Any 40-ish survivors?



  • mom2one
    mom2one Member Posts: 51
    edited September 2011

    Kim:  Wishing you good thoughts for your surgery.  I am scheduled for exchange surgery on the 13th.  Feeling anxious but also ready to have that behind me.  Let us know how you are feeling. 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

     Hi Everybody,

      Lisa, It sounds so fun to able to go the games. We have always planned to see a Fl / Fl state game some day. They used to play right around Thanksgiving,but I don't know if they still do. My husband and I got married on a ship in Miami and while on our cruise my husband had his Fl. state hat on and one of the guys asked if we were going to the game....they were going immediately following hopping off the plane....just fun!! I think it is the air and fall and all of it!! So happy you get to go again...have fun. 

    Christine...I am having my surgery in the morning. I hope to be home around lunch time. I will let you know how it goes. I know it will be about  3 1/2 hours long. Thanks for thinking of me. Hope you had fun at your party! I am trying to get back in shape too. It is harder with the meds.

    Mom2one...thank you for the good wishes.  I hope you will find the exchange surgery to be easy. I really did not have any problem with that one. One thing I did learn ( you may already know ) When I had my exchange surgery the anesthesiologist asked if I get nauseous after surgery and I always do. So ....he gave me a patch behind my ear and I was not sick at all following surgery. So that is one thing I try to pass on to others. I hope it goes very well for you,but I'm sure we will hear from you before that.

    Good evening to each of you and I will post again soon Smile


  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited September 2011

    I will be thinking of you tomorrow Kim. Best wishes. Let us know when you are home safe and sound.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited September 2011

    Hi All, just a quick hello, I have a lot of catching up to do, I was on vacation all week and didn't get on the site at all.  First day of school for us here today, DD off to 6th grade, first year of middle school, yikes! and DS off to 2nd grade. 

    We did okay in Hurricane, our town had lots of flooding, but our house was okay and we only lost power for about 28 hours, so it wasn't too bad.  nice week this week with the weather, so it dried everything out.  Unfortunately this week looks like lots of rain.

    3 month checkup with MO today, have no big questions for her and made my appt for breast MRI today, so at least that is on the calander.

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited September 2011

     Hi all!

     Just wishing Kim Good Luck with the surgery - maybe it's over now though?!  Hope you are all well, especially those going through treatment. Not nice Autumn weather here yet - more like winter!  I have decided to get my butt in gear and do a few more things this month - starting Spanish classes next week, thinking about going to an Autistic support group too locally and looking for a part-time job I can do in the day time. Meeting the Breast Cancer Care girls next week in Cardiff - hope to make it this time!  Son started back to school yesterday - he's Grade 7 in US equivalent, I think - he's 13 in Nov. Everything went well and he still gets a taxi to the school which the local council provide, so I can stay in my pyjamas and not have to drive him - good news for the lazy!  Everyone enjoy your early Fall and thinking of you all on the 10th 9/11 Anniversary. Saw (part) of a docu. about it the other day - still so shocking, couldn't watch it.

     PS. Do Americans use the expression "the bee's knees" to mean something great?!  I'm writing a silly story on the humor and games thread and wondered if you would know what I meant or think" What the hell is she on about?!"

     All the best, Sarah xx

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited September 2011

    Sarah - I have heard the expression "bee's knees".  I understand it to mean something is good.  I have been told that it comes from the fact that bees have little pockets (the best word I can think of) to keep honey (or some other substance of importance to bees) stored in their knees, which is of course fabulous if you are a bee.

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited September 2011

     thanks, Lisa, I didn't know that!

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited September 2011

    Bee's knees is a great cat's pajamas...but it's pretty old school.  I know it b/c I was raised by my grandparents, but I'll bet a lot of younger people wouldn't know the expression. 

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2011

    Kim, hope all went well today!

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited September 2011

     I love idioms in English and the diffs. between US and British English. Because my son is autistic and they often take things literally, he has had info. from the speech therapists in the past to explain them. We don't say "the cat's pyjamas" here much, though it's a good one  -more "the cat's whiskers"!  Also, weird little differences like we say "she's got green fingers" for someone who is good at gardening, while you say, I believe, "she's got a green thumb"! There's loads of others too. Hope you don't mind me musing on this...

     Sarah x

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited September 2011

    bees knees, never heard that but I like the way it sounds.

    Kim, thinking about you all day, hoping your home resting comfortably and looking great!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

      Hi To All ,

         Well...I made it !! Thanks for all the good wishes. I really appreciate it. Surgery went well, did get a little nauseous even with the patch,but not too bad. I am a little sore today,but able to get around. I removed the ace bandage this morning and from what I can tell, it looks like the fat grafting might have been just what I needed. was not too bad. I am a little sore in the area where the fat was harvested. I can not see the nipple area due to bandages. So hopefully I can call myself all done..... are very good at explaining the bees knees. I would not have done so well.

    Sarah- I hope you are feeling better and they got that infection cleared up and also hope school is going well. I also love all those little expressions. My neighbor had so many and I wish I would have written them down. I do remember her saying  "Why, she's no bigger than a minute" meaning she's a skinny one!!  She was so funny.  She would also say ....when she couldn't get anything done and was kind of running all over. ..."I'm like a fart in a whirlwind" There are others ( sorry if I am rambling or offending anyone)  She is 73 years old and just funny. Anyway...hope you get to go to the little meeting this time. You will have to let us know how that goes.

    Christine- Thank you for thinking of me. I really thought I would be home by lunchtime....but we did not make it back home until after 6:00 in the evening. The surgery was longer and as I said I was a little spent more time in recovery. All in all , I think I will be happy. The fat grafting seems to have given more shape?? not sure how to put it. So I hope you will be pleased as well.

    Eema- Thank you for the good wishes. I hope you are coming along and feeling good as well.

    Thinking of all you in treatment still....Can not wait until everyone is done with all this and we can celebrate!!

    Good wishes to each of you,


    Sorry for my long post (again)

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited September 2011

    Kim - I am glad your surgery went well and get around today, very good news.

    Today is my anniversary of when I was d/x. We went out to dinner last night for 1st day of school (tradition), but b/c the weather was so bad, we just went to the diner.  It was a bit ironic b/c that is where I was last year (on 1st day of school) when dr called to tell me dx.  I'm still kind of "musing" about if I will celebrate this day or my surgery day.  Also ironically, yesterday I had my Herceptin trmt and its the first time since summer started that I didn't treat myself to a pedi afterwards.  So no special treats for me, but a lot has sure changed in a year!

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited September 2011

     Hi all,

     Glad you're home and all is well, Kim! I like your "fart in a whirlwind expression" from your neighbour!  My Mum is 74 and has loads of funny ones, which I swear nobody else in the world, ever, has said!  Like, "If I eat any more, I'll bust my gazoot!" - I'll have to write them down. I'm always meaning to write a book of my recipes too, when I'm in a morbid phase especially, but haven't got round to it yet.  Congrats,  Meegan, if that's the word, for your 1 year "Cancerversary", nothing is the same afterwards, is it?  I'll have been  NED for a year come next week - I am so grateful to be well. Hope you are all OK - counting down the chemos, Kiwimum!? Not too long now.

     All the best, Sarah x

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited September 2011

    Hi all!  Haven't posted in a really long time.  Have been trying to get back into life and not focus so much on BC. We homeschool and that takes up a lot of time, but I have been catching up with the reading here.  Congrats Meegan on your one year.  Kim- It is good to hear that you did well with your last surgery.  See my PS on Tues and am hoping for the same surgery.  :)   Been thinking about you all still in treatment and hope you are doing well.  Can't think of any catchy phrases to add either.  Coming up on my one year in a few weeks and am excited about that.  Don't have a PET until Oct though.  Take care and hope everyone is having a good week.  I think about you all often!  Love being a fly on the wall when I am not posting.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

      Hi Again,

    Meegan ...Happy one year!! So great!! I also can not decide what to use as my "date" I had been using my last chemo date and don't know why?? Yes, it has been quite a year...can not believe this path I have been on...

    Sarah, your mom sounds funny too. It is nice to laugh about all the things they say.  I wish I could remember all of them.  I can't believe I posted the whirlwind one.... I also am working on my recipes. I have been organizing and plan to put them in a big photo album type binder.

    mamachick...good to see you. I hope you are doing well. Will you be having another surgery soon?  I do think school keeps all of us on our toes,but I'm sure even more so for you. Anyway...very good to see you.

    Have a good evening...I'm off to help the young man study for a test ...

    Thinking of you all, also our friends in Texas...hope you all are ok with the wild fires....


  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited September 2011

    Meegan, happy cancerversary (not sure that happy is the right word, but we all really know what you mean).  Kind of funny, we will remember when and where we recieved our diagnosis, like 9-11, etc.  Keep telling myself to celebrate every day.

    Kim, so glad you are happy with your fat grafting and nips!  I am so excited that I am counting the days.  My PS said 4hrs for surgery, which was longer than the exchange and port removal.  I see anesthesia the week before, not sure if I will need to spend the night.  I have some crazy allergies to meds and anesthesia made me stay after my exchange so they could monitor me, expect I may need to stay again.  Hate the nausea, hope it is better.  Did you have caps sewn over you nips?  When can you shower?  Take it slow.

    Sarah, love your funny expressions, keep them coming.

    Saw my onc today for my first 3 month appt post chemo.  Made the mistake of telling him I have occasional pain/pressure in the sternum area, I assume from exercise or recent exchange.  So now I need to have a chest CT.  After he said that I tried to tell him the symptoms were not consistant or reproducible and we could wait, but needless to say, the nurse will call me to schedule.  Hate the tought of radiation exposure.  Always something.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

      Hi Christine,

      No caps for me!! I was happy about that. I have thick cotton like pieces on the nips and the I can not see them yet??? But I am happy with the fat grafting. I could shower today. I also have issues with being put under. I get sick after. The patch worked the last time and it must have worked some this time,but surgery was longer and I think I had more drugs this time. I was fine last night though. I am on pain meds for now though. The areas the fat is taken from are sore!! Not bad though. I bet your CT scan will be fine. I'll be thinking of you.


  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited September 2011

    Kim - Glad your surgery went well and that it solved the problem.  That is great.

    I am not sure which of you posted the fart in a whirlwind comment but that was hysterical.  I totally get it.  It seems like I spend about 90% of my life feeling like that. 

    Christine - good luck with your CT.  Stories like yours make me glad my onco is so conservative. I have had a couple of things that less conservative oncos would probably have ordered scans for.  Mine always says give it a month and so far she has been right - the problem always goes away.  The additional radiation does not bother me as much as the stress of getting the scan results.  I nearly had a nervous breakdown over my prechemo PET scan.  I really don't think I can stand to go through that every time I have an ache or pain.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited September 2011

    Thanks for all the well wishes!

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited September 2011

     Just thought of another funny expression at (some) people say here. It's a similar meaning to Kim's  "fart in a whirwind", but more vulgar ! "He's buzzing around like a blue-arsed fly". Incidently, "arse" here is ruder, I think, than "ass" in N.America, for some reason!  Good luck with your CT scan, Christine. Cancer really is"the gift that keeps on giving", isn't it (!) You wonder why you ever worried about things before, the anxiety never ends.

    Love to all, Sarah x

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

     Hi To Everyone,

     Sarah...that makes me laugh!!!  Thanks for that. I don't feel so bad for being rude with my "word". It is sometimes difficult to know what may offend ...I'm around guys all the time so I am not easily offended. Just makes me laugh. Please let me know though if I ever do offend... I have others too so let me know if you all ever want to hear them... I think some of mine may require translation Lol

    Lisa...I feel the same way about is just the waiting and so on....I really don't like that part. I have the opposite problem though regarding scans...I have no breast tissue and no nodes left so ...was told we would not do scans ,but I plan to talk to the onc again about it.

    I am still doing some pain meds today...still a little sore ,but not too bad. Feel like a little old lady...but happy to have this part done. The tats should be no big deal.

    Monday I will meet with my BC group. It is called SOS ( sharing our stories ) so I am looking forward to that. I will let you all know how that goes.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Always thinking of you girls still in treatment. Getting closer to the end!!

    Have a good evening,


  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited September 2011

    Wait...LtotheK, what happened with the cell phone call with the Oncologist?  Girls, did we all miss the importance of that?  Please give us an update!

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited September 2011

     Hey Kim - don't feel bad about saying "fart"! When we were young it was seen as quite rude, but now they say it on "Hannah Montana" (not that I'm a fan!)  and a very goody-goody show we have here called "Blue Peter" which has been on TV forever!  Certainly, there is a lot more swearing around everywhere,even in kids movies etc. I have to be pushed to the limit before I turn the air blue, though, it's just not my thing. Got a call-back to the Drs tomorrow after my chest x-ray last week, obviously hoping it's just a stubborn infection and not having to start back on the horrible cancer rollercoaster again. Trying not to worry....

    Love to all, Sarah x

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited September 2011

    Sarah, Hope that chest xray is nothing, but I understand why you worry.  I will be thinking of you, let us know.

    LtotheK, missed reading your earlier post, hope all is well.

    My onc office just called, I have my CT with constrast scheduled for this Saturday (not exactly what I had in mind for a Saturday morning).  Good news - results then by Monday.  I truely expect it will be completely normal, maybe just post surgical changes? 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

     Hi All,

    LtotheK, I am sorry I missed that post too.  I hope you are ok as well. I will do better about checking backwards before posting.

    Sarah.. I hope all is well with your tests. Please let us know ...I will be thinking of you.

    Christine , You'll have to let us know how you do as well. At least you will have results pretty quickly.

    Waiting is always the hardest part ....

    Take care all,


  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited September 2011

    Yeah she had a bone scan and her doctor to call her on her cell phone.  Now that's comforting, huh?

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2011

    Hi ladies,

    Kim, glad to hear you are doing ok now, but blah, I hate being nauseous, which I have been all week, and still having dizzy spells. Last night I almost passed out at dinner and had to lay on the sofa. I tried to get up and almost passed out again, so just took myself to bed. My poor little boy was at my side the whole time till my DH told him to leave me alone so I could rest. I feel a little better today, but very, very weak.

    For more fun, I spent the day at the cancer center today. I should at least 6 different people my new boobies, and that was just in the waiting room! HA! Just kidding! But really, it felt like that. By the end of the day I was ready to flash my tits at anyone who wanted to see them! Why not, they're new, kind of like show and tell!

    I got a good report from the MO, who I don't have to see again since I can't take tamoxifen. She, however, reiterated that the ooph/hyst was a good idea in my case. I also got a good report from my BS, who I don't have to see for six months! Yay! She also treated me for an UTI, which I figured I had because I have to pee like a pregnant lady, and (TMI alert) this morning when I peed it looked like red sand in the bottom of the toilet. FUN! More keflex for me!

    I didn't get such a good review from my OT. My right arm is very tight and I have limited range of motion because I've only been propping my left arm, the cancer side. I guess righty felt left out, so now I have to sleep with two arms propped. So comfy! My fill ports are still KILLING me, and I'm still really swollen under my arms. But the good news is I have new exercises to do. YAY!

    One good thing for today... I was approved for three free oncology massages though an organization for people dealing with cancer. Earlier this week I got four free house cleanings (one a month for four months). Who knew I would win so many prizes when I was diagnosed? Stupid cancer! I'd gladly pay for my own cleaning person and massages! I guess I should take the prizes I'm offered, huh?

    Well, ladie, I hope you are all doing well, especially Kim, Christine, Sarah, anyone else I might have missed. Stupid cancer makes me forget things, and I didn't even have chemo! Maybe it is sympathy chemo brain for those of you having it.

    Hang tough, girls! We are warriors, all of us! I like warrior so much better than survivor!

  • LtotheK
    LtotheK Member Posts: 487
    edited September 2011

    You guys are amazing.  I realize I didn't know the difference between DEXA, and bone scanning--I had a DEXA.  The news SUX:  I'm osteoporotic.  And I'm being shipped to an endocrinologist.  It's frightening, but it's not mets.

    I'm so grateful to you all for checking in on me, with thanks.

    Sometimes I don't see the topics I frequent popping up in my "recent topics" listing.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

     LtotheK....I am sorry I missed that post. I'm sorry you have to add a new doctor,but happy it is not mets. I also had a DEXA scan,but so far I am ok. Please keep us posted.

    Thinking of you
