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Breast lump felt but not seen on ultrasound



  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited September 2011

    Lanus said  "You hear so much about how mammograms pick up lumps that you can't feel, not that sometimes you can feel a lump that a mammogram and ultrasound would miss!" 

    I'm sad and sorry to have to disagree with can read many, many stories here on BCO from women whose cancers could not be seen on mammogram or ultrasound (especially mammogram) and I am one of those women.  Sounds like a positive step to be seeing the breast surgeon and likely you will get either an MRI or go straight for a biopsy.  I urge you not to take the "wait and see" approach any longer.  Please insist on the MRI or biopsy.  Hopefully it will be something benign, but if it isn't at least you'll know and can start to deal with it.

    Best of luck.  Keep us posted!!!

  • Lanus
    Lanus Member Posts: 5
    edited September 2011

    Tina, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be flippant or ignorant.  I just meant that in the general press, the emphasis is usually on "mammograms will find things before you will."  It isn't until you get the real information from real women like on here that you hear that it is, indeed, possible to palpate a lump that the machines don't see. 

    I was a bit ambivalent about the "wait and see" approach for the last 6 months.  I was not leaving the radiologist without getting her to put in the report that she advised the breast surgeon for dx.  Her whole, "well, there is nothing here to make me think it's cancer" wasn't enough for me, especially because she followed it with, "I can't tell you what that lump could be, though."   

    I'm constantly poking at the darn lump, now, too.   I hope nobody catches me and decides I'm a pervert because I'm always playing with my boob.  I mean, I AM a pervert and all, but the boob fondling is for an entirely different reason.

  • Lindacrj
    Lindacrj Member Posts: 8
    edited September 2011

    Well I'm finally get a Biopsy today. Results will be tomorrow. I can also ask about the lump that doesn't show up, since they are biopsing the cyst vs mass causing the nipple discharge. So, so frustrating. May just find another surgeon to remove it just to ease my mind. Will keep you posted.

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited September 2011

    Lanus-  I didn't take your post that way at all Wink.  I've just read too many stories here of women who were trying to listen to their gut feelings that something wasn't right, only to be dismissed or told to wait.  It's frustrating and sad and occasionally has a tragic outcome.  I didn't mean to come across as preachy - I am just encouraging you to be persistent if you know something isn't right.  Most biopsies are benign so there's a better chance that this will be nothing than something. least you'll know one way or the other.

    Mammograms are absolutely a great first line of defense against breast cancer....but, they can also give some women (especially with dense breasts) a false sense of security.

    Hang in there!!!

  • pembrook
    pembrook Member Posts: 7
    edited September 2011
    Bren...Thanks for your help, I will look into that program.  In the meantime, I am hopeful that I will find a job and the breast surgeon will have good news. Smile
  • pembrook
    pembrook Member Posts: 7
    edited September 2011
    Bren...Thanks for your help, I will look into that program.  I am hoping for good news from the breast surgeon and maybe even finding a job. The waiting and not knowing is the hardest.  Tongue out 
  • Lindacrj
    Lindacrj Member Posts: 8
    edited September 2011

    Well my cyst was Drained but was told it was not the cause of the discharge. Also told that my lump feels like normal tissue and not to worry about it. Finally was informed that surgical removal of duct is necessary to look for cause of discharge. So frustrating.

  • pembrook
    pembrook Member Posts: 7
    edited September 2011

    It can all be so dr. feels lump in left breast and in right armpit...mammogram and ultrasound show nothing...back to dr. who agrees that the lumps are there...sends me to what she called breast surgeon??...look this surgeon up online and he is just a GENERAL SURGEON.

    Can a GENERAL SURGEON make a decisions about the lumps in my breasts??  Can he request a MRI?  or biopsy?   VERY NERVOUS AND CONFUSED!!!   Has anyone been seen by a general surgeon?    I will try surgeon's office in the morning. 

  • Lanus
    Lanus Member Posts: 5
    edited September 2011

    Pembrook, what does the listing look like?  The BS I am seeing on Friday is regionally well known for her expertise in BC, and her listing on still lists her just as "Surgeon."   You need to go deeper to get to Specialty:  Diseases of the Breast.   So, possibly your surg. has more expertise than you are seeing online.   Search this site for your city, see if there are any dr. discussion threads, perhaps others who have used your surgeon before can let you know if he is any good. 

    Or, he could be a general surgeon, taking out an appendix in the morning, a breast after lunch.   I'd get another opinon if that's the case!

  • pembrook
    pembrook Member Posts: 7
    edited September 2011

    Lanus...Thank you for your help.  The website was very helpful to locate a breast surgeon.  The dr. I was originally sent to is a general surgeon with no breast experience.  I cancelled my appt with him.   I have been sent to a cancer center to meet with the breast surgeon.  I am so grateful for this site because it seems so strange to feel a lump and then to be told that nothing is showing up on the mammogram or ultrasound.  My primary dr. is very good.  She is the one, besides this website, that convinced me to go to a breast surgeon.  Hopefully all will work out fine.

  • Lanus
    Lanus Member Posts: 5
    edited September 2011

    Pembrook, it is frustrating to feel something (and have others do so, so we KNOW it isn't our mind playing tricks!) and not have it show up on the imaging. 

    My appt with the breast surgeon is today, and I'm a little bit...OK, a Lot A Bit....freaking out.   Xanax and coffee:  The breakfast of champions.   

    Actually, I'm probably freaking out less today, because, while I know that nothing definitive will be said, at least one layer of uncertainty will be peeled back, and I'll have a better idea of what we will know and when.

  • pembrook
    pembrook Member Posts: 7
    edited September 2011

    Good luck to you Lanus...uncertainty is the worse!!!  I hope you are not going alone.  Xanax and coffee can only help so much.  I am hoping for the best for you.

  • pembrook
    pembrook Member Posts: 7
    edited September 2011

    Just heard from breast surgeon's office refuses to see me because my BRIADS from mammogram and ultrasound is two.  The nurse explained the surgeon never sees anyone below a four.  The lump in left breast has not changed, it is very small.  Lump in right armpit is growing and becoming painful. Ultrasound technician told me that is my armpit and not axillary breast wall.  SHE IS ONLY A TECHNICIAN!!!! Called my dr. from clinic and explained BRIADS score, Nurse called me back and said to try a general surgeon and ask if they will see me. Very confused, scared and unemployed.  Should I go by this BRIADS and forget about lump in breast??  Could a general surgeon help me with my armpit?

  • mom3band1g
    mom3band1g Member Posts: 87
    edited September 2011

    I was scored a bi-rads 3 and told by the radiologist my lump was 'nothing'.  Thankfully I was referred to a bs by my gp.  Can your gp refer you to the bs?

  • paleblueyes
    paleblueyes Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2011

    I have had mammograms twice a yr for 2 yrs. I have had a packing peanut size "lump" at bottom of left breast, also at bottom/side of right breast. The Dr's have said it is probably scar tissue from my 2003 breast reduction. I noticed these lump approx 2-3 yrs ago. At my recent mammo I told them the peanut is getting larger, they did a ultrasound. The Dr came in the room and said" you need to go to the plastic surgeon to see if he thinks its scar tissue. PS was clueless, said see a breast surgeon.I saw the BS and he says he wants to do surgery asap. Shock & awe. I have had cysts aspirated before and they have disappeared. He says he can't biopsy them because they are NOT cysts. They are not showing up on US or Mamm. What I thought the ultrasound reader was telling me was good news  i.e. "we don't see anything" as in "we don't see any cancer". So, next Wed I have surgery scheduled. I also have a bleeding disorder. Invasive surgery is not what I want. Should I suggest an MRI, like I have been reading about here? 

  • solange49
    solange49 Member Posts: 19
    edited September 2011

    Hi paleblueyes, I had also been having a diagnostic mammo and ultrasound every 6 months for a little over 2 years due to calcifications they wanted to "monitor". I had a fluid filled cyst in my left breast that was drained as well. I found a large lump in my right breast 5 months after my last mammo & ultrasound. It was totally missed. My right breast was swollen and my nipple was inverted. My gyn sent me to have another ultrasound "at a different diagnostic center" which showed the lump this time. I had a biopsy then Pet scan. I had stage IIIc cancer. I was told my breasts were on the dense side and sometimes mammos & ultrasounds miss things. I wish my cancer would have been detected so much earlier. If I had known then...what I know now I would have asked for an MRI. Your lump may be scar tissue or something completely insignificant. And know that 80% of lumps turn out to be B9. But I think an MRI would be a great idea for your health and peace of mind.

    Diana. :)

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited September 2011

    When in doubt.....MRI!!!

  • paleblueyes
    paleblueyes Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2011

    had my pre-op dr appt today. I asked about the MRI and he said it would be in the techs hands to make absolutely certain they see it all. These masses should come out. So I am having surgery.

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited September 2011

    paleblueyes - Sorry you have to have surgery, but if I was in your shoes I would be relieved to finally have these out and know for sure what I was dealing with.  It must have been nerve wracking to go through this every 6 months!

    When you say "it would be in the techs hands....." does that mean you ARE having an MRI or that he believes that the ultrasound and mammo techs that did your recent studies "saw it all"???

    Best wishes!

  • Lindacrj
    Lindacrj Member Posts: 8
    edited September 2011

    Pale blue eyes, good luck and know that surgical excision is the only 100% answer to what's going on.

    My update, after seeing surgeon again last week we have decided that surgical excision of the ducts is the best way to go. My discharge has now become bloody. However she said she will not go in without a pre surgical mri. As for the lump I feel at 12 o clock that does not show up on anything. I recently had a chest xray and it showed on that so I will show it to BS. Also it should show on mri. Even though they say it "feels" normal I am. Going to ask that she removes it as well. End my skepticism. Should have mri approval tomorrow and hopefully mri and surgery next week. I want it done!!

  • Lindacrj
    Lindacrj Member Posts: 8
    edited September 2011

    Pale blue eyes, good luck and know that surgical excision is the only 100% answer to what's going

    My update, after seeing surgeon again last week we have decided that surgical excision of the ducts is the best way to go. My discharge has now become bloody. However she said she will not go in without a pre surgical mri. As for the lump I feel at 12 o clock that does not show up on anything. I recently had a chest xray and it showed on that so I will show it to BS. Also it should show on mri. Even though they say it "feels" normal I am. Going to ask that she removes it as well. End my skepticism. Should have mri approval tomorrow and hopefully mri and surgery next week. I want it done!!

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited September 2011
    Lindacrj - Glad you're getting the MRI.  Good luck with everything!!!
  • paleblueyes
    paleblueyes Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2011

    my family physician meant an MRI would be as useful a diagnosis as the person reading the film.

    I do feel a calmness these last few days rather then  panic. To know exactly what is going on 100% is via surgery like lindacrj said. Thank you all for you posts. I will report back after Wednesday.


  • alaskadiana
    alaskadiana Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2011

    Stick to your guns and ask for a gadolinium MRI.  I went through the same thing and my lump did not show up on ultrasound for over a year.  Wish I'd demanded that MRI.  It was still diagnosed pretty early and my prognosis is good but those MRIs really see a lot (don't worry, no radiation from those like you get from CAT scans or even mammos) ... They're not perfect, as they can sometimes detect things that are nothing, but at least MRIs provide a good basis for comparison for any changes that could occur.  And they can see the spot your concerned about. Trust your gut, girl!

  • Lindacrj
    Lindacrj Member Posts: 8
    edited September 2011

    Exactly why my mri is being done at one place to be reviewed by on biologist. Him and my Dr are the best at what they do and will only do this procedure at one facility. Not all breast centers are equal. I have my mri Thursday morning and will leave with the results and able to schedule my surgery. Get rid of this once and for all. My only hope is that everything is benign and they find the cause so I don't keep wondering. Good luck everyone.

  • Debbie555
    Debbie555 Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2011

    Hi, Everyone ~  I'm new here.  I have been going through lots of tests for two months after waking up with a red, sore, hard breast with a mass (and temp).  NP said I had cellulitis - even though I said mastitis (after having it 25 years ago when breastfeeding); she disagreed.  Got meds; couldn't US because of inflammation I was told (but later learned they could have).  Mostly went away, but not everything - not pain and mass.  Few weeks later, went out of state to specialists where they did mammo (had normal one in January), which showed nothing.  Then did US, which showed nothing.  Mind you, we could all feel the mass.  Then had MRI, which showed two masses with questionable appearances (grade 4).  Tried to do biopsy w/US, but still couldn't see it.  Then did MRI biopsy.  They tell me I have xanthogranulomatous and duct ectasia - but mine very severe and rare - but no cancer.  Area got bigger, so went back this week.  They wanted to do US biopsy, but still couldn't see it.  Other minor tests showed nothing.  Now seeing a BS in 3 weeks.  I have huge family history of BC on both sides (mom, both gmas, aunt, etc.).  Also had a MBI (molecular breast image) which also showed two masses.  I am very worried with my history and pain.  Dr also worried the MRI biopsy missed something, which is why the referral to the BS for larger biopsy.  It seems to all take so long!  Two months now.  So I understand what many of you are going through with lumps not showing up on tests.  Oh, and this Dr said I did have mastitis - at least.  Always follow your gut!

  • Lindacrj
    Lindacrj Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2011

    Mri results negative. No clue what's causing breast discharge. Still don't see the lump we feel. Scheduled for surgery 10/13. Will finally have the final answer. Can't wait. I hope it all ends here. Debbie555 stick with it. Just have the lumps removed so you know for sure. So sorry its painful. We are our best advocates, so don't give up.

  • Debbie555
    Debbie555 Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2011

    Lindacrj, that is bizarre that it shows on your xray and not mri.  I thought mri's are the ultimate view.  Good luck with your surgery next week!  It will be such a relief to know for sure.  I've been reading so much (probably too much!) about mistakes made with diagnosing and time lost.  Just "git 'er done" and the unknowns will be known.  I called my dr yesterday to ask for a second opinion on my biopsies.  She said they already did (impressive), and that they will submit my biopsies to a class of 7 or 8 students to also review.  The more eyes the better with all my junk on the biopsies.  I will still see BS on 10/19.  Peace of mind only a week away, Lindacrj!   Wish you the best results!  Let us know how it goes. 

  • McInnisk
    McInnisk Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2012

    Hi I am going through the exact same thing right now!  How did you make out? I had the x ray and it showed nothing?  They were looking for an abnormaity in the chest bone to rule out the felt lump.  They found nothing how can that be the conclusion?  My lump is right at the rib in my chest?  How did you feel your lump and what did it feel like?

  • Klo1166
    Klo1166 Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2012

    I also found a lump in my right breast I told my PCP who I also work for and she had me set up for a mamo where they also did an ultrasound and sound nothing was detected.  I still haven't been told why there is a lump there other than I have heterogeneously dense breast, it also said no developing masses or suspicious microcalcifications are demonstrated.  There is a stable small rounded asymmetry with central right breast.  Not sure what that means.  I have no insurance at the moment but am concerned as to why there is a lump.  Would you recommend me seeing a surgeon or just waiting to see if it grows?  My Doctor doesn't seem concerned.