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Breast lump felt but not seen on ultrasound



  • Fitz33
    Fitz33 Member Posts: 123
    edited August 2012

    I had a mass extending from underarm to my right breast noted by my Onc and Lymph doc so an US was ordered along with my regular mammo.  They both said it was a large mass and it moved.  The BS couldn't feel it and it didn't show up on the mammo but did say if a mass moves it isn't cancer.  She said cancer will always be unmoveable (hope she's right).  She did an U/S and nothing showed up & radiologist said it had to be a result from surgery & rads.  BS said she wouldn't drain -- too much trouble for PT and it could fill in again.  Rads doc said it was just a result of surgery & rads as well.  That was a couple of months ago and I think it's smaller now.  No more followups until my next 6 mo. appt.  and I feel good about it.

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited August 2012
    MrsCich - Keeping fingers crossed! 
  • MrsCich
    MrsCich Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2012

    Ok, went to my MRI results appointment.  Dr said there are two highly suspicious areas.  The one I wouldn't take "probably nothing" as an answer for and another under my breast in the connecting tissue to the breast bone (I guess in the crease area).  He called the radiologist right then to discuss the route to take.  I am waiting to hear back from the radiology group because two radiologists will be at the screen when the mammogram shots come through and they will decide if a mammo or MRI guided biopsy would be better.  Once decided, I get the biopsy right then.  My Dr did say that regardless what the results come back as, I will have a lumpectomy to remove both areas.  Kind of bummed a little because I so wasn't expecting to hear anything but good news.  He went ahead and told me that if either come back as cancerous that he recommends a mastectomy in the right breast because of the location and depth of the areas.  Oh well, heres to more waiting!

    I wasn't really prepared to hear him talk about a mastectomy right off the back so of course the worst scenarios are running through my mind.  Like, oh they are fairly certain by looking at the MRI that it's cancer but they want to be 100% certain before they break the news to me.  Uuuugh!!!

  • CelineFlower
    CelineFlower Member Posts: 145
    edited August 2012

    Thank you Cinch for keeping us seem to have a good doc and team and taking care of you swiftly

    i wish we could kick you out of the waiting room..

    As i read more and more of the womens stories here.... seems to me "waiting " is a big part of all this... no matter what stage (or room) your in..

  • MrsCich
    MrsCich Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2012

    WAITING is the worst (well of course I can say that now because I have no diagnosis!).   I don't like knowing that I have to be cut on regardless of the results of the biopsy but I guess you play the hand your dealt, right?  No family history of it but I guess it has to start with someone to be hereditary. BLAH! Undecided

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited August 2012

    MrsCich - Dang it!  Of course was hoping to hear that the MRI showed nothing.  I know it's difficult right now, but try to take it one step at a time.  Any mass (benign or not) that shows up on an MRI is "suspicious" and warrants investigation.  Pat yourself on the back for listening to your gut and pushing for an answer.

    I'm a little confused - why would they need to do excisional biopsy/lumpectomy if the needle biopsy comes back benign?

    Sending good thoughts your way..... 

  • MrsCich
    MrsCich Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2012

    The BS just said that regardless what the results come back as, the masses need to be removed.  I guess because they are abnormal.  I'm not really sure...I was kind of in a daze and didn't think to ask why.

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited August 2012

    MrsCich - I understand Smile .  I had a procedure last week (not breast-related) and I was quite nervous.  I asked the doc a few simple questions and by the time I got to my car I couldn't remember the answers.  Argh!

    TRY to take one step at a time and not dwell on a worst-case scenario.  If you can't do that, know that whatever comes your way you can handle it.  I think we are all stronger that we give ourselves credit for.  Hang in there!

  • MrsCich
    MrsCich Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2012

    I agree Tina...I have to admit that every minute that ticks away without the radiology group calling me to set up my mammo/biopsy appointment, I want to FREAKING SCREAM!!!!  How do they really expect people to deal with the not knowing! 

  • MrsCich
    MrsCich Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2012

    Thank you Info!  I appreciate it!

  • janet456
    janet456 Member Posts: 14
    edited August 2012

    Mrs Cich, sorry to hear you're really going through it.

    I haven't had an MRI but apparently they do throw up alot of false positives, so it's good the biopsy's will be done.  I hope you don't have to wait too long for that appointment, as it is the waiting that is the hardest part.

    Thinking of you xx 

  • MrsCich
    MrsCich Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2012

    I just got a call from the Dr's office.  Mammo is scheduled for Thursday morning at 730AM CST.   Biopsy will follow.  Results appointment is scheduled for Monday at 245PM.  Knowing as of Monday afternoon I will have definitive answers is SO RELIEVING!!!!!!   Thank you ladies for everything!!!

  • MrsCich
    MrsCich Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2012

    How bad is a biopsy?  Will I be able to go to work afterward?

  • janet456
    janet456 Member Posts: 14
    edited August 2012

    I had core needle biopsy - didn't feel a thing as they numb the area.  I was bruised afterwards but that was my fault as I wouldn't let them apply pressure immediately after they had done it.  Wishing you good luck for both appointments x

  • MrsCich
    MrsCich Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2012

    Thanks Janet.  They say I can't eat or drink anything after midnight on Weds.  Really?  Didn't think a biopsy was that big of a deal.

  • janet456
    janet456 Member Posts: 14
    edited August 2012

    Well it won't be a core needle one then.  Ask exactly what type you're having - the no eating or drinking sounds like you need a GA or something.

  • janet456
    janet456 Member Posts: 14
    edited August 2012

    Might be an excisional one - in which case somebody will be along soon to help you out with that.  After my CNB I then had the lumpectomy which was a GA - but on a day patient basis.

  • MrsCich
    MrsCich Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2012

    Well, I was told regardless what the results, I need the masses out so a lumpectomy is a sure thing.  He won't schedule that until the results come back though.  Not sure why they have to come out, I was kind of in a daze when he was talking about it.

  • janet456
    janet456 Member Posts: 14
    edited August 2012

    My big lump had to come out regardless of results too.  It looked very scary on imaging and was birads 5.  My DCIS was only picked up as an incidental finding on final pathology thus proving everything is better out than in.  Shall be thinking of you on Thursday - it's good that you also know when you will get the final results.  Hugs to you x

  • MrsCich
    MrsCich Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2012

    Well, as you suggested I called to find out what all was going to happen come Thursday.  So here goes:

    730 AM:  Mammogram.  If they can see the two areas good, they will do the biopsy via Mammogram at 9:00. 

    815AM:  I'm scheduled for another MRI, in case the Mammogram can't pick up the areas. Biopsy will be MRI guided at 9:00, at this point. 

    She did say that someone has to come with me because they give you a Xanax before the Mammo.  I've NEVER taken a Xanax or any other anxiety medication.  Not only that, I get VERY nauseous with ANY kind of medication.  I'm praying they give me Zofran before the Xanax.  I think I'm more afraid of throwing up from the Xanax than the actual biopsy! 

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited August 2012

    MrsCich - Sounds like they will be core biopsies, either with mammo (stereotactic) or MRI assist (or one of each).  You'll have to be on your stomach either way and they're giving you meds so that's likely why they don't want you to eat right before.  I had multiple core biopsies and wasn't given any pre-meds.  It wasn't fun, but I did fine.  If you're really concerned about the Xanax perhaps you could do without it?  With two core biopsies you're liable to be sore and they likely will send you off with ice packs.  Between that and the Xanax it might be difficult going to work afterwards.

    This stuff all just sucks, but so glad things are moving along in a timely fashion.  Believe me, it doesn't work this smoothly for everyone!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited August 2012

    I have had 2 stereotactic biopsies, not fun but did them

    then this year one ultrasound guided core biopsy

    can not tell you the reasons for the dif types but I NEVER went to work after them !  and I am a work freak, it is not that you will have pain as I only ever did tylonel after plus a cold pack but...let us be nice to ourselves! 

    go home and rest, maybe take a nap, really be good to yourself!  this is from mother Iris!

  • MrsCich
    MrsCich Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2012

    Thank you ladies!  I'm not going into work afterward.  After hearing what all was going to happen (the lady I spoke with in radiology was VERY informative), I'm going to take the day off.  She said they put a butterfly bandage over the biopsy sites (there are two) and put pressure on them and ice. Yell  DOES NOT SOUND LIKE A PICNIC, I TELL YA!  First the booby squisher, then biospies, then pressure and ice.  Uuugh! 

    Tina, I am so relieved that things are moving along with these tests.  I've read plenty on this site and some of you having to wait months and months would be torture. I've had an u/s, MRI, results for both, and now a mammo and biopsies all in less than two weeks.  I couldn't be more pleased with it. 

    I can't thank you all enough for being here to talk to and get advice from!  Thank you sooo much!!

  • MrsCich
    MrsCich Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2012

    So, I got my MRI report...comments (honestly) are welcome.  PLEASE!

    Lump #1:  In the posterior third of the right upper inner breast, approximately 11cm deep to the nipple and 2.6cm deep to the skin, there is a 1.4 x 1 x .9cm in diameter spiculated, enhancing mass with type 3 kinetics, very suspicious for malignancy.  The lesion is hypointense on T2.

    Lump #2:  In the middle third of the right upper outer breast, there is an ill-defined region of asymmetric enhancement with type 3 kinetics, corresponding in location to the described palpable abnormality.  This region is also suspicious for malignancy.  There are regions of stranding enhancement that extends from this lesion cephalad and caudad.  The latter raises question for an extensive intraductal component.

    BIRAD Score:  5

    Anyone ever hear of a Birad 5 being benign? 

  • janet456
    janet456 Member Posts: 14
    edited August 2012

    I am not sure if a Birads 5 rating from an MRI equates to the same in percentage terms as mammo/ultrasound in view of their higher false positive rating - hopefully somebody else will come along and clarify that for you.

    I would think that if they have higher false positives then the percentage that come back benign would also be higher verses mammo/us - if that makes sense?  However I am no expert and I've never had an MRI.

    You are in the worst part of this journey at the moment and I am glad that you will have your results soon.  Some Birads 5 do come back benign - that much I do know because I was one of them.

    Please also know that whatever the results - you will get through it all and things will get better. 

  • marie5890
    marie5890 Member Posts: 111
    edited August 2012


    You asked if its ever been known that a BIRADS 5 comes back B9.

    Yes, there were a few women  last year who came here with a BIRADS 5 score and it was B9. It is possible.

    To be honest, however, it's not probable. More often than not, they do come back positive.

    Im answering you honestly because Im assuming you want an honest answer.  

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited August 2012
    MrsCich - Honestly, it seems the chance that both of these would come back benign seems pretty unlikely (but, I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for you).  It might feel like your world is crashing in right now, but no matter what CAN do this!  I say this not because I'm assuming the worst, but because it sounds like biopsies and surgery are in your future no matter what.  It's scary and it sucks and it's overwhelming, but things have come so far in the past few years.  I was totally amazed by how tailored treatment plans are now.  Really and truly, no matter what the results - you can do this Kiss.  Sounds like you've got a great medical team behind you and that is such a positive start.  One step and one day at a time.......
  • janet456
    janet456 Member Posts: 14
    edited August 2012

    It is alarming that you can go from a Birads 2 to Birads 5 and I am praying for you that they find the middle ground of B9 between the two vastly constrasting medical opinions. x

  • MrsCich
    MrsCich Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2012

    Tina, I was thinking the same thing. Hope is there that one would be found b9 but the liklihood of both is slim. 

    Janet, The Birad 2 was given by the original radiologist that did the u/s.  He looked at one small area of the breast and the mass couldn't be found. So he gave it a Birad 2 with the diagnosis of "probably a ridge of breast tissue."  I was uncomfortable with that diagnosis so I went to a BS.  He sheduled a MRI and THAT is where I get the two Birad 5's from.

  • marie5890
    marie5890 Member Posts: 111
    edited August 2012


    Major kudos for seeking a more definate answer and going to a BS and getting a real answer.

    That persistance is going to pay off I bet....

    You have NOT fallen thru the cracks.....