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  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited May 2012

    lisamarie - glad you got through the fill - you may get more relief from muscle relaxers rather than pain meds for fills, just a thought.  40 cc's is a good amount - I stuck with 25cc's weekly, worked well for me.  I did try 50cc's one visit, it was too much, so I backed off to 25.

    tatina and DM - just remember than 350 in a TE does not look like 350 in an implant, the implant will be smaller.  I recommend a post to whippetmom on breast implant sizing 101 for her recommendation.  You give her some measurements and desires and she will do a magical computation and tell you what you need!

    tatina - yay for the family and doggy!  So jealous of the Italy trip!

    mrochon - I PM'ed you - good luck on the appt today!

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited May 2012

    Yeah Lisa, you got through it!  :-)

    Off to my appt!

    Michelle :-)

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited May 2012

    Our doggie is a Belgian Malinois (you see them a lot in the military and in police work). He had no jet lag but my DH and I did!

    SpecialK - I'm at 520 cc and we had to stop there because I lost skin on the infection side. So, I'm thinking I will be a small this point I'll take what I can get.

    Glad you got through your fill, Lisa.

    Good luck with your appointment, Michelle!

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited May 2012

    Well I am being scheduled for another surgery. :(  I have the WRONG size implants in!!!  Dr said with these I'd be maybe....MAYBE a B cup.  They are way too small for my frame and they are not in the correct position.  Which I was suspicious of cause my left is practically under my arm!  I asked my current PS and he said, not to worry, that's all corrected in surgery.  Ugh.  She said the reports say he didn't take any scar tissue out either.  He said he had taken some but not all of it cause it will only grow back.  She said my right side has so much scar tissue that it really won't expand to much further.

    She will go in and cut out ALL the scar tissue and place bigger TEs in.  She will fill weekly til they are full and let them sit four weeks until exchange.  She said exchange will be around September.  It will take a few weeks to get approval from the insurance and then of course to get a room reserved for surgery.  This will be perfect because it's year end and I've got to get our budget handled at work adn ready for the new year, July 1.  It looks like around the 1st of July.

    I'm mad but at the same time, I'm happy.  I can't help what's happened already, I have to look forward.  I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

    Michelle :-)

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2012

    Michelle , so sorry to hear about having surgery again ... Hugs to you and thanks for the support xoxo

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited May 2012

    mrochon - I am glad you have a doc that sounds like she is on the ball and has a reasonable plan.  I am so sorry that this means yet another surgery, but if she can do the correct thing and get you exchanged by September that is awesome!  When you think about it, at the rate you were going with the other doc, if you got a fill this week, you would only be 3 fills further down the road to who knows where!  Think about it not as a step backward, but a huge step forward.  You have been through enough of this to know that you will tolerate the surgery - weekly smallish fills are great, and the time will go by quickly, and then you will be done and looking great!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951
    edited May 2012

    Lisamarie- I had a 2nd fill yesterday and they are now even. The left side had less than the right side and after she filled it the expander was not sitting on my rib causing a burning pain. I hope you get your next fill soon because it will feel better to get the expander off things. I am glad you can go back to work. I know all about the financial crap that goes with this. I worked 8 hrs today and it wiped me out. I work as a pastry chef and am on my feet all day. I do take a 5 min. break every 2 hours and sit. I don't know how well I will tolerate it once I start chemo but I really don't have a choice.

    Michelle- sorry about your implants. I would be so upset to have to go have another surgery. I am a size 4 so I think I only want to go with the 250 implants. I am at 170cc's right now and they are about the same size as the original ones so 250 will work for me. Good luck with your new TE's.

  • 1Curlyfry
    1Curlyfry Member Posts: 45
    edited May 2012

    Hooray! I now have a new TE! I forgot how darn much this hurts. I know it gets better and I'll survive. My DH and DD are treating me like a queen so I'll just enjoy that part why it lasts.

    Mrochon, sounds like you are in better hands now. Surgery sucks, but in the end it is worth it. I really like my PS. She called a few minutes ago just to make sure I'm doing alright. She really seams to care.

    Wishing the best to everyone! Have a happy evening!

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited May 2012

    You sound so upbeat Curly!  :-)  I really love this office, wish I had switched sooner now.  Dr Johnson is very assertive and confident.  I like that.  She made me feel at ease and that this will eventually have an end!  Enjoy the pampering!


  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited May 2012

    Michelle - I'm so happy you got this 2nd opinion. This doc sounds perfect and just what you needed!

    Curly - the first couple days are gets better. Take care....

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited May 2012

    Good luck today mom....

    Curly-hope you feel good today

    T-New job starts in August but I have to go in for scheduling meetings next week.  My current long term sub job ends tomorrow and I am sad.  I have been subbing at this school for 2 years and this is where I student taught.  I am going to miss them. 

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited May 2012

    Curly - it does get better a lot quicker than the first time around. I had my TE replaced April 17th, and if it wasn't for LE I think I'd be pain free. So glad you are through to the next step:)

    Michelle - you and I both jumped ship this week! I am calling old PS today to cancel appt and get files for new PS. I am so excited about my new PS and am so happy you are thrilled too! Feels so good to be moving forward finally! I am sorry this means an extra surgery for you. My old PS lead me down the wrong path too. Like you, would love to be angry about about it all, but am so happy to finally have a plan, makes the anger mute, really. Let me know if you ever head down south, and we can get together. 

  • jlmg
    jlmg Member Posts: 27
    edited May 2012

    Good Morning!  I've joined the ranks of jumping ship.  I switched to a new PS, and had my expander removed last night and have only one drain!    It was visibile through an open wound.  I had the LD flap done March 16th, and I've been on twice daily IV Zyvox for an infection 27 days.  The new ps  told my son the TE was incorrectly placed, and once he reads the operative notes from the other doc, he'll know how to proceed.  I picked those up yesterday.  I lost 2 implants before the flap, and hope this will bring a resolution.  I just want to look normal in my clothes.  My DH is very supportive.  I felt so relieved when I made the decision and told him yesterday. I'll bet others felt the same way!

  • 1Curlyfry
    1Curlyfry Member Posts: 45
    edited May 2012

    Momof3 - today's the big day! Hope it goes perfect!

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited May 2012

    Good luck, Momof3!  Thinking of ya!

    Chick - Sorry to hear you're sad.....two years is a long time sub time with the students.

    Hooray to all of you who "jumped the plastic surgeon ship" and found themselves in a better place!

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited May 2012

    Congrats, Tatina! 

    Had a PS appt today...the overfill on my saline side was removed & he has me wearing a tight underwire bra 24/7. I go back in 2 weeks, presumably to see how well both sides are matching up.

    So glad to see so much progression by everyone on this thread!!

  • Erika8
    Erika8 Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2012

    Curlyfry good luck my big day is next week on the 23th

    it supose to be July i was finished with my fill 550cc then it started leeking i am flat again the fill does not hold

    the good thing my surgerie is earlier the bad thing my implant wont fitt so i get a different one to be filled up after

    does anybody had that done please let me no

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited May 2012

    erika8 - there are several ladies who had TEs replaced due to a leak.  Mine had to be removed (twice) for skin healing issues, but I had no problems with putting a new TE back in when the skin was finally healed.  I am sure the "leakers" will chime in soon with words of encouragement for you!

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited May 2012

    I'm home and resting:)  Came out of the anesthesia with almost no nausea. And I didn't throw up in the bushes either LOL.  It's time for a pain pill, so I'm feeling a little stinging and throbbing but it's tolerable. I can take nice deep breaths, which was difficult with TE's. They are so so soft! She said it didn't look any infection(s)in either side, and she cleaned out lots of scar tissue in lefty. I have 2 drains, which I was expecting. These will be drains #14 and 15 haha. I'm a pro at this now. Post op appt is on Monday morning. I'm in a compression/surgical bra and it's so much more comfortable than being wrapped in an ACE. I'm going to stay on schedule with the pain meds at least for 24 hours, then maybe only at night tomorrow night, depending on the level of pain. I'd really like to be on ibuprofen over the weekend.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2012

    Yeah momof3infla... so glad u are home and okay :) Hugs 

  • Erika8
    Erika8 Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2012

    thank you Specialk

    and nice to be home momof3infla take care

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited May 2012

    Yeah mom!!!

    Erika-I was a leaker.  I leaked after my last fill.  I had to wait for chemo to finish before I could get the expander replaced.  Fills were very easy the 2nd time around and went quickly.  So are you getting a new TE next week?  Just curious if you are very thin.  My PS said that on thinner people it is very easy to puncture the TE during a fill because they tend to overlap. 

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited May 2012

    Yeah mom!!!

    Erika-I was a leaker.  I leaked after my last fill.  I had to wait for chemo to finish before I could get the expander replaced.  Fills were very easy the 2nd time around and went quickly.  So are you getting a new TE next week?  Just curious if you are very thin.  My PS said that on thinner people it is very easy to puncture the TE during a fill because they tend to overlap. 

  • Meredith26
    Meredith26 Member Posts: 6
    edited May 2012

    Thanks to all for the comments and best wishes. It feels extraordinary that there are so many women going through the exact issues at the same time.

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited May 2012

    DM - I will totally let you know when I'm in SoCal again.  Would love to meet up with you.  Right now it doesn't look like I'll be down there til Thanksgiving.  I'm tentatively planning on being in Disneyland for Thanksgiving.  Was going to try to make it down this summer but the upcoming surgery has sidelined that!

    Meredith - Glad you have comfort here.  This place has saved my brain from going over the deep end.

    momof3 - Yah, you are home! You sound like you are in great spirits and I'm sure the bushes thank you for not making another deposit! ;)

    I'm in a funk today.  I told my boss about my appointment and to let her know I will need to get paperwork going again for FMLA (It was time to redo it anyway) and catastrophic leave.  I broke down crying.  Ugh, then I felt bad for her because she wanted to cry.  The crying was inevitable.  I hadn't actually talked about this to anyone other than emails and messages.  I knew it was coming!  People keep asking me about malpractice and I really can't digest that right now.  I know they mean well, but it just hits home that I'm really screwed up.  Anyway, going home in a little while to get ready to work out.  I worked out hard last night.  Felt good to concentrate on proper body movements instead of my chest.  I didn't sleep last night. Gonna have to take 1/2 a xanax tonight. I don't want to but I need to sleep!  Here's to tomorrow being a better day! :-)


  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited May 2012

    I'm way behind.... 

    Michelle, I get the happy/mad reaction. I feel the same way. Relieved to finally have a competent, compassionate doctor but mad that dicdoc caused the additional surgery, the additional pain and the additional expense, not to mention, the loss of time. As your new PS if he will need to suture you along the sides or along the fold. This is what I'm having a hard time with - so far right side only because that was the side where the TE was so low it lined up with my bottom ribcage. I'm trying valium for the first time. Painkillers didn't work and two different, powerful muscle relaxers didn't work.  I'm a week out and I'm still uncomfortable - but atleast I can stand without crying. 

    I want to start a topic here where we can rate our doctors. I'm going to start one for the NY, NJ, CT area. It would be great information to have - good and bad.  

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited May 2012

    Momo, glad you're home resting! You and Curly are soooo upbeat! I need to get me some of that :) 

    DLL66, I found a great underwire, closure in front, bra by SPANX. My surgeon also thought it was great.  VERY comfy and great support.  

     LisaMarie, I'm not even either. is weird because my right projects higher but its 100 cc's less than the left. I'm having another fill on Tuesday - left side only because I'm STILL experiencing pain on my right. 

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited May 2012

    GM - Oh jeez, sutures...ugh.  That's how my current PS put the expanders in.  He sutured me on the sides and underneath.  I still feel the suture line on my right side on the bottom of where my boob should be, is that the fold?  Also on the sides, moreso on the left.  Every now and then I'll bend a certain way and I feel a little twinge.  Good questions to ask, I hadn't thought about asking that.  I was in shock with the...I have to start over???  I need to make a new list of things to ask at my pre-op appointment.  I feel like a newbie all over again!


  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited May 2012

    Me again:)  I just spoke with my PS, and she said that she had never seen so much accumulation of scar tissue around the expander. She said it was so thick, like calamari (gross!). The incisions are underneath the breast, and she said it had never taken her so long to remove the TE. It was so covered in scar tissue that it took forever just to get it out. So she just called to check on me and tell me that, told me to really take it easy since she did so much work getting the scar tissue removed. She also said that she may start me on Singulair Monday, as it prevents and reduces scar tissue growth.

    Also, while I was just stripping my drains, I saw a HUGE clot in the bottom of the JP bulb. Luckily it didn't clog the tube up, it's really big. Hubby thinks it's part of all that scar tissue she broke up. I think I'll have to watch that drain really closely. Sorry to unload this part on you, but I felt like if anyone would understand it's you ladies! I'm sure I'll be on this thread more often than normal over the next couple weeks:)

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited May 2012

    the natural fold is where the breast meets the chest. my first PS, DICDOC, expands the area below the fold but not all Dr's do. So when I had to have my revision with GOODDOC, she needed to stitched along the fold to keep my expander from falling down again.