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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • Kelleyod
    Kelleyod Member Posts: 125
    edited July 2012

    Momx3 - woo hoo! Good for you! Score one for the good guys!

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited July 2012

    Oh my, we're quiet!  I hope everyone is well.  Just popping in to say hello :)

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited July 2012

    Popping in too! 

    Work is still nuts, but getting better....going to hire someone this week - to replace the person that stopped coming to work....prayers for him - alcohol got such a strong hold on him it was more important than work....

    How is everyone?  I know I don't have a lot of you on facebook, so just wanted to check in. 

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited July 2012

    Happy Monday ladies! Went for my follow-up visit with the MO today and was told I am doing really well. He has even moved me to 6 month intervals, yeah! Not too shabby for a Monday in my little corner.... Gonna go see "Magic Mike" with the girls tomorrow nite (that should be a hoot!) and am counting down to vacation in 3 days. Will be absent from the boards for a week so as not to get sand in the computer (ha ha) but will be with you in spirit. Prayers for those undergoing treatment or testing and hugs to everyone else! 

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited July 2012

    Hey Odie,  I want to see Magic Mike too, let us know if it was worth your time.  I LOVE Matthew Mconnahey (spelling?).  Have a great vacation.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited July 2012

    Hi, have not been on here is a few weeks.  Busy at work, had a cold, time just flies...

    Dr, called to say 1 of cancer markers is up.  CE-5 maybe?  I've never gotten copies of my bloodwork, though I get copies of everything else (all scans, operation reports, etc.).  It was not over threshold level, but up from last visit.  I was sick right after the 4th and basically stayed in bed for 2 days, DH was very worried, but I don't think it is related.  However, I have noticed my hair is falling out a little and that worries me a bit.  What is up with that, anyone else have that?

    O2bhealthy - Thanks for that PCCI link!  I too have trouble recalling words and names and it is "great" to read this.  But up to 4 years, wow that is a long time!  I have to keep up my walking, that is suppossed to help.

    Thanks for the comments on my vacation, we are looking forward to it.  Plane trip and car rental are booked, but no hotels yet.  Have to get around to that soon...

    Kiwimum - enjoy the Olympics, definately want stories!  My son also wants a "feature wall", but we have not started anything.  We were planning an addition, but the estimates were just too much, so we are back to the drawing board.

    Welcome all the newcomers!

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited July 2012

    Meegan, sorry to hear about the increased tumor marker (CA 15-3).  I think there can be some variation even without disease.  Is your onc worried?  About the hair, mine has never really come back like my old hair (thinner).  Your body has been thru alot in the last 1 1/2 years and all the stress can cause hair changes too.

  • chantal10
    chantal10 Member Posts: 32
    edited July 2012

    Reading mama, my hair has been falling out of my head like mad. I'm amazed by the amounts. I think it is because of stress, age and hair dye. Boo.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited July 2012

    Thanks.  Sorry, yes my onc wants to retest in a few weeks.  I had a Stage II DIEP surgery on June 4th and my visit with her was June 26th so she thought it might be residual "noise".  I go back in 3 weeks to get it retested.

    Very little hair is coming out, but a little each shower and it will add up fast, I did not notice this before and hope it stops!

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited July 2012

    I still have hair and eyelashes that fall out everyday (2 years post chemo was July 15th).  They grow right back in, but I always have some super short eyelashes, and patches of short hairs.  Interesting.  I still have a super thin spot on the top back of my head like a bald spot-I have to do a lot of fluffing and spraying on that exact spot, but you can still see my scalp.  Hate that.

    My bloodwork has all been relatively normal although my WBC is always low, and last time my sugars were elevated.  Hmm?  I have an order to get more bloodwork but always forget to take it with me.  I should put it in my car.

    New puppy in the house and we're all exhausted.  School starts on Monday so we've got to get some training done with him.  Hubby brought home a big crate last night, but he screams like a banshee when you put him in it.  Spoiled already.  

    We're going camping this weekend and we have to take him with.  Two big dogs and a puppy.  Oh my.  My 12 year old will be in the backseat of the truck with all 3.  Haha, fun.  My 17 year old has to work Saturday and Sunday, so we're leaving him home alone. I'm pretty freaked out.  I just took all the alcohol and any exciting pills (xanax, valium, percoset, vicodin) and hid it all in my dirty clothes hamper.  Haha.  Kinda weird, but I doubt he'll dig through my dirty undies to see if anything is underneath.  Also any good jewelry, on the advice of Chantal-thank God, hadn't thought of that.  Hopefully I get phone reception where we're at so I can call and check on him.  I told the neighbors to look out for any parties.

    I hope everyone is having a great week-where has everyone gone?  Please check in with us! 

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited July 2012

    HI all, just reading about hair loss issues with some.. one thing to think about is your thyroid.  being Hypothyroid can also cause you to loose hair.  Its pretty common in women especially in the over 40 crowd.  Its an easy blood test and worth checking out anyway.

    Kim- enjoy vacation  - that sounds like some car trip.  

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited July 2012

    Impossible to catch up on everything I have missed the last few weeks.  Glad to see that some of you are able to enjoy this hot weather and get a much needed vacation.

    Been busy.  My dad was admitted to hospital July 1 and he is coming home tomorrow.  Diagnosed with cancer and it doesn't look good.  God I hate this disease!

    Thanks for letting me vent!

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited July 2012

     Hi all!

    Sarah from UK here - long time no write! 

    sorry to hear about your Dad bgirl  - love to you and your family.

    Kiwi - did I read on FB you're coming to London for the Olympics - so exciting. Saw torch coming through our town a few week's ago, which was fab, but idiots crowded round at last min. so no good pics!

    Son off for summer finally. One minute he's in pram, next singing I'm sexy and I know it with 2 girls on the kareoke machine in school - thankfully he doesn't share my shyness!

    Battery about to run out, will check in again soon. love to all.

    Sarah xx

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited July 2012

    Hi guys. Yes we're on the countdown to the Olympics. We leave in 10 days and starting to get excited. I'm in Melbourne, Australia this weekend with a girlfriend for the local netball championship final. I'm sitting downstairs in the bar using their free wifi!

    Jane, sorry to hear about your dad. I totally agree, I hate this disease too!!!

    Meegan. - hopefully the bloodwork is nothing! The feature wall has turned out great! My daughter is thrilled!

  • jag82569
    jag82569 Member Posts: 84
    edited July 2012

    Hello Ladies-

    I hope it's okay to join your group? It's been a very longtime since I posted but have lurked from time to time. I wasn't in a very good pace but doing much better now.

    A quick over view: I will be 43 next month. I was diagnoised at 41. I have three wonderful, exceptional sons 19, 18 and 11 and I also take care of my ailing mother. I was going through a separation just before my diagnosis. My ex was a complete ass and tried to make it all about him and made sure the divorce was long and difficult. I went through with surgery, chemo, rads, Herceptin and being the primary bread winner throughout. Not easy-some days unbearable! I had to move out of the marital home-just easier than fighting for it, all while going through treatment.

    I am happy to say that I took myself off of all prescription and over the counter drugs with the exception of tamoxifen. I feel and act more like myself ! I never realized while on the meds what they were doing to me. This is a personal choice. I too was in great shape, ate well and had a zest for life until he bomb fell!

    I'm starting to feel like the old me, I just wish I looked like the old me. My hair is growing and I do get a lot of compliments on my "style". I thought I would have much longer hair by now. Last chemo was Jan 2011 last Herceptin was August 2011. I have very short lashes and hardly any eyebrows. I have an awful keloid scar from my port removal - a constant reminder of the hell I went through. Can't wear much that covers it up.

    I have constant pain in my hip and lower back. I think it's all related to tamoxifen. I've been in chemo/medical induced menopause since October 2010. I have also gained 15 pounds and can't seem to lose an ounce! I'm still within normal weight range, but the belly fat is killing me.

    With that being said, I do feel like I see the light at the end of the tunnel! I have two kids who are healthy, strong, kind and loving, home from college and crack me up with their "boy" attitude. I also have my 11 year old who makes me smile just by walking in the room! I have more energy every day and take things in stride. I also don't sweat out all the details. Life could always be worse. I am grateful I have the means to support my family and live comfortably.

    Sorry this is so long, I really feel like I need some support. I live in a small town with not much support. I hate that people refer to me as the "girl with breast cancer".

    Thanks for listening.....

  • Belinda977
    Belinda977 Member Posts: 150
    edited July 2012

    Welcome Jag!  Sorry you don't have much support where you live.  Some people are just so awkard with people with an illness.   I am newer to this with a recent diagnosis but look forward to be a survivor!

  • Dutchie
    Dutchie Member Posts: 37
    edited July 2012

    Hi Jag! I was in awe of what you have come through after reading your post. You fit in perfectly and I hope you check in more often. You truly are superwoman!! I'm sorry for your lingering effects...I have them too. I'm 44--diagnosed at 39. We all have similar stories here; a lot of us have kids around your age (mine are 13 and 15). I have a child with severe autism so that's a challenge, but I am also fortunate to have a supportive husband. When I read your story I felt horrible that you had to go through this alone. But you have an amazing attitude and resilience! Welcome!!! I look forward to getting to know you better.

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited July 2012

     Hi all!

    Welcome to Jag! You will get loads of support here and lots of laughs too! These ladies are ace! I have 1 son too and he cracks me up on a daily basis. Sorry you have pain issues - that must be very hard. I have joint probs since femara/menopause thing early 2011 and I guess being 210 pounds doesn't help! I heard that stress and drinking coffee etc can exacerbate belly fat by increasing cortisol or something - may be worth looking into? Although I am big, I do pilates every day for a bit and that helps my posture, tummy fat and horrible LE arm. I guess if you have pain probs. that may be tricky. Anyway, sorry to go on! Hi anyway!

    Weather has finally improved here in Britain - hopefully in time for the Olympics next week! Summer since early June has been a complete washout! Have a ct scan in a week, so anxiety building a bit. Can't wait to get it over with. I am planning to buy a franchise to run primary school French clubs in my area, which I did before in '93, working for someone else then. It's £500, which is a bit steep price-wise, but the returns are good and it's great fun. Hope I'm not on chemo. again to put a spanner in the works. I feel much more positive now, anyway, so that's good.

    Enjoy your weekends,

    love, Sarah xx 

  • lostinmo
    lostinmo Member Posts: 332
    edited July 2012

    Hello again all

    I feel bad stopped in here introduced myself then disappeared.  It's been a whirlwind around my house.  I finished my last chemo on the 6th, saw the BS, had test ran and surgery on the 19th. Back home and trying to heal now. I've tried to read your post and keep up but with very little luck. 

    Hopefully my brain will kick in again and I can catch up. 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited July 2012

     Hi Ladies...been so long since last post here...

    Meegan...I hope your follow up will  show nothing at all...I think the meds etc. can probably cause the tests to be not quite right. Have a great vacation...and I know you do not facebook but most of the girls are posting often and it is more private only us 40's something to think on as I miss you.

    Jane..I am sorry to read this about your feel free to vent anytime and I think we all hate this disease. good to see you and how wonderful you are to begin teaching again and to be in charge very happy for you and can not wait to hear how you are doing...enjoy the time off with Dan...teenagers are funny creatures!!  LOl

    Jag..welcome to this group of 40 somethings...the ladies here are really wonderful and funny and supportive..they have become friends and I know you will feel that as well...I can not help but feel you will find really good things here in the future,,,I have no idea why we have been given this path,but I know there must be a reason and we are to find it we will know the good stuff is on its way...and we will whoop it up together!!  80's style!!!

    lost...I have chemo brain and can not remember which surgery you had...I am glad you are home and I wish you speedy healing.

    Kiwimum...the big countdown...I hope you can post while over in Sarahs neck of the very exciting!! I love the opening of the swimmers is from my sons high school he is a breast stroke swimmer.

    Well good night girls....hope you all have a good weekend

  • lostinmo
    lostinmo Member Posts: 332
    edited July 2012

    kmur- I had a left MX and ALND. So far recovery is going well. Might end up bored to death if anything. I seem to be spending more time on facebook playing games for lack of something better to do.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited July 2012

    Welcome Jag!

    So why did I pick last week to kick-start/ re-start my walking?? It is so hot!  Tomorrow is forecast over 90 again.  But I did good last week, 4 40 min walks and 2x at the YMCA.  I was esp. proud on Sat as we went to the Mets game with 4 other families and while there decided to have dinner back at our house, but I insisted I had to run to the Y for an hour in-between.  It would have been very easy to skip it...  Tomorrow I will have to split my walk and do 20 minutes at lunch at 20 at home as I would be too much of a sweaty mess if I did 40 at work.

    Mets lost, but it was fun and the kids had a blast.  We go see the Yankees this Saturday.  DH is Mets fan, I am Yankees fan.  We usually only make to 1 game at each ballpark each summer, although not usually back-to-back weekends.

    Anyone else making 2013 appointments already?  I just made 2 MO appt, 1 in Nov and 1 in March 2013 (so can get early time and limit waiting time!).  I made an appt same day in March for my annual thyroid ultrasound (monitoring a nodule) and will call this week to make a Jan. 2013 6th month f/u with BS.  Do others who had MX see BS and MO?  I understood reason to see BS when I had lx, but after BMX, it's a bit of a pain to see both because of course they do not see patients on the same day.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2012

    Hi Meegan... I will have surgery Jan 2013, just a stage IIb revision... I am seeing my PS in Oct for a consult for that surgery.

    I see MO but haven't seen BS yet, but my MO says I should, just as a follow up. I was watching TV tonight, and there she was on a St Peters Hospital commercial. Made me think I need to see her.

  • chantal10
    chantal10 Member Posts: 32
    edited July 2012

    Hi Jag,

    You seem like an interesting mama and just reading your post I can tell you are a super strong person hurdling life like a champion. Welcome!

    Kiwi mum, did I miss something (shocker!)? Are you headed to England to see the Olympics? If so, Sounds like a great experience!

    So the fat grafting surgery I had only 2 1/2 weeks ago has pretty much been absorbed by my body completely, with the exception of one area which is still holding on. We'll see. Such a bummer. My ps said fat grafting is cumulative and so if we dd it again it would pad any of the existing fat left over. I just don't think I can handle more surgery right now. 3 major surgeries in 7 months... Enough! Maybe down the line. There is also a new FDA approved implant that just came on market this April. I guess it's been in Europe for awhile. Instead of the implant being round, it is shaped like a slope. It would take care of the "rippling" thin chested women have which is the upside. Downside is that if that implant were to rotate at all, since it's shaped, it would be a problem. Always something!

    Jane, sad to hear about your dad. sorry.

    Take care!


  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited July 2012

    ugg, you will not believe what I did!  You know how in my post above, I said we were going to the Yankees game this Saturday?  Well, I go to the YMCA, come home and go on the computer to print the tickets.  Turns out I somehow bought tickets to Fridays game :(  which was played already...  I was SO upset, just started crying.  First, I'm thinking how much money I wasted, then I'm thinking stupid chemo brain, THEN I'm thinking I'm getting alzheimers like my grandmother.  I have NO idea how this happenned!  I wasn't even looking at Friday's game (I just bought the tickets on Monday on Stubhub).  And of course I got a confirmation, which I did look at, but only to check the price. 

    After a cry and a nap, we all went bowling and out to dinner to salvage the kids day.  And there was a two hour rain delay, but I feel like such an idiot and am very worried about my memory.

  • chantal10
    chantal10 Member Posts: 32
    edited July 2012

    Poor readingmama, huge bummer! Don't beat yourself up about it. I've done it before with concert tix. Glad you made the most of the day with family anyway. Next time!

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited July 2012

    Aaww Meegan - what a bummer! These things happen, I know. I hope youve forgiven yourself.

    Welcome Jag. You sound like an amazingly strong woman, like the rest of the ladies here! Welcome and I look forward to getting to know you.

    Jane, sorry about your dad :(

    Sarah, nice to see you. Good luck with the returning to teaching. You will be great.

    Yes I am en route to London now. The first leg (11 hours) to Singapore is done. I am sitting at Singapore airport waiting to board the next leg. It's been a 4 hour layover and I'm feeling very tired. It's 2.30am at home so I'm looking forward to hopefully sleeping on the next flight.

    In approximately 14 hours we will touchdown in London. I'm very very excited. We have tickets to swimming, rowing and athletics, as well as spending time sightseeing and visiting DHs family.

    2 weeks in London here I come! I will update when I can find free wifi.

    Thanks for the well wishes Kim.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited August 2012

    Hi all!! 

    Back from vacation and feel so much better after toes in the sand time! Cancelled a Cancun trip last year as I was meeting with the plastic surgery the week we would have been gone so beach time was bittersweet.

    Jane - Sending heartfelt hugs & prayers to you & your dad...

    Kiwimum - Envious of your trip to the Olympics but wish you a fabulous trip! Can't wait to hear all about it.

    Meegan - Glad you salvaged the day but hate that you missed the game.  ((hugs))

    Jag - Welcome to a wonderful group of ladies. You are a pillar of strength and truly an inspiration. Lean on us whenever the burden becomes too heavy.

    Chantal - Bummer on the fat grafting surgery but hope your results eventually are well worth the wait.

    Sending hugs to all you ladies, I missed you guys while away.

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited August 2012

     hi all!

     Kiwi - have a great time here in the UK with our "lovely" weather! We've been watching London 2012 all the time on TV - how nice to actually go there! Britain has finally got a couple of golds, but way behind the US, of course! We enjoyed the opening ceremony, but someone should tell Paul McCartney to call it a day - his singing was awful!

    Waiting for my oncologist to ring tomorrow with latest scan results - eek! Keep your fingers and everything else crossed for me. Worried cos my arm is a lot puffier and keep thinking bad nodes have come back under arm/collarbone. Still, will have to cope with whatever tomorrow brings...

    Love to you all,

    Sarah xx  

    /10/2007, IDC, 6cm+, Stage IV, Grade 3, 4/14 nodes, ER+/PR-, HER2-

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited August 2012

    Hey Girls!

    Just wanted to stop in and say hi. It has been a year this week that I had the Cancerific parts of me removed and entered the pink ribbon club.

    Feeling sad because my doctor doesn't want me to work right now. I broke my ankle on Saturday and she is concerned because all I did to break it was walk.

    Going to watch some Olympics. My sister said I don't see the good things in life anymore, and I don't want to miss anything.