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Any ladies from WISCONSIN??



  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424
    edited May 2011

    Hi WI friends.

    I am an honorary WI-ite...... as we spend the extended summer season up in Door County. We are about two weeks away from heading north & this thread was in the active list.

    I have had the pleasure of meeting several BCO/WI connections IRL and it's all the best.

    How's about everyone come to Door County sometime this summer and I'll throw a do-dah together for us?? We have one guest room, so who ever gets to me first gets a bed and pillow.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    Hey blondie45 ~ Cool!  I think Gina is signed up too.  Although the walk doesn't start until 8:45, the survivor's photo is at 7:45 and I'd like to be in on that.  Maybe we could meet at the survivor's tent?  It's near the bleachers where they take the group photo.  I'll be the one with the ultra-short white/gray hair.  LOL  If they give us "in honor of" signs again this year, I'll put BCO on mine and pin it to my shirt.

    hi Faith, Door County WI is one of the prettiest places on the planet with the possible exception of the southwest corner of the state :-)

    Lisa, how are you doing? 

  • bluewillowskys
    bluewillowskys Member Posts: 268
    edited May 2011

    HI ladies. I had to go in for an emergency second surgery last night. I over exerted and caused a hematoma. SO I had to go in to the hospital last night and they reopened my incision to drain it. My boob was twice the usual size and VERY painful. I dont ever want to go through that again. The good news is I got my pathology back and I am in the all clear, no invasive cells found ! WOOHOO !

    My recovery will take a bit longer but I am very pleased despite the mishap. I got home from hospital this afternoon. I am double bindered up which is pretty uncomfortable but nothing like the pain i was in.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    WOOHOO that's good news.  Glad you got the hematoma TCO (taken care of) now rest!!!

  • bluewillowskys
    bluewillowskys Member Posts: 268
    edited May 2011

    yup I am kicked back in my recliner watching country music videos and medical shows of all things...lmao

  • bluewillowskys
    bluewillowskys Member Posts: 268
    edited May 2011

    Got the tightest binder off last night, but left me feeling really painful and unsupported so i put it back on, just not as tight. Was able to shower by myself this morning so I am feeling a little more human again. Feeling a bit emotional today as the events of the past week are catching up to me now that I have to sit home alone and do practically nothing.

  • kll22
    kll22 Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2011

    Hi Ladies:

    Newly diagnosed in Madison and currently wading through all the tests to determine the extent. Would love to hear some good news.  Had MRI this a.m. and another biopsy on Thursday to check nodes.  Optimistic overall and love my surgeon and the staff at the UW Breast Center!

  • bluewillowskys
    bluewillowskys Member Posts: 268
    edited May 2011

    I am also being treated at the UW Breast Center. I have Dr. Wilke and she and her staff have been very wonderful. Dr.Wilke did my lumpectomy last Wednesday and when I needed a second surgery due to a hematoma this past Saturday she came in when she was not on duty to do it . She has a very positive attitude and explained things very well too. DO you know what your diagnosis is? What type?

    Take care,


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    hi kll22, welcome to BCO.  Sorry this is happening to you, we will wait for test results with you.  I'm through active treatment and doing well, just having follow-up appts now.  I see my onc next week for six-month check-up.

    Lisa, isn't it AMAZING how good your first shower feels!

    Hotter than blazes here yesterday, blech. 

    {{hugs}} to all

  • bluewillowskys
    bluewillowskys Member Posts: 268
    edited May 2011

    yes badger its sure felt good, though i was pretty stiff and had a hard time washing my  And yes its gonna be a hot one again today. I was hoping we could have some nice sunny 70 degree days and a light breeze before getting hit with the heat...i hope this isnt a sign of a hot an dhumid summer.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    I had surgery on a Tues and was 'unwrapped' & discharged Thurs.  Went home with internal sutures, steri-strips, and two drains.  I was fortunate to have been allowed to shower once I got home from the hospital.  It's been a year and a half so memory is fading but I think I had my first shower on Fri or Sat.  Threaded some thin white ribbon through the loops on the drain bulbs and hung 'em around my neck to have hands free.  Washing hair was a challenge since I didn't yet have full use of my arms but I managed and remember it was heavenly.

    Another hot sticky day with intense thunderstorms and hail in Madison this afternoon!

  • bluewillowskys
    bluewillowskys Member Posts: 268
    edited May 2011

    I feel so thankful to not jave had to deal with drains. I watched Becoming Chaz tonight and seeing him dealing with those drains sickened me.. I dont think I could emotionally handle that. You women that have went through mastecomies are so amazing for all you have /had to deal with. I honestly dont think I could have done it myself. Just amazing women....

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    IDK Chaz, is s/he a transgender in process?  Thanks to BCO and You Tube, I knew exactly what I was facing, and exactly what to do.  Maybe it's because I like medical procedurals but I emptied drain bulbs to measure output with fascination.  I also got them out the following Monday so only had to do it for a few days.

    Yes, it was sad to lose my breasts but I'm all healed up and still happily married. Wink  

    You'd be surprised what you can do when you must. 

    (think labor & THAT's amazing)  

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited May 2011

    Hi, you guys! I'm from Wisconsin, but married a Minnesota boy, so now I live in Central Minnesota. I have a brother who's a lawyer in Madison. Both my sibs went to UW-Madison.

    Peebee - I'm from between Milwaukee and Chicago, too. Racine. Went to College at UW-Parkside and grad school at Marquette.

  • pebee
    pebee Member Posts: 96
    edited May 2011

    Hi Minnesota - I know UW-P - my daughter went there!

    And, as much as I would like to go to the race, it will be on a bad chemo day......

  • bluewillowskys
    bluewillowskys Member Posts: 268
    edited May 2011

    Chaz is the former Chastity Bono, child of Sonny Bono and Cher. Oprah WInfrey made a documentary about her process to become a male and they showed him going through the breast removal surgery. It was quite interesting, however when showing him dealing with the drains I almost became ill.

    MY dr. had told me my right breats would appear "lifted" after my lumpectomy and that I may want to do cosmetic surgery on my left breast to make them match. But thus far I have not seen much difference between them. Granted I am still pretty swollen, but even so I dont see much difference or the flattened area she said I would have. I doubt I will have the cosmetic surgery , especially after developing the hematoma . I dont wanna pus my luck and have that happen again I dont think.

  • kll22
    kll22 Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2011

    Second biopsy went well.  Third one scheduled for Monday.  I think the hardest part of this is all of the tests to collect information and then waiting to see what the results show! It seems like one test just leads to another.

     Bluewillowsky - My surgeon is Dr. Neuman  She's great!  I also love Mary the nurse who has helped at each of my biopsies.  Diagnosis is IDC in right breast (1.5 cm grade 3), one odd looking lymph node and another small area (9mm) not too far from the first tumor.  Have not seen the path report yet but Dr. N said the receptors were negative, making chemo a possibility in the future.  Lumpectomy schedule for May 25, radiation to follow. Not staged yet.

    One step at a time!

  • bluewillowskys
    bluewillowskys Member Posts: 268
    edited May 2011

    yes one step at a time, one day at a time. What type of biopsies did you have? I am wondering why they are doing so many separate biopsies? Is that a normal thing?

  • ginadmc
    ginadmc Member Posts: 183
    edited May 2011
    kil22 - I'm in Madison, too. Dr Neuman was my surgeon and I had all my tests, biopsies, lumpectomy, ALD, chemo and radiation at UW. I was very happy (?) to be treated there and felt that I received excellent care. Feel free to PM me, anytime. Take care and keep taking one step at a time.  Gina
  • kll22
    kll22 Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2011

    First biopsy was in April, after I found the lump.  My primary care referred to the Breast Center for an ultrasound.  The ultrasound confirmed a solid mass and I was told they biopsy all solid masses.  Hence the first biopsy.  Next came the ultrasound to check nodes.  One node looked suspicious, leading to biopsy #2.  Both of these have been ultrasound guided.  Becausue my MRI showed another suspicious area near the 1st tumor, they want to take a closer look at it to make sure it is not cancerous as well.  Again, they are being very cautious.  This spot has not shown up on any mammos or ultrasounds, leading me to biopsy #3, which will be MRI guided.

     We were laughing with the staff this morning that I have been seen by all four of the radiologist on staff at the Breast Center!

     Gina - I know what you mean about being "Happy" to be at the UW!  I would love not to be in this situation but am thrilled to have access to the UW.  The odd thing is that our  neighbor and really good friend is one of techs that does radiation treatment at UW. He's the best there is but I'm not sure I want him doing my radiation!

  • bluewillowskys
    bluewillowskys Member Posts: 268
    edited May 2011

    I know that I am feeling anxious at the thought of having a male tech/dr. do my radiation treatments. I know that they are just doing their job, but I dont feel comfortable being so exposed to male staff. I had 2 male nurses for the night I was at the hospital after my second surgery also...just made me feel uneasy during an already upsetting situation.

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited May 2011

    Bluewillow - I don't blame you for feeling uncomfortable having all that male staff. Can you request females? Or are all the techs men?

  • bluewillowskys
    bluewillowskys Member Posts: 268
    edited May 2011
    i dont know yet. I go on Tuesday for my followup and also have the rad.onc. appt. then too. I am hoping I can request female staff...if not this is going to be really difficult for me emotionally. I was abused by several men in my life and just dont feel comfortable being so exposed like that in front of them. Cry
  • kll22
    kll22 Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2011

    The UW has many wonderful female techs on their rad staff.  I'm sure your request will be supported.  This whole process is emotional enough!  Best of luck next week! 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    Hey all, just got back from a nice long walk, before the predicted rain gets here.

    Faith, how long will you be in WI?  I for one would love to meet up with you in Door County.  And ladies I have room for three more people in my car.

    Good luck Tuesday Lisa, if there's anyplace that will listen to your concerns, it's Madison.  And it sounds like there's plenty of female staff.

    Thanks for the info on Chaz.  I remember Chastity Bono as a little girl because of the Sonny & Cher show on TV.  Knew she was gay but didn't realize about the transgender issue. 

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.  {{hugs}}

  • kll22
    kll22 Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2011

    Hey Bluewillow -- I thought of you as we were driving through Richland Center today on the way to visit my in-laws outside of Westby.  Hope you had a great weekend.

  • bluewillowskys
    bluewillowskys Member Posts: 268
    edited May 2011

    kll22 - my weekend was okay. I got my binder off now . what a relief ! where is it that you live again?

    You may have drove right past my house . Unless you stayed on the main highway. If you turned off and went through the middle of RC, which is the way it used to be before the highway was made around town,then you would have went right past me.

    We went to Pecks in Spring Green and fed the petting zoo critters yesterday. It was so windy ! But the temp was really nice :)

  • kll22
    kll22 Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2011

    We received our first bit of good news today - lymph nodes appear free of cancer according to biopsy!  Now we just wait for the results of today's biopsy and we'll know exactly what we're up against.

     Bluewillow -- I'm in Madison.  We tend to stay on the main highway - we're always on a mission when we try to go up and back in one day.

  • bluewillowskys
    bluewillowskys Member Posts: 268
    edited May 2011

    CONGRATS ON YOUR GOOD NEWS ! I will pray for you to keep getting more of the same:) I go for my post-surgery followup tomorrow and to meet the rad.oncologist. I am hoping for only 3 weeks of rads since Dr.Wilke told me that might be a possibility.

  • ginadmc
    ginadmc Member Posts: 183
    edited May 2011

    Kil22- Glad to hear about your good news! This whole thing is such a rollercoaster with bad news/good news. Just keep taking one day at a time.

    Blue - Good luck with your follow-up appt. I had Steve Howard as my rad onc. He's very smart and a little quirky. But I liked him very much. I hope they will accomodate you with female rad techs. I had a couple of males in addition to the women. They were very respectful and considerate but I understand your wanting to work with women. My experience was very good in rads. They were professional, caring and efficient. I had my appts at 7:45 am and was at work by 8:15 for 34 treatments.

    Badger - Hope to see you next week for lunch!

    Take care ladies, Gina