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  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324
    edited June 2012

    Great SpecialK Welcome back!

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited June 2012

    Special K - Welcome back!  How did the first visit go?

    Jenn - so happy to hear all is okay with the TE

    Fluff - thanks for the feedback on swelling! On Tuesday I will be four weeks out and I think I will be at a full C cup visually with "only who knows" after a fitting since we need to go up a size.

    Hope everyone is doing well........


  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited June 2012

    Special K, I have a friend who is very interested in any information on the HER2 Vaccine trial. I know you've already begun the trial, but please keep us posted on any further info you receive while going through it. Very cool to think that vaccines could be part of the cure. 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited June 2012

    Hello all - thanks for the welcome back!  I flew to DC, met at the airport by some wonderful friends (military) that I have not seen for more than 10 years, but who supported me all though my treatment and have shown such love - it was so very good to see them again!  I went to the enrollment appt. for the trial, which included a doctor's exam - she commented on how great my recon looked - my first independent medical opinion on that - yay!!!  I also had blood drawn for tissue typing which will determine which arm of the trial I am sorted into, and all my appts. were set for the next six months.  So, I did postpone my fat-grafting surgery because I did not want anything to jeopardize my participation in the trial.  I am at the far outside of the window to get in and I was afraid if I had a problem with the FG surgery I might not be able to travel.  I will be returning to DC mid-July, then once a month until December.  I will do the FG before Christmas.  This trial has shown tremendous success in reducing the early recurrence for Her2+ BC peeps, so I sure hope I actually get the vaccine.  No down side, at the least the placebo is a Nuelasta-like drug - so an immune system boost.

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited June 2012

    SpecialK-Very excited for you.  If I were in your shoes I would have done the same thing.

    T-re swelling.  I guess I did not notice that much swelling or reduction in cup size. 

  • mkw1
    mkw1 Member Posts: 102
    edited June 2012

    Ladies, has anyone of you taken accolate to help soften scar tissue during the expansion process? If so, was it helpful?

    thanks in advance for your answer. 

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited June 2012

    How exciting Specialk!

    mkw1 - I've never heard of accolate before.  After this next surgery, I'm going to start using Castor Oil faithfully.  I used it off an on but since I knew I was having this new surgery, didn't see the point.  Read up on it, it's supposed to aid in the breaking down of scar tissue.

    Just a little over a week left til surgery.  Pre-op is today.  Working out this afternoon.  My trainer has really ramped up my workouts.  I'm walking like a zombie.  One hundred and fifty overhead lunges (15 lb weight) bon bons are screaming ar me today.  But that's ok, the stronger I am, the faster I heal!


  • mkw1
    mkw1 Member Posts: 102
    edited June 2012

    BCAvenger: I like your user name.

    Thanks for the tip about castor oil. 

    I pray you have a very successful surgery without any complications. 

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited June 2012

    Specialk...welcome back. I am at wake Forest for my third vaccine. Got it yesterday. Just some mild itching at the injection sites. I didn't get an exam the first time I went, but I had just had a bunch of stuff done before that and they had the records so maybe I didnt need it. I met and talked with the doctor in charge. Got his card and email. I mostly work with the oncology nurse.

    I have scheduled my appointments pretty much three weeks apart. Unless something changes, i should be done by the end of August.

    The good news is that if we are getting the placebo, if and when they approve it, we can still get it then. At least that is what I was told.

    It is hot here. I am staying in a cheaper hotel this time since I am by myself. Threw my suit on this morning and went to find the pool to lay around and read a book, only to find there is no pool. WHAT? So i am wandering around, contemplating a movie and wishing I had stayed at my other place!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited June 2012

    Hi all - thanks for the welcome back!

    fluff - just don't go to the movies in your bathing suit!  Sorry it is hot and there is no pool - who builds a hotel and has no pool?  Demand a refund, lol!  I can't believe you will be done that soon - tie flies!  Seems like if you have itching at the injection sites you are getting the vaccine, do you think so?

    momof3 - does your friend have this vaccine trial info?  If not here it is:

    She can also read about it by putting Dr. George Peoples into google - there are some press releases and news stories.

    BC Avenger - the countdown begins! 

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited June 2012

    This clinical trial sounds fantastic and so happy Special K and Fluff are part of it! Fluff, find a pool next time!

    Michelle - Your day is right around the corner. Yeah!

    DH told me today he needs hernia surgery (2 spots, possibly 3). He didn't want to tell me until after I felt better and the surgeries were behind me. I feel awful.....he should have had this done months ago -- I had no idea this was going on.


  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited June 2012

    Hi all! I too was just in the DC area! Got home Tuesday. (Nephew's high school graduation, family time, and seeing old and new friends.) It was very busy but also very fun. My first time flying since my surgeries. Not gonna lie, I was a little worried — but no swelling and I did *not* make any TSA alarms go off with my [very old] TEs!

    SpecialK and Fluff, that is awesome you are in that trial. SK I will take you off the surgery board.

    BCavenger, you are next up!

    Tatina: My DH has one of those and he also did not tell me about it right away. He has done nothing about it. It seems to be OK right now. Thought I recall hearing once you have one it does not heal and always requires surgery?

    Hope everyone else is doing well! Any other surgeries coming up for anyone?

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited June 2012

    Hey all, I better post quick before I'm kicked off.  I got an email from the mods today saying I was banned and my posts deleted.  I won't get into it other than I called a poster out on their behavior.  Check my posting history and you'll see the thread.  It's in the DCIS section.  Anyway on to brighter topics...

    Had my pre-op appointment.  My dr is pretty sure she can put an 800cc permanent silicone gel implant in my left side at surgery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  OMG, I bawled like a baby!  The right side needs alot more work but it her outlook is good.  She will start fills one week after surgery!  OMG, I started crying again!  She said she typically does about 60ccs a week, more if my skin can tolerate it.  She said as long as there are no other hiccups, I could be at exchange on that side sometime in mid to late August!!!!  I don't have to tell you all how good this feels.  I'm cautiously optimistic!

    My tests came back good except it shows I have a raging bladder infection.  I thought i had one and had my primary care do a urine test in office.  She said it was normal.  Well I had my labs and another urine test done in the lab not 15 minutes after that appt and there it was.  Wth???  The PS retested me in the office to make sure and yep, I have one.  I do not know what is up with PCP.  She was the one that also told me my vitamin levels were fine when the report ad them red flagged.  Think I need a new another new dr...  Anyway, I'm on cipro and will be done before surgery.  So I'm still a go!

    I'm gonna go to sleep with a BIG smile on my face tonight!


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited June 2012

    Michelle, I am glad you are getting tx for the infection. And I am glad your foob willbe coming soon. Yay. I am sorry you got booted for a comment on a very misleading thread. I think they should have pulled that thread a long time ago. I posted on it early on, but it wasnt worth keeping up with as something about it was not right. Much love.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited June 2012

    Michelle- wishing you well with your surgery and hope you are not truly have lots to offer to these boards!

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited June 2012

    Michelle-60cc a week for me was tolerable.  I hope it works out for you and that you aren't banned!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited June 2012

    BCAvenger - that thread was too hot anyway - the OP was starting to toy with people, it needed to be removed from active topics.  What you said was spot on, and anyone with an ounce of common sense knows it - glad I read your post before it was deleted - I was cheering in front of my computer!  So glad your PS found the UTI - can you imagine if bacteria had traveled and you ended up with an infection elsewhere?  OMG - so glad you are on a good antibiotic and that your doc is confident that she can get things going in the right direction.

    Ren - sad that I am postponing the FG surgery but feel the opportunity in this trial is too beneficial to pass up - both for me personally and for future knowledge about prevention of recurrence/develpment of Her2+ BC.  How funny that you were in DC too - maybe we passed each other at some point!

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited June 2012

    BCAvenger--woot!Glad to hear your great news. If the mods ban you, then that is a reflection on them for not doing their job properly in that thread to begin with--seriously!

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited June 2012

    Unfortunately I'm joining the TE Trouble club.

    My cancer was on the right side, but I had a BMX in May 2012. The left drain never had that much fluid, and both came out 2 weeks after surgery. A week later, I noticed that the left side was considerably harder and slightly red on the bottom. It also felt like it was pinching anytime I bent over.

    After the first expansion - literally an hour later - the entire left side turned red and started swelling. It was not hot, and I haven't had a fever yet. At first my PS said that if it was just pink with no other symptoms, it was fine. A week later it wasn't going away, so they put me on Keflex, 4 times a day.

    Today is my 3rd day on Keflex. I woke up to see my drain site reopened and I was literally spouting out yellowish/reddish liquid. It was coming out so fast I had to lean over a sink for a while to let it drain. By the time I got to the hospital, my entire shirt was wet.

    My PS said that they can now culture the fluid and see if I'm taking the right antibiotic. However, sometimes the fluid builds up around the TE without any infection, and that build up can later cause an infection - very confusing. It's basically my body's way of responding to a foreign body. So if it doesn't clear up ASAP - and more importantly if the swelling returns - the TE has to come out and I won't be able to get another until after chemo :(

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited June 2012

    I'm here!  I emailed the mods but haven't heard anything.

    SpecialK - That's what I was afraid of with the UTI which is why I brought it to my PCP's attention on Monday!  I'm so glad that my new PS caught it.  Phew!  Don't need to be starting off this surgery on the wrong foot...or foob as it be. ;-)

    I'm in such a good mood today.  I had a cup of coffee...don't tell my trainer!  I now have to drink double the a of coffee in water to flush it out.

    Worked out like a mad woman yesterday.  I'm up to 25lb arm curls.  Yah baby!  My PS said the first two weeks after surgery I can walk as much as I want.  And then each week there after I can slowly start building weights back up.

    I had a dream last night that I was at work...naked...right after surgery and I had my old boobs with drains coming out.  I think it's cause I kept asking my PS...just to make sure my boobs will sit up nice and perky and not hanging like my old ones..


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited June 2012

    BCAvenger - I laughed about your naked dream - I have not had this one since all of the BC stuff has happened (hello, Freud?) but I used to dream I was at a my high school football game with no clothes on.  I decided to act casual, and hoped nobody would notice - what do you suppose that means?

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited June 2012

    Roadwarrior, I hope you don't lose it, nut if you do its not the end if the world. I lost mine, just finished chemo and will try to get the new te scheduled soon. So hang in there even if you have a detour.

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited June 2012

    I haven't had a naked dream in LONG time!  LOL...I always try to play it cool in my naked dreams too, hoping no one will notice.  hahaha 


  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited June 2012

    It's been a while since I've had one of those dreams too. Mine always involved going potty. I would start out in private and suddenly be out in the open. It was mortifying. I think, after all I have been through with the breast cancer and before that with the 3rd degree burns, that real life has provided me all the mortification I could imagine and so I don't need to dream it anymore. LOL

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited June 2012

    Dunesleeper, what a keen observation! lol  Aint that the truth!

    I haven't had a bathroom dream in awhile!  I hate those two.  It always involves for me walking into a bathroom and all of a suddent the walls, everything disappears like some sort of sci-fi flick.  Here I am sitting on the same toilet in a crowd of people and wondering how I'm gonna wipe and pull my pants up without anyone noticing! LOL


  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited June 2012

    LMAO Michelle! OMG! Just like mine. I wonder what it means.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited June 2012

    It means you are feeling vulnerable about something in your life - dreams are never really related to the literal content of the dream, it is the underlying feeling the dream is giving you.

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited June 2012

    What!  Feeling vulnerable?  We have nothing to feel vulnerable about right now...she says sarcastically in case anyone was wondering.

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited June 2012

    Hey SpecialK, I emailed you. I'm blocked from sending PMs!  I can't even pm the mods, they've blocked me!  Ridiculous!


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited June 2012

    chick - aint it the truth!

    BCAvenger - man you are such a rebel!!!  I'll check my email, lol!  It is probably a temporary restriction - if not I will open a can of whoopass!