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  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2012

    Green Monkey my left side is still bigger than my right even after 40cc in each , but I didnt get a fill at time of surgerY when they were placed who knows , I go again Tuesday for another fill dont think I like it at all , then he said i can go back to work and work had no shifts until June schedule so im really sweating now .. I have no clue how i will pay my bills UGH !!!! Stress is making this worse on me than ever.

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited May 2012

    you know, I'm trying valium today for the first time - I didn't realize valium was a muscle relaxer. I'm feeling less discomfort. 

     EVERYONE: Whats your favorite muscle relaxer? expecially if you are experiencing pain from pressure along natural fold sutures ???

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited May 2012

    Momof3: I am so happy you are home. And no vomit -- yahoo! Now, is the drain on the side of where your problem TE was? How nice that your doc called you. I am impressed.

    Is it common to have drains after an exchange? If it is, "CRAP--I hate those things!"

    Michelle - I have those meltdowns, too.


  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited May 2012

    Hi GM - Valium and Soma. Soma, though, makes me kinda cranky in the morning.....more than my usual morning crankiness.

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited May 2012

    Soma... I've heard of that! My new PS is great and she's willing to try anything to get my pain to decrease.  

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited May 2012

    I think I'm going to ask for Valium.  Soma does nothing for me anymore.  I have 350mg.  I take two and don't feel an effect.  So I stopped taking it.  I've taken valium before but to chill me out.  It's a muscle relaxer?  Hmmm...I will definitely ask about that at my pre-op.

    Had a great workout, literally had sweat just dripping off me.  It was like my body was having a big cry-fest.


  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited May 2012

    Michelle, please keep talking about your workouts... eventually, it will sink in and I'll give it a go!

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited May 2012

    GreenMonkey, thanks for the bra recommendation. Right now I'm in a 34 band & I don't think I can go any tighter without cracking a rib!

    I used Soma as well after my lat flap surgeries. 

    Yay, momof3--glad things went well & you were able to check in. I am also on Singulair for the same reason.  

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited May 2012

    tatina - I had a drain on the left side where my PS did a lot of removal of scar tissue.  According to my surgical report I technically had both a revision and an exchange on that side.  I think for a regular exchange you would not have a drain.  My drain stayed in from Fri to Tues only and had almost no production so it was removed at that first post-op.

    Another thing I learned in my surg report was that they puncture the expander and let the saline run out and then remove the expander after it is flattened.  I am not sure I gave the process any thought previously, but it was interesting to read that!

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited May 2012

    Tatina, I have a drain on both the left and right side. Not much output on right side, so I'm pretty sure that one will be coming out at my post op visit on Monday. My left side is where she did all the scar tissue removal, and it's putting out quite a bit of fluid. 

    PS said that after she punctured the TE to remove it, she'd never seen one so covered in scar tissue, and it took a long time just to get it out!

    A few blood clots have passed through the tubing into the bulb of the JP drain. How do I get them out? I don't want to risk clogging it while emptying it out.  A good friend who has had over 13 surgeries is coming by tomorrow, maybe she'll have some tricks up her sleeve. She's been through it all, so I'm sure it won't bother her to see what's in the drain.

    Green Monkey - my PS gave me Valium when TE's were put in. I actually prefered it to any pain meds. It really relaxed me.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited May 2012

    momof3 - this is going to sound gross, but I think you could use a small crochet hook, or maybe a wooden skewer to deal with a clog in the JP.  Just douse the item in alcohol before you touch the drain or tubing.

  • lorime
    lorime Member Posts: 6
    edited May 2012

    Hi ladies. My names Lori and I'm new to this site. In reading some of your posts, I am feeling like I shouldn't be complaining but here is my situation. I had a partial mastectomy on rt side with lymph removal on February 14th. Unclear margins. Opted for a BMX with TEs put in on April 16th. First week and a half took pain killers pretty non stop. Drains came out at Day 8 and Day 16. Pain has subsided but after a month I am still in what I consider to be a lot. I sometimes take over the counter stuff but it rarely does any good so I usually don't bother. I believe most of my discomfort presently is from the TEs and also from the pretty massive swelling I have along the sides of my "breasts". It is pretty miserable and is getting very frustrating. My PS says the swelling could last up to 3 months. I go in for my last fill tomorrow. I have only had 2. He was able to fill my rt side to max of 800cc during surgery and my left to 650cc. I have rested like crazy these 4 weeks but have also walked daily since day 2 per doctor's orders. Have only driven a handful of times and it sucks!!!!! If I do one extra activity it seems I relapse for a good day or so. Not fun. Any tips, feedback etc welcome!!! I just feel I am doing things right but shouldnt still be feeling this lousy. I have heard expanders are not fun but I cant imagine 3 more months of this. Hang in there everyone!!

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2012

    I am also going to ask for valium as well as the pain killers just keep making me throw up and give me constipation, they prescribed them to me night before surgery and morning of , i never knew it was a muscle relaxer but i am sure gonna try it .. thankd GM ... asnd everyone else .. and no work for me until June .. so I am sure the valium will help me with my anxiety and financial fear .. hope everyone has a good day today for I am trying .

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited May 2012

    Lorime - am I understanding correctly... during surgery you received 650cc on one side and     800 ccs on the other? If that is the case, then I suspect all your pain and discomfort is stemming from that. That is a huge amount to get in one shot! I was filled with 350ccs in both sides and thought I was going to die for almost 2 months... everyone is talking about muscle relaxers today and maybe that would help you.

    Michelle - Every time you post about your exercise, my mind refers to you as the BC Avenger (maybe you should change your screen name, lol). Anyway - you are an inspiration to all us. I can't wait until I can get busy in the gym!

    Lisamarie - I hope you are doing well in that one dreaded department which will remain nameless... I am so sorry about your financial situation, you are in my prayers! 

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited May 2012

    LOL, DM...I changed my name!  BCAvenger is the formerly known as Mrochon.  :-)  That made me laugh!  Thanks, DM, I needed that!

    Ok GM, ready for leg squats yesterday! That's puttin one foot up off the ground and sticking that leg out in front of you and then squatting on one leg at a 90 degree angle.  You know I worked that OUT!  One thing about being mad sure does allow me to push myself into doing exercises I would normally want me to do what???  Yeah I did them, 4 sets of 20.

    That's right the BCAvenger strikes again!

    Michelle :-)

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited May 2012

    Michelle - I love that you changed your name!!! That is so awesome! Then to give such details on your workout! I think I am going to try the one leg squats... they sound painfully beautiful to me behind!

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited May 2012

    That's great DM!  Make sure you know how to do a regular squat first.  Poor form will cause injury.  You want to stick your ass out and back like Lucy Ricardo did when she got stuck in the bucket of cement (John Wayne episode). Next when lowering yourself, make sure your knees do not pass your toes.  You should be able to see all your toes when going down.  Your heels should be bearing your weight.  If your heel is not bearing your weight or if you knee goes past your toes, stop because you will injure your calf and knee.  Only go as far down as you can properly.  As you master the stance, go down farther.  Practice regular squats to get your form perfect.  These one leg squats require balance!

    Your bon bons will thank you for getting them noticed! ;-)


  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited May 2012

    Michelle - you made it sound so complicated... don't know if I can manage... it sounds hard on the knees, but going to try. - lol so funny, when I log on to my favorite topics, I see BCAvenger has posted! I love it!

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited May 2012

    Haha :-)

    It's not really complicated.  Most people do them wrong and when they learn the right way, it feels weird or more like wrong.  But you catch on quick.  You may only be able to go down slightly at first but you build strength and you can do it.  Try it with a chair first.  Sit down in it slowly but by sticking your butt out and lowering yourself.  When you get up, push up off the heel.  That is what kicks your thigh muscles into gear.  Look at yourself in a mirror as you do it if possible.


  • Bonseye
    Bonseye Member Posts: 124
    edited May 2012

    I finally feel like I am back getting into life.  I had my TRAM Flap and Exchange of my left TE on May 8th.  I was not prepared for how invasive this surgery would be and how it would render me unable to move.  I could bearly move in the bed.  I did have an epidural for pain but after developing a fever had to have it removed.  Trying to get out of the bed for the first time was so incredibly painful.  When you move a muscle the pain you get with simple movements is just almost too hard to handle.  I am a strong person but this has been an 8 month journey and I just want to live pain free one of these days.  I fall to sleep while texting....unable to function.  Each day I do feel a bit stronger but I know I need to hold on to patience.  Something I have never been too good at but have learned over the last few months.  i am recovering from the TRAM surgery with a broken ankle.  At this point I am done and just want to heal.  I still have RT to get through.  I am digging deep for strength and know that it is there....just getting weary.  It is so very difficult to keep a house running when I don't even have enough energy to put away laundry.  I know each day will bring me strength and I just have to go day to day.......there is a light at the end of this long tunnel.........I am thankful that my surgeon did an absolutely amazing job.  One breast is a "gummi bear" implant and the other is a TRAM...they look so much a like no one could tell.  I will count my blessings that the cancer is gone....chemo is done .....this surgery is over and now I just need RT.  There is a big party in my future!  

    Best to everyone!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited May 2012

    lorime - I am not surprised you are in pain - aside from BMX straight to implants I have never heard of someone having a surgical fill that large, 800cc is the largest silicone implant made, except for the new Sientra and custom ones.  That is a crazy amount and you will most likely continue to be in pain.  Why did your PS not do direct to implant if the fill was that large?  What is being expanded?  Holy crap!

    mrochon/BCAvenger - I love it!  Channel that anger and frustration into the workout - you go girl!

    bonseye - sounds like you are making progress, and soon all will be copacetic.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited May 2012

    Avenger....I first read that post as you did one squat. Lol.....I was thinking you must have had some other injury.

    Lisamarie...valium can also cause constipation. It always does with me. doc prescribed skelaxane for a muscle relaxer. I only took it a couple of times, but it worked well when I did.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited May 2012

    Ladies, I'm so behind! My apologies!

    Erika8: I added your surgery next week.

    Momof3: YAY you didn't get sick in the bushes and you made it to the other side! YIPPEE! Since we are "TE back in" twins, you are paving the way for me. So glad you can feel a difference already. But I'm sorry about the clots. You and I also produce a lot of serum and that seems to cause scar tissue buildup. Hopefully you are not in too much pain. 

    Regarding pain... everyone, call your PS's and make sure they realize what kind of pain you are feeling. You have to stay ahead of it, especially so soon post surgery. Xanax also works as a muscle relaxant, FYI. Soma makes me feel a little loopy, didn't like that. Vicodin took away my pain but it's constipating so you have to stay on top of that too. Oh the joys of recon!

    Michelle aka BC Avenger, love it! 

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited May 2012

    I've been getting pretty looped the past few evenings with pain meds and xanax. I just seem to need it to get through work. Hopefully, they will let me take off tomorrow and I can do without the meds. I don't know why my TE is bothering me so much, but it is. I did help mom with some gardening on Sunday, and yes, I pushed myself beyond my comfort level, but I don't know how else I will gain strength and stamina. However, as someone else said here, that extra effort of one day sets me back for a week.

    Next week ought to be fun: physical therapy and a fill. I don't know all the details about my fills like you ladies do, so I am going to find out. That won't be until Thursday though. Monday is the PT. I don't really like her, but then again, I only met with her once. She is very mainstream, and I am very alternative; so I forsee communication problems in our relationship. Surprised

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited May 2012

    Good morning:)

    Feeling good again today. Just walked very slowly around our cul de sac while it's not so hot. Fluid has really slowed down in the drains. Maybe they'll both come out at post op on Monday, but I learned my lesson, and I'm not going to rush anything. Pretty much off the pain meds already. I took one during the night last night but that's it. I'm going to try to use ibuprofen today and see how that works out. If I need to relax everything, I've got Xanax. From what I can tell, they look symmetrical and I'm very happy with the size. No complaints here!

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited May 2012

    Thats GREAT momo!!! 

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited May 2012

    thanks for all the muscle relaxer suggestions.  I've only taken the valium twice and its made a major difference.  Not just when i'm "high" on it - for those 6 to 8 hours, but overall my body feels more relaxed.  I have better mobility in through my chest and no pain.  I'm going to get a fill on Tuesday but left side only.  

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited May 2012

    I want to be high off muscle relaxers after surgery!  I've used Skelaxin.  Did zip for me.  Didn't relax me or anything.  It is supposed to be the better muscle relaxants because of the lack of side effects.  Maybe I have a high tolerance for drugs?  But that wouldn't make sense cause I can't take Vicodin or Darvocet, makes me sick...emergency room sick.

    There was a card on my desk this morning from my boss.  It had a bunch of puppy dachshunds on it, so cute, my doggie is a dachshund.  Anyway, she wrote the sweetest note.  Let me know she was thinking of me and if I needed anything to let her know and not to worry about work.  I am so lucky to work where I do.  Don't get me wrong, there is the usual office politics especially since I work in highly political department but wouldn't change it for the world.

    Yesterdays workout consisted of alot of shoulder and upper back work.  My shoulders are sending a shout out today!  But I'm taking advantage of everyday I have before surgery.  Give me what ya got!

    Dunesleeper - We all know what you are talking about. Listen to your body.  I know easier said than done.  I fought my recovery every step of the way and it gave it back to me in spades.  Baby steps (jeez, how I hated hearing that!-but it's true), you'll get there.

    Happy Friday everyone!


  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited May 2012

    momof3, you sound like you are recovering quickly! What implants did you end up with?

    I wish I was as motivated to work out as you are, mrochon/BCAvenger!

    I finally visited Nordstrom Rack to get a couple of well-constructed bras. I will do all that I can on my end to make righty match lefty.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited May 2012

    dll - Nordstrom Rack is the bomb!