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Single life after a mastectomy



  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited September 2015
    • Reach Customers When They Search. 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Start before your feet hit the floor. image BY MINDA ZETLIN image@MindaZetlin1.7k SHARES
      imageIMAGE: Getty Images What do you do when you first wake up? It's an important question because what goes through your head those first few moments of the day can affect how you feel for the next 24 hours. And if your awakening routine is the same every day, it will affect how you feel all the time. It's well worth directing those first thoughts of the day in a positive direction.That advice comes from Joel and Michelle Levey, who teach many forms of meditation everywhere from hospitals to corporate boardrooms to their own Hawaiian organic farm. Here's their simple recommendation for a waking-up routine that can radically improve how you feel for the rest of the day:1. Wake up to the fact that you're awake.Of all the Leveys' concepts I found this one the hardest to grasp at first. But it's whatmindfulness is all about. Too many of us spend too many of our waking hours on autopilot, awake but not really awake. Break that pattern at the start of the day when you first come to consciousness by making note of the fact that you're awake and alive. There may be light pouring into your room. There may be a loved one (or a beloved pet) by your side. Whatever your situation when you wake up, stop and pay attention to the sights and sounds around you, to the way your sheets or bedding feel against your skin.Then, do something to embody the fact that you're awake, the Leveys advise. It could be wiggling your toes, reaching overhead, snapping your fingers. Something simple to remind you that you are here, now, in this body.2. Do "gratefuls."We have some friends who, rather than saying grace before dinner, do something called "gratefuls," in which everyone present must name at least one thing he or she is grateful for. The Leveys recommend a similar practice (without that name) on first awakening. After you've awakened to the fact that you're awake, find one or more things that you feel grateful for. It could be as simple as being grateful that your heart is still beating, that you've been given another day on this beautiful planet. It could be gratitude for the loved ones in your life, or your work, or the health in your body.No matter how well or badly things are going in our lives, we all have a lot to be grateful for. And feeling gratitude is one of the best things you can do to make yourself happy. So pick an item or two or three and let that gratitude fill you up, at least for a little while.3. Set an intention for the day.This is your time to plan what you will do to have the kind of day you want to have and be the kind of person you want to be. I'm very behind on several projects, so my intention for today was, "Do what I can, let the rest go." You could also set an intention about treating others with kindness or achieving your best potential or spending some time following your dream.{"uid":1,"hostPeerName":"","initialGeometry":"{\"windowCoords_t\":0,\"windowCoords_r\":360,\"windowCoords_b\":615,\"windowCoords_l\":0,\"frameCoords_t\":2471,\"frameCoords_r\":330,\"frameCoords_b\":2721,\"frameCoords_l\":30,\"styleZIndex\":\"auto\",\"allowedExpansion_t\":0,\"allowedExpansion_r\":0,\"allowedExpansion_b\":0,\"allowedExpansion_l\":0,\"xInView\":0,\"yInView\":0}","permissions":"{\"expandByOverlay\":true,\"expandByPush\":false,\"readCookie\":false,\"writeCookie\":false}","metadata":"{\"shared\":{\"sf_ver\":\"1-0-2\",\"ck_on\":1,\"flash_ver\":\"0\"}}","reportCreativeGeometry":false}" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" width="300" height="250" data-is-safeframe="true" style="outline-style: none; -webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased; box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 18px; vertical-align: bottom;">ADVERTISEMENTWhat do you need to do, or what frame of mind do you need to have, to get through your day, do what you need and want to do, and be happy while doing it? That's a good starting place to find an intention for the day that may work well for you.4. Do not look at your electronic devices until you've completed steps No. 1 - 3.If you're like me, you want to look at yoursmartphone or tablet first thing to see the news of the day and any important emails or messages you may have missed. You still can -- just pause for a minute or two to be mindful that you're awake, find a few things you're grateful for, and set an intention before you do. Take this little bit of time to check in with yourself before you check in with the rest of the world. You'll be happy that you did
  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited September 2015

    Enerva- I have to check into that app. There are so gosh many of them and I am not as app-saavy as I should be. I need to go hang around with my 20 something techie friends to learn more! They know all the apps?

    You did look pissed in that picture! Cute but not happy!

    I try to write something in my journal every day I am grateful for. I also try to set an intention for every day when I get up (often when I am out at dawn meditating on the patio). It really makes for a better day. Hard to do when things are running amok though.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited September 2015

    good morning happy Friday. Hope bb s mom is better every day. I am back at the station waiting for the train and with the same headache and nausea feeling . I looked at the side effects of the antibiotics and think it whats making me feel sick . Says my body should adjust to it.

    Have all a wonderful Friday

    I ll check in at the end of the day again


    Forgot to tell u I saw 2 deers last week :)

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited September 2015

    Enerva I'm sure you know this but it's not good to hold your pee pee in.

    BB so sorry to hear about your mom but glad she is somewhere she will hopefully get the care she needs and deserves. I've heard of that a lot with the elderly. Having broken ribs and being misdiagnosed. Makes me angry. Thinking of you! Don't forget to take care of yourself too.

    Love your pictures Enerva!

    Jazz I've been journaling for the past 21 yrs. don't write everyday.

    Lost a dear friend to C yesterday. She was just diagnosed with a Recurrence 6 weeks ago :( She had rare vaginal cancer the first time, came back with a vengeance. This disease sucks!!

    Dr says I am healing beautifully. Got my last drain out yesterday. Problem is it was still giving 20cc's give or take, everyday. So I have to watch for fluid build up now, and there already is some in the left side. If it gets too full I have to go have it drained.

    Gotta make appointments with the PT, rad Onc, and prosthetics place in the next 2 weeks :( So many appointments. Ugh. My right arm has some kind of build up-can't remember what she called it-regardless I have to do PT for it. I can do basic stuff but can't extend it full or move in certain directions.

    Forgot to ask for a copy of my final pathology report. Need to remember that next appointment (2weeks).

    My special friend hasn't made it over yet :( I think of him everyday. He finally admitted to being confused the other day. The distance and age difference are big hold ups for him. *sigh* I quiver thinking of the next time were face to face. Last visit, he said seeing me brought all these emotions to the surface. But he still has my healing top priority and doesn't think now is a good time, either way, to start or define anything. I respect him and his views especially since he has my well being in the forefront of his mind :) Sweet guy.

    Hope everyone has a great day! Thanks for all the well wishes! Been sleeping a lot and when I'm not sleeping I'm coloring :)

    This is my favorite


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited September 2015

    Simplicity- as you know, I have been keeping up with you on your FB group. Glad to hear the drain came out. How are those hot showers feeling? Still delightful?

    I see you have some housework planned today. Do you have the resources to bring in a cleaning company? I had to when I had so much surgery. Doctors said no lifting, pushing, pulling. Maybe call that company with that link I sent you who has volunteers to come in and help. Worth at least talking to them?

    Sorry to hear your friend has not been to visit. He seems to have lots of reasons why he thinks this won't work out. I don't agree about age being an obstacle, although it may be for him. Distance can be a problem longer term, as usually someone will need to move. I agree your well being is the priority right now and glad he understands that. I hope if nothing else he can be a friend to you and show up in tangible ways that support you during this time. If this is meant to be, it will work out. Things always have a way of sorting themselves out.

    E- sorry to hear the anti-B's are tough on you. You need to kick this UTI once and for all.

    BB- keep us posted on things your way and with your mom's recover. I am with Simplicity on the whole missing the broken rib thing. Whomever did those first X-raysand sent her home is a prime candidate for a law suit. Please take care of yourself and hope your sister is going to show up to help.

    Wishing everyone a good. I am off to get my hair highlighted for the wedding trip next week.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited September 2015

    BB- I am glad your mom is doing better. It is awful to see a parent suffering. Especially because something got missed. I am keeping her and you, and your family in my prayers for better days.

    You can find those coloring books at most bookstores or on line too. A friend sent me one and I love them. May play with mine later today after some to-dos get done!

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited September 2015

    hi ladies .I am finally on the train going home

    Yaiii bb for your mom .

    Those coloring books are so popular in france lol here they sell them at the craft store Michaels but I also have seen them at books stores great idea to get some for your mom. Let me know if you do not find them .I ll love to get one and send for your mom :)

    Jazz I am soon tired tired my neck hurt I am so glad it is Friday :)

    Jazz get whatsapp as soon as possible lol

    Ll chat later

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited September 2015

    E- okay I finally Googled it. It is a texting app. I am not a big texting person so not sure I will use it. They say it is be overseas, but not that big in the US. Owned by Facebook?

    I hope you can relax tonight. Maybe put some ice on that neck and your feet up?

    Went to salon and got my highlighting done which came out nice. Three different colors, darker copper with some blonder highlights against a strawberry blonde. Here is a side view I can share that shows you the look without my face. I love it. Did a nice yoga class after at the gym.

    What are folks doing this weekend. Anything interesting? Nice weather this time of the year just about everywhere.

    Tomorrow I am going to a harvest fest with my friends who moved here this summer (and there is a pet parade so I will share fun pics if I get any). Sunday, I am picking up an old work friend from my big client site here who is not doing well with a second kind of cancer he has been fighting for several years. He got a thyroid cancer a number of years ago (family genetic cancer, dad had it) and kicked it. But then several years later, he got a brain cancer behind the eye and it is one of those tough ones to treat. He has been going back and forth to MD Anderson in Houston for specialized treatment. I know he has finally left his job, has gone on disability and a mutual friend told me things are not good. He has wanted a ride in my convertible forever and we are finally going and will meet our mutual friend at the place and have some laughs. He is not married, but has two adult daughters who help him. Given we don't know what lies ahead, going to try to make tomorrow a good day for us all.

    Wishing everyone struggling better days.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited September 2015

    BB- hope mom is continuing to improve. Hugs sister.

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited September 2015

    Right there with ya BB.

    Not good to keep drains in too long. 3 weeks is max she said. Stitch area was looking rough & tubing wasxbarely hanging on. Fluid buildup on left side & they didn't call me back today. Have a bad feeling I may end up in urgent care or er this weekend but REALLLLY dont want anyone to touch it.

    Should have been more persistent with my calls to her today :(

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited September 2015

    Simplicity- can you leave a message with on call and have someone call you?

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited September 2015

    bb. Ur mom is so cute lol

    Grand pa in france reacted the same way cuz I brought him a bunch of drawing supplies then I started drawing and asking him to help me out cuz he was a big painter back in the day and fair enough he came around and started drawing and ended up enjoying all I brought him lol

    You just need to show ur mom simplicity s coloring then she ll understand plus tell her that is the new thing lol specialy in Europe Rome france lol

    Then she may change her mind lol

    G night all

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited September 2015

    BB- I have a friend whose daughter goes to school in the Philly area. She said it is crazy there and you let us know how crazy. I am not Catholic but this Pope seems like a real person who cares about others. People going crazy over him. My sister says "he is a better person than me." He comes from a humble background. I hope you are able to see your mother at the hospital as you need to. Will you sister come up for a visit or not now? I hope your mom will have other visitors. It helps.

    The friend who introduced me to the coloring book goes to visit an elderly friend in a nursing home and they color together. If your mom can't do it yet, maybe when she is out of the hospital. She may go to rehab after this before she can go home. To get stronger. That is a good time to go with the coloring book. My friend who sees her friend in the nursing home says her friend looks forward to her visit as they can do the coloring each in a book and then share.

    Friday night, where are our dates?

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited September 2015

    Yea, Im going to see how it is in the morning & go from there. Hate this chit!!

    Bb that sounds scary & sad we need so much protection for anyone. I got 2 books at Michaels. They had great selection, not of colored pencils thou, oddly. Hope you were able to visit your mom.

    O Jazz, I hope you guys have a great time! Ive lost 2 friends/acquaintances to cancer in the past 2 weeks. Sad :( Im on my phone, but did you upload a pic? Hair colors sound wonderful but Im not seeing a pic on my phone :(

    Enerva where do you get your energy? Lol

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited September 2015

    Simplicity lol I have no idea lol I have always been very active and when I was doing this shit treatment it did slow me down and I hated it .now it's like I am double active as if I am trying to do all I couldn't do for 2 years ha ha ha

    But trust me at the end of the day I am extremely tired

    No longer able to go on and on.

    Simplicity I wanted to tell you I also stoppedmy relationship due to distance, bc and the guy not been able to commit but he is still somewhat in my life.msg me once in a wile lol

    So like jazz and bb say if it is ment to be he may still be in your life and yes you ll get Tobe somewhat back to your life. I know right now it seems hard and it feels like u can't see the end of the tunnel but you will. And then all ll fall to place again.

    We all lost some dear friends and I lost relatives to this c crap. But we must keep fighting or surviving one day I hope someone will wake us all up from the nightmare :)

    Hope you get some rest. I am also not great at finding sleep these days. Tmw I ll walk by the lake with my poles

    I was not able this week. Hope the fluid does not build up and that you get it checked tmw

    Good night all

    Oh and I love Michaels store

    It's a place I can spend hours and hours just dreaming lol

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited September 2015

    Morning everyone!

    Thanks Enerva. Hope you get to enjoy the lake today.

    Jazz, I hope you have a great time at the festival today!

    BB your mom sounds like my kind of woman. Simple. I love things simple. Maybe you can go by Michaels and just pick her up one, they had some at my store for $5.99, and just leave it there for her? Never know, maybe she'll just pick it up one day and start coloring? I can't do much outside of the house and it's really helped me relax.

    The left side looks great this morning! Still some build up but no more, if so just a little more build up. Plus I'm still on antibiotics. Couldn't sleep. Sweating all night (no fever), tossed and turned and kept waking up and peeking at my 'breasts'.

    I'm a positive thinker and try to see the good in everything. Bad thing is sometimes I think that clouds my vision to seeing the bad things. My special friend sees the two trips being thwarted by work as a sign of sorts. I just think it is what it is. I also think we met for a reason. I know if it's meant to be it will be but I also think we have to work at some things in life. You don't sit and wait for a job cause if it's meant to be it'll be. You have to work for it. Go out and look for it. It doesn't just fall in our laps. Plus I'm in that silly, girly, can't hold it in, wanna hold him and love him phase. It's crazy and this is exactly why I loathe the emotion that is love lol

    Not much going on here today, naturally. Have to take DD to her friends later. She hasn't wanted to go to dads lately and hasn't. It's rainy here and I have been sooo tired.

    Hope everyone enjoys all their adventures today!!

    Haha! Found it! Love this!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited September 2015

    Simplicity- you know, the heart wants what it wants! Your relationship issues may really be more of a timing issue than anything else. I found during treatment even the people I knew cared about me were also just purely afraid to be around me. It was a reminder that cancer can happen to anyone. I think if things are meant to happen, they will sort themselves out. It is a good thing to think about life, and love, and caring for other people. It keeps us going through the tough stuff.

    I had a good time at the festival despite the fact the friends texted me 10 min before they were not coming. One not feeling well. Funny, I thought to myself I should text them when I am leaving the house. They do have a tendency to cancel with things a lot. But since I was almost there, I went and the pet parade was fun, there were some cool vendors there and had a good time anyways! I did some errands on the way home and ran into an old IT colleague who just moved back to town. So the morning was good, despite some of the last minute changes. Now I am home and need to do some things here at home.

    I will post some pics soon with the pet parade since we have a lot of animal lovers here!

    The weather is gorgeous today. Total convertible day!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited September 2015

    Bb- I will send you a PM pic!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited September 2015

    Pets on parade!

    Some pony's


    A donkey


    Some chickens


    There were lots of dogs.




    Enerva will like the horses. I like the green one!


    My favorite, a unicorn!


  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited September 2015

    great pictures jazz.

    Here are mine





  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited September 2015

    Love it E! Good to see you out enjoying nature!

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited September 2015

    so my walking friend didn't go with me and now wants me to go again .lol

    I need to tell you something that happened

    An older man stopped me on my way while I was walking and I had a short talk with him. He asked about the poles and what us the benefits of it etc and I talk to him for like 10 minutes lol then gave him my business card .cuz he told me he has a boat by the marine close by and I thought to myself " hey maybe this man knows lots if rich people whom may need a realtor hahaha anyway I found very charming that the old man basically flirted with me and he was kind of cute lol

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited September 2015

    E- hope your friend understands you snooze you loose! It is nice to have friends to do things with, but when people don't want to or can't, it is good to be able to enjoy your own company.

    As a business owner, I can tell you I have cards with me at all time and hand them out like candy on Halloween. Most of my work comes through referrals, but you never know. In the real estate world, you have a much broader potential for many types of clients than I do. You work it girlfriend.

    You should have asked the guy if he had a cute son. LOL!

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited September 2015

    Ha ha ha well I went for a second walk and now I am dead lol ll shower eat a fruit and ll go straight to bed to do some crochetand some reading I am so so dead two walk total of 7km holy not sure if I ll be able to get up tmw lol

    Yes the man was much older than me for sure I never asked about a son cuz didn't want to be rude hahahaha

    Hope he contacts me .I will love to have a rich friend with a nice boat lol why no hahahha

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited September 2015

    Enerva- all that walking is good for you! Rich old man may want more than friendship. Don't sign a pre-nup, LOL!

    I was going through some old family photos trying to locate some pics of the part of the family I am seeing next weekend. I found some great shots from some of my mothers photo collection I want to give them. Found a few but not the ones I am looking for.

    But OMG, I found a picture of myself on the beach at age 19 in a one piece maillot bathingsuit and I looked like a freaking model. Who was that girl? And what the heck happened? I know, life happened! I put the photo on the fridge as a reminder to motivate me as I continue to work on loosing weight.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited September 2015

    Lol jazz send us the picture I ll love to see it. Here is a picture I found of me , french grand pa and my 23 year old french niece when she was a baby.

    Also wanted to share a video which made me sad thinking of my bird 😢


    I was 18 lol

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited September 2015

    Love the pics Jazz & glad you were able to salvage the day. I love horses too. Never had one but have a good bit of experience with them. Amazing animals.

    Looks lovely Enerva! I need to make myself get out once the weather clears up here. Should start walking. Hey least the older men have their shit together, typically lol

    Jazz funny to look back at older pictures. My daughter saw a bikini photo of me few years back and said 'I didnt know you use to be fit, mom' Sheeesh.

    Enerva, I'll watch the video in a second but what kind of bird did you have? Sorry he/she is no longer with you. I've got 3 cockatiels (plus 2 dogs, 3 cats, 1 rabbit, and 3 kids lmao Its a zoo!!). My oldest, prissy (sometimes referred to as pissy haha), Ive had her about 20yrs. My tame one, lovey bird, died about 11yrs ago :( Her mate, tweety, died shortly after. Love my birds! And no, the cats do not bother with them at all :)

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited September 2015

    I had a green check conure but I gave him away when I was going through chemo and my mom was very sick .I made a huge mistake try to get him back but the lady who I gave him too refused to give him back :( then she told me he die .I ll never know if it was true or if he is still out there .

    Anyway loveeee birds

    Back home we got two big parrots


    Bb I am so glad ur mom is better

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited September 2015

    Oo I missed that. So glad your mom is feeling better Bb

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited September 2015

    BB- that is very good to hear about your mom. That chest tube coming out means they got her lungs cleared of fluid. Very good to hear. Can she eat normal food yet? I know with tubes something you don't get to eat. I am continuing to keep her and you and your family in my prayers. Hoping every day gets a bit better. Sense of humor returning is huge.

    E- I will try to scan and share the picture with you guys!

    Simplicity- what a fun group of animals you have! We raised rabbits and had birds growing up. Our whole family was highly allergic so never any other furry kinds of animals that like to be indoors. I don't have pets due to asthma and allergies but love all animals. You have a fun zoo over there, it keeps you going girlfriend!

    I got a long e-mail from my friend yesterday about the no-show and also some things that have been gong on with her related to some health issues and medication. Being that we are old friends from college days, I know her "story" and know of some of these lifetime challenges she faces. I am glad she was able to tell me, and it also tells me she does not need invites to fun outings right now, but just to feel supported as she gets some thing worked out. She has trip today to the east coast and encouraged her to just have a slow day, and take care of herself. The thing I love about old friends is you know each others stories so there is not all the explaining of things like you do with newer people.

    I talked to my friend who I am taking out for breakfast/ride in the convertible today yesterday and he sounded happy about our pending outing. He sounds good, feeling okay right now and I am picking him up mid morning, and then we will meet our mutual friend at the restaurant and have some good eats and plenty of laughs! He told me his younger daughter is getting married in Feb, and know that is so important for both of them for him to be there.

    Okay, back to bed. A bit sleepless in the desert tonight......