Any 40-ish survivors?



  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

      Gosh, Betsy.. I didn't know that. I found a thread some time ago about lymph node transfer being done by Dr. Massie in Charleston and saw your name. I knew you had surgery.but did not know how many. I'm happy to hear you are healing now. I am currently mending following fat grafting /nipple addition surgery. So far so good. I have not had any infections so far  (knock on wood)  Hope you continue down this path and get to feeling better.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    kim... Good luck with continued healing... how many times will you go for fat grafting?? Are you done?

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

    Hi Betsy, Thank you, My PS did say often more than one fat grafting procedure would be needed. So far I am very happy as it is ...I had some rippling issues and I do not see anything now. One thing she did that the procedure should be done gradually as I guess the fat can form nodules,it also needs good blood supply. I have noticed a little "hump" on the bony part of my chest and I hope this is just an area of swelling still. I am still bruised and swollen.Will you need to do any fat grafting?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    Well.. I can get grafting when I return to New Orleans for stage II of my surgery... Part of the tissue transplant procedure includes liposuction to contour the body and then if need be, they use that fat to fill dimples... so we'll see. My stage II is Nov 14th.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

     Betsy..I hope your next surgery will be just smooth sailing as they say. The fat grafting ,for me, has made a really big difference in the shape of my breasts. They really do look real now. That feels much better to me. Overall they look better to me . You will have stage two in November and then will you have anything after this?? 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    Hopefully not, but it can take up to 18 months for everything to settle, so I can't say 100% that that will be it...

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited September 2011

     Hi all!

     Kiwimum - brilliant that you only have 2 chemos left  - we will all be so pleased for you when it's done!  Yeah, we've been watching the World Cup (well, not me, OH and Mum) - Scotland did well, but it was on at 2am here, Wales played S.Africa this morning and only lost by 1 point, not too bad since I believe that SA are really good.  Hope your All Blacks are doing well - hope I got it right, I'm no expert?! I still eat everything I did before dx - there is so much conflicting advice out there, it can drive you nuts! Only thing I've done is cut right back on wine - haven't had so much as a sniff of a hangover in 4 years, nearly. Don't miss it either, well, sometimes a bit! There are lots of nasty arguments over soya/no soya/dairy or not which arise on the UK Bcc website, it's ridiculous. "Anti-Cancer - A New Way of Life" by  Dr David Servan Schreiber is a brilliant book re;lifestyle and food and I do adhere to it a bit. Sadly, the author recently died, but lived 19 years with an agressive brain cancer, which I think is some testament to his ideas.

     Kim - we did get to the Fair last night, though it was a bit late. I think it's like your Carnivals, rather than County fairs as it has lots of market-type stalls, but also rides and amusement arcade places. Your new picture is lovely - that's a big doggie! Hope you are feeling less sore from your op. Love to everyone on here and apologies if I've missed any news as I can't scroll back now! I should read up on it first!  All the best,

     Sarah x 

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited September 2011

    KiwiMum, we are cheering you on to your chemo finish!  You are on the home stretch.  Let us know the date.

    We are getting a Whole Foods in our area (Yeah!).  We now have Fresh Markets which are great, but very pricey. 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

      Oh I love Whole  Foods!!!! I could spend lotsa time in there! We have Fresh Market too,but I do like Whole Foods better. The cheese dept is amazing.... and all the salads and well the everything really!! good to hear you are on the almost done side. I think it will be so odd to not have anything kind of hanging over me. good you had a good time. I love the festivals we have here and strawberry. I know what you mean about the guidelines and so on...keeps changing all the time. I do wonder about stress and hormones. I just try to treat my body well. I do have fun sometimes and I do enjoy sweets or whatever...I do exercise...but that's all we can do I guess. I do want to live a somewhat normal life if I can.

    Yes, KiwiMum....please let us know the date, can not wait for the end for you....then summer and your new pool!! You can then let us know how beautiful and warm it is while we are freezing our buns off!!

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited September 2011

    Irr-Lisa-  Thanks for the info on TN.  I am also TN and didn't realize about the fat.  I know fat isn't that good for you, but I have a hard time staying away.  Been reading up more and I guess having 3 kids and not breast feeding did me in to.                                                                                I have to agree with Sarah that I can't sit and worry about everything that goes in my mouth though. At some point in time I think they say everything causes cancer.  Will be looking into Naked Juice.  I need way to get more fruits and veggies. I too love Whole Food and we also have Earthfare.  Trying to increase my exercise again.  Was in the best shape I had been in a long time when I got diagnoses.  Still overweight, not sure if I would label myself obese,who wants to admit that, but I need a lot of work.  Training for the Race for the Cure 5k in 2 weeks.  Having a feeling I will be walking a lot. But it is a start.

    Kim and Besty-I hope you are both healing well. Betsy- it sounds like you have had a rough go of it since July.  I hope things are going better.

    Kiwimum-- Yay for only 2 more treatments.  You are almost there!!!  I know you must me so happy about that.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited September 2011

    I did cheer for the USA in their rugby match but unfortunately they lost to Ireland.

    Betsy - gosh that's a lot of surgery.  I'm glad you are healing well and have a few months to heal before the next one.

    Kim - I'm glad you are happy with the fat grafting and the result so far. Fingers crossed they continue to settle well.

    Sarah in the UK - yes you got it right. The All Blacks won their first match. The whole country are on tenderhooks over this Cup.  Having it in your own country really makes either the win sweeter or the loss harder.

    I propose a toast to enjoying life and eating cheese, drinking wine and other occasional treats.  I personally need to cut down. I got on the scales this morning and was horrified to see I've gained 8kg since starting chemo.  I knew I'd put on weight because my clothes were tight and had been avoiding the scales as I didn't want to see how much.  Now I've seen it staring me in the face I'm horrified. Last night I joined Weight Watchers online.  Today is my first day of trying to get back to pre BC weight. Wish me luck!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

     Hi mamchick-  Good luck to you with the race for the cure. I have not participated in one yet but may in October. So great either way (walking or running). I am not a all walking for me. I hope to get back to exercise once I have healed. I just feel better when I do something.

    KiwiMum... good luck to you with weight watchers. I really bet you lose the pounds quickly as I think the steroids put water/pounds on us. You will also get some energy back. It is hard while in treatment to feel like doing much ( for me anyway ) .

    It was football all day for us Saturday....I'm not too keen on the pro football teams but love college games. We stayed up last night for the Georgia game...very fun to watch with the family. Enjoy those rugby games...

    Mom2one- thinking of you this week with exchange surgery ( I think that's right). I think you will find that one to be pretty easy. In case I don't get to tell you....wishing you a speedy recovery.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    I am "walking" 40 miles next month for the Avon Walk in NYC... with all my surgeries I am sure it will be walk for 5 minutes and hitch a ride to the next pit stop, then walk 5 minutes... who knows, but no stamina now.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited September 2011

    KiwiMum, I also gained weight with the chemo, steroids, carbs, no exercise, and surgeries.  I am sure the weight will drop off swimming in your new pool. 

    Mom2one, good luck with your exchange.

    bdavis, as I have said before you are one tough chick, but 40 miles (hitch a few rides for sure). 

    mamachick, finding time to exercise with 3 little ones is tough I am sure.  Good for you to be training for a 5K. 

    Got to brag for a moment, my 7th grader ran a 5k this weekend in 22.03 min, considering he is only 80lbs and still has a little boy body his coach was amazed.  It was a big race at the beach and he ran in the developemental division, with high school guys, so fun. Can you tell I am one proud mom?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    Congrats Christine.. You should be proud!!!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

     Congrats Christine...yes...I'm sure you are very proud. How great for him.

    Betsy...that's great you are also walking. must be pretty tough considering all you have been through....much luck to you and I hope you enjoy it. I bet it would be moving to be around all those women.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    kim... Thanks... It is indeed 40 miles, and I am lucky if I can walk 1/2 mile today, so we'll see how it goes. I am walking with a group of women who are in their 10th year... The Avon Foundation has "sweep" vehicles... I may get to know those drivers well and then meet back up with my group every few miles... I will stay optimistic, but am skeptical.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

     Betsy...I just think it is awesome that you will be there and I just have this feeling you will find some great women there. It is funny sometimes where life leads and the kind of people that enter our lives just doing something like you are. I really hope you will gain strength here and really enjoy it.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited September 2011

    Christine - you should be proud. It's amazing watching our children's achievements.

    Betsy - wow 40 miles.  You have every excuse to hop on and off the sweep vehicles.  I'll be optimistic for you.  Sounds fun either way.

    Kim - love your pic.  Your hair looks much darker and your dog looks gorgeous and soft. I'd love a dog but get put off by the thought of picking up dog poop.

    Here's hoping my weight gain drops off.  I've always had to work to get weight off all my life.  After both my pregnancies it took a lot of hard work and about 10 months to shift.  That will serve me right from totally overeating whilst pregnant.  I also need to get back into exercise.  I have started walking with a girlfriend twice a week - slowly but surely.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    I will report back in mid-Oct as to how the walk the meantime I want to build up stamina.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

    KiwiMum...Thank you for that. I wanted to show me as I am now. That photo was taken on Friday with our dog George. I won't bore you with his long story...but he was not treated well and was actually left by his owners. I was very proud of his picture as he is usually afraid of camera flash. He is a big baby really but weighs 170 Lbs. We have two English Mastiffs ( I'm afraid he showed up with a friend of equal size) . They are very sweet dogs. We also have a cat....he is great too.

    Betsy...I will be thinking of you in these next few weeks. It really can be amazing what our bodies can do...but ...if something should happen that you would need to rest now and then,I'm sure the women you are with will be proud of you no matter what! We will too.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    aw... thanks kim.

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited September 2011

     Hi all!

     Christine - that is brilliant, your son's time on the 5k!  I ran one once way back in '97 - 37 minutes, but was totally knackered - probably take 37 hours now! 

     Good luck, Mamachick, with your training/run and Betsy - 40 miles!!!  Really good luck for that - as Kim says, we are amazing and can do so much when we put our minds to it.

     Kiwimum - Weight watchers is excellent and the Pro-points system means you can eat as much fruit as you want. Good luck with it, but don't go mad whilst still in treatment - keep your strength up!

    Your dog looks lovely Kim! I'm a big baby with dogs, but I would love a little Jack Russell like "Eddie" off Frasier! I encountered a Mastiff called Zeus when I was a Avon lady a few years ago - he didn't do anything, but scared me stiff! Your doggies must be good with you having a cat and all!

     Love to all, Sarah x

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

     Hi Everyone,

      Sarah, Thank you...I love dogs too ...pretty much all animals. Our dogs are big babies. As you said..they look so scary ,but ours love everyone. Our dogs were abandoned and had been attacked by coyote ...they were a mess ,didn't know how to eat from bowls and so on. They are just great now....the cat actually rules the roost...George,in the picture, weighs about 170 and his friend Hank weighs about 165. I love Jack Russel's too,they are big dogs in a little package!! Just funny!!

    Betsy...Your welcome...I just think it's great that you will be there.

    This afternoon I will have my first SOS get together with follow breast cancer survivors. This group will consist of women diagnosed within the last 18 months. I imagine that to  mean some just starting down this BC road...I hope it will be a good group.

    Have a great day today,


  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2011

    Just popping in to say a quick hi. I've been enjoying family time too much to find computer time :). Good luck to all the scan girls, and big thanks to Kim for being our guinea pig! I think I'm going to get me some fat grafted, especially if they can take it from my tushy! Not all of it, I live in Snowland and need some to cushion me if I fall, but I don't like the ripples in my new set. I should probably wait till I'm all the way full (mine are 1-step implants that are filled after surgery, then they just remove the ports and I'm done). I hope they look better than they do now!

    My boys are out of the house... I think I'm going to take a nap before I start working!

  • mom2one
    mom2one Member Posts: 51
    edited September 2011

    Thanks for the well wishes for my exchange.  I'm ready......I guess :)

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

     Hi everyone,

    Eema..I am happy to be the guinea pig for you  Lol... I tell you I am still a bit sore and I do have big cotton bandages on the nipple addition. You said you were not very happy with yours..I will see mine at the  "unveiling" during my appointment Thursday with my PS. Wish me luck!!  I really do STILL like the fat addition. Used to be when I would bend down to pick something up..they would fold somewhat...and you could see indentations. Not now though, they are no longer cold as well.. so yay!! I am so happy about that. Hope you had a great nap!!

    Hi mom2one.. I thought that was this week. I couldn't remember what of luck to you. I think you will find them to be very comfy compared to the TE's. Please let us know how you feel. Thinking of you .

    I will report later after my first SOS meeting. I hope it will be a good thing.

    Talk to you soonSmile


  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited September 2011

    Kim, hope the SOS meeting was good.  I have enjoyed a young BC group, although sometimes I get tearful hearing stories, especially newbes with little ones.  I may have asked before, but are you allowed to shower after your nips?  My ripples/dents are at the clevage area when I bend forward and put my arms together, hoping the fat graft will fix this.  Less cold sounds great too.

    Onc called me about my CT this am, scared me since he called, but all is essentially normal.  I thought this would be the case, but sometimes I let my mind wander. 

    Happy monday, back to work.

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited September 2011

     Great news about the scan, Christine!

     Sarah x

  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited September 2011

    Wonderful news about the scan Christine!