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  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited July 2012

    DLL66 - Great news about the silcone implant.....

    Layle - Your exchange date is soon. I felt immediate relief after the TEs were out.

    My PS gave me a thumbs up last week on my 3-D nipple tattoos. A week before I leave for NOLA to see Vinnie, Dr. Easy on the Eyes will take a photo of my chest and graph out where the nip placements should be. Couldn't ask for a nicer PS!

    I hope everyone is well..... And have a safe 4th!


  • Binc
    Binc Member Posts: 71
    edited July 2012

    Hi - I am a new poster, but not new to these boards. I have found support here just reading through the messages for some time and am very thankful for that. I'm hitting a new low on my BC journey and am looking for insight - or maybe just empathy! I'm 42 with 3 young kids and was diagnosed last fall. I had a bilateral mastectomy and delayed reconstruction until this spring. Tissue expanders were placed in April and I was feeling great until a major cellulitis infection hit me on the right side 3 weeks post surgery. That was 7 weeks ago. I have had 2 hospitalizations and have been on IV antibiotics for 5 weeks in an attempt to save the TE. Unfortunately, things haven't gone well and the infection refuses to clear. I have another week before I see my surgeon again, but I'm pretty confident that the TE needs to come out. I'm not doing so well with this mentally, but physically I'm just tired of being in pain. So my question for those of you who have been through it is how bad is the recovery from TE removal? How long does it take the infection to clear once the TE is out? Will there be a drain? My PS said the surgical incision needs to stay open to heal and they pack it with dressing. The thought of that makes me want to puke! How long are you unable to drive, lift things, etc? I have a 2 year old and 2 other busy kids who need to be driven everywhere. Any advice or comments would be most appreciated. Thanks.

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited July 2012

    Binc - so sorry to hear you're going through that. I found this blog when I found out I had an infection:

    This girl also had cellulitis and describes her experiences - so may be helpful 

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited July 2012

    The actual TE removal is easy. I had one of mine removed in the office. However, I did not have an infection & the incision was sutured. Best wishes, Binc. Hope that infection clears!

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited July 2012

    The actual TE removal is easy. I had one of mine removed in the office. However, I did not have an infection & the incision was sutured. Best wishes, Binc. Hope that infection clears!

    Tatina, great news on the 3D nips! 

    I am psyched to be going back to silicone. The saline did what we needed it to do, but it just doesn't match well enough to keep it as a permanent implant.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited July 2012

    binc - my experience with TE removal was like dll's but it was done in an ambulatory center.  I did not have an infection, it was just that my body was interpreting the TE as foreign (hello - it is!) and refused to heal.  It was removed, skin was excised vertically and I had a closed incision.  I did not have a drain.  That surgery was easy and I was restricted for 3 weeks on driving (my PS is VERY conservative on that) and lifting, but I really did not have pain or problems.  I was able to move around and do what I normally do.

    BCAvenger - hope all goes smoothly for you today!

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited July 2012

    SpecialK - did you have the TE replaced and have better experience 2nd time around? I may be heading down the same road since there's no infection, but the left side won't stop draining...

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited July 2012

    road - I had three surgeries to try to excise back to healthy skin before removing the TE because I really needed to move on to chemo, it had been 14 weeks since BMX at that point.  My left TE was out, right TE was in but only with surgical fill.  I had the left TE replaced 7 months later (a year ago this month) and then proceeded with 25cc weekly fills, slow and steady so as not to stress the skin.  I had exchange surgery in late Feb. and all went very well.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2012

    It has been one month since my bi lateral. Yesterday I had my right TE out drain in. Major pain. So mad because my PS was away and no one would touch me until yesterday I said I am not leaving this office until you do something. I had a huge hole and my tissue expander I could see. The other breast has a hole they are waiting to see if it  heals. REalllly upset.I am so sick of pain.I know for a fact it was due to the fills second fill 2 vials in each three days later blood on my shirt. They let it go open hole until yesterday. I kept going back in too! and they kept sending me home. So wrong. Hate my PS hes still away thank god this other doctor listened to me.

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited July 2012

    Orange73 - wow, can't believe your PS is putting you through this. Is there anyone else you can go to? I remember feeling pain for about 5 minutes when they took my drain out, but the hole closed up almost instantly and was definitely not large. 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited July 2012

    orange - find another doctor asap.  Seriously.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited July 2012

    Orange, sorry you see going through a bad time. Hang in there.

    Road, I had my TE out due to infection. It was a regular surgery in the OR. He opened the insision, took out the part that was not healing, rinsed it with antibiotics, closed it up and placed a drain I was in the hospital for three days, they wanted to test for MRSA. I had iv antibiotics for three weeks. No driving til the drain came out a week later. After I was done with the antibiotcs, they waited a week and it was back in surgery for my port, and I started chemo two days later . I just need to schedule te replacement surgery now, six months after the first failure. I hope you won't have to wait as long. much love to all

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited July 2012

    Oops, forgot to wish bcavenger good luck.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2012

    Thanks for the replys the hole was the incision site opening. 2 weeks ago when they saw it It was small then it got bigger and bigger and they kept sending me home. Oh know the tissue expander will not show u have layers over it BS it showed. I still have a small hole in the left but they are hoping it closes. Why does this happen? Is it from the fills.... I know its not me because my PS kept saying you look textbook you look so great. Now I have one out. I am livid. Hes the best in the area he works with breast surgeron all the time. Whatever I know he is away and a total freak about someone touching his work,but really?

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2012

    slow and steady yupp.... Learned taht from women on this site. They were fast and high with me.Then I popped. I asked can a women never take a tissue expander ? The doctor said No.

  • Binc
    Binc Member Posts: 71
    edited July 2012

    roadwarrior- thanks for the blog link.

    Moonflwr912- were you on antibiotics before the TE was removed? I've been on them for a total of 7 weeks now and the infection won't clear. I'm wondering how long I will need them after the TE is removed.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited July 2012

    I think it is also common to begin fills with too much volume and start too early, and also have too much saline in the surgical fill.  It seems like a lot of docs (and some patients) are in too much of a hurry to get this done and over with so they can return to "normal" - what ends up happening is that with removal of a TE or implant, the process drags on and on.  IMHO slow, but steady, is important for many patients to have a successful outcome.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2012

    Yes I agree... All I know is I feel like puke when I look at everything and I am so sick of being in bed. No driving ,Lifting etccc.

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited July 2012

    Binc, I haven't had my left TE removed - yet - but I've been on antibiotics (Keflex) for almost 2 weeks now, 4 pills a day. I also developed an abscess and have been draining for over a week. So at this point with the draining and the pain from TE, I almost WANT it out. I feel so uncomfortable in my body and just don't have motivation to do anything...

    They tested my drainage and said I had no infection as of now. 

  • Binc
    Binc Member Posts: 71
    edited July 2012

    roadwarrior - I hear you! With my swollen, fire red boob, I almost want the TE out too, just to releive the pain. Although I don't look forward to spending the next few months with one boob. . . maybe with all the drainage and the antibiotics your abcess will clear! Either way, the road shouldn't have to be this rocky.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2012

     I am just venting. People have it worse. Binc I have one boob now. Im wrapped no showers doc said. It is gross to look at but I have got to change guaze. I was filled when  I woke up.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited July 2012

    I was not on antibiotics when my TE was removed. I went in to PS office at 2:00pm with fever and red spots over the left boob he looked at it, and ordered an OR and told me he would go in and clean it out, but if it looked infected he would remove it. so he ended up removing it.

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited July 2012

    Thinking of you, Michelle. I bet you're resting comfortably right now, smiling at your squishies!!

    Now that all the fluid and scar tissue is gone on my left side, I have experienced "rippling". I had heard other ladies talk about it, like when you get out of the shower and bend over to dry your hair. Well I've got it. I hope some tissue will regenerate and my skin will tighten up. Right side still sits a bit higher than the left, but with all the problems with TE's that I had, it doesn't surprise me. They're pretty symmetrical, and you can't tell a thing when I wear a bra. I see PS on Monday, so we'll see if she's happy with them or if I may need one more tune up lol.  We will also be having the nipple discussion. Other than that, feeling great and back to jogging and spin class. It feels so awesome to get a good sweat - I know I'm strange to love that but I do.

    Happy 4th to all:)

  • Layla2525
    Layla2525 Member Posts: 465
    edited July 2012

    Good luck and may the force against trouble be with you, are you going in for the implants? I am getting mine in aug so no vacay for now, will try for Calif in Oct again. Fiance spent all the money on his stupid boats. Yep you got it right!(Northern CA, where Floridians go to get away from the humidity in the summer)

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 26
    edited July 2012

    It truly sickens me with all these horror stories.  I feel as though we are nothing but lab rats.  I don't know how some of you deal with TE troubles on top of chemo and other treatments.  I am happy that I refused all treatments.  I was in the hospital for five days with a TE infection.  The antibiotics stopped it, but I was very allergic to the oral antibiotics I was taking when I got home.  I was in horrible pain and could barely walk, and developed a burning red rash over my entire body.  FYI if you take antibiotics, be sure to take probiotics because of the horrible things that happen to our bodies.  Some docs don't tell us about that.  Good luck to all who have to deal with whatever problems may arise.  This is not by any means a walk in the park.  My dad lost his leg in an accident many years ago, and I have to say with all sincerity that I would rather have lost my leg than all the crap I've dealt with reconstruction.  At least the physical therapists know how to teach a person how to adjust to a prosthetic leg.  As with us pretty much having to figure out which bra to wear after surgery, the amputees aren't shoved out the door and told to measure themselves for an artificial limb then go shopping for one. 

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited July 2012

    Looking forward to your next post Michelle.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited July 2012

    Happy 4th, everyone! I tried to post here last night but it kept getting lost before I was able to finish writing. After the 3rd try I just gave up. Trying again tonight! Here goes:

    Bogie: So sorry you had failed TE's on both sides. It is frustrating and I totally understand your being over it! Give it some time, you may feel differently with some distance between surgeries. Maybe someone will pipe in with their DIEP or Tram experience.

    Chick: Yay that you were able to waterski! That had to feel good!!

    Lisa96: Recon is for certain a far more complex process than I think anyone ever realizes going in. I do think part of it is that we are dealing with cancer and so must focus our brains on that and on top of that, make major recon decisions that are time and energy intensive. Doctors don't tell us everything that could go wrong for a variety of reasons. My PS actually talked about TE rejection and necrosis and delayed healing before I ever had a BMX. I never thought I would end up with all of those things! I forged ahead blindly. Thank God we have BCO for support! This whole recon thing is not for the faint of heart. And in saying that I hope I don't scare any newbies. Many, many women sail through this process and move on with their lives in the time it takes some of us to still heal from TE surgery! I don't know what the answer is, but trusting your PS is key. My advice to anyone reading this: Listen to your gut. If it is telling you to get a 2nd opinion, do it. Don't worry about hurting anyone's feelings. This is your body and you have to live with the result your PS leaves you with.

    mcmking: Sorry you are in our club. I did not have an infection, but a few others here have and were able to keep their TE. It depends on so many things. If your PS feels it needs to come out, it probably does. Again, listen to your gut. Keep us posted!

    Layla2525: I added your Aug 2nd implant surgery to the list above.

    Dunesleeper: Glad you are so pleased with your PS! Thanks for sharing a funny moment!

    Tatina: A date to see Vinnie? How exciting! Let me know when it is, I'll add it above. ;-)

    Binc: So sorry to hear that you, too, are in our club. I had to have my right TE taken out due to delayed healing, but felt so much better once it was out! I had a drain, but it was not in very long and despite my inability to heal my incision WITH the TE, I healed up just fine without it! Like SpecialK, I could drive after 3 weeks no problem. I think you will feel so much better with it out of there! 

    Roadwarrior: See comment to Binc above!

    Orange73: Hang in there! I know it's a pain but I'm glad they took the TE out. Continue to be your own advocate. Rest up, you will be out of bed and running around again in no time!

    Momof3inFla: Glad you are back to sweating and living your life. Yay! You give me hope.

    BCAvenger: Hope today went well! Please check in when you are able. We are thinking of you!

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited July 2012

    Ren - I get the nips on October 18. My sister is coming with me and it's going to be one big celebration!

    BCAvenger - hope you are resting comfortably.

    Binc - I felt better right away after my infected TE came out. Two and a half months later it went back in....

    Lisa96 - I agree with Renn. Recon is not for the faint of heart. I was told of "the things that could go wrong" up front and was actually asked to consider a DIEP or TRAM because of TE complications. I decided on the TEs -- the ones where my body is forced to accept a foreign body. I don't blame my PS for my infection, it just happened and I was warned it could happen. I hope you are feeling better.....

    Orange - I would seek another opinion for sure.

    Chick and Special K - great to see you in cyberspace.

    DM - Hope you are well.

    And before I forget, here is the link to the latest media coverage on Vinnie Meyers.....I believe it was picked up on CNN:

    Take care everyone,


  • Bogie
    Bogie Member Posts: 79
    edited July 2012

    Orange insurance will pay for second opinons. When I had enough surgeries and complications over and over enough is enough. Go to Nola or Mayo. I went to Univ. of Chicago and he opened my eyes. I'm taking a break but it's tough with two flat ruptured TE inside me and rock hard led ball of capsular contracture scar tissue inside like an alien taking over. I'm not sure what road I will take myself some time off.

    You are the best and bravest women I know, stand proud!

    Hugs xxx

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited July 2012

    Wow you guys were busy today...sad to see some new names.

    Ren it did feel good to ski however I am still in pain from it. But so happy I could still do it!