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  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited June 2012

    Roadwarrior: Sorry to hear you are having issues with the TE. Let us know what the PS says when the culture comes back. Some of us just produce a lot of fluid, our body's attempt to fill the space left from the MX as well as reaction to the foreign body. Many have had TE's taken out and not but back in until after treatment. It's a PITA for sure! But hang in there and keep us posted.

    BCavenger: Hope your "block" is lifted soon! You do not deserve that!

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited June 2012

    Roadwarrior - I am so sorry to hear of your troubles. I lost a TE for 3 months, during that time I wore the Genie Bra with a silicone push up pad from JoAnns... no one ever knew unless I told them. It is sure a hassle, but there is nothing convenient with this whole situation.

    We are here for you if you need us.

    BC Avenger - I got that same email from the mods months ago, only I couldn't figure out what I had done to deserve it... sent them a scathing email and was reinstated. Hope they see the error or their ways soon. Will check your log, cause now I am curios!

    I love me new PT, she has really helped the range in my shoulder. Also, love that I can at least walk and do sit-ups now... however, what happened to my muscles??? I feel like I am starting all over and cannot seem to loose weight! Also, my whole body just hurts unless I medicate! 

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited June 2012

    Michelle- wish I had seen your response before it was deleted; sounds like it was a good one!

    I have had those toilet dreams too...very wierd!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited June 2012

    Toilet dream interpretation: we just have to deal with all this sh*t while people walk around us without knowing what we are going through! LOL

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited June 2012

    LOL Moonflower. Very good interpretation!

  • 1Curlyfry
    1Curlyfry Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2012

    Roadwarrior-hope you are able to keep the TE. I've had to have mine removed twice due to infection. You will get through it, but it is a big disappointment. I also had the problem with fluid literally poring out of my drain hole. It was so yucky!

    To the rest of the ladies- I could use some insight. I really trust my PS and she is ready to plan my third attempt at the TE for early August. I think I want to wait until summer is over. I'm pretty beat up at this point. I really think my DH needs a break too. He has been wonderful helping me deal with this situation. I hope I'm not just being a chicken. If it fails a third time I have to consider a different type of reconstruction. I don't want to even think about those options. maybe I should just be tough and get it over with?

    I can't believe I can run a marathon, but I can't seem to handle a TE! BC is a very humbling experience!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited June 2012

    roadwarrior - also had the serum pouring out when the TE ruptured through an area of necrotic skin after BMX - not fun, but it is the body trying to heal itself.  Hope things work out for you to keep the TE - if you can't keep it, we have been there, so we are here if you need us.

    curly - have your infections been cultured?  In other words, did you maybe have one infection that did not resolve when the TE was replaced?  If you are feeling like you want to wait I would listen to that little voice and give yourself a break.

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited June 2012

    Thanks Special K, I'll pass it along.

    I went over to Daytona yesterday to see a friend from high school who has just completed chemo and rads from BC. We started sobbing when we saw each other. She looked so beautiful, and had soooo many wonderful friends surrounding her. It was so darn awesome. I'm a little hungover today - we had crazy fun lol. 

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited June 2012

    momof3infla: so sorry to hear about your friend. but so nice to have the support of a fellow BCer in person! How are you feeling?

    1curlyfry: You just had that TE taken out a couple of weeks ago... your PS wants to put it back so soon? I agree with SpecialK: Listen to the voice that is telling you to wait. Just FYI: I waited 5 months before my PS put the TE back in. He wouldn't even consider doing it sooner. I pushed for a Dec. 1st surgery so I would be in decent shape for Christmas. Little did I know that it was Xmas Day that I overdid it with my activity (reaching, lifting, bending) and a pinhole opened up on my incision AGAIN. I lived with the leaking fluid for 12 more weeks until my body finally decided to raise the white flag and heal. That was back in March. I am still "cooking" and i don't see my PS until July 10! My point is that waiting and healing is part of this process and rushing that process can do more harm than good. JMHO... take it easy and listen to thy gut! ;-)

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited June 2012

    Specialk....i have no idea if I itching means it is the real thing. I tought the itching was related to the leukine. I'll have to go back and read. It drives me crazy that they are doing circulating tumor tests, but we cant see the results. And, if they are high, they probably would not tell me.

    I agree, who has a hotel in North Carolina without a pool? BUT....that hotel has a Wake Forest rate for $35 per night. It has a kitchenette, is very clean, but basic. Instead of eating out every time, i actually hit fhe fresh market and bought a rotisserie chicken in wine sauce, fresh fruit, etc. It was delish. Next time, though, it is back to the other place with a pool that is also reasonable, but more like a Hampton. And it is right downtown Winston-salem which is a kind of cool area. sorry you are being called out. Sometimes I think they would be better to read back through a thread and get the person that puts out inaccurate info. There have been several threads that I quit reading/responding to because the posters are either posting bad info, and crabbing at one another.

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited June 2012

    Renn...Feeling great. All swelling is down, and both sides are very even and symmetrical. Wed will be my 6 week mark, and I can't WAIT to go to my spin class at the gym. I've been walking everyday, going to the gym and doing the bike/treadmill and elliptical. But I really want to jog and do spin class. Saw the dermatologist today for a skin check, and she's so relieved that the red area totally went away after exchange surgery. All that red area was from the extensive scar tissue. Crazy stuff. 

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited June 2012

    Hello All! Heard from my PS today and there's no infection - so either there wasn't one to begin with, or the Keflex cleared it up. But I'm still draining quite a bit and that's an issue of it's own. I usually soak through a large gauze pad each day and squeeze more out in the shower. 

    My swelling is down, the redness is pretty much gone. The only red spot left is right underneath my left breast and the skin there also looks more stretched out. That spot has also been painful even before my first - and only - fill and it feels like there is a ridge there. PS says I'm feeling the edge of the expander but I don't know why there's such an edge on the left side, and not the right. It almost feels like I'm wearing a super tight underwire bra and pinches any time I bend over.

    I def need to take it easy as well - all this drainage may be from doing too much and lifting my 18-months old niece! 

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited June 2012

    Mom - I miss spin classes!  I used to do those with my girlfriend on Saturday mornings.  Interesting about your redness.  That's what I suspect my redness is from.  My right side that is just saddled with it is always red after working out.

    My last week of working out ladies.  Friday, I did two bootcamps back to back.  Don't know what got into me, I just had this burst of energy that wanted to come out!  It was tough!  But I felt good.  Trying to get as much strength into my muscles before surgery.

    I'm still on lockdown with PMs!  I was emailing the mods back and forth.  Their reasoning was lame so whatever.  I'm over it.  They did take that thread off the active topics.  I told them they were not only doing a disservice but potentially harming new women coming in here looking for guidance on DCIS diagnosis, treatment and potential of it going invasive. It of course fell on deaf ears.  God forbid you call a troll out.  Uh oh said it again...I'll probably be kicked out of here now.


  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited June 2012

    roadwarrior - It could be the TE on that side is rubbing against your sutures, which is causing the pain on that side.  I had suture pain on my right side for quite sometime.  My left, I never had any issues with exception of the seroma.  I"m glad the redness is gone and you don't have an infection!


  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited June 2012

    Michelle/BC Avenger - I am so worried you will be kicked off and I will have no way of connecting with you.

    Please find me on facebook - Dawn Marone - my profile pic is the same. Of course anyone else is free to friend me also :) I love my BC sisters! 

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited June 2012

    How long are you on lockdown for, BCAvenger? It sucks :( my last PS appt I asked if we could not get the adjustable saline side to match the silicone side well enough if there was a chance that we could still go with a silicone implant on that side & my PS said yes, but let's see how things look in another month. Yesterday he said he had been thinking about my question & decided it was a good idea, so I am scheduled to swap implants on 8/7. The adjustable saline side is wider, flatter & lower than the other side. He will also stitch up the pocket from the inside to raise the fold a bit. It worked well as a TE & allowed me to get past the issue I had where my skin kept opening up over the previous silicone implants. Yay!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited June 2012

    dll - yay on the swap!  Glad to know you didn't blow away in the storm (and all our other FL ladies!)  Here are some of DD's pix of the tornado in our neighborhood, hers are starting at slide #19:

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited June 2012

    Yeah on the swap dll

    specialK-How scarey.  I hope none of those damaged homes are yours.  I have been through 2 tornadoes, one of which destoryed my parents house.  They are no fun. 

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited June 2012

    Scary pics, SpecialK. Hope you guys didn't sustain any damage. We are just dealing with flooding & road closures. It has been quite a task to get to & from work when so many roads are closed due to flooding. Sorry about your parents' house, chickadee. That must have been devastating.

    Hope everyone else is staying safe & dry. 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited June 2012

    We are OK, tornadoes scare me - I am a California girl (although I seem to be OK with earthquakes, lol!)!  The pictures are from a block down from our house, so we were lucky.  We had tree limbs down, etc. and there were no injuries in our immediate neighborhood, just property damage.  DD volunteers at the Clearwater Aquarium and had to cross a major bridge this morning that was only a foot above the water.  DH works at MacDill AFB and their entrances were flooded yesterday!  Crazy!

    chick - sorry about the parents house - it is so devastating to lose everything.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited June 2012

    Those pictures are scary; I am glad everyone is ok!

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited June 2012

    Special K - my friend Robin also volunteers at the Clearwater Aquarium - small world:) We didn't have much damage but the backyard is on a slope and ran like a river into the pool:(

    Roadwarrior - no lifting!! And I did have lots of drainage for a couple of weeks. You have to lay low. I found when I was active the fluid started right back up again.

    Spin class tomorrow for me yay! It will be 6 weeks post op and I cannot wait! My son's not so happy about having to go with me lol.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited June 2012

    momof3 - it is a small world, isn't it?  DD ran into someone at the aquarium last week that I did a cancer writing workshop with!  Glad things are OK with you (yay on the spin class!) did you get very much dirt in your pool?  Ours overflowed so much that we had water up to the sliding glass doors!  The built-in drains on the pool deck couldn't handle the volume of rain!

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited June 2012

    Omg, SpecialK, you were in THAT area?!  I was watching the weather and they showed that and I was like...glad I don't live there!  I forget there are alot of FL ladies in here!  So glad the tornado missed you.  How scary!  My midwest girlfriend's give me all this grief over California sliding in to the ocean and earthquakes.

    DM - I searched for you on FB.  Only two finds came up and neither were your picture from here.  I sent a pm to one asking if it was you.  So if you didn't get it, then I didn't send it to you! lol  My name is Michelle Rochon, you can find me on FB.  Same pic as on here.

    I'm so tired. I worked out at lunch instead of after work.  I threw-up a little in my mouth when I bent over to get my stuff.  TMI? I didn't think it was the grueling of a workout.  I didn't sleep very well last night though.  My muscles feel like wet noodles. :p

    How are you feeling roadwarrior?

    One week from today, I should be on my way home from the hospital...  This week is going by pretty fast yet it's in slow motion.  My last day at work is Thursday.


  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited June 2012

    DM - Found you!  I spelled your name wrong!


  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited June 2012

    Special K - Yes we got quite a bit of dirt in the pool and the water came up to our sliding doors quite a few times! Our built in drains didn't do a thing either. Glad it's about over.

    Michelle - good luck next week. You will rock it! And it's good to know that we can get some redness from time to time that's not an infection.

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited June 2012

    You must be pretty excited, BCAvenger!

    Momof3, hope you & your home fared well.

    Our pool overflowed Sunday & now has a bunch of sticks, leaves & frogs in it. 

    Thanks for adding me to the surgery list, Renn. Hope things are going well for you these days. 

  • MondaysChild
    MondaysChild Member Posts: 161
    edited June 2012

    Good luck with your new surgery plan, DLL.  I will keep your date in my heart.

    Sounds like this south Tampa girl made it through these storms better that than the rest of you. I do not know what area you are in, DLL, but I do remember SpecialK telling me she was almost to Pasco County.  It is amazing it made is so harsh that far up!

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited June 2012

    I think I'm not feeling well because of the Cipro.  Someone was just diagnosed with a bad UTI and put on Cipro and she is feeling the same way.  Feel like I have the flu.  Bleh.

    DLL - I'm excited...kinda?  I'm not dreading it like before that's for sure. I just hope this works!

    Ok, all of you Florida ladies need to get your butts over here in California with me, pronto! It's summer and you're dealing with these crazy storms!


  • Yvyc
    Yvyc Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2012

    Hello! This is my first post on this board. I have an appointment tomorrow with my PS to discuss exchange surgery. My question is I have a small area on my incision that doesn't seem to be healing. I had a reaction to the dye they used for the lymph nodes and had to have a second surgery, even though I had a mastectomy, because my margins weren't clear. Both my surgeon and PS think they should either make a new incision on the bottom to exchange the expander with an implant or take away the skin that is not healing well, and put in a smaller implant. Anyone had this dilemma? Just not sure will the area heal over time if you leave it alone?

    Thanks for any advice!
