Member of the "6 Month Watchful Waiting Club", Unite!
Ddw---great to hear the good news ! I also got a clear report on 3D mammo a few weeks ago, what a good feeling ! Now, go live life and enjoy!
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Congratulations ddw79 birads 1 is awesome!!!!
As you all know I had my 6 no check up on sept.23 and got the all clear. Yesterday I felt some pain in my armpit and I started feeling and I'm feeling a lump that moves. I can't grab it but it rolls back and fourth. It's weird don't know if it's a swollen lymph node or what. I am scared to death. My anxiety level is so high I feel like I'm going to break down and cry. I have an appt with my mo later this month. I hope it's not bad news. Momo' s post was very true and now this pops up I can't even explain the feeling.
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Has anyone ever felt any swelling under armpit or swollen lymph nodes. I am freaking out. God help me and all of us.
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Tinker, I found a round, hard lump in my fatty side breast tissue well under the area they took my sentinel nodes out. It also moves around a little. Found it almost three weeks ago and have appointment with MO Wednesday and mammogram scheduled December 2. A nurse friend of mine worked oncology for years and said it could be fibrocystic, but I'm scared to death!!!!!! I will be praying for you!
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Thanks lovinggrouches I hope everything turns out good for you. I don't know if it's a lump or a lymph node. It's been a month and a half since my last check up.(ultrasound) I had an MRI , ultrasound and Mammo in march. Everything was good.But Im very worried if it is bc its caught very soon but its still scary.
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I think what you are feeling is normal I had some hardening after my lumpectomy for a while. Its probably what your friend said or scar tissue.
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Can bc spread to a lymph node so quickly or maybe they missed something on this last ultrsound. They found cysts but that was all. The diagnosis of adh or any other breast issue is such a torture on the mind sonetimes it becomes unbearable.
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It worried me that some cells could have already been in a lymph node, but maybe the dye traveled to a different set. Is it possible to take out some nodes, but the cancer cells really traveled to different ones? There are so many nodes around the breast, I think it's a crap shoot when they trace the dye. This is what worries me. I sometimes think that's why some stage ones go to four even with clear nodes. You can't possibly test them all and one cell could have traveled out to grow somewhere else. I drive myself crazy thinking about it at times, more so since I found the lump. All I can do is pray for us. Hugs!
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so grateful for your support here. Yeah Anne so happy for you. Each time we pull through thus unscathed , feels like a victory. Relief has been my celebration .
Tinker, keep us posted . Everything like that worries me so I get it
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Hello all. I just became a member of the 6 month club. Last Sept I found a lump on my left breast. I went to a BS and underwent Mammo and US. The lump that I felt was a fluid filled cyst. But they found a focal asymmetry on my right breast on US. Because of strong family hx (Mom had bc at 37 died 39, grandmother and paternal aunt had it too), I was sent to MRI. The focal asymmetry didnt enhance on MRI, however they found two enhancing lesions on my right breast. One is a 6mm non mass that was recommended to be biopsied and a 5mm mass that may represent fibroadenoma accdg to the official report. I did a 2nd look US and was scheduled for a US guided biopsy. But after 3 docs and a US tech did the US 4x, the head radiologist said she is not impressed with the MRI results and a biopsy is not reasonable at this time. They asked me to come back after 6 months for another mammo and MRI. I am not sure if Im okay with the wait and see approach however I am also not okay with poking my breast if it is not needes. I am so torn right now. Still waiting for my BS to call me and see what she thinks.
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welcome AnxiousRN sorry you ended up here but its definitely a good place to be for support. There are a lot of knowledgeable ladies here. The anxiety can be overwhelming, I undestand how you feel. You need to go with your gut feeling and if you feel you need a second and third opinion then do so. 5mm and 6 mm seems like a very small area. Maybe thats why they are choosing to wait.
I was diagnosed with adh sept 2015. I have gone to 2 6months check ups. I just had an ultra sound on Sept 23, 2016 and it was all good. A couple of days ago my bra was bothering me and i started checking my lymph node and to my surprise i feel something different in there. It feels like a somewhat flat lump that moves around its also tender but maybe thats from messing with it so much. So now im thinking they may have missed something. I have an appt on the 22nd with gyn ill have to wait and see what he says. My onc is booked til dec 16. So im back to 100% anxiety and Google does not help. I also had an mri, mammo, and ultrasound in March 2015 and all was clear.
I'm sending you prayers and hugs.
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Hi ladies
I called my onc today again and explained that i think I have a swollen lymph node and they gave me an appt for Tuesday. I am a nervous wreck everything I read leads back to bc. I never imagined it could happen so fast. Expecting the worst and of course praying for the best. Has anyone had a swollen armpit lymph node? I just had an ultrasound a month ago it showed benign findings nothing suspicious, nothing is 100 percent. I've read a lot of stories like mine and nothing showed up on us or mammo and they turned up having stage 4 bc. I am so scared right now i broke down today and started crying while having breakfast with my husband. So many things go through my mind. Now i think back and a prophylactic mastectomy doesnt sound so bad any more. My diagnoses has taken a year of my life already theres not a day that I havent thought of bc. Like momo said in an earlier post unless you are going through this its hard to understand. I'm so glad I found this site.
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Dear Tinkerbell,
I am sooo sorry that you are going through this. I won't even tell you to try not to worry because that never works for me. I don't know anything about swollen lymph nodes so I can't say anything that could be even remotely helpful. Would it help to go to the Johns Hopkins online breast cancer website - ask an expert - to see what they have to say about your situation? I have gone to them many times when I thought I would lose my mind from waiting or lack of information. And they have been very helpful. Their turnaround time is quick too. Another possibility might be to start a new question on this site about swollen lymph nodes and see if anyone has any information or can share experiences. I am here for you . Check in with us as often as you need to. I wish I could be more helpful.
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Most swollen lymph nodes are caused by infection or inflammation. I had one biopsied at the time of my LCIS biopsy and she told me she would be very surprised if it amounted to anything, and it did not. It was benign.
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Thanks Frankie and Melissa Dallas I have started a new topic. Im hoping to get positive stories but all situations are welcome
MelissaDallas thanks for the positive words. May God here you...
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MelissaDallas was your lymph node swollen?
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Yes. That's why it was biopsied.
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Thanks MelissaDallas it gives me hope.
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it's all terrifying now after an ADH dx and surgery. I understand Tinkerbell. I hope you are ok . Please keep us posted
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I have an appt tommorrow with the gyn and Tuesday with the onc. I am terrified I just had an US Sept 23 im thinking if its bc its very aggresive or they just missed it completley as my report read benign findings cysts. Either way im very worried and i dont know how long my lymph node has been swollen as i was checking them incorrectly. Keeping my fingers crossed but everything ive read leads back to bc. I havent been sick. After this finding ive been doing a lot of reading that i wish i would have done sooner and ive learned that even on a 6 month surveillance you can still get stage 3 and 4 bc its crazy. One of our members was on the 6 month surveillance and when she found her bc she already had 2 nodes with bc cells. My onc told me last year if i get bc it will have been caught early so what do they consider early. All I can do now is pray for the best outcome possible.
Thanks ddw79. I am thankful for this group and knowing i have the support of all you ladies.
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Tinker, I pray for good news for you. I'm still waiting on call to have 3d mammogram done since feeling what I think is swollen lymph node I'm my fatty side breast tissue under the arm. My three sentinel nodes were negative back in February. I still wonder though. Keep is posted!!
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Lovinggrouches I will be praying for you also. Hopefully you will have good news soon.
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Checking in with my dear friends in this group. Holding everyone who is having an anxious week of waiting in my heart. I am with you. Check in with us. A few years ago, I had a Christmas holiday that was full of testing and waiting to see if I had endometrial cancer. And as they were testing for endometrial cancer, they added possible breast cancer as a concern to the list. This testing and waiting is life changing. Hugs to everyone.
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Hi everyone
I said I'd keep you posted and I will. please do not take this as a diagnosis since every one is not the same. I went to my GYN today and confirmed it is a swollen lymph node. I will go to my Onc tomorrow and find out where I go from here. I have been having weird symptoms for a few months now severe back and leg pain and shoulder pain depression not knowing why because I have nothing to be depressed about. But I have had weird dreams and a lot of insomnia which usually I can fall asleep and stay asleep really easy. But I will continue to keep you informed of my symptoms and my prognosis if that is going to help anyone on this thread. I hope I can report back a good outcome of this situation to give people with the same symptoms hope.. I also should let you know that I have entertained and drank a little more wine than I should have, so maybe that will make a big difference. Im still praying for the best but expecting the worst. I have not been diagnosed yet..... Remember I was diagnosed with adh 1 year ago this does not pertain to everyone here.
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my hudband ia an alcoh
olic .
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Dear Tinkerbell,
I wish you all the best, I hope everything is going to be fine. I have an MRI coming up, lots of scar tissue in my breast tissue right and right breast is a few cms bigger than usual.
Managing the anxiety is tough and the only thing I can say is that you make sure you get the best care possible. and take it one day at a time.
Im happy everyone got good results so far (unless
I have missed something😘😘
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Well im back from my onc appt. It appears I had more than one node change it was seen one the US. They only US my armpit not my breast which confused me. The girl went out of the room to show the readiologist and onc they took a loong time, i knew it couldn't be good. Finally the nurse comes in and says they are going to biopsy one of the nodes. So I had a core needle biopsy they are checking for cancer and lymphoma so things just got even worse. I don't know if I'll get results tommorrow. if not Monday.
The funny thing about all this is that i was more anxious when my check ups came along, now i feel an inner calm that is scaring me. I can't explain it in words.
Good luck Alick and thank you....
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Tinkerbell - I am so sorry to hear this. I hope you are surrounded by love, family and friends as you wait. Praying for a good outcome for you. Check in with us tomorrow.
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Tinkeebell praying for you. I'm going in next Monday and also have gyn appointment to go to.
Gosh it never ends. Let us know on Monday
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So I have my mammogram and ultrasound of lymph node I've been feeling and radiologist says " even if there was some cancer left in the breast. I wouldn't be able to tell because of all the scar tissue and hemorrhage in the breast from the surgeries.. We will only be able to compare it to future images and the lymph node looks normal but that doesn't guarantee there's nothing there" I have appointment to go back in January since they only did the one breast. Would have thought that six months after radiation, my body would have absorbed the blood back. I was upset all day, but I just can't spend the rest of my life stressing. I HAVE to get past this constant worrying!!!!