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Breast lump felt but not seen on ultrasound



  • grannyat40
    grannyat40 Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2014

    The same thing just happened to me this past week.  To begin with I had gone for my yearly mammogram the week before.  I got a call that I needed to go for further testing because I had seen a 1cm nodule with undefined edges.  My doctor's office called and wanted me to have the follow up testing done at the hospital in the town where their office is located.  I went there and they didn't even see on mammogram what was seen at the other location (no one told me to take my films with me) and then when they did the ultrasound, they didn't even see the lump that I can clearly feel.  Now I don't know what I should do.  To me it feels some and oval, like some fluid filled cysts that I've had in the past, but those always showed on ultrasound, but this one didn't so I am totally confused as to what I should do as well.  Whatever happened with your situation?

  • Mlpeach2
    Mlpeach2 Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2014

    Hi, hope things are going well for you.  I am replying to your post because I am not sure how to post something seeking an answer.  I see many post about waiting. Found a lump April 6th and got appt with doctor on March 14th, at that time he scheduled diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound for April 21, and made appt with a surgeon.  I am thinking that he feels it is cancer or would not have made the surgeon appt which isn't until April 30th.  Previous mammogram was last Sept.  This site has been helping me understand the lingo, things to ask, and feeling encouraged that this is a site that will be supportive of me if needed. Thanks! Any comments or suggestions?

  • melissadallas
    melissadallas Member Posts: 929
    edited April 2014

    Hi MlPeach2,

    I wouldn't worry that your doctor made the appointment thinking it is cancer. The surgeons are the "GPs" of breasts and he probably just wants an expert to review your results with you once the films are reviewed. Since you have a palpable lump he wants someone with more expertise than he has to make the recommendations. You don't say how old you are, but the possibilities are that the lump could look clearly benign, or that it looks benign but they still want to biopsy to double check, or any number of possibilities. Even if the surgeon wants to biopsy it remember that the vast majority of lumps aren't cancer. Try not to worry too much. When I have diagnostic mammograms the radiologist usually talks to me to let me know what they think they are seeing, so maybe you'll have a better idea of what is going on before your surgeon appointment.

    Hang in there. We know anxiety and waiting is hard.

    You also might start your own thread in the "Not Diagnosed But Worried" area. This is an old thread. Also, things tend to be really slow around here on weekends, and particularly on holiday weekends so don't feel you're being ignored if you don't immediately get a bunch of replies.

  • Mlpeach2
    Mlpeach2 Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2014


    Thanks for the info.  8 or so years had biopsy on other breast, and it was calcifications.  I will be 57 next month.  My doctor's daughter had cancer when she was 4 or 5 and she now in H School, so he is probably being cautious.  Thanks for letting me know they may give insight while doing the Mammo and ultrasound.  I see you joined 2012...  It sounds as if you still are getting treatment.  Best of everything life has to offer.  Mlp

  • Mlpeach2
    Mlpeach2 Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2014

    I had the diagnostic mammo and the ultrasound.  They said nothing showed up.  I was injured at my job in March and the felt it was a hematoma.  They said it could take months to go away and that if I feel growth to call general practitioner.  I also have a lump from the injury in mouth that feels like a bb.  Thanks for all the info.  Praying for best possible journeys for everyone.

  • amdacs
    amdacs Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2014

    Help...I've had a mass on the outside of my areola for a year. It has grown from 1mm to between4-5mm. A year ago they said they couldn't find it not on mammogram or ultrasound there fore it was just a breast duct or tissue. But they saw whT they thought was a rolled tissue in my mammogram.  Nothing to worry about but would see me in 6 months. I have also had discharge from my nipple off and on from clear/green to green/grayish.  So 6 months later they say the "rolled tissue" is actually a solid mass that they think is probably a fibroadenoma . This is when we they agreed the mass on the areola has grown but is still nothing since they cant see it. I also have a dimple on the bottom of my breast under the new mass that cause the bottom of my breast to appear egg shaped.  I told them my grandmother had cancef that didnt show up and that she wasntoldnit was a slow growing aggressive cancer. And that sometimes both spots are painful . (Spot wasnpainful before I knew there was a mas because you cant feel that one only see it) she told me cancer doesnt hurt. Well my aunts hurt that what made her get checked. Im worried. I have one that has grown and now this new one. I just turned 40 and theybtalk to me like im ignorant and have no idea what im talking about. Ive asked for a biopsy and I keep getting the run around. Am I just paran

  • sarahjane7374
    sarahjane7374 Member Posts: 23
    edited May 2014

    amdacs - my sister's cancer hurt, too.  Thank God it did, because she couldn't feel any lump and she was only 28 - too young for regular screening.  The pain was what got her into the doctor and saved her life.

    So, I think you need to find a different facility for your mammograms.  Where you are going, they don't seem to know how to read your imaging and you feel like you are being brushed off.  That's not a good relationship to have with your healthcare provider.  Try this link to find an accredited breast care center in  your area.

    Best of luck to you.

  • jesi
    jesi Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2015

    So I'm 15 & I found a lump about a month ago on my left breast but I stupidly thought it was just the muscle. I told my mom about it yesterday so she felt it & realized I did have one. I went to the doctor's & they felt it as well so I went & got an ultrasound done on it. The doctor said she felt something but she "didn't see anything abnormal" & that it may just be hard/dense breast tissue & they "see this all the time". But I'm not too sure. My mom says she doesn't think the doctor did it right but I just want to go ahead & get an MRI done because they told me I'm too young for a mammogram. But I don't know.. I'm pretty shook up about thing. It bothers me now that I know there's a lump there ; I can feel it, it feels like pressure or something pressing against my breast. Hopefully it's not what I think it is. Shocked

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    edited August 2015

    Dear jesi, the liklihood of it being cancer is very, very low. We know how scary it can be, and we think you were wise to let your mom and your doctor know. Sometimes breasts can have cysts that get more sensitive around your period, but better get it checked out. We hope it's nothing more serious.

    Your post remains on the Forum for now, but please be aware of one of our web site's Terms of Use: "Registrants must be eighteen (18) years of age or older."

    Thank you for your understanding.

    The Moderators

  • christinamichelle
    christinamichelle Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2015

    Hi, I am 36 and I found a tiny hard lump on my right breast. I noticed the lump over a moth ago and it did not go away after my period. I have a history of BC in my family my Grandfather and Grandmother on my mothers side.

    I went to my OB and she confirmed she could feel that it was hard and moved underneath her fingers. She gave me a script for a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound.

    I went on Friday to a very reputable specialized hospital to have these completed. I could tell that the ultra sound tech was having a hard time finding the lump because she asked if I could point it out to her. Then she felt it with her fingers and she said ah yes. I asked can you not see it. She then said it should be nothing to worry about because it moves. Then she went and got the radiologist who came in and she also tried to find the lump with the ultrasound tool. Then stood back up and said great news the Mammogram and ultrasound both shown absolutely nothing. She then told me that I have dense breast tissue.

    I asked her how can everyone feel this tiny hard lump and it not show up. The radiologist then said it is probably normal b9 squishy breast tissue (mind you she never physically examined my breast)? I told her that it did not feel normal to me or my OB that was why I was here. She said that it is fine she had already seen 3 other patients that day with the same issue the only time I would need to worry would be if it became bigger.

    I plan on calling my OB on Monday but I am very confused. The lump does not feel squishy to me it feels like a tiny rock. How can the radiologists be sure of anything if she can not see it?

    Can anyone please give me advise on how to proceed. What step to take, what procedures to ask for?

    Has anyone had anything similar happen, what was your process, results?

    Thank you for listening

  • Italychick
    Italychick Member Posts: 527
    edited October 2015

    My lump was hard but moved, and it was cancer. Certain characteristics showed up on the ultrasound, it was taller than wide, had spiculation (looked like a starburst), showed blood flow on the ultrasound, and had shadowing. My breasts are 25-50% dense so probably not as dense as yours are. So maybe ask your doctor about buzz words that are related to possible cancer. Don't stop until you have peace of mind, they are there to help you.

    With dense breast tissue, an MRI is more definitive than either mammogram or ultrasound.

    Best of luck, and I hope everything is benign!

  • 614
    614 Member Posts: 398
    edited October 2015

    I have had a lump that was palpable but did not show up on ,my mammogram/sonogram.  It was biopsied years ago and was benign.  It was biopsied a second time when I was diagnosed with bc and it came back benign the second time.  I had the lump removed  because it was in the same breast as my other lump with the confirmed bc.  The pathology report showed that this lump was malignant too.

    Years ago when I was in my 20's, I had a hard lump that did not move.  My doctor said that it was benign.  I had it removed because I couldn't stop worrying about and touching the lump.  It was benign.

    Nothing is an absolute when it comes to bc.

    Good luck.

  • PeginMobile
    PeginMobile Member Posts: 4
    edited October 2015

    5 weeks ago I found a lump in lower outer quadrant of my left (remaining) breast. I had just had mammo 6 months ago. Gyn said location not a major cause for concern but ordered another mammo and ultrasound. Neither showed anything but both the technician and radiologist could feel it. Dr insisted I then get it biopsied to be sure which I had Monday. Results came back "suspicious". Now it's a lumpectomy. Going thru BC again is not something I am looking forward to after 20 years

  • 614
    614 Member Posts: 398
    edited October 2015

    Dear PeginMobile:

    Good luck.  I am hoping for a benign finding for you.  I will say prayers and send hugs.

  • christinamichelle
    christinamichelle Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2015

    Thank you for the responses!

    I had an ultrasound completed by a mobile breast cancer awareness group and they were the ones that advised my to go to my local Dr. which led to the post earlier, and the 2nd ultrasound I received the next day with immediate results from the radiologists stating they did not see the lump and they did not see anything abnormal. I received the results from the mobile breast cancer group a few days ago and on the report it says palpable 6x4x4 mm hypoechoic nodule vs complex cyst. I am not sure what it means. I have left a message with my local Dr but my Dr is waiting on the official report from the hospital. What test should I be requesting now? What does the results mean?

    Thank you again for taking the time to help me.

  • PeginMobile
    PeginMobile Member Posts: 4
    edited October 2015

    Thank you 614! Got results of lumpectomy yesterday. Positive for lobular cancer! I don't know what all the options are yet. Meeting with the Doctor this afternoon. The lump I felt wasn't even cancerous. He dug deeper below the lump and removed a thickening. That turned out to be cancer. He said he knows he hadn't gotten it all since it extended into the surrounding tissue. I guess I should be thankful. I just hope I have the strength to go through this again. My younger daughter is getting married in March. Something to strive for! This will be interesting to say the least!

  • asnell79
    asnell79 Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2015

    I just read through a bunch of responses. I had an annual physical last week at which my Dr. felt suspicious lump-like tissue in my left breast. I am 36 with no family history of BC (though plenty of other cancer types). I had a mammo and US 2 days later, both of which show nothing. I was given the option to meet with a breast surgeon, which I agreed to and scheduled. I was more or less OK with what they were telling me (it's 99.9% likely it's nothing! they all say), but my appointment with the breast surgeon isn't until January 2016. After reading through all this (and the fact that I feel this lump, and can't stop thinking about it) has really made me worry about how long I have to wait to get any definitive results. Is waiting 3 months OK? Should I demand something sooner? I wasn't all that worried but as the days go by I am getting more and more so. This is scary stuff. :(

  • melissadallas
    melissadallas Member Posts: 929
    edited October 2015

    Asnel, I go to a very, very busy county hospital clinic associated with a University teaching hospital. It took from the first of February unti late April to get through all my diagnostics. It isn't unusual for women who have been diagnosed to go a couple of months lining up tests & surgery & plastic surgeons. It is really unlikely to make any difference. It is good you have already had some negative diagnostics. Sometimes lumps are even just denser areas of normal glandular tissue

  • PeginMobile
    PeginMobile Member Posts: 4
    edited October 2015

    I met with the surgeon and will try a simple mastectomy with sentinel node biopsy. He is a strong advocate for lumpectomies followed by radiation but I've already been radiated in my chest for lung cancer 11 years ago so that is out. Will also begin reconstruction at the same time so I have an appointment with the plastic surgeon Monday 10/26. I guess they will coordinate a date for surgery between themselves. The sooner the better for me. I'd like to get this over with and back to work by Thanksgiving. Looking forward to having a matching set again!If sentinel nodes come back positive, will have to go through chemo for a third time. But, my cardiologist says that will be difficult. Also made an appointment with a dermatologist to get a suspicious spot on my neck checked. When it rains it pours! But that's the story of my life. Every 5 years I'm diagnosed with cancer- 1995 breast; 2000 cervical; 2004 lung; 2010 skin; 2015 breast again.

  • 2hands4me
    2hands4me Member Posts: 39
    edited November 2015

    Wondering how you are doing by now? Any update? It sounds like you have really been facing trials since 1995. Sometimes we just need to take the very next step ahead of us. Know there is plenty of support here for you!

  • PeginMobile
    PeginMobile Member Posts: 4
    edited November 2015

    So sorry for not updating sooner. I had left mastectomy on November 10th. Sentinel node showed positive so he removed the rest and that resulted in 3/18 positive. I went home the next day and have been home since. Saturday, November 14 my pacemake started buzzing. Had electrophysiology examination yesterday and showed one of 3 leads had been pulled (pacemakerwas partially implanted into breast tissue and had to be moved) so it is no longer pacing the left side of my heart. They re-programmed one of the other leads to pick up the slack if needed. I see the surgeon again on the 19th to remove drains (yikes!) and possibly stiches and staples. He said then we will make appointment with my oncologist (yes I have one of those!). But I think I will go ahead and make an appointment with onco now since the holiday season is now upon us! My staging right now is T2N1 or a "strong IIB" according to the surgeon. Oh, forgot: had a basal cell skin cancer removed from my neck the week before. So this can be considered cancer number 6 for me! (breast, cervical, lung, skin, skin, breast)

  • Skicliffs1
    Skicliffs1 Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2015

    I'm 50 found a lump, dr confirmed ultrasound found something was sent to surgeon who sent me for a biopsy. At the appointment today the ultrasound did not find anything. They said it was probably an inflammation that has gone away but the lump is still there and hasn't changed. Since they couldn't find anything on ultrasound they couldn't do the biopsy. I feel that something is wrong and I don't know what to do. I am so overwhelmed.

  • Skicliffs1
    Skicliffs1 Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2015

    going crazy too. They found something on first three ultrasounds but nothing on the day of the biopsy so they didn't do anything. Lump can be felt and it hasn't changed

    Do I listen to my gut or go with what the radiologist said???

  • 614
    614 Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2015

    Dear PegInMobile:

    I wish you the best of luck.  You have really been through a great deal.  I know that you will handle everything well because you have no other choice.  I am sending you prayers and positive thoughts.

    Dear Skicliffs:

    Good luck.

  • martumoujan
    martumoujan Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2016

    Hi! May I ask you how big was your lump? AT the moment that was not shown in ultrasound?

  • martumoujan
    martumoujan Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2016

    Hi there! I'm new on this website so if my post are going to the incorrect person I do apologize..I'm not very good with computers..:) Just want to ask you (all) how large/ big was your lump ate the moment that it was not seen in the ultrasound? Tahnsk you!

  • billiebae
    billiebae Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2016

    HI Everyone! I am new and have read so many journeys and do hope everyone is doing well. My story started in December when I accidentally found a lump on the underside of my right breast at about the 4 o'clock position. I waited 3 weeks for my dr appt and he quickly sent me for an ultra sound and diagnostic mammo. During the mammo they found a different spot i could not feel and spent time on it - the lump i showed they said did not show on the ultra sound and the tech basically told me i was in the clear. This did not sit well with me. When I called back 2 weeks later i had to book an appt to get results from my dr he said the report said b9 findings...I then asked what the lump was and he said they found "nothing". He then said we shouldn't trust machines alone and i have been waiting for my appt at a General Surgeon who specialized in breasts ( so he tells me). It has been nearly 6 months since i first found this lump. It feels hard and fixed to my chest wall at the 4 to 5 o'clock position. It has definiitley grown some since i first found it - it is a little bigger than a quarter now - it now is irritated (not painful) by the bottom of my bra. I am wondering if anyone had anything that sounds similar...I am getting very anxious as my appt approaches - think i am fearful they will tell me its nothing but my gut is saying otherwise - at the very least get it out...i hope i don't have to fight too hard. I do have some history of breast cancer in my maternal family.

  • ItsMeMandyT
    ItsMeMandyT Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2016

    Same thing here im 34 and my family has a history of bc.I felt a lump in my right breast and so did my dr 2 weeks ago. She actually said it was bigger then what I described. So that being said I had a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound today, mind you the tech felt the lump to. But the radiologist said everything looks great and didn't see what me and my dr felt. So what to do.

  • LM070917
    LM070917 Member Posts: 68
    edited June 2016

    hey Mandy, I would be inclined to ask for another ultrasound by a different radiologist and then a biopsy, might seem a bit drastic, but being young and potentially having dense breasts could mean that it could have been missed. Mammo didn't detect my bc (and tends not to in young women and ultrasound only noted dark shadow. It was the lump that was the most telling sign. I was 34 years old at Dx and I have dense breasts. If you are worried, persist, don't let it slide. It's your life

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2016

    Mandy...with a family history of bc and your age IMO you should have a MRI if you can still feel the lump. At 34 your breasts are most likely dense and thus warrants a MRI. Keep in mind most breast lumps are benign, but if you were my daughter I would want to make sure. Good luck.