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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited June 2012

    Sorry, got interupted. 

    Dutchie, welcome to the group!  We are similiar, I'm 45, married 16 years and have a 12 yr old daughter and 8 year old son and both live in NJ.  Did you grow up in Somerville?  I will have to PM you to see if you know my college roommate, she grew up in Somerville.

    I'm very excited, we booked a vacation to Mt. Rushmore for this summer!  I really want to take my kids to see different parts of the country and this is the first non-beach vacation we have taken.  I still have to book the hotels, but the airline tickets and car are booked.  We will see Mt. Rushmore, Badlands, Crazy Horse Monument and go into Wyoming to see Devils Tower. Made the mistake of giving my son the SD Tourism book and asking him to write down what he wanted to do...he gave up after 2 minutes and said he couldn't do it because he wanted to do everything!  Up to mom to whittle all the choices down to fit the time and budget!

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited June 2012

    I haven't logged on in forever!  Sorry.  Created the group then disappeared.  I'm so glad to see it's still going.  We've made some great friends, and are still welcoming new girls, so let's keep the support group going!

    We also have a private group on Facebook for anyone new that wants to join us there too.  Look me up, send me a message and I'll add you.  Kim Melvin, close up picture of my face-short hair, glasses.  Facebook is quicker and easier for me because I have it on my phone.  For BCO, I actually have to sit down at a computer.  I'm not one to drag my laptop around-I keep it on my desk at home.

    I still love to read all your stories, but when I don't log on for a while I have so many to read I can't comment on each one.  Sorry.  But I think about all of you every day!

    Cyber Hugs-Kim 

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited June 2012

    You know, something I've never asked, but has anyone had lingering mouth issues?  I'll be 2 years post chemo next month, and my mouth has never felt the same.  Very dry mouth, almost feels like I have a swollen tongue all the time.  To be honest, all my taste buds never came back.  I've used the Biotene mouth rinse but it hasn't helped.

  • Dutchie
    Dutchie Member Posts: 37
    edited June 2012

    Thank you so much for the warm welcome ladies!! We really do have so much in common. ReadingMama I am actually Dutch (thus the nickname) but moved up North (right on Lake Ontario) through high school then went to Rutgers. I met my husband (he's from Newark) and we bought a house in Somerville 15 years ago. I love it here!

    I have an aunt who lives in that near you?

    I look forward to getting to know you all!

    Oh by the way I have brain mets--I know it's not in my info below. Just in case there are any other brainiacs out there who want to connect!

    Thanks again!

  • Belinda977
    Belinda977 Member Posts: 150
    edited June 2012

    Hi there.  How do we find the private group on Facebook?  Thanks.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited June 2012

    Hey ladies!

    Chantal -  Sorry to hear your baseline test turned out as well as mine but it is kinda nice to know I am not the only one who failed their first

    Kim - Hydrotherapy = pool time. And since it was almost 100 degrees yesterday, it was nice to soak up some chlorine and girl time! You're farm visit today sounds like alot of fun. Wish we had a Y near me as I would love to check out the Livestrong program.... Hope you had a really good time....

    So glad tomorrow is Friday!!! Happy Friday ladies. 

  • Terryberry23
    Terryberry23 Member Posts: 12
    edited June 2012

    Reading mamma check out the corn palace. It's in Mitchell SD. Very neat.

    Does anyone here use the silicone fake boobs? Just curious how you deal with the heat. I've been about to die with mine. My skin gets so hot behind them.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited June 2012

    Terry, thanks, unfortunately that is over 4 hours east on the other side of the state.  Just too far from us as we are flying into Denver so already driving over 6 hours there and back.

  • Dutchie
    Dutchie Member Posts: 37
    edited June 2012

    Terryberry23 I use a silicone fake boob and I used to have the same issue...but I just got a new kind that isn't's grooved to let air flow behind it and it really helps! I've seen them at a bunch of boutiques. It's hard to describe but it's like it has bumps and it is much cooler. Hope you find something comfortable!

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited June 2012

    My cute Taiwanese LE therapist has mentioned every time that I need to do water exercises.  And every time I remind her I don't have a pool.  She thinks I need to join a new large gym that has one-not sure about that.  For one, I'm already in contract with my gym until December.  And I hate large gyms.  Hate them.  She's doing massage therapy for the LE, and working on my scar tissue around my breasts.  Really strange having someone massage your fake breasts.

    Fingers crossed no one else gets LE-pain in the ass. 

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2012

    Hi ALL!!!
    KInda been hiding in the woodwork.

    Chantal, I hope your surgery goes well. Not that this is good, BUT I am HORRIBLE when it comes to preparing for a dr appt, let alone surgery!!!! ie... I'm getting ready for my 1st colonoscopy & endoscopy.  Along with a family history, issues from my hysterectomy. Soooo, needless to say, 3 days away (prep on Monday.. UGH :/), I'm just slighlty above stressed!

    I know I am just waiting for all this to end to life finds a "BETTER" normal!!!

    OK<<< regroup!!!! Kim, lemonaide & vodka are clear liquids right??? LOL

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited June 2012

    Hi pals!  Welcome new pals!  (Belinda and Dutchie--was there one more?)  I was dx'd last year at 39.  I have a hubby of 9 years (nearly) and a nearly 6-year-old boy. :)

    So, women...what a night!  My mom called me from NY to say someone from was calling her to say there was fraud on my account.  I don't know.  In the end, they racked up over a thousand bucks--taken out of my checking account b/c it was a DEBIT card!  Arrrgh.  I'll get the money back, but it may take up to 10 days.  Not like we have thousands of extras in the bank.  ugh.  And I'm not sure if the ones who called were the criminals or the good guys.  I stopped the card with the bank and started a fraud complaint, but I hope I didn't do something stupid.  Hubby kept asking if I gave THEM my card number, and I don't think I did, but I honestly can't remember.  I don't think I did.  I'm usually too I'm from New York to fall for things like that, but these days I'm having a tough time with details.  ugh.  What a night.

    Anyone else feeling fuzzy on the details?  Chemo ended in November, but I'm like getting hot dogs, asking hubby if we need more rolls, he says no (b/c we had a bunch of rolls in the cart)...then on the way home I say, "buns.  hot dog buns....that's what I meant."  It freaks him out when I forget things like that...I know it worries him.  

    The other night we were chatting, and I said that I need to make sure I have ALL of my surgical reports and stuff cuz 30-40 years from now I could need them.  Hubby had recurrence nightmares last night.  Poor guy.  

    Man, the emotional and physical toll of all this lasts quite a while.  

    Love to you all.  


  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2012

    Hi girls.....

    Yes, very clear liquids. Lol... Hang in there momx3.... It really does get better. I promise.

    Prof....that is scary with the fraud stuff. I buy online often. I did have a shoe purchase during the zappos fraud deal and someone was able to get into my email....don't understand why people do this. As for being foggy. I am with you. I have said many times it bugs me that my brain can not hold onto many details at once. I often forget words mid sentence I used to be able to multi task, but it is harder now. My feeling is this is because of no estrogen,but truly I am often spinning in circles these days.

    I did join the y for real. Have done spin/pilates. My husband bought me a new bike. It is the old school schwinn I just need a bell thingy. Lol I rode all over the place last night hills are not my friend!!! I love this bike though.

    Christine. Hope you are still feeling good post zometa. Great to have an easy go with a breast cancer procedure. Yipppeeee

    Love to you all

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited June 2012 brain fog...I ran across this on my many online google searches and there is a reason for the brain fog.  Its called PCCI (Post-chemotherapy cognitive impairment)...see link below

    Isn't it nice to know we are NOT crazy!!! 

    I showed my DH the article, he was really surprised to see everything I have complained about validated...

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2012

    Thanks Michelle....that was so weird to read that. I had just said some of the things mentioned.  It bothers me sometimes when I am trying to remember the name of something or when in mid story and forget what the heck I was going to say. So thank you ...I think that link hit the nail for me!!

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited June 2012

    I think the lack of estrogen is part of it too, It does have direct effect on the brain.  Did not do chemo, but my memory, especially for names is really bad right now.  Might be partially the insomnia from tamox too. When I only am sleeping 1-3 hrs a night it gets even worse.  I guess it makes sense as our long term memories are formed when we sleep.

    Away for the weekend, had a nice time and met some lovely people from Pittsburgh that had come to visit. Can't remember anyone's names to save my life.  Nice to just have some fun with my husband.  Beautiful weather yesterday and we spent it on a boat.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited June 2012

    Hi girls!

    welcome new friends.  I also have some post chemo memory issues, just crazy simple stuff that I can not remember, makes me crazy.

    As I posted on Facebook, Zometa was so easy.

    Readingmama, sounds like an awsome trip.  I love history/educational vacations, things your kids will remember forever.  Our beach trips all run together, don't get me wrong, nothing better than a week in sun and sand.

    Already forgot who is having the colonoscopy this week, anyhow, let us know how it goes.  Something I eventually need to ask about.  My husband has had 3-4, really not so bad, and you loose a few lbs. too.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2012 mentioned earlier I do forget what I meant to say....Your vacation sounds amazing. I hope you and your family enjoy every minute...I have often said we have some really amazing places to see right here in the states. So many places I would love to see. You will have to report your vacation stories. Wish we could see pictures. wonderful you have had no SE from Zometa. Such great and kiwimum have that one behind you and know they are no problem.

    bgirll...I did not know that about sleep/memory link.. I for sure do not sleep as I once did..maybe 5 hours but broken into sleep two awake for a bit then sleep and so least I have more than one reason for being loopy half the time ( is that how you spell loopy) . I am not happy you all have issues but I am glad to know it is not just me and there IS a reason...

    Have a good week you all

  • Kelleyod
    Kelleyod Member Posts: 125
    edited June 2012

    Hello ladies. . .

    So nice to catch up on everyone. . . are we sharing ages, kids, etc? Diagnosed at 43 - 3 kids at 3, 7, and 13. Husband of 15 years . . . . Who is facing his second layoff. . . Aarrrggghhhh. Let's just say that I believe my life has turned into a reality show in the past 17 months.... Hahaha....

    Reading mamma - what a vacation! I cant wait to hear stories. . .

    Momx3 - colonoscopy : You can do it. Did my first one in march. Prep is worst part. Just breath and make sure you enjoy that weight you see when you weigh in for the procedure. ;). Love your clear liquid point! Hahahaha.... I will remember that for my next time this fall.

    Bgirl: so Glad you had a nice weekend! Boat time sounds delicious....

    Kim - love the Bike visual! You keep going...... Your are inspiring me to check out the Y.

    Eema - sending you tons of powerful prayer. . . Let's get you on a different path shall we?

    On the memory loss: oh my! I can't remember diddly. Estrogen is gone and so is my mind.... I am taking curcumin or coq10 for this (ironically I can't remember which one! Ha). It does seem to be helping . . . .

    Hoping you all are prepping for a fun week..... Thanks for sharing and continuing to inspire me, to remind me I am not alone.


  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2012

    Hi everyone! Welcome Dutchie. I'm 42 with a 21 DD been in a relationship for 14 years now - longer than I was married to DD bio dad!  

    Kim~miss you and your stories - that's something you just cant post on FB sometimes.  

    On the chemohead not sure where I stand on  hormones, everything seems to be working correctly....again...cause you know I just couldn't get THAT side effect! but on the chemohead part, I am still greatly affected.  I am not the same brain that I was before.  Makes me a little more compassionate for people that just don't "get it" quickly. 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2012

    hi Girls,

    kelley...I hope you can check out the Y, it is a great program...I'm sure I was kinda funny looking on my bike ( forgot to mention it is a bright ( bright) color of blue and yellow...I for sure do not blend!!  Maybe I will stay safe and not be run over.

    Hi Miss Gina..hope you are doing well

    I logged on mostly to share this story as I knew you all would understand.  I have these hand held blender things like to do soup and I have some that are mini choppers...anyway..I think I have about 5 different kinds and I keep them in a hutch ( always) Today I wanted to make tuna fish so went to said hutch to get the chopper and it was not there...I knew I had put it somewhere and finally found it in a totally different hutch all by its self has never lived in there anyway..since we were on the subject of being forgetful etc...that is the kind of stuff I do now and it makes me crazy wasting time looking for that kind of stuff. Anyway..I have to laugh ...such a goofball!!

    Hope you all are doing well and having a good day...see ya soon

  • Kelleyod
    Kelleyod Member Posts: 125
    edited June 2012

    Kim..... Hahahaha - love it! I am still looking for the wine bottle opener (yeah, I know.... I shouldn't be partaking - too much at least!) that I misplaced a week ago...... O e of those, "I know I had it....where did I put it?". Oh my. . . . We press on....

    Happy Monday!


  • TKSit
    TKSit Member Posts: 33
    edited June 2012

    Hi all. Glad to find this thread. Not sure if I posted here last night, take ambien to sleep since dx and do crazy stuff on it and forget. Sometimes I shop and don't know til I get the packages in mail! I am sure you all get how rough nights can be and being "addicted" to ambien is the least of my worries. Stage 4 off the back for me last year & life has been nuts since. I know I have many years left, but now I will treasure each and every day! Not upbeat all the time, still some pretty dark moments. More joy than despair. Looking forward to participating in this forum and learning so much from you ladies.

  • chantal10
    chantal10 Member Posts: 34
    edited June 2012

    Hi survivor, welcome! The first part of your post cracked me up. I tend to send people weird/emotional videos and email by the wee hours of night. Most my shopping is done then too. Packages arrive with toothpaste, shoes, measuring cups, dresses, bowls, vitamins... Random stuff that clearly looked to good to pass up at 2am! I do this also when I wake up very early, like at 6am. Ambien shopping sprees! Xanax makes me say and do odd things too.

    Glad to hear that you are appreciating life! Happiness and gratitude over here.

    Sleep tight!

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited June 2012

    Hi Survivor, welcome.  Since my dx I too treasure every day and the time I have with my family. It really does change your priorities and perspective.  I look forward to getting to know you better.

    Love the forgetful story Kim.  I sat at work in a meeting the other day and completely forgot what I was talking about mid sentence.  Gone!! Totally blank!  To say I was embarassed was an understatement.  I find this happens at least once a week.

    It's Friday in NZ and my girls finished school today for 2 weeks holiday.  They are both looking forward to blobbing and doing nothing.  Myself and DH are counting down to our UK trip ... only 4 1/2 weeks to go!  I just need to get my onc appointment next week out of the way and I'll be super excited.

    I still have that feeling that something is going to happen ... the cancer is back and that I'm not going to the UK.  5.30pm Tuesday is my appointment - I can't wait to put it behind me for another 6 months.

  • TKSit
    TKSit Member Posts: 33
    edited June 2012

    Thanks for the welcome, KiwiMum. Sending prayers & positive thoughts for your appt. I am sure all will turn out fine & you will have a glorious time in the UK! Keep us posted.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2012

    Hi,  I was diagnosed in Feb. '12 and am 46.  I am glad to find this group as I have been told by my docs that I am "young" and am beign treated as such but I feel that in regards to things other than chemo/rad my status as over 40, pre-meno, and pre-55/60 is distinct from very young women with bc.

    Anyway, glad to find you and lookign forward to community/resources.


  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2012

     Hi Girls,

    Survivor...I can not remember if I said welcome to the is a great group here. Look forward to knowing you.

    Kiwimum...I can relate to your post...I often forget things mid sentence and the person I am talking to is just looking at me???? I just say...sorry...I guess that thought is gone...I just have to laugh for your appointment...I know..I think you will find all to be good and you will be off for a wonderful trip with the hubby...I can not wait to hear all about it. Just so you know you have a friend in your boat...I get anxious before seeing ONC not know why exactly...I see him in two weeks. Did you have any SE at all with zometa?? You know we are going to be old ladies though right?? We are going to be the ones with drink in hand and big floppy hats...and pool boys will bring us said drinks!!!...sorry had to add some humor in there

    I am off to the greenhouse this is record breaking hot here...yuck...I am really watching the LE is more swollen with all the yard work...I will have to take some pictures and show you the flower beds I am working on....I hope you all have a wonderful day

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2012

    Sorry I forgot to say welcome as well to vvh...we are young and I think you will love the ladies here...welcome

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2012

    Thanks Kmur; looking forward to getting to know you all.
