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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2011

    Hi SusanHg, You are welcome and I'm not sure if you said how many lymph nodes you lost...but  from what I understand the more nodes removed-the more careful...I think also if you have lots of nodes gone+rads that can elevate the risk....It is weird stuff this LE- I was fine for almost a year and now have it in my arm (early stage).


  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2011

    So i have to find the positive in all of life's negatives - so the skin on the breast and underarm are going to be really baby butt soft pretty soon? lol.  It was definitely skin from the nipple and around, after the shower today I have a quarter size new skin pink patch.  My underarm right above and below the snb scar is what looks the worst.  My boosts are radiating that too because of the tumor position, but strangely enough I am already feeling better in the skin part even under the arm.  Last week was probably the most uncomfortable.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2011

     Hi Gina, I had to laugh with ya! We do have to find as many positives as we can. I hope your skin does become the softest skin ever!! I am 6 months out from rads now and my skin is still a little darker on that side and it is tighter too. Not painful though. I now have implants and will decide how to proceed from here. So happy to know you are almost done!!


  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited June 2011

    Kim-I had six nodes removed.  It was supposed to be a sentinel node biopsy, but somehow she got six instead of 1?  She told me they clump together and it is hard to get just one...

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2011

    Hi Susanhg, Sorry I just noticed on the bottom with our diagnosis it says that. You may never have a problem with it at all,it is such an odd thing. I guess we just have to protect that arm more than we used to.


  • 37antiques
    37antiques Member Posts: 60
    edited June 2011

    Hi girls, I haven't been here is a while.  I just dropped in because I didn't like the number of posts, so I thought I'd add one and make it 667!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2011

    Susan... Mine was to be just one also, but my BS said there was a second one piggybacked on the first... In my case I am glad as the second one was clean and the SN had a micromet... Had she just taken the one with the mocromet, I would have worried more.

  • rondajean
    rondajean Member Posts: 13
    edited June 2011

    Kymm, Glad your hubbie made some decisions around you.  My husband is a good guy but at times just walks around in circles.  I think they have such fear and confusion about losing their wives.  Its seems so much a possibility to them that they are just stunned.  I hope he communicates with you more often.  I ask my husband how he is every day, just like everyone asks me.  Its kinda like when you bring a new baby home from the hospital, everyone asks about the baby but few about about the mother.  They are lost little puppies!  lol!!!  thinking of you today, best wishes.


  • rondajean
    rondajean Member Posts: 13
    edited June 2011

    Im booking a trip after my treatment with my "angel crew." I think were doing a 5 day cruise in Feb.  I am so ecxited and I think it will help me get through this horrible winter to come.  Probably be a dozen of us :)) I will be spending over half a year dealing with this bull S$%^#! I can't wait to hear that im cancer free and can jump on a plane to get away.  I plan on making custom designed t-shirts for all the girls!!

    Thought Id share!


  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited June 2011

    Morning Ladies, hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I had company all weekend it was nice but busy. Going for treatment numbewr 5 on thursday, so not looking forward to it but once its done then I can say only one more to go. Not sure how I feel about rads yet, havent even put much though into it as of yet.

    Did anyone out there get any reconstruction with just lumpectomies?? I hate my shitty titty it really depress me to look at it. Any thoughts??

    Hugs Kymn

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited June 2011

    Kymn - One more to go is awesome!  Relative to your chemo experience, I am sure you will find rads to be a breeze. 

    I think you can get some sort of cosmetic correction for lumpectomies.  I did not.  Mine turned out pretty good.  It is a bit smaller than the other, but not so much that it bothers me.  If I did anything, I would probably do a reduction of the other to match, which my surgeon suggested early on, but I was too overwhelmed at the time to even think about it.

    So, I seem to have had my first meltdown since prechemo today.  I had an appoint with a new GYN at 8:30 this morning.  I arrived at 8:15 as instructed, was called back at 8:45, and then sat there until 10:00.  I was fuming.  I walked out at 10:00.  The doctor was still in with another patient at that time.  I then bawled my eyes out the whole way back to my office.  I have no idea what that was about.  I am super busy right now at work and did not have that time to waste, so frustration is no doubt a contributor.  Plus I was really angry, which can result in tears for me if I am angry enough.  Mostly, however, I think I am just sick and tired of the endless parade of doctor appointments that my life has turned into. If I had to do this once or twice year, the wait would not bother me.  But once a month (which is what I am averaging right now with follows ups with the varies docs and my PCP) is too much.    I want my old, relatively doctor free life back. :(

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2011

    Good afternoon everyone,

    Ronda, how great to get away after all this chemo business. I know everyone is so different but I hope you will sail through it with no problems and your trip will be great.

    Hi Kymn, Wow you are just about done with what I thought was the hardest part. I didn't do too badly with the chemo but rads were way easier!! It feels weird (I think) when you're done with chemo..I can not  describe really. So happy though that you can keep moving on. Rads ...the first couple of times it takes awhile to mark you but after that, you may be there 15 min.

    Lisa. I don't think you are alone in the meltdown area. Sometimes it seems our lives are not ours is hard to be "sick" for me too. I don't want any of it and those DR. appointments can make me nervous ..I want to think the further we get from all of this the less keeps me sane to think we will one day not think about it nearly as much. I hope your evening is better.


  • mom2one
    mom2one Member Posts: 51
    edited June 2011

    Can anyone tell me what to expect with a PET scan?  I've never had one and am not really sure what to expect?  They told me I'd probably be there for 2-3 hours.  I'm scheduled for Monday the 13th.  Thanks!

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited June 2011

    The PET scan is very easy.  Assuming the process is the same for everyone, here is what to expect:  blood test to check sugar levels because it will not read properly if your blood sugar is too high (you have fast ahead of time); then you will drink a milkshake like drink - it is very sweet; they put a radioactive material in you - can't remember if that was by injection or in the drink; then you will sit and rest for about an hour while your body processes the sugar drink (this is how it finds cancer . . . higher sugar uptake); then you do the scan which takes about 15 minutes in an open machine.    

    If you have done an MRI - it is NOTHING like that.  Soooo much easier, in my opinion.  I hated the MRI.

    Good luck! 

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited June 2011


    I have had 2 PET scans.  Very easy, nothing to eat or drink after midnight the day before, some place also rec low carb diet, just follow your instructions.  When you arrive they inject a vein with contrast, very simple and painfree.  You then must sit still and quite for 1hr, they don't want you moving around, the scan takes about 20-30 minutes, lying still in a machine.  I found the process easy, don't even need to take of shoes or clothing.  Results one day later after read by radiologist, thats the had part, waiting for results, good luck!

  • MWS
    MWS Member Posts: 13
    edited June 2011

    IrrIrr493..... I am so sorry about the wait.... not acceptable..... tomorrow will be a new day! Hang in there!

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited June 2011


  • mom2one
    mom2one Member Posts: 51
    edited June 2011

    Thanks for letting me know what to expect from the PET scan.  I feel a little nervous about it, but mostly the waiting is what is driving me crazy (as we all know).  Thanks again!

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited June 2011

    HI ladies, went to give blood this morning and they had to take it from my hand cause my viens are such a mess sheesh . Well I have two more chemo treatments to go. I am in the chair this thursday then one more after that. I cant wait for this to be over I am sooooo sick of my life I just want it back.

    I think I will look into reconstruction or reduction or whatever I just want my breasts to look ok again. I hope health care covers it other wise I dont know what I will do.

    Its raining and miserable here, we have had so much rain in alberta this spring, I sure hope summer turns out to be nicer.

    Hope you are all having a good day

    Hugs Kymn

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2011

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Last night I was trying to catch up on all the posts you have written.  I wish I would have known about you-all in the beginning. When I was first diagnosed I just couldn't talk about it....It is really nice to see how you met and how all this works!  I still have not read each one. I will keep reading.

    Kymn, Good luck with treatment Thursday. I think all of us would like to have our old lives back(at least I would) I am adjusting though to my new life and if you can make it through the last few weeks does get better. Rads are way easier then,the hair comes back (even arm hair ) YAY!!! I lost all hair (exept eyebrows). then slowly the tiredness lifts and your taste returns. It really does get better.

    Burley, I hope you are doing ok in Arizona, we keep seeing the news about the fires etc. Not sure where you are or if it has caused problems for you?

    Have a great day everyone!


  • slg2130
    slg2130 Member Posts: 32
    edited June 2011

    Doin' the happy dance because I am DONE with radiation!!!  Smile

    Since I had to have my right side UNexpanded prior to radiation, I had an appointment with my PS immediately after my radiation appt.  He re-expanded me (180cc), and I almost look normal again (he originally took out 300cc).  Funny how watching your foob blow up like a balloon can make you happy!  Laughing


  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2011

     Hi Sandy,

      Yippee! (I'm dancin' with ya!!)


  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited June 2011

    Yay Sandy!!!!!! 

  • tougherthanithought
    tougherthanithought Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2011

    Congrats, Sandy!  Im so happy for youSmile


  • MaiTai
    MaiTai Member Posts: 65
    edited June 2011

    Yay Sandy!

    Lisa - I get your frustration. I too burst into tears when I'm angry.

    Kymn - You are almost done with it. Yay for you too. Good luck today.

    I too had 4 nodes removed. They were a cluster and could not get only one.

    My work involves a lot of flying, near and far. I haven't wore a sleeve and never felt any problem with my arm.

    The doctors don't seem to think I could have a problem (I didn't have any radiation).

    Maybe I'm being stupid but I feel optimistic that LE is not going to be a problem.

    Have a great day ALL.

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited June 2011

    Hi girls!  Hope you're all having a good Thursday...

    Kymn-I hope your treatment goes well today.  My fingers are crossed that you'll have little side effects this time!  Just think, only one more to go :-)

    Sandy-yay for you!  Done with rads-I bet that feels like a weight was lifted off of you.

    Kim-we're not near the fires.  I'm in a suburb of Phoenix, and the fires are to the north and south.  Thanks for thinking of me though.

    Man, I need some motivation to work out...I'm a pile of mush from not doing anything for over a year.  I think I have a brief window now where I can exercise before my next surgery...damn boobs.  I thought I would have one procedure, be happy with them, and be done with it.  I don't like the size or shape, but everyone keeps telling me to be happy that I'm alive.  I am happy, obviously, but what's wrong with wanting to look good again too?  They don't understand how much of your "womanly" feelings are wrapped up in your boobs.

    I've also been a little teary about my hair-next month will be a year since I finished chemo, and this is as much as the hair on the top of my head has grown.  If I hadn't kept having the sides and back cut, I would look like Bozo the clown.  Ugh.  Another thing people keep telling me-"be happy you have any hair at all."  I wonder how they would feel in the same situation. 

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited June 2011

    Hi All!

    Just thought I'd check in .  Talked to a lymphadema specialist and she wants me to get fitted for a Class 1 sleeve and glove, but wear them only on this European flight.  Better to be safe than sorry.  Plus, those planes are always so cold, it will feel nice to be all wrapped up ;)

    I leave 2 weeks from today.  Will be great to get away!!  I have a wonderful groin shot tomorrow morning for a possible labral tear in my hip (seems I have hip impingement).  I cannot seem to escape doctors.  Uggg!

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited June 2011

    Oh (((Burly))) I am so sorry you are feeling down about your hair!   It is very frustrating isn't it?   I think I was 18 month out from chemo when my avatar picture was was a long 18 months but now I have a style that I like and makes me feel more human, less chia pet.   My hair really seemed to grow alot after the 1 year mark or maybe it had just gotten long enough by 18 months that we could straighten it Laughing  Anyway just wanted to send hugs and  give you hope!

    I just bought an exercise bike last weekend, am starting slow at 15 minutes a day but that's better then nothing a day.  I too am all soft and mushy...

    I have an appointment for a recon revision at the Scottsdale Mayo clinic next week.   My R implant has started doing flip flops in my chest (at least it feels like it is).  Two days ago the implant shifted so much that my DH almost had to peel me off the ceiling!! It hurt like hell!! I am also not happy with the way my scars have adhered to the muscle causing my foobs to fold inward any time my pectoral muscle flexes.   My dad is worried about another surgery and asked why I don't just remove them...bless him, he is really just wants me to be out of pain but I told him that emotionally I am not ready or prepared to lose the appearance of having breasts (and trust me I have thought about it). 

    Sorry I haven't been posting much, my Gpa has been is hospice for the last couple months.  He passed away yesterday after battling stage IV prostate cancer. Plus I had some scan anxiety stuff going on (all ok). 

    I hope everyone is doing well!

    (((Kymn)))   you are almost done!!!

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited June 2011

    Hi everyone

    I've been reading all your posts for the last week and not posting.

    My 3rd AC hit me hard and I've been in a malaise of tiredness, nausea and generally feeling sick of the whole thing!

    I returned to work on Tuesday and completely overdid things. I ended up with a huge headache and feeling like I was going to vomit by the time I got home and collapsed on the couch. From next week I am reducing my hours. I am quite looking forward to spending more time with the children.

    My 4th and last AC is in two weeks and I'm looking forward to putting that chapter behind me. I then have 12 x weekly Taxol to look forward to.

    Burley - I understand you being teary about your hair.  I had a bad dream about mine last night.  I dreamt I went to the hairdresser to get my hair cut.  I was wearing a hat.  When he took off my hat I was completely bald (like I am now) and in my dream I was in shock as I thought I still had hair. 

    O2b and Burley.  I also completely feel the same way about reconstruction even though I am at least 12 months away from having mine done.  I just want to feel like the "old" me, like an attractive person, like a "woman".

    Everyday when I get dressed I have to fuss around worrying whether you can see my one breast and other "concave" side when I lean forward. Creating and maintaining the illusion of having two breasts is important to me.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited June 2011

    Is anyone interested in creating an exercise thread or we could just do it in this one. We could report our daily exercise. Maybe having to report will help motivate? I want to start a running program. Just bought some ugly but crazy comfortable running shoes, swore I would get up at 6 each morning to do it before it gets too hot, and so far have spent each morning hitting snooze for an hour until my usual 7 wake up time roles around.

    Michelle - following up from the thermograph thread, I am in Atlanta. If you can get a referral for me I would appreciate it! I don't know where to even start.

    Kiwi - one more! Yeah! I hav heard that the taxol part is easier.