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Breast lump felt but not seen on ultrasound



  • MrsCich
    MrsCich Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2012

    Well ladies, I had the biopsies.  First was a mammogram (first one I've ever had since I am only 33 y/o).  The mammo couldn't see the two masses due to dense breast tissue.  Then they tried another u/s, and this tech was able to find both, unlike the radiologist that did my first u/s and said the one mass was "probably a ridge of breast tissue."  Since they could now see them on u/s the biopsies were done that way.  They gave me the Xanax and it did eventually take effect and I was calm. The first mass he biopsied with a needle the size of a screwdriver, didn't hurt because I was good and numb.  The second mass, which I learned has every characteristic of being malignant, is deep and connected to the brest muscle near the center of my chest.  He inserted the screwdriver like needle and began biopsing but I wasn't numb enough and felt it slicing.  I said every non cuss word and he was kind enough to say, go ahead and say f@#k if you need to!  He apologized and numbed me VERY well after that.  He said I was going to be VERY sore because that mass is so deep in my chest and at my muscle.

    I'm pretty sore now and it hurts to raise my arm.  Not looking forward to tomorrow because he said that was when I would really feel it probably.  So there you have it. Monday at 245 is my results appointment.  Not really anticipating good news since I have two masses that are Birad 5.

  • Infobabe
    Infobabe Member Posts: 52
    edited August 2012


    My heart goes out to you.  But you are going to be OK on the other side of this trying time.

  • MrsCich
    MrsCich Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2012
    Thanks Info...a weekend of waiting now.  Undecided
  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited August 2012

    MrsCich - So glad they were able to use ultrasound.  The MRI biopsies are done with you on your belly so more uncomfortable position, plus more "hold still" time.  I was reluctant to tell you about the size of the needle for core biopsies.  Don't be surprised if you end up bruised despite ice and pressure.  One hurdle in your rear view mirror....

    The waiting is the pits.  Watch a funny movie or throw your pent up energy into a mindless project around the house or get your thoughts and feelings down on paper or ?????  I hate it when medical stuff happens at the end of the week so you have to waste a perfectly good weekend worrying.

    Best wishes!

  • MrsCich
    MrsCich Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2012

    Yeah, Monday at 245 CST can't come fast enough, even though I kind of already know the answer.  The talk between Dr's and nurses yesterday, along with reading my MRI report is enough for me to expect the worst.  Ya know?  I'd rather be ready for the worst and be surprised by good news, thn be optimistic and think everything is peachy and then be hit with a ton of bricks.

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited August 2012

    MrsCich - Will your husband or a friend go with you?  Since you will be discussing surgery either way it might really help to have a second set of ears and someone to jot down some notes.  I found that my husband and I heard some things quite differently at the appointments around the time of my ultrasounds, MRI, biopsies, etc.  He was upset, of course, but was more able to stay on track and take some notes while my brain was jumping all over the place with questions.  Asking questions, but not always "hearing" the answers.

    Remember.....even if it is "the worst" you CAN do this!  Oh, have I already said that before? Wink

  • janet456
    janet456 Member Posts: 14
    edited August 2012

    Hope you're not feeling too sore today and i'll be thinking of you on Monday x

  • MrsCich
    MrsCich Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2012

    Janet, I'm a bit sore but coming into work was the best thing for me. I've worked out some of the soreness and it's better than sitting at home thinking! Laughing Thanks for your concern.

    Tina, yes my husband is going with me. I'm actually writing up some questions just in case it comes back benign...but also questions for malignant as well. That way we can write down the answers and I won't forget.

  • jennyb4
    jennyb4 Member Posts: 8
    edited August 2012

    Don't mean to jump in your conversation ladies. But I saw the topic, and I am in kind of this situation. I found a lump last summer, on the outer part of my left breast. When I went for my annual she kind of blew me off and said keep an eye on it, which I have done. Just went for this year annual, new doctor, told her about it as it has increased in size. Originally I found it because the area was sore. And it still does get tender. Also it does move. She sent me for a mammo and u/s. They showed nothing. The report did say I have heterogeneously dense breasts?? So the radiologist told me its propably a "clump" of breast tissue. My Gyn called a few days later and suggests I see a specialist. She said if these tests didn't give you a diffinitive answer I need to go see someone who knows what they are looking at and feeling. So now I am starting to get nervous. I go to the specialist on Sept 4. I'm 34 yrs old ( which I know means nothing) and have 4 kids, and I'm really freaking myself out. Is there such a thing as a lump being a clump of breast tissue?! Thinking of you MrsCich:)

  • jennyb4
    jennyb4 Member Posts: 8
    edited August 2012

    Don't mean to jump in your conversation ladies. But I saw the topic, and I am in kind of this situation. I found a lump last summer, on the outer part of my left breast. When I went for my annual she kind of blew me off and said keep an eye on it, which I have done. Just went for this year annual, new doctor, told her about it as it has increased in size. Originally I found it because the area was sore. And it still does get tender. Also it does move. She sent me for a mammo and u/s. They showed nothing. The report did say I have heterogeneously dense breasts?? So the radiologist told me its propably a "clump" of breast tissue. My Gyn called a few days later and suggests I see a specialist. She said if these tests didn't give you a diffinitive answer I need to go see someone who knows what they are looking at and feeling. So now I am starting to get nervous. I go to the specialist on Sept 4. I'm 34 yrs old ( which I know means nothing) and have 4 kids, and I'm really freaking myself out. Is there such a thing as a lump being a clump of breast tissue?! Thinking of you MrsCich:)

  • MrsCich
    MrsCich Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2012

    Jenny, Jumping in is what we all did in the beginning!  I still feel like this is the beginning...and in all actuality, it is for me.  Reading your story is SO much like mine.  I found my mass about a month ago.  My gyn felt it and said, it feels cystic but get an u/s.  I did and the radiologist looked in that spot and saw nothing.  My diagnosis from him was "probably a ridge of breast tissue."   I WAS NOT comfortable with a probably.  I need a definitive yes it is or no it isn't before someone can ease my mind at all.  I actually only got an appointment with the breast surgeon by chance because I called to see how much a breast MRI would cost out of pocket because I was told since the u/s saw nothing a MRI is not medically necessary and insurance wouldn't pay for it.  It was the staff at the BS's office that, after explaining my story, demanded I see the Dr there and let him make the MRI "medicallly necessary." 

    The MRI showed two "highly suspicious masses" which were both deemed Birad 5 (>=95% malignant). The BS was shocked, I was shocked.  One because I was told this was nothing and two because there was more than one! I had my biopsies yesterday (not fun, but not torture).  I get my actual results Monday afternoon but I know the answer,  I've learned from these discussion threads and researching that Birad 5's aren't just handed out for fun and even though the possibility is there for them to be B9, the liklihood isn't. I am 33 y/o, mother of 4 with dense fibrocystic breasts and no family history of BC.  My BS told me my chances of having BC is about 7%...didn't I win the freakin lottery.  NOT! 

    As the women on here have told me...GO WITH YOUR GUT!!!!  Just because the mammo and u/s didn't show anything doesn't mean something isn't lurking.  MINE WAS THERE AND THEN AN EXTRA ONE WAS TOO!!!!!  Demand a baseline MRI.  It will at least give you peace of mind!  Coming to this site may scare the crap out of you when you read stories so similar to yours, but it will help ease your mind as well.  Definitley keep us posted. 

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited August 2012

    jennyb4 -  Please, please, please ask for an MRI instead of waiting and worrying.  Mammos and ultrasounds (and even MRIs) don't show everything, but MRI is your best bet.  I strongly urge you to demand an MRI so you'll find out what you're dealing with.  Most things are benign and you might end up having an "unnecessary" biopsy, but dense breasts require more thorough investigation.  Just my two-cents!

    Best wishes!  Keep us posted...

  • MrsCich
    MrsCich Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2012

    TinaT was one of my guiding lights on here, Jenny.  MRI's can light you up like a Christmas tree but in my opinion, I'd rather have a false positive scare than never knowing there is an actual positive mass.  Get your Dr to prescribe you some anxiety's understandable why you would need them.  I would be driven insane if I had to wait as long as you.  My appts have happened so fast, it's amazing.  I pray yours could be like that!

  • jennyb4
    jennyb4 Member Posts: 8
    edited August 2012

    Thank you both for getting back to me. I actually already take anxiety meds!! I have hyperthyroid which causes panic and anxiety attacks. So ill just have to up them meds. Haha! Thank you for your advice and guidence. When I go to the specialist, depending on what they say, I will ask for an MRI. It seems like its been a lifesaver to many on here. It's weird, after the tests I felt pretty good, they didn't see anything. Wasn't even to concerned when the Gyn said go see a specialist. It was when I googled "lump in breast not showing on mammo or u/s" and all this info about dense breast and that test don't show everything. And then I stumbled on this site, started reading, and basically thought ohhh noooo! If iv had this for atleast a year and it was something bad, wouldnt I be sick?? And isn't it a good thing it moves and is a little tender?? I guess these are things I keep telling myself to help me feel better. Thank you girls again so much, i won't have any more info till the 4th. MrsCich, I will be thinking positive thoughts for you for Monday. Please keep me updated.

  • MrsCich
    MrsCich Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2012

    Jenny, just because it's been there for a year doesn't necessarily mean it's bad.  You are still young, do you have a family history of BC? My BS said my chances of getting it were 5% due to my age and no family history but add 2% for dense fibrocystic tissue.  So I had 7% chance.  Granted I haven't gotten my official dx and by some act of God, I pray both Birad 5 masses are somehow found b9.

    My gyn said my mass moves as well....which I thought was good.  Perhaps he THOUGHT it was moving and it really wasn't. I don't know about that.  My one mass (close to my under arm) has tender moments.  The one close to the center of my chest I didn't even know was there....can't feel it at all.  Until you get a mri and biopsy, you are going to worry yourself sick.  AND THAT'S NORMAL!!!!  I thought I was being a hypochondriac but coming to this site proves I'm not crazy and that I'm actually lucky to have been so persistent for a definitive answer.

  • jennyb4
    jennyb4 Member Posts: 8
    edited August 2012

    Thank you again, but I cannot do anything else until I see the specialist, right?? I'm doing everything I can right now. My primary is not going to do an MRI, either is the Gyn. She has no reason to, because of all negative tests. It all falls on getting approved by the insurance. Which I have a better chance of getting done by the breast specialist because she will have a reason to do it. It will be denied by the others, so my best chance is waiting for them to hopefully order it.

    As far as history in my family, I actually had a fibroid removed when I was 13. It was in my right breast, went around the nipple. When I first found it, it was small. A few mnths later it was huge, at least to me. 4 inch. They just took it out, blamed it on puberty and hormones. My grandmother had it 3 yrs ago. She was 85 at the time it was found. My mom found it while bathing her. I'm not sure what kind it was, they took it out. It had not spread, she did not do chemo, she did take some meds for it. My mom asked about getting tested for the gene because she was concerned for herself, her sisters as well as me and my sisters. They said she did not carry it. They told us that my grandmother was old and pretty much she just got it from old age?? They said the older you get the more chances of you getting something. Real nice, huh?! I am also a hyperchondriac. But I'm trying not to get so upset about this unless I need to. I spent sooooo much of my life worrying and wasted sooo much time. Im trying to enjoy things again, enjoy my kids. I feel like time is going so quickly now. Iv been delt some really shitty hands(not that everyone hasn't) and I'm just trying to not zone out and let it consume me. My babies dont deserve that. Does that make any sense?? Idk, I let you know how thats working out when I go to the doctors;)

  • bellaof5
    bellaof5 Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2012

    I read over your posts and couldn't help myself I had to post...I am 44 yr old with fibro hx , I have  breast cancer in my family. I found 2 lumps in my rb 1 at 12 & 1 at 6 both myself and my gyn feel them, but only the 1 at 12 showed up on us. I also was told I have  "probably a ridge of breast tissue" whatever that is ! And when the gyn office called me with the results, it was a secretary that called me, and read my results to me all wrong. Telling me "stage 2" instead of birads 2 and telling me there were microcals present when there weren't. So there was a couple of days that I was stressing that I didn't need to be, until I recieved my reports. My gyn sent me to a General surgeon who thought I should wait see him back in a year. When I started to get upset and cry he said ok come back in 6mo.

    My reports shows a 7mm mass near the areola at 12, with a cluster of masses around it . And nothing showed up at 6 as I mentioned before. (sorry I'm going by memory my reports are in other room) . I felt happy on 1 hand because I got the birads 2 but I am still very uncomfortable with how I was treated from this GS. He also told be a biopsy would be uneccesary. But I can't help but worry about that lump that didn't show up! Well I took matters in my own hands... I found a BS and I have an appointment on 8-29 for a second opinion, which I was already told my ins. might not pay for , but I don't care !!! Thanks for hearing me out !!

    Hugs n Best wishes to all !!! Smile 

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited August 2012

    jennyb4 - Sounds like your best bet is to hang tight until you see the specialist - is that a breast surgeon?  If so, breast surgeons typically know specifically how to jump through the insurance hoops to get a breast MRI approved better than the GYN or primary MD.  At least, that's the way it worked for me. 

    bellaof5 - Please consider asking the breast surgeon to order a breast MRI.  It's your best bet for an imaging modality to show what's going on.  Insurance companies are sometimes reluctant to approve them because lots of things show up, most of which turn up benign.  But, you don't know for sure until a biopsy is done.  So....very sensitive, but might lead to "unnecessary" biopsies (benign).

    Keep us posted!

  • MrsCich
    MrsCich Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2012

    Ladies, someone in another thread brought up papilomma's.  Tina, (and others that read my MRI above threads to see it).  Do papilomma's read like that on MRI?  I guess I'm trying to hold out hope but I'm finding it hard.  Tomorrow at 245 cst I find out for sure.   uuugh!

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited August 2012

    MrsCich - I don't know much about papillomas, but it sounds like they are often difficult to outright call on an MRI.  I'm sure you've already checked it out online, but if you do an internet search for "MRI appearance of breast papilloma" quite a few links pop up.  Maybe best to start with the NIH or radiology journal links.

    Try to hang in there!!!

  • oregongal
    oregongal Member Posts: 4
    edited August 2012

    I do have papillomas, had an MRI in April to make sure nothing else was going on.  It showed the same amount that the ultrasound showed- 6 of them.  We know these six are probably all papillomas, one has been biopsied and they confirmed a benign papilloma.  My MRI talks more about the location, not what they look like (could be because these are the smallest papillomas I have ever had).  They do say they are enhancing and show wash out.  It does say that breast has only mild background enhancement, yet nothing ever shows up on a mammogram.  With my 16 year history, this was my first MRI and my BS had to really fight for that.  I have had a whole ductal system full of papillomas, yet never had anything described as a ridge.  Hoping for the best for you!

  • MrsCich
    MrsCich Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2012

    Oregongal, did your papilommas have a Birad score?

  • oregongal
    oregongal Member Posts: 4
    edited August 2012

    Yes, it was a Birads 4.  In fact, I have never had anything except a 4, nothng under and nothing over (thankfully) and believe me there have been a lot of them.  In fact, I name one of my cats Birad 4 (we call him Brad for short). At one point I had breast reconstruction surgery, my PS pulled out three large papillomas with ADH, he felt had I had an ultrasound and they were seen, it would have been a Birads 5.  But he was my PS, not my BS, I think he was just freaked out.  I don't even blink an eye at a four, in fact I am probably one of the calmest on these boards, but if I were facing a 5 like you are, I would be a wreck.  But we will keep the postive vibes going your way.....

  • MrsCich
    MrsCich Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2012

    Thanks. I am holding out hope that 2 tumors, both Birad 5, one spiculated, the other ill defined but has stranding.

  • MrsCich
    MrsCich Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2012

    Well, I couldn't wait until 245 today to get my results. I went to the hospital and got my pathology report out of my medical records.  I didn't read it until my husband was on the phone with me.  This is what it says:

    Diagnosis:  Right Upper outer breast mass- Ductal Carcinoma in-situ, intermediate to high grade with focal necrosis. Receptor studies will be performed.

    Diagnosis: Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, grade 2.  Ductal carcinoma in-situ, intermediate grade.  Receptor studies will be performed. 


  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited August 2012

    MrsCich - I'm sorry the news wasn't as you had hoped.  As you will read over and over on these threads, once you work out your surgery/treatment plan it will get a lot easier.  You'll feel like things are moving too slowly and too quickly all at the same time as you try to crash course into this.  You can do it!


  • MrsCich
    MrsCich Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2012

    TinaT:  DCIS and Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. Grade 2.  Thanks for your hugs...I appreciate the support.

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited August 2012

    MrsCich - Sorry, I went back and edited my last post.  Dang, dang, dang!!!  It is still a very good thing that you pursued instead of playing the waiting game.  Hang in there and go one step at a time.

    If it's not brought up at your appointment today you might ask if you will be assigned to a breast cancer navigator.  My BS actually had a nurse navigator at my first post-diagnosis appointment.  She was an invaluable resourse in the early phase when my head was racing and I didn't know where to direct my questions.  You might not be assigned to a specific person, but most hospitals/health systems have something similar.  They can put you in touch with support groups and help to answer any question you might have (there will be a LOT).

    Sorry again and (((more hugs)))

  • janet456
    janet456 Member Posts: 14
    edited August 2012

    So sorry to hear this Mrs Cich - but so glad that you pushed for an answer.  Hop over to the DCIS thread.  At the top Beesie has done a layman's guide to DCIS - it is REALLY informative. x

  • MrsCich
    MrsCich Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2012

    I meet with the plastic surgeon Thursday and double mastectomy next Wednesday.  :/  Oncologist after the mastectomy and lymphnode dissection so she can come up with my game plan.  BS said since I'm so young, chemo is pretty much a sure thing since breast cancers among younger women is usually aggressive.  BLAH!!