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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited May 2011

    SusanHG, a trip to Europe?  you luck girl!  We were hoping to go to Italy this summer, but stopped plans once I had my diagnosis.  Something I will start planning for next summer, need to go while my boys still want to travel with us (12 and 14 years old).  Where are you going in Europe?

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited May 2011

    good morning ladies, I am back in the land of the living sort of, chemo number three was a bitch on me so sick all the time, I dont know what they are going to do they have tried so many meds to keep the sickness away and nothing seems to be working, i still feel off and was dry heaving first thing this morning but its a bit better now. I just feel so depressed.My mom is here this go around to help out and I so appreciate it but i dont even want to get out of bed to visit, i just sit in here and cry and I cant seem to stop.I hate crying in front of people so i guess thats why I am hiding in my room till i can get it together.i want to wake up and have this just be a horrible nightmare,I want this done,I dont want to go through this 3 more times.i want my life back.sorry girls i am just so depressed today.but thank you for being here for me to vent to

    hugs kymn

  • tougherthanithought
    tougherthanithought Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2011

    Oh Kim I know just how you are feeling! It sucks big time and I remember how horrible I felt, too. Every anti-nausea med tried with no relief. Each time you get through a treatment you are one step closer to being done with these dredful side effects. Easy for me to say, but hang in there! Let your family take care of you and don't feel guilty about not wanting to visit. You are not there to entertain them, afterall. When you are feeling better there will be plenty of time for visiting.

    I wish there was something I could do to help you. I remember all too well how you feel.



  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited May 2011


    I have been there, its ok, we all have.  I just finished my last treatment, and my third was the worst.  I was ready to quit (even discussed quitting with my onc).  You are now 1/2 done, you can do it!  I found that hiding away and taking drugs around the clock was the way to get thru.  Talk with you onc about something different for sickness, also hope you have something for anxiety and sleep? 

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2011

    Kymn-I'm so sorry you're sick.  I sure wish there was something they could do.  Don't worry about hiding in your room, or crying in front of people-you need the rest.  That's great your mom is there to help-I'm sure she's not expecting anything of you.

    Hugs from AZ :-)

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited May 2011

    Kymn - hide away in your room all you want... My room became my refuge and shelter during my chemo treatments.  Please do not worry about not being up to visiting. Get lots of rest and sending you healing hugs... 

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572
    edited May 2011

    (((((((((((Kymn)))))))))))))) Dont worry about it.  We all have been there. 

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2011

    Kymn my third one was the worst too, I slept for 3 days just about.  My OC told me a secret about the nausea, I didn't believe her but it seemed to work....always keep something in your stomach.  It works, I know you don't want food, but get whatever will go in, in there.  Don't worry about healthy food etc.  If you can stomach fried food, french fries just get them in.  Sending you lots and lots of hugs!!!!!!!!!!!!! It will get better, I wouldn't have believed it.....

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited May 2011

    Kymn: hope things get better for you. please come here to vent whenever you need to. 

    Great Big Hug to you!


  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited May 2011

    Christine:  Hope i get there, but I will be one month out from rads, so hoping I will be ok.  It is always so stressful travelling overseas anyways.  My husbnd is French so we are going to visit his parents in the south of France.  My husband and I will be able to get in our very first trip alone together since my son was born six years ago.  He has a business meeting in Antwerp, Belgium and my son will stay with his grandparents.  So looking forward to it, but scared to go at the same time.


  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited May 2011

    Christine:  Would this have been your first trip to Italy?  We were there last summer---Venice and Lake como and Lake Garda.  Beautiful!  We've been there a few times.  We had our honeymoon on the Amalfi coast in Ravello...

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited May 2011

    SusanHG, yes, it would have been my first trip.  My husband is an architect and spent some of his schooling in Florence, but would have been my first experience.  I envey all your travel.  I am sure you will do just fine.  I figure waiting will give me and my boys more time to get educated about what we will see.  We will probably do a tour as we are not experienced travelers.  Time away with your husband is so important, I plan on getting away with mine alone, even if its only a weekend at the coast. I will be looking forward to hear about your trip.

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2011

    Hi girls-back home from my root canal this morning.  2 1/2 hours of holding my mouth open-holy crap, that hurt.  He gave me a Rx for Vicodin-I dropped it off, but came home and took some I had leftover from my many procedures.  Tried to eat something, but it hurt to open my mouth too wide.

    Put pork and sausage chili in the crockpot, so hopefully I will be able to slide it into my mouth by dinner time.

    I hope everyone is having a great day!  Still thinking about you Kymn-hugs

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited May 2011

    Kymn - I hate that you are feeling so bad.  Hang in there.  It sucks, but it will be over soon.  

    Christine - You will love Italy.  I have been a few times and it is my favorite place on earth (at least so far).  For a coastal getaway, I highly recommend the amalfi coast, which Susan mentioned, or Capri (island near the amalfi coast).  Capri is my favorite - I stop there for a few days anytime I am in italy.  I have promised myself that at my 5 year anniversary of diagnosis, at which point the risk of recurrance really drops for triple negatives, I am going to take a leave of absence from work and live in italy for a few months.  It is just the most amazing place.

    In the meantime, only 7 days left for my vacation!!! I really cannot wait.  I am tired and need a break. 

  • Basia
    Basia Member Posts: 345
    edited May 2011

    Kymn, I agree with Sagina, keep something in your stomach at all times, it does help.  And don't feel bad about hiding, I couldn't hide in my bedroom from the kids, my sanctuary was the shower..I took many long showers just to be alone.  Treatment #4 had me feeling this way, you are almost done, hang in there.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited May 2011

    Lisa--where are you going on vacation??  After this year, I plan alot more travel.  My husband and I have been so responsible, working and saving.  This BC makes me realize we need to have more fun too.  We have a few weeks planned at the beach this summer and ski trip at Christmas, but looking forward to some bigger trips next year.

    burley, hope you are doing ok following your root canal.  Chili sounds good.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited May 2011

    Christine - I am going to Greece for two weeks.  It is a trip that I was supposed to take last fall, but had to move because of the cancer diagnosis . . . sound familiar?  LOL.  

    I absolutely love to travel and always encourage others to do it . . . so start planning!  I have always made it a priority for now rather than later, a lesson I learned from my grandparents who always planned for the future then were too old, sick and/or set in their ways to really travel once they finally got to their future.  But yes, BC has driven that home for me even more.  You have to live your life now, do what you want when you want, and have fun.  No one - including people who don't have cancer - is promised tomorrow.  Cliche, I know, but BC made me realize how true this is.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited May 2011


    Did you get antibiotics with your root canal?

    My PS said I will need antibiotics for any sort of procedure (dental) for a long time because of reconstruction....I don't know if you had reconstruction...but I guess with implants there is a high risk of infection "in the pocket" for a few years?? 

    I dunno...just something he mentioned and I haven't pursued.

  • tougherthanithought
    tougherthanithought Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2011

    Lisa I totally agree about travel. If you can do it, do it. Before I was diagnosed we booked a trip to Hawaii for Christmas with the kids that year. We booked it in February and I learned of my BC in April. At first I wondered if we would have to cancel it. But after my surgery and chemo timeline was established, we knew we could still go. It really became the carrot at the end of the stick that helped me through chemo. We spent Christmas in Maui and the Big Island that year and it was great. All the stress of the past months was washed away and we had a wonderful family vacation.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited May 2011

    Sherrill - what a nice way to celebrate the end of treatment! I have never been to Hawaii and really want to go some time.

    In retrospect, I should not have cancelled my trip. I was diagnosed about six weeks before we were supposed to leave. My onco was fine with delaying chemo so I could go. I was worried, however, about taking two weeks off from work to go to Greece to be followed by who knows how much time off for chemo. My boss had already told me I would be paid for full time no matter whet, so I felt obligated to work as much as possible before chemo started. In the end, I had a really easy time with chemo and worked full time - I only missed my 4 infusion days. had I known that at the time, I would have taken my vacation!!

  • tougherthanithought
    tougherthanithought Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2011

    Wow six weeks before! I don't know if I would have gone either with that timeframe. When you are first diagnosed, you just want to get the ball rolling with a treatment plan. It was an easier decision for me because I had more time and I was done with chemo (just had Herceptin infusions left to finish).

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2011

    TonLee-he did give me antibiotic.  But I don't think it was related to BC-this is a new dentist, and I'm not sure how closely he read my health history.  Maybe he did, who knows.  I saw him paging through it.  He told me to take 800 mg of Advil along with the Vicodin, and I'm thinking I will probably do that at bedtime.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited May 2011


    Great.  He's probably on his game then :)

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited May 2011

    Lisa: I hope you have an incredible time in Greece!  We'll be thinking of you gazing at the azure water here...:-)

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited May 2011

    good morning ladies, well I am up and out of bed before the crack of 12 today lol. Still have an upset stomach,not as bad but still dry heaving at times.Thank you all for your love and support and advice. I did try to keep something in my stomach at all times but it didnt work just made me feel more constipated which is finally moving . I used to avoid carbs but that seems to be all I want during this time sigh not good for the butt let me tell ya. I miss conectining with my DH cause my brain just isnt functioning at full capacity.I dont want to go to work tomorrow. I took a week off and I just dont feel ready, I feel guilty calling in but I might just have to. Someone said they thought about quiting with their onc did you? I have had that same thought I just dont know if I can do this three more times. Hope you are all feeling better than me and if you arent wish you were here so we could keep each other company :)

    Hugs to you All


  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572
    edited May 2011

    Kymn its good to see that you are feeling better.  I know how it can be at times.  Ya feel so bad and know what causing it.   I remember when I was on my 3rd AC treatment.   I wanted out of it so bad. I was a crying mess. You will feel better.  Chicken noodle soup was my very best friend for days.  I didnt eat much, but I did feel better once I did.  Some days it took my several meals just to finish the can. Take care! Deep down we all have something in us that drives us and we will get thru this.  Hang in there. 

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2011

    Hey Kymn-glad to hear you're feeling a tiny bit better.  I would definitely call in sick tomorrow-you're going through chemo!  They've got to understand that.  It's amazing that you're able to work at all.  I understand about wanting carbs-I would go ahead and eat whatever you can tolerate.  And I understand about the butt too.  I've gained 8 pounds in the 2 months I've been on Arimidex.  Ugh  I need a lock on my fridge and pantry.  Stay positive, and hang in there like Paula said.  You can do this!

    I am not digging my hair today.  Something about it doesn't look right, which makes me really self-concious.  I wonder how many people question my super short "do" and wonder if I went through chemo.  I find myself making excuses for my hair, like to the girls at the dentist's office.  I just might throw on a hat.  I have a hair cut appointment tomorrow night to shape it up, thank God.

    My jaw is killing me, and the Vicodin is not really helping.  I took 600mg of Advil too, but still in pain.  Well, it's more like a bad ache.  And now my stomach hurts from the Advil.  Ugh.

    Sorry to complain when there's those of you going through treatments.  Hugs

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2011

    Kymn eat all those carbs now, cause when chemo is over, and it will be soon, you won't ever want to look at them again!!!! I can't even look at rice on a plate....or mcdonalds, or spaghetti sauce!

    I'm triple negative too, and it wasn't until after my fourth round of chemo that the tumor shrunk, alot!  Hang in there, reach out whenever you need to!

  • tougherthanithought
    tougherthanithought Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2011

    Kim, I totally get it about the in-between hair stage and wanting to explain yourself!  When my hair was at a strange stage, and I met someone who didn't know about chemo taking my hair, I always felt like I had to blurt out, "Yeah, I had cancer...that's why my hair looks like this!"  As if anyone could believe that I INTENTIONALLY cut my hair this way!  After having many "bad hair days" due to chemo, I am much more forgiving when I see someone with a really horrible cut...I am much less judgemental, and think that maybe they don't have a choice!

    Sorry you're feeling bad from the dentistFrown

  • shooshoo23
    shooshoo23 Member Posts: 12
    edited May 2011

    Kymn- sounds like we all went through that. I'm so sorry it is making you feel so bad. I did 4 tx of Taxotere/Cytoxan and my 3rd round was also the worst. I almost didn't do the 4th. I'm glad now that I finished but can totally understand anyone who doesn't. It's a nightmare I know but we will all wake up on the other side someday!