught up.

    I don't get a chance to check this very much. I cheat and follow everyone on FB :D

    ???ARE there really different kinds of Tamox??? generic????  All I know is I take it at night with my vitamins AND dramamine!!! My dr had prescibed different kinds of anti nausea meds (9 pills for $10) and my pharmacist told they are just like dramamine but more $$$$$$$

     Profbee, my 2 youngest had issues with night time wetting and YES pull ups are expensive so I started using adult ones. I think my daughter stop a little bit earlier than my son, but it ends up being around puberty. It doesn't do any good to get upset because they really can't help it. One dr tried putting my son on nasal meds and he ended up crying because it didnt help him. The other dr said if it doesn't bother me, he will stop on his own.  AND, he did...they both did.... 

    AND to everyone who is doing AWESOME, I say YAH!!!!! I wish I had half of your strength!!! My DH is  awesome, but I worry about everything!!! I am just really looking forward to a time when a dr does NOT run my life!!!!! I guess it doesn't pay to NOT go to the dr for a long time, you end up making up for later :/

    Happy HUMP day!!! Back to school :D

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited August 2012

    Hey profbee!

    So sorry bout the accident but hope you are on the mend. As for warm flushes, I constantly am hot but rarely have the full on sweat event either. Congrats on graduating to full day school with Jack and don't worry, he will eventually outgrow the pull-ups. My son was the same way (slept like a log) but they do eventually outgrow it. 

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited August 2012

    Yeah, that's what they say...just wait.  I don't get mad at all.  I know he can't help it.  He's just a really heavy sleeper.  Plus, the meds for his seizures could be making him sleep more deeply--but hell, I'll take it!  He hasn't had a seizure since he started the meds a year and a half ago!  :) 

    I'm on the mend I guess.  It's a weird feeling--the shoulder separation.  I'm just so damn glad I can type and I didn't hurt my wrist or something.  That would make work miserable!  Hubby is enjoying the scooter now that I won't get on it, and honestly, it's so great to see him happy.  That, and I can ask him to run up to the Circle K and bring me back candy and he enjoys it!  LOL!!!

    How are our girls in active treatment?  I'm still on the Herceptin infusions every 3 weeks--but it's nothing.  It gets me a bit tired the day of, but nothing like those old chemo days!  Love to all of you--especially the ones still in the real thick of it.