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  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited July 2012

    Best wishes tomorrow, GreenMonkey! Glad to see that chickadee & binc both checked in :)

    MTNester, hope your pinholes seal up soon. 

    MondaysChild, I could join you in the Implant Trouble thread...

    Thanks, Renn for starting & maintaining this thread. It has been helpful to hear from others that have made it through recon complications.

  • Layla2525
    Layla2525 Member Posts: 465
    edited July 2012

    Greenmonkey, I read an article about infected TE that said sometimes the surgs have to powder them so they dont stick to the wrong spot when they try and position them....some people get an infec from the powder. Not all surg use powder tho and not all patients have a problem if powder is the rest of you dunno...kind of like my teeth. Woke up the other day,had a fever of 99 and toothache and long story short..gotta reschedule my TE exchange cause PS wants it a mth after my root canal. Aug 2nd surg cancelled. Now I gotta get the pre surg jitters all over again. We know teeth roots get infected but how does one with cap on the tooth all sealed up have the root start dying and get infected and have to get the canal...well even if the endo/dent explned it to me I probably wouldnt understand..oh well at least I get the cute one from Brazil with a big screen TV to watch while my tooth gets its issue out my way.

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited July 2012

    Chick - yippee on the nips! How are you feeling today?

    Binc - sorry you had to stay in the hospital. Are you in much discomfort? I felt better right away after my infected TE came out.

    GM - thinking about you tomorrow -- you will love the feel of the squishees.

    Take care everyone.....

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited July 2012

    I feel good today. I have a little discomfort but nothing alieve can't fix. Scared to sleep the wrong way and hurt them so not sleeping good. Who else has had nips done? How long before they are healed?

    So to add to my stress level we are moving. And not just around the corner. We are moving to Bismarck ND. We made an offer on a house and they accepted. So I guess I need to start gathering all my records.

  • NanG
    NanG Member Posts: 25
    edited July 2012

    have u guys used polysporin on the incision site?  today i was drying off after my bath and noticed that some of the scabbing was falling off, but underneath it looked a little juicy.  i didn't notice pus or anything but i thought to be clean and careful, because i noticed three or four areas that were open and not healed i put on polysporin. 

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited July 2012

    NanG - sort of, my PS told me to use Bacitracin on the incision site because I also had scabbing and peeling. Polysporin also contains Bacitracin plus Polymyxin, which I don't know much about...

  • MondaysChild
    MondaysChild Member Posts: 161
    edited July 2012

    DLL, you have not yet had final exchange surgery like I have.  Let's hope you go from TE Trouble to perfect exchange results and that you never need an Implant Trouble thread.  You certain deserve easy, pain free, and beautiful results after all you have been through so far. No Implant Trouble for you!!

  • Binc
    Binc Member Posts: 71
    edited July 2012

    So I do feel less pain with the TE out. But I never thought I would say I wish I had a drain! Packing the open surgical incision is nauseating. I was never meant to be a medical professional! I'm still in the hospital but should go home in the morning. So far one of the cultures came back with a bacterial strain that doesn't respond to vancomycin. So now I'm on cipro too. My ps wants to continue TE vanco until all the culture results are in. He also said that the tissue inside the pocket looked very healthy, but it will take about 3 weeks for the incision to fully close. Yuck!

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited July 2012

    Oh Binc! I would prefer drains to that too! Hang in there.

    Good luck GreenMonkey. I hope you are thrilled with your squishies. I am really tired of the feel of my TE, but I'll get my exchange 9/4, Lord willing and the creek don't rise.

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited July 2012

    Thanks, MondaysChild :) This will be my 4th (& hopefully final) implant on my rads side. We seem to be past all of the healing & swelling issues & now we are working on symmetry.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited July 2012
    MTNester, how is your pinhole? I just posted a ton of delayed healing pics on my blog, I suspect one may have your name on it!

    Layla... is the postponement b/c you have an infection in the root? Why exactly? Curious. Sorry for the delay! Let me know when you have a new date.

    Chick: North Dakota? Wow. Isn't that God's country? Should be beautiful but what a change! Very cool! From what I have heard about the nips, they shed and make quite a little mess of themselves before they settle down. Hopefull someone else will chime in who has had them.

    NanG: I used Bactroban on my incision, it's like a super bacitracin You need an Rx for it. See my note above to MTnester. Do any of your unhealed areas look like mine?

    Binc: One of the ladies I met on here had to pack an open hole she had after she developed necrosis around her nipple. She had quite a time with it and it went on for some time, but she did finally heal and now has a great result! If you want to PM her, let me know, I will send you her name.

    Dunesleeper: I am SO over feelings these bricks on my chest. Since my fill last week, they feel more brick-like than ever.

    Monday's Child and DLL66: You guys should start an Implant Trouble thread!

    Greenmonkey: Good luck tomorrow! We will be sending you soft and pain-free wishes!! Let us know how you are doing when you can. xoxo

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited July 2012

    Good luck today green monkey!

     My PS wants me putting neosporin on my nips 3 times a day.  I guess that falls in line with what all of you are doing on your open wounds? 

  • Layla2525
    Layla2525 Member Posts: 465
    edited July 2012

    Rennasus, yep thats what they are telling me at the endodontist,that the xray shows one root cloudy and one root dark so means infected root so gotta get root canal. I called the PS who told me no teeth cleaning while I have TE or getting fills or one mth b4 or after surg due to risks of infect and bacteria traveling thru the body. Not all PS agree I believe,I mentioned this b4 and SpecialK I think or some of the ladies had dental proc done without a hitch. annoyed cause dent says PS should give me antibiotics and PS says dent should give them and so nobody gave them. Now I have dent and surg bills coming out of my ears even with good insurance.

    Anyone else have a pile of bills? Anyone else get a root canal b4 exchange? Whats going on with my body? I just got over 8 ointments to get my peeling lips straightened out with the derm which started when I began taking Arimi. Gosh,BC,root canals (and the internet said root canals cause BC,maybe BC causes root canals?)and then the reaction from the Arimi..this old gray mare..she ain't what she used to be.  If I get anymore plastic in my mouth or breasts,I might be classified as a cyborg!

  • MTnester
    MTnester Member Posts: 147
    edited July 2012

    Thinking of you today, GM!

     Layla-I've had root canals. UGH. And yes, I have piles of bills. 2011 sucked the big one in our house - 4 surgeries between two people, and we had good insurance but ended up paying our out of pocket maximum of $20,000. OUCH. Makes me feel even worse for people without insurance.

    Binc, sending healing thoughts. I wouldn't be one to sign up to pack an open incision either.  

    Renn, i looked at your blog - yep, looks familiar. I don't have seeping, just two small spots that have scabs. And now the most recent development, old righty has an issue. I had a tiny black hard spot on the incision after surgery, looked to me like a stitch or something - figured it would resolve itself so I left it alone. Now, in the past two days, I've developed a brigh red spot where that hard bump used to be and I'm freaking a bit. Yes, perhaps I'm over-reacting, but I really don't want trouble. I see my doctor, who is three hours away, next Wednesday. I'm thinking about taking a picture and emailing it to them for their input. Thoughts? could it be a bug bite? LOL yea no it doesn't itch....

  • rosetx
    rosetx Member Posts: 70
    edited July 2012

    After shower this a.m. a little bit of scab came off and looks as though there is a tiny area underneath that is still not healing (after being restitched almost 2 weeks ago).  GRRRRR  Called the PS office and fortunately he will be in later today (although it's usually a surgery day), and will go in at 11:30 to have him check it out.  I'm glad I dont' have to wait until my upcoming Monday appt. in case it really is an issue---and not just me being overly worried. 

  • rosetx
    rosetx Member Posts: 70
    edited July 2012

    Back from PS.  Stitches were removed.  As I suspected, there were small areas on each side with delayed healing still.  So, no fills for a few weeks.  Bacitracin 3x daily covered w/gauze and back to dr. on the 30th. :(  Not happy about the healing issue, but glad I went in and could be seen today.

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited July 2012

    It has been weeks since I have been on thread... and so many new peeps here! So sorry all you had to join our group.

     Thanks Ren for starting, a year sure does fly by.. also, so excited for your exchange!

    I have been dealing with frozen shoulder, so lots of physical therapy. Still in love with Kaiser though! Finally been cleared to jog and workout a bit! Trying to get rid of the close to 40 lbs I gained during this mess. Still no date for my exchange, as we are slowly filling, but I'm fine with that. Whatever it takes to make them stick.

    Great to read through posts from people I recognize. I have missed you guys! 

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited July 2012

    Hello Everyone, Everything went well except.... (wait for it).... they scratched my cornea. and if they don't fix it I want blue eyes (mine are hazel, I've always thought hazel was boring, no offense to ladies with hazel eyes, they look great on you). 

    But the good news is I now have squishies!!! I'm much smaller than I thought but my PS said there was enough room in the pocket to go bigger if I want to (or maybe I dreamed that). She put in 475 HP. My husband says I'm big enough and I want that signed and notorized. Honestly, if they look perky and even I'll be happy... no I won't, I'll probably tweat the hell out of them.

    anyway, i'm back on the other side, I'm high and I'm happy aas a monkey can be!!!


  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited July 2012

    GreenMonkey....from your foobs to your eyes? How does that happen? Geez! Glad everything else went well.

    On showers with BS said no. My PS said they are "his" drains and yes. I had an infection the first time, and I showered, so second time I didn't.

    Regarding infection...I think it depends on the type of infection. Mine was pseudomonas and was likely contracted during surgery (or from the raw veggie/fruit smoothies I was making). All my pocket stuff was good. I think that fact that I was still on chemo didn't help my cause. I just couldn't fully fight off the infection even with antibiotics. I also think your immune system can fight the expanders and/or the alloderm.

    Binc...omg, I read about the other person on this thread that did open packing. I could never do it. I barely made it through the drains. I would be so grossed out, it makes me tense just thinking about it. I hope you have fast healing.

    My NP best friend prefers bacitracin to the poly or neo sporins. Said it is less drying. Apparently it lacks something that others have that dries skin out more.

    Saw my PS yesterday. He is very happy with his work, but either wants to do some fixing on the tattoos or suggested I get it done by a tattoo artist. He freely admits it is not his specialty. We are going to do one more fat grafting this fall and then I will be done with him (unless I need some botox shots now and again, lol)

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited July 2012

    Yay GreenMonkey! Hope recovery is going smoothly.

  • rosetx
    rosetx Member Posts: 70
    edited July 2012

    Rennasus - I checked your blog for the delayed healing issues.  I so appreciate your posting pictures.  Yep, I have some of that going on.  After seeing the PS yesterday and applying the Bacitracin this a.m. and at noon I think it looks a little worse if anything.  Maybe it has to get worse to get better?  I was discouraged to see on your blog that it took so long to heal, but encouraged to know that you actually did heal eventually.  If mine looks worse still on Monday I'm going in to have the PS check it again (He said call if it got worse).  I have a feeling a may make a nuisance of myself!

  • Nplus12
    Nplus12 Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2012

    I feel guilty joining this forum because the only trouble I have had is with TE pain.   DCIS stage 0, double mast March29,12.  They took out about 870 out of each side replaced with TE filled 250cc.  On nucynta nueratin skelaxin, hate feeling drunk about half the day, horrid pain at nite.  I am up to 720 in each expander, I want to have one cup smaller breasts than before.  I have previous injuries to shoulders and a rib keeps popping out, TE really mess those area up BAD!  It is now almost 4 mos since surgery, my doc wants to expand me to 800 then make me hold it for 5 mos. This sounds like bulloney to me!  I am stuck at home hubby travels with his job and I can't drive, drugs!  Help!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited July 2012

    Nplus, sorry you have to be here, and, yes, pain is a TE trouble! Most PS will slightly overfill and wait about 3 or more months before Exchange surgery . I am stuck in the middle with only one TE in place waiting on a replacement for the one missing. Much love, hope it gets better for you. Stuck st home is hard to. Cut yourself some slack, its not always easy.

  • 1Curlyfry
    1Curlyfry Member Posts: 45
    edited July 2012

    Hooray GreenMonkey! How in the heck did they scratch your cornea? Aren't your eyes closed during surgery? Are you pulling our legs?

  • MondaysChild
    MondaysChild Member Posts: 161
    edited July 2012

    I had a cornea issue at the time of my mastectomy surgery.  They tape your eyes closed and, I think, also use ointment in them when they do it.  Does not take much of a particle to scratch and it is very painful. It feels like glass in your eye. Mine was treated with a steroid ointment that night to relieve it. The wonderful anesthesiologist I had for that procedure rushed in late that night to take care of it. Ahhhh when it was treated.

  • Binc
    Binc Member Posts: 71
    edited July 2012

    Rennasus- if you could send me the contact info of the other woman who had to pack her wound that would be great!

    I'm not doing well with this whole TE removal thing. I haven't cried this much since I was first diagnosed. It just feels like this cancer crap will never end. I just want to get on with my life but with this giant, gaping, painful hole where my boob once was I feel like the light at the end of the tunnel is nowhere to be found. Thank God for my husband- he's been changing the packing for me. I don't think he could have ever invisioned that during the " for better or worse" part of our vows! But he has a business trip next week so I'm going to need to step up and do it - and hopefully not puke!

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited July 2012
    MTnester: How is your red spot? Is it worse? Better?

    rosetx: Glad you saw your PS. Take close-up photos of your healing. It is really the only way to tell if things are getting better or worse. Use the macro setting (NOT the zoom) on your camera to get a close and clear picture. Do you have a pin hole? What exactly did your PS say about it? Don't be over-zealous with the Bacitracin... Just a tiny dot will do. Do you have seepage? Do not worry about making a nuisance of yourself. You can also email your PS a photo to show him what's going on. I did that many times. Saved me a trip to the office and kept him apprised of my progress (or lack thereof).

    DM13: Hi! Glad your PT is moving along. I hear you on the losing the post-BC weight! It is a challenge for sure! How many ccs are you at now? Sorry just now responding to you! ;-)

    Greenmonkey: Good to hear you are still laughing despite a scratched cornea while getting your fabulous squishes! Let us know how you're feeling.

    Fluff: How do you feel about going in for more fat grafting?

    Nplus12: It's been 4 months since MX and you are at 720 already and PS wants to take you to 800 and keep you there for 5 months? Hmmm. Seems like fast fills and a long time waiting. (Ladies?) Make sure your PS understand exactly what you are feeling and how much pain you are in. And it is OK to say NO MORE FILLS until your pain is under control!

    MondaysChild: I had no idea they tape our eyes shut during surgery. How could I not know this? OY! That is a little creepy!

    Binc: I will PM you. I soooo understand where you are at right now. I could have written your post! I have felt everything you are feeling. All I can say is, hang in there. You can do this! Patience is our most prized possession in these TE games.

    BCavenger: How are you feeling?

    Hi to all the other ladies! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  • Bogie
    Bogie Member Posts: 79
    edited July 2012

    Has anyone else failed with TE and went the Diep rout?

  • rosetx
    rosetx Member Posts: 70
    edited July 2012
    Rennasus:  Thanks for the hint on taking pictures.  It's funny the different advice we get from different PS's.  The nurse in his office said to really goop on the Bacitracin.  Can't tell for sure if there's a pinhole, but it's not really seeping...just parts of incision not together and yucky.   The PS just said come back in 10 days and if not better next step is to deflate some and give time.
  • MondaysChild
    MondaysChild Member Posts: 161
    edited July 2012


    Your eyes are taped shut precisely for the purpose of not having them fall open, even slightly, and something get in them.  It sometimes happens anyway.