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Breast lump felt but not seen on ultrasound



  • Bani
    Bani Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2016

    I understand the anxiety!My Doctor found a hard lump in my right breast during a manual exam which was not detected on the mammogram or sonogram. I am reading how common this is and am very concerned. I am scheduling a follow-up with my Doctor.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    edited June 2016

    Welcome Bani! We know it's scary, but there are many other types of lumps that turn out to be benign. Please let us know how it goes with your doctor.

    The Mods

  • Capermom
    Capermom Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2016

    mine was missed on ultrasound and mamagram.They did mri and sec d look ultrasound and both detected tge lump...Just found out today I have an apt to discuss it next week...So glad I got a secondition opinion.Good luck and request an mri.

  • Simplycindy66
    Simplycindy66 Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2016

    There is a lump on left breast near breast bone. Nothing showed on mammogram, they sent me to get an ultrasound still nothing showed up. It is a little bigger than a pea; i have had it for 10 months I am post menopausal and on estrogen patch. The breast center said I have an option for an mri and it was approved. Mean while my regular Dr sent me to a surgeon who said it is probably benign and to just watch it for growth. My question is do I still get the mri the breast center suggested or listen to the surgeon and do nothing? I do have a large Lilpoma on my back right shoulder. The surgeon said that what the lump on breast could be. When it started out it was smaller than a pea it has grown. The surgeon said mri and ultrasound will show about the same thing and I don!'t real need it. The nurse practitoner said I should get it, I am torn. Wouldn't the surgeon know more?

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771
    edited August 2016

    I disagree... First of all IMO all breast lumps should be diagnosed no matter if you can feel it or not. Also a breast MRI is NOT the same as a mammo or U/S. I would want the MRI especially since you are on a estrogen. That could be contraindicated should the lump be something serious. It sounds like the chances are low but better safe than sorry. Good luck and keep us posted.

  • Chadnott
    Chadnott Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2016

    Hello new to form. I'm 44 years old and found a lump in my right breast the lump is under the breast. I have had a mammogram and ultrasound nothing was seen but both techs and the doctor who reviews the films can visually see the lump and feel it. Went to my oncologist today could feel the lump even better because it has grown so she immediately ordered a mri for tomorrow and stated the doctor should have done a biopsy then and looking for a BS a little worried. Any advice is helpful. Thanks for listening

    I have MGUS thats why I see a oncologist and have some Atypical cells in the left breast which led to a breast reduction.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    edited August 2016

    Hi Chadnott-

    Welcome to the community! We're sorry for the worry that brings you here. It's good that your oncologist is being cautious and ordering the mri, just to be on the safe side! We hope all the worrying is for naught and your results come back favorable. Good luck on the mri, please keep us posted!

    The Mods

  • Chadnott
    Chadnott Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2016

    Hello, ok had the breast MRI it showed some problems sort of kinda. I have a surgical staple in that same right breast that the lump is in my doctor said the mri was not bad but scheduled me to see a Breast surgeon which is 9/6/16. A little worried but ready to hear what is going on with my breast. What can the lump be if not showing up on anything but we see and feel it crazy. Ok went to see BS will be having surgery on 9/14 to remove lump. A little scared do not know what to expect any advice would help, everything just moved so quick took all together about 4 weeks since I saw my oncologist. Thanks for listening

  • Momof3_2001
    Momof3_2001 Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2016

    I understand this is an old post, but just wondering if any of the more recent posters have found anything out regarding lumps not showing up?? Mine did not show up on mammo or US and my appt with the BS isn't until Oct 11.

  • Mammade3
    Mammade3 Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2016

    I had a Mammogram & US last week. They told me everything looks fine even though there is still a very big & painful lump along with skin changes, a spot under my breast that looks like a bruise & my nipple has changed direction as well as I can feel my armpit and lymph nodes swelling. I have an appointment on Wednesday with my OB. I will be asking for an MRI I know something is not right.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    edited November 2016

    Hi Mammade3,

    Welcome to the forums!

    Sorry your concerns have brought you here. We're really hoping for a benign result for you when you get the test results back!

    In the meantime, come here as often as you need to vent your worries and thoughts.

    Sending hugs your way,

    The Moderators.

  • Mousumi
    Mousumi Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2016

    i have a tiny painless lump under my right breast too which the doctor assumed as cyst and sent me fr a mamogram bt another breast surgeon assisted that mamography of breast under the age 35 is risky as it includes he suggests to go fr ultrasound .the report of ultrasound is normal..but the lump is still there...

  • fabfour424
    fabfour424 Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2016

    I've been reading through everyone's posts tonight as I await an appointment with a breast surgeon in two weeks. I, too, have a few lumps (one the size of a walnut at the base of my right breast). They are all very squishy and moveable, with the pea-sized one in my left breast being a bit more firm. I have had three ultrasounds (initial, 3 month check, 6 month check) plus a mammogram= all show nothing. On the most recent ultrasound, the radiologist came into the room and felt the lumps herself and put the wand on them, but there was literally nothing there. The tissue looked identical to the fat surrounding it. She said what the other two radiologists have said-- it's breast tissue or a lipoma. But-- she referred me to a breast surgeon because she said there's a super rare form of cancer called a liposarcoma that cannot be detected by ultrasound. Well, that was scary to hear, so I decided that, yes, I definitely want to have it checked out further just in case. I've learned from you AMAZING LADIES here to push for a breast MRI. I will definitely be having that conversation with the surgeon. THANK YOU for that info! And I will keep you posted on what he says.

  • letrongthuytrang
    letrongthuytrang Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2019

    Can one lump shown on ultrasoubd but not the other? I did not feel the first lump but its visible con ultrasound. I feel the second one but its not visible on ultrasound. Could it be ? And whats my next step thank you so muc