Any ladies from WISCONSIN??

i would love to connect to some nice ladies from my state since support groups are not available out here in the sticks and boondocks...
1/21/15 Apparently the thread I started has gotten a life of its glad it has become so enjoyed by so many.
Hi bluewillowskys, I just sent you a private message. See ya later! {{hugs}}
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hi ladies, i am from central wisconsin. nice to meet you both!!
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Hi ladies~~ I'm in Madison.
Badger - I'm sending you a PM in a few minutes.
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How great to meet you both ! I was begining to feel like I was the only woman in wisconsin dealing with breast cancer which is obviously not
I would love to hear more about each of you and your families.I am Lisa, 42, and mother of 3 kids ages 25 son,23 son,18 daughter. My 18yr daughter graduates high school very soon.I am a part time pet groomer. I live with my younger son and daughter in southwest wisconsin, richland county..
As i said in my post i live in a rural area and though we have a local hospital there is no cancer support groups here. The closest are over an hour away in Madison .If either of you ladies, or any others that read this post....would want to chat sometime I am bluewillowskys on yahoo messenger and paltalk. I also have a Facebook page and spend lots of time there. I am generally set to invisible when I am online so just buzz me and say in the message that you are form and I will respond
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oops ! i should say how to meet all three of you...apparently a post snuck in here while i was composing
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Hi ladies, just back from Thurs pm yoga class. I live in Southwest WI but work in Madison, heckuva commute but ya gotta go where the jobs are, right? I'm nearly 52, married, no kids. Had a BMX no reconstruction back in Feb of 2010, did chemo March-June, been on tamoxifen since July. Got my hair back in September. So far, so good, other than trying like the dickens to lose some weight, and be healthier all around. :-)
Sorry Lisa I'm not on FB or yahoo messenger but I'm on BCO nearly every day. I'll post here and PM though. {{hugs}} to all
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Wow thats cool that you are in my neck of the woods badger:) I have always heard how good yoga is for your health, but when i tired once i just felt so clumsy and inflexible. Since finding out about the cancer i have been trying to eat a bit better then my usual poptarts and cereal. I know I should be exercising but I just hate doing it alone. My partner drives semi truck and i spend 2 wks per month alone. We have been separated but still living together the past 6mnths , so this cancer hitting right now was really bad timing
I also had just started getting my business back off the ground and now I am going to have to take time off for surgery, recovery and makes for bad financial stress too. I really could use the added support from my partner right now, but right now all I can hope for is that partner doesnt leave me completely to go through this alone.
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{{Lisa}} I hear what you are saying. It's scary enough to face breast cancer without worrying about relationships. Please know you are not alone, we are here for you. Do you drive to Madison for treatment?
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Yes I am having my surgery at UW Hospital ...I am not sure yet if thats where I go for the radiation too.
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oh cool ...whats city?
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last question was meant for gina...
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how ya doing today Lisa? {{hugs}}
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I fell in love with a boy from Wisconsin. Was going to move there. He dumped me, lol! I love Wisconsin.
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LOL! Sorry you ran into a bad apple, we do have some good men here.0
today was a so-so day , thanks for asking badger:) I had some crying because of fight with my partner earlier this afternoon, but feel a bit better this evening. Do you ever go into the chatrooms ladies?
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sorry today was crappy but glad it's better tonight
I haven't ever been in the chat rooms here (edit to add: but would like to try it someday)
was up early and fading fast, gotta log off for the night
Hope tomorrow is a better day! {{hugs}}
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thought of you today as I walked and saw several willow trees ~ set against the sky (blue in the morning and gray in the afternoon). There's a small park on the outskirts of town where I like to walk. Beautiful trees and birds to enjoy. We live in some of the prettiest territory on the planet.
I'm having a glass of wine... are you around tonight? {{hugs}}
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aww how sweet. sounds beautiful too. was dealing with family drama last night so i was in here. This morning my dr. office called and changed my surgery day again. I was originally told the 4th, then they called and said no its the 5th. now last friday the automated called me to say its the 4th again. SO i called the dr .office. They just called back and told me no ts the 4th. If they cant even get the date right how am i supposed to trust their surgery skills???
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jeez, yeah, the office seems disorganized. Let's hope it doesn't reflect on surgeon's skill. I sent you a PM. {{hugs}}
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I am from Wisconsin - but in the Southeast corner between Milwaukee and Chicago.
And even though I am in an URBAN area - no, no support groups.....
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pebee ---wow thats really surprising...i would think there would be lots of different support group in the MIlwaukee or Chicago area...i am glad you have found for support. The ladies here have been very helpful to me so far.0
BCO is the best! Lisa I sent you another PM, good luck tomorrow!! {{hugs}}
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I am between Madison and Milwaukee and have not found any support groups yet either, but have still been busy with doc appts so haven't looked at too hard.
Sorry they keep changing the dates on you. That can be very stressful.
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Hospital called with instructions. Tommorrow arrive at 7am, wire localization put in place at 830AM. Surgery at 10AM for about an hour. Can go home at 1pm approximately. The pressure is really on now....time for some lorazepam....
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Best wishes to you "bluewillowskys" tomorrow. I am also from WI, Oshkosh.
Do any or all of you know about the Breast Cancer Recovery Foundation? They have retreats for women with breast cancer. They have groups based on different diagnosis. The BCRF is based in Madison. I have been lucky enough to attend two retreats and they were awesome.
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NO i never heard of the retreats....I got home around went well...they took out a 4cm by 6cm section...i barely remember anything after getting the wires placed. The staff was VERY good to me. I have to wear a binder thing for 2 weeks, use ice packs, pan meds... the block is supposed to wear off later tonight. So far only problem is I am really hungry , but i m to wait for real food until tommorrow. Now I play the clear margins or not waiting game....wish me luck ladies...
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Hey Lisa, thanks for posting ~ best of luck ~ sending good thoughts your way!
15andmore, I went to a Yoga for BC Survivors class sponsored by BC Recovery last summer in Madison. Although the weather was not the best (rainy and cold) we were under a tent by Olbrich Gardens so nice view. I enjoyed it so much I'm now doing yoga three times a week.
Anyone doing Komen Madison this year? It's June 4th. I plan to, would love to meet IRL!
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Thanks for the good thoughts.... I had considered being a volunteer for the Komen race....I am no where near in shape physcially to actually participate. I did not want to go alone though...but thought it would be fun to do some sort of volunteer all depends on how i am feeling after recovery and when i start the rads.
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agree, it all depends on how you feel. Last year at this time, I was about halfway thru chemo and walked the 5K. I'd been walking every day so my legs were OK but my feet got sore and sometimes fatigue was an issue. The race itself was overwhelming at first... all those people... when anyone sees you in a survivor shirt, they say congratulations. Try staying dry-eyed! {{hugs}}
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badger - i will be at the race in Madison on June 4. Do you have a certain area that you meet/start at?