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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited November 2011

     Hi all!

     Christine - big Congrats on your scan!!!! You're not whining on here - we understand what you feel like and are here for support.

     Sorry for your daughter's collar-bone breakage Kiwimum. Hope she not in pain and I'm sure she will be well on the mend soon - by Christmas, I'm sure! Such  a bummer for her too with your pool. Love and hugs to your family.

     I like the story of your big doggy, Kim and the geese! Lovely too that you have a pond. We were set upon by a small group of them a few years ago, walking by a farm near our home. They advanced on us as a group, pecking our clothes to see if we had food, I think - it hurt!  My OH ran from them, but afterwards he said he didn't!  That "beeping" duck was back again today - chased by a little white dog that the neighbours also keep in the garden. Ducks are really funny when they land after flying - they crash-land!  Mike had to catch it and return it to them in the cat-cage we have for going to the vets. It is starting to get annoying, now!

     I agree, those boiled peanuts sound revolting!  I saw them on a TV show called Antony Bourdain - No Reservations - where he was visiting Georgia and someone gave them to him. It's quite a good show, but I really like Man vs Food - another foodie-travelogue programme. I really would like to try some of the places he visits when I eventually visit the US. The Texan BBQ pit one had some delish. grub in it. I'd just like to travel around, eating!  My idea of heaven!

     Hope you are all OK,

     Love, Sarah x

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited November 2011

     Stupidly posted twice!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2011 great you could get so much take care of will be ready to just focus on healing post surgery..I know you will do great. are so funny..I'm sorry your duck has returned and yes I know what you mean about how they land. huge dog found the geese to be quite scary ..for as long as he lived- we could say " do you hear those geese" and he would look up in the air and bark at them.  Just love our dogs..they are on my feet right now. As for food ..if you ever needed a food just holler and I'll be on my way..Texas BBQ is so good and the Alabama style BBQ is good too as I said it would be pretty hard for me to think of something I don't like. Have you seen the show "Diners, Drive Inns and Dives" ?   Today we took our son for placement testing and after- we stopped at a ( University that teaches chefs I guess) The school has a bakery and you can buy the most wonderful breads and pastry...I had both and took 6 more homeSmile They are apple danish   So yummy!!  I will stop now about food  Lol ( I will have to revisit the boiled peanuts HOT not cold as I did before)

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited November 2011

    Hello all!

    Christine - Great news on the scan!! I know you are relieved.

    Kiwimum - So sorry about dd's collarbone injury. Sure hope she mends quickly and can still sit in or enjoy the pool some....

    ReadingMama - Wow! I'm tired just reading about your shopping... I really should get started myself but just can't seem to get in the mood yet.  I know there seems like too much to do prior to surgery but please be sure to take a quiet moment for yourself as well...

    Sarah - I too love to try new food when I travel... Don't care for boiled peanuts but do love southern food. 

    Kmur - Great story about the dog and the geese. Kind of reminds me of my puppy & the frogs in our yard... Too funny! 

    Hope everyone is having a good day and hugs to all! 

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited November 2011

    Yay!!! Christine!  So happy for your results.  And once again you are so sweet in your offers to come to Charleston for me.  I am waiting for the day when you and kim and I can get together for lunch. 

    Meegan- glad you are able to get somethings done before your deadline. 

    Love to try new foods too, unfortunately my family is not so adventurous.  Hot boiled peanuts are still gross to me. Though I could go for some of Kim's bread and pastries.  I will never lose weight talking like this.  Have a great night all!

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited November 2011

    Yeah, my mom and sister went to the outlets today and bought a gift for us to give each of them and a gift to give my b-i-l!  Even more down!

    Can I also just say how blessed and lucky I am to have such a great group of friends on my street/in town.  My friend set up a meal delivery for me, starting the Nov. 29th (night before surgery) thru the 1st week of Feb, 2x/week and its just so sweet of them and such a huge help to us.  They did this for my chemo and then again for Rads also.  I am in a book club with 11 ladies from my street (okay, 1 is from a few streets over) and the book club has brought us all so close, it's been amazing.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    Meegan.. I have been very lucky too.. My neighbors have brought great food... I did not need help during chemo but for all of my summer surgeries, it was great... especially while I had weight restrictions.. This go round, I will have meals my first night home and then for a couple of nights Thanksgiving week..but my family can take care of the rest.

    I too am in a  bookclub ... what are you reading? We are reading the Marrriage Plot.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2011

    Hi everyone!

    Kim ~thank you so much for the writing compliment, it truly is my escape.  Sometimes the stuff just flows out of the keyboard without much thought.  I'm grateful I started a page when all this started a year ago.  With chemo, I'm not so sure I would have remembered all the different ways I felt, and what others were telling me....the guestbook was such a nice feature. 

    Kiwimum, ouchie and so sorry for the added stress.  As she heals perhaps she can get "private" pool time as therapy? That might make missing this time easier....

    Christine~hip hip hooray for you! Wonderful news.

    As for the food and shows - catch Top Chef Texas on Bravo, they filmed most of it here in San Antonio.  If any of you every come this way, I'll give you a tour and the best Texas style Barbq, Mexican, Greek, homestyle, Chinese, you name it food! Remember everything is bigger in Texas so bring a big appetite!  When ChrissyB from Australia came through here last month, she was a little surprised at the portions....yep we share sometimes.

    As for the white gravy paste over biscuits - they make it here with sausage and bacon! My DH loves it, me not so much.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited November 2011

    Hi girls, thanks again for all the good wishes.   Well,  I celebrated with friend and DH tonight, my one year anniversery, (and negative bone scan)  2 drinks and I was tipsy, also a great dinner (no boiled peanuts).  Thinking tomorrow I need to get up for mass is scary.  Weekends just need to be longer. 

    Meegan, sounds like you are right on track for your surgery and the holidays.  If I was closer, I would bring you a meal too.

    Good night to all!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2011

     Happy Day Everyone,

    First ...that is so great Meegan to have wonderful friends/neighbors. I would also bring you dinner or breakfast food if I lived closerSmile

    Christine...sounds like the perfect way to spend that anniversary. Especially the tipsy part. Oh and being with good folks...YAY for fun!!

    As for The Marriage Plot a good one? I need to find a good book to read as my brain needs the exercise.

    Gina...I would love to do the food tour with you. I LOVE it all. I know you all said the white gravy is like paste..but I do make a sausage gravy over biscuits and  ...I just have to admit I do like it very much I said though...not much I wont eat/try. My husband was going to surprise me with a trip to San Antonio for Thanksgiving..but flights are too high for such a short trip. So we are going to go to Chattanooga..this will be the first year that I will not cook Thanksgiving dinner. They do some neat things there with Christmas lighting and so on. I'm looking forward to it...

    Sarah..I hope the arm is better..I forgot to ask you...

    I also forgot to say Happy Birthday to mamachick...I hope you did something fun ( at least cake??) Lol  Sorry I forgot to say that...birthdays are very special now.

    I hope you all have a great day...

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited November 2011

    We read out first horror book, our meeting to discuss is Friday, 18th. The Haunting of Hill House.  I'm not a horror fan and I didn't care for it, it was written in the 50s and nothing happenned in the was just kind of boring...and so far it doesn't seem like many people read it yet!  But we will have great fun at the meeting anyway and its nice to read books that I would not have picked myself.

    But we have read a lot of good books, two which we are passing around, but weren't for our book club, are Just Alice, about a women in her 50s who gets early onset dementia and The Glass Castle, a memior about a neglected childhood.  We also read The Help, which I loved. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    The Help was excellent... The Marriage Plot is good so far... not very far along. We will meet in December to discuss... Jeff Eugenides is the author who also wrote Middlesex, which was great.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited November 2011

    Loved the book, Glass Castle. 

    Betsy are you in NOLA?

  • angelfromabove
    angelfromabove Member Posts: 26
    edited November 2011

    Hello everyone, I know this is very off topic but I am glad to report that my onc talked to insurance company dr and my mri is approved. Spine pain, hip, and leg pain is so bad at night. mri is tues and i feel so glad to get this done!!! Hope all are doing well and had a nice weekend!!!!

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited November 2011

    angel, so glad you are getting your mri, hope they can figure out what is going on and get you some relief.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited November 2011

    Readingmama or Betsy  - Have you read The Shack yet? I am reading it now and while it is a far cry from my usual, so far so good. Loved The Help...

    Angelfromabove - so glad you are finally getting the MRI. I hope they can get you some relief soon....

    Mamachick - I am so sorry as it appears I forgot to say Happy Birthday as well. Happy Belated Birthday!

    Hugs to al!  

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited November 2011

    Hi FRIENDS!!!  It's been a long few days--great friends came to visit, cooked for me, kids all played together, stayed up too late (and for me that's earlier than the rest), and kids wake up too early, but well worth it all!  :)  I was SO glad to hear Christine's good news.  And yay for Angel getting the scans approved. 

    I have nothing really new to report.  Tomorrow I meet the new local doc to start the me oddly anxious tonight, but trying to remind myself it's just a consult and this is NOTHING, but I feel like I'm embarking on ANOTHER year of cancer crap...infusions every 2 weeks--even though these ones have pretty much no side effects and I'll do it locally so it won't be the babysitting/commuting problem all the chemo was. 

    Anyway, it was great catching up with you all tonight!  I've missed you these past few days!  :) 

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited November 2011

    missed you too profbee, glad you had a nice weekend with friends, that's really what it is all about. 

    I did not have Herceptin, but never hear anything to much bad about it.  Maybe you can look at your infusions as a time to sit for a minute and reflect/meditate, or just slow down.  The one thing I do read about Herceptin is that it has revolutioned treatment for HER2+ girls.

  • angelfromabove
    angelfromabove Member Posts: 26
    edited November 2011

    Thank you christine,odie, and probe!! profbee--I am sending lots of good calming thoughts your way in your anticipation of tomorrow. Best to you!

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195
    edited November 2011

    Gina, yep...I was shaving my head back in the early 90's for the helluva it! LOL! Just kidding..really, that's me from May of this year, when the hair started to go during chemo. I turned 50 during my chemo treatments (gawd, THAT was depressing). You are so sweet to say so, though!

    Christine, down to 7 rads and counting. I finish rads the week of Thanksgiving. Can I get an AMEN?!?!

    Meegan, how are you doing through all of this?? Feel free to know you can here, hon. 

    Nmoss, that's for the tip. I will definitely have to check that out, now that I'm climbing back out of the treatment pit.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited November 2011

      Martha,  AMEN and HALLELUJAH too!   Ok, must ask, where you a hippy in your former life?  Not sure why, you just seem like you might have been.  Don't hate me, but I was a preppy.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited November 2011


    AMEN !!!!! WooHoo!!!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2011

      Hey Ladies....Amen from here too..Martha I completed my rads right before Thanksgiving last year..makes Thanksgiving even better. great you can get the needed scans...hope they can get some answers for you.

    Yay to take a break with friends and just enjoy. I am sure you will be fine with your appointment,but I know how you ONC followup is next week and I do feel more kind of "ready' does that make sense..I prepare myself for it I guess.

    Betsy..will be thinking of you this week...when will you have surgery?

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited November 2011

    Profbee - Herceptin was a inconvenience when I really just wanted to be done, but otherwise the easiest part of treatment.  Unfortunately it did take hours for my 45 minute drip so I just planned for a full day at the center.   Got to love how the medical community thinks our time is not important but they still charge us and arm and a leg if we are late for our appointments...oh wait that is another tangent...

    AMEN Martha!!!

    angel - good luck with the MRI - I hope you find relief for your pain issues.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2011

    Christine... Yes, arrived today... here we go...

    Kim.. surgery is tomorrow morning at 11... thanks!!

    Odie... no I have not.. is it good?

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited November 2011

    Hi Ladies

    I'm sitting at work smiling at your posts :)

    AMEN to you Martha!  I completed rads #15 today, 10 to go and counting.

    My hair is also growing rapidly. I am 6 weeks PFC.  I'm sure that if I coloured it it would look like more ... the grey hair needs some covering one day soon.

    Angel - happy for you.

    Prof - no herceptin for me so can't comment other than to say it does sound like a long haul dragging on and on for you. All worth it though!

    I too have read The Help.  I really enjoyed it.  Has anyone see the movie?

    I've just finished reading Picture Perfect by Jodie Piccoult.  It was average - I persevered but wouldn't recommend.

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited November 2011

    Good luck, Betsy!!! 

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited November 2011

     Hi all!

     Just a short one to wish Angel Good Luck with her MRI scan and to Betsy too for the surgery.

     Sarah x

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited November 2011

    Hi Sarah - hope you are well.  What time is it there?

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited November 2011

    Missed your post Betsy - I must have been typing mine.

    Good luck for tomorrow. Thinking of you.