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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • 37antiques
    37antiques Member Posts: 60
    edited April 2011

    bdavis, good for you, and so funny! Did he offer to shop for you too?

    twinmom, ya gotta love it when people talk about you behind your back in front of your face.  Too bad there aren't page counts on facebook so you can see how many people are just checking.

    My whole town knew without knowing - creepy.  Then my next door neighbor asked me outright.  She knew already, the nosey thing, my mother told her!  I felt like saying, "well no, Mike and I have both decided to be supremacists" or something equally shocking, but politeness made me bite my toungue,as usual.

    SusanHG, if you find out how to do that lawsuit, post a thread, I bet you'll get lots of takers!  Maybe it is groundwater, you're near the Erie canal too, right?  I hear they used to dump people overboard during the construction, you know, immigrants with typhoid and german measles in 1820 or so.  I wonder how that impacted groundwater.  They sure weren't educated enough to use lyme in the outhouse waste...

    The whole problem with the scans is that they seem to be about as personalized as our signatures.  For every one that works, someone else has another that misses.  There is no one safe scan that will definitely catch it.  Some doctors like tumor markers, others find them way off and unreliable.  And if you're getting a doctor that is only familiar with say IDC, will they really know what to look for in ILC? So what do we need?  Better training for radiologists (who the doctors trust implicitly), better technology? One doctor who reins supreme after dx?  Tell me what you want girls, and I will put it before the powers that be....we need some answers, because the more research you do, the more unreliable it gets...

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2011

    He did buy me a candy bar... and it was indeed yummy.

  • 37antiques
    37antiques Member Posts: 60
    edited April 2011

    Awesome Betsy!  I couldn't eat candy during chemo, everything tasted burnt.  Eww burnt snickers!

    BTW, I think they like to make us crazy, with my recent scare I looked at all of the symptoms for mets, and who do you think has 90% of them?? Yours truly...this is really bad, I hear my kids are telling the school I have cancer again - I got a CALL.  Crap!  What do you say?  Gosh, I don't know yet, I'm waiting for doctor number 43 to sh&t or get off the pot and figure it out!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2011

    Sue... Don't get ahead of yourself.. Of course, when its happening to us, we are sure its fatal... but from the outside looking in, i can only say to not borrow trouble and take it day by day.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2011

    I facebooked " I have breast cancer" right after I told my daughter when she returned from college on winter break.  I have 60 first cousins and wanted to get it over with like a band-aid coming off.  At work, well, my bosses where in my office when I got the phone call.  I work with 3 women and 33 men, they talk just as much as we do. By the next week, all 33 men were wearing pink bracelets.  They still have them on.....

  • Nicole112
    Nicole112 Member Posts: 130
    edited April 2011

    Hi ladies,

    Just getting home from an exhausting business trip... I was in New Jersey... it appears a lot of you ladies are from there. This is my third visit since the beginning of the year, I have 2 more trips planned in the next 2 months, one 3rd week of May and 2nd weekend of June... each time the weather has been different, yesterday had the thunder storm, YIKES and a 3 hour delay getting home, nothing new for Newark! Anyway, wanted to shout out that I am in the Millburn area if any of you ladies are local...

    Also, as far as quality of life, fears, insecurities, I ABSOLUTELY feel I am and will be FOREVER a different woman... but with all the fears and all the scares, I try to also be a more gentle, kind person, too. I stop to smell the roses, I tell my chidren (ALMOST AD NAUSEAUM) how much I love them every day, okay 5 times a day!

    I continue to take Ativan once a day just to cut the edge and think it has helped temendously! I have a 3 month appt on Monday, checkup, you ladies give me a lot to think about.

    Scary when you all say how many in your community have had or suffer with this disease! Makes me cranky! I like what Besty says about seeing a MO, good thoughtm great safety net.

    Love you ladies, talk soon, after I catch up on some much needed zzzzz's.


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2011

    It is SOOO much easier to have it out there.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2011

    Nicole.. I used to live in Millburn... but now I live in Princeton... oh well.

  • Nicole112
    Nicole112 Member Posts: 130
    edited April 2011

    Totally wagree with you Besty, just have it out there... after diagnosis I had my assistant pull all staff into a conference room and share my news... heck when they saw me again at work I was bald with no eyelashes/ eyebrows... what do you say then???

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2011

    For those who don't know... everyday and I mean everyday, I get a "Oh you cut your hair.. its so cute." And I then tell them its a wig (I am wearing a new wig this week)... I just want to wear a sign that says that I have cancer, am in chemo and am wearing a wig...and yes it does look good. Thank you very much!!! LOL

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2011

    I get compliments on my wig from strangers.  Usually just say thanks, if I am in the right mood, I say thanks, but it is not mine it is a wig. I have had several people that I have not seen since diagnosis and who don't know tell me they like my new highlights.  ha, ha.

    Still hanging on to my brows and lashes, by lots of tears and itching.  Maybe just seasonal allergies, taxotere, or a sign of things to come or go?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2011

    When the kids at school compliment me I say THANKS... but when someone I know compliments me and asks if I got a cut or straightened it etc, I can't just look them in the face and thank them... I just can't so I end up telling them its a wig (which they find hard to believe) and then they say "umm are you in chemo??" And then I say thank you... I may be in chemo, but I am still polite and thankful for their compliments..

    I find myself telling many people who do know I'm in chemo, that my "put together look" is all an illusion... that its not what I see when I wake up in the morning and look at the bald woman in the mirror every morning.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2011

      Betsy, Just think, it won't be too long until we are rocking an edgy look with our new hair.  I finished chemo yesterday, looked in the mirror today and still bald.  Going to get my biotin tomorrow, but may wait a few days to get over my post chemo effects before starting.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2011

    I have to say i am a little fearful of Biotin and facial hair... not really into the bearded look :) What do you think?

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited April 2011

    You know your thread has taken off when you have to remove email notification because it goes to your phone!  I stayed up to watch "The Wedding", and I haven't been able to fall asleep all day.  Partially because my phone keeps going off.  Lol.

    I'm so tired I can't even function enough to go back and respond to I'll just say Hi.  Hi.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2011

    Good job Kim!!!

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2011

    Betsy,  I am going to try the Biotin, if I start to get a beard, I will be done in a hurry. 

    burley, so glad you started this thread.  I think you better stop the email notification, we are a chatty crowd.  We know you love us, you don't need to respond to our chatter.  Have a great nights sleep.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2011

    Let me know.. I finish on May 10th and know I will be inspecting my head (and face) hourly for further growth... And hope to only see hair on TOP, SIDES and BACK of my head, not the front... And hey, if the hair chooses not to grow on my legs or pits, that would be fine by me...

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited April 2011

    Just so you know, the hair on my face came back in full force-and I mean all over my face.  Nice blonde peach fuzz.  I hate it.

  • Juliebell22
    Juliebell22 Member Posts: 37
    edited April 2011

     Just turned 40 in Jan and dx  april 13th. Ha! The stupid illogical fears I had about turning 40 BEFORE this! I just went through a nasty divorce almost 1 year ago! I do have a beautiful 3 year old out of it though. my fears in Jan... poor me, 40 year old single mom! Now, its.... Im a WARRIOR and can get through ANYTHING! Funny how life changes so quickly. Not happy to be part of this club, or have anyone of you in this, but am happy to find some support of women who know exactly how i feel!

    Go in for bone scan, MRI, cat on mon, then get together with 2 separate teams on wed for treatment option. So ready to get this show on the road! Scared shitless, but trying to take this in small doses. Just when i think i am fine, its another persons response to my dx that instills fear. Ugh!! so tired of thing about the word "cancer"

    Thanks ladies for listening! Love to you all!

  • Basia
    Basia Member Posts: 345
    edited April 2011

    Julie, sorry you are in this club, its no fun, but at least the company is good :) What wonderful plans do your drs have for you? No matter what it is, you get thru it! 

    For those of you just finishing chemo, I am 3 months since last treatment and I am going out without hats these days, it was awkward at first but now I am used to it.  I was using nioxin shampoo and conditioner, I think it made a huge difference with my hair growth. I swear I felt my scalp tingling every time I used it and I felt my hair coming in.  It was strange but good.  now my hair is thicker than what I originally had (darker and more grey too).

  • Juliebell22
    Juliebell22 Member Posts: 37
    edited April 2011

    funny I was just thinking about using nioxin today. I am (irony of me being one about to lose my hair) a hairstylist! It really does work. I was on the fence about weather i want to wear wigs, hats, or scarf. One of my clients pointed out that i am in the perfect environment for wearing fun wigs!

    I have worn my hair long my whole life, and as Im sure you all know, losing my hair and being sick from chemo is my biggest fear. The Mx, I dont care ( at least right now I dont) I know they have great reconstructive measures these days. although, I have always had great ""girls"" up until now. I dont understand howI nursed my daughter 3 years ago and now this? Just get it out of me is my only thought now. My mass is also very painful! I was having stabbing burning pain for 8 months before I felt anything. when i did feel something, my friends all said, oh, "its hormonal! cancer doesnt hurt" any of you girls feel pain with yours?

  • Juliebell22
    Juliebell22 Member Posts: 37
    edited April 2011

    I also had the mirena iud put in a year after my daughter was born. I stared having horrible skin rashes, and did some research, thinking i was having some sort of immune disorder. when i read the statistics on the mirena, and that there was no way to determine how many hormones were released into the body, I took the damn thing out myself! All I did was check on he string and it came out easier then i tampon. Thought there was something wrong with that! So know I am wondering... yes i had a baby after age 30 (36) which I know causes hormonal changes, but I still keep reverting back to the iud as the cause?!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572
    edited April 2011

    Hi all!  Had a treatmment today so now I wide awake. Someties those little pills just dont work.  Grrrrrrrrr.

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited April 2011

    juliebell:  Well, I figured i would get someone else that used the Mirena!  I don't trust that thing at all.  I honestly felt fine until I used it, but my ob/gyn convinced me that getting rid of my  heavy periods would be great and the whole "spontaneous sex" thing (without condoms) was the clincher.  Now looking back, what was really wrong with condoms in the first place?!! Plus, I love to have my periods back because I feel normal again.  My cramping was horrible with the IUD all month long.  I really beleive there is a link to breast cancer.

    I had my son a week before I turned 36 (he is six now), but I breast-fed for 2 years.  I am triple negative though, so supposedly the more kids you have and the earlier you have them, the greater the risk for TN breast cancer. Doesn't make much sense in my case.  The only thing that does make sense to me is the IUD.

    Hope everything goes smoothly as you begin treatments.  We'll be thinking of you here.


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2011

    the mirena had been recommended to me last year as a   way to reduce flow..., super glad i didn't use it or i may be worse off than i already am...

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2011


    Sorry you are joining our club, but welcome.  You have come to a great place for support of whatever kind you need.  Many of us have children.  I am 47 and have 12 and 14 year old boys.  I finished chemo this week and am going to get the Nixon, you think it helps?  Do you buy at salon or pharmacy.  I am also going to try biotin.  I must say hair loss has been one of the hardest parts of this breast cancer journey, for me worse than loosing my breasts, as I am getting new ones, and already have my TEs and look good.  Best to you!

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited April 2011

    Christine47 - I used Nioxin and Biotin and my hair dresser says my hair is twice as think as before BC.  Not sure if it was the Nioxin & Biotin or just luck of the draw bu I'll take it!  Ihope it works for you too!

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited April 2011

    I have been taking a "hair and nail" supplement that I found at vitamin shoppe.  It has folic acid and biotin, as well as a bunch of other vitamins.  My hair has grown anywhere from 1-2 inches (it is not the same length all over) in 4 months.  I consider that average growth, so I am not so sure how much it is helping.  It is coming in very thick, but it was very think before.  My nails, however, look amazing.  Much better than before.

    I hope everyone has had a good week.  I have been really busy and have not been around as much as usual.  Taking today off to run errands, clean, do laundry, etc.  

    Did everyone watch the wedding yesterday?  I thought Kate's dress was so beautiful, although a bit too much of a Grace Kelly knock off.  I totally have a crush on Harry now, even though he is about 15 years too young for me.  :)

    Well, back to getting things done.  It is a gorgeous day here.  Going to go for a long walk in a while.  I wish they would hurry up and open our neighborhood pool.  I grew up in Florida where pools were open year round.  The late May to early Sept thing for pools in atlanta grates on my nerves.  There is plenty of "pool" weather outside of that timeframe. 

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited April 2011

    I guess I should have used my husband's Nioxin-sounds like some of you had good results with it.  My hair has grown back in so slow-slower on the top than the sides and back.  The top is thin and more straight, and the back/sides are thick and curly.  Weirdddd.  It's just long enough to have horrible bedhead in the morning.  Lol

    I slept about 12 1/2 hours last night, so I'm basically caught up.  Remind me to not stay up all night for anything!

    I get so tired of wearing a bra 24/7 because of my huge nips!  I'll take it off right before I get into bed, and have to put it on as soon as I get up.  I don't want to scar my poor kids.  I miss my tiny boobies!  I never had to wear a bra-I would rip it off as soon as I got into the house.

    My boobs look good-perky 36C's-but they feel so alien.  I wonder if I'll always feel that way.  And they're heavy-I didn't expect that.  Maybe real boobs are heavy too-I wouldn't know.

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend!  The weather is awesome here.  I should be out pulling weeds, but I think I'll play on the computer and drink a couple of beers instead :-)