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  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156
    edited June 2013

    Thanks for the advice!  Will look for the juice and give it a try!  Vicodan doesn't hype me but just have bad dreams and not really rest.  Muscle relaxers make me dopey not comfortable.  Special K- you are sooo right.  PS is not at fault, he would have stopped at 75cc to start, but I was feeling ok then and go ahead with the 100cc.  (just impatient!)  You'd think I would know better but I may be a nurse but when a I know NOTHING!  Will keep in mind for the next fill in a couple of weeks. Thanks again!

  • patriciahurtado
    patriciahurtado Member Posts: 85
    edited June 2013

    My sisters thank you so much for the info .... It's been driving me crazy ... How is the healing process.... I know it can't be worse then BXM.......

    Do you think that the skin is harder to stretch after radiation ???

    I'm ready but going to surgery is not easy!!! Enjoy your week my ladies

  • melmcbee
    melmcbee Member Posts: 371
    edited June 2013

    Patricia Im sending healing gentle hugs your way. Yes radiation changes the tissue. It will make it harder and have less elasticity but your surgeon has im sure dealt with that and knows how to deal with it in the future. My ps said that radiation just makes his job harder not impossible. He required 3 months wait after radiation for surgery and some surgeons require much longer. This is their specialty.

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited June 2013

    Ren, Went in for my 3rd 100 cc's fill today.  Told my PS that the pain was unbearable the last time and I was nauseated that entire day--he had to have hit a nerve; he agreed.  I also let him know that if he is causing me the pain; then, he should prescribe me something to take before each fill.   Well, he did say my TE situation was a little unusual because of the width of my cut.  He did prescribe me something to take before each flll   and he called me by my first name which made me feel more like a person than an unname patient.  The biggest surprise is this time the needle went right in--hardly noticed it at all. I ntoiced that he was more careful but his explanation was that the TE moves around all the time and the injection point can move on each visit.  I left there a much happier person and even complimented the staff on how nice they were.  Great day for me!!!

  • cmharris59
    cmharris59 Member Posts: 111
    edited June 2013

    I agree with SpecialK! That is a major fill.  I had incision healign issues and my fills ranged from 25cc to 75cc. I usually had 40-50cc fils. It does take longer, but it is easier on the muscle and skin. I hope you get some relief. I would take my tylenol before each fill to help with pain and then again after.

  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156
    edited June 2013

    I think my PS is getting really tired of me.  Called the nurse on Friday for Ativan to help with the cramping foobs and try to get sleep.  Yes I continued to work because I have to support the family.  Called again today with increased reddness of the incisions over the weekend and still not sleeping.  Had his nurse concerned enough to message him during surgery, he did not want to see me as there was not anything he could do that we hadn't already tried.  He was not willing to try and decrease the TE at this point, not worried the incisions are red and all is so painful (burning).  Feels I need to take it "easier" not do so much.  He's the one who said I could return unrestricted to work!  Feeling a little deserted here.  He could at least look at he incisions and reassure me about them after all the issues I have had.  Oh well, just a little sorry for  myself here.  I will not let this happen again, lesson learned.  Will work on some computer work this week as my boss is great taking me off the busy L&D deck to help in the office.  But, I really miss doing my job as I used to.  Hope I can sleep better tonight, nothing really is helping much, Ativan and IBU seems to work for a short time. Thanks again for all the great support and advice! 

  • melmcbee
    melmcbee Member Posts: 371
    edited June 2013

    Mamasixtaz, You are not feeling sorry for yourself. You have every right to be heard and seen when you feel a need. If he thinks you are overworking than he can put you out on disability or send you back on light duty. If he thinks you re just over anxious than he can give you some valium. Just the fact that you are a nurse should carry enough weight if you think n incision is red or swollen. My ps sent me back to work nd then hen i strted having that bd shooting pain and thought I dislodged my te, his office staff asked what was I doing to cause it and I said that in my job I m constntly moving patients bck nd forth from tables to stretchers nd they probbly weigh 400 lbs. And she said you shouldnt be doing that and I said yall put me bck to work with no restrictions and that is prt of my job. Anyway, sorry, I went off subject. My point is they thought by me being. rad tech that I only pushed buttons. Really.. They dont know what we do. And further more if you saw what he billed your insurance for your procedure than I am sure you would see that he owes you to see you. Im sure my ps was sick of hearing me complain but when I called crying they still said come in and he told me it wasnt the te but he could deflate it some and he did and then he sent me to the ER to be evaluated. Now granted even the day of my exchangesurgery he still said it couldnt be the te but you bet when I woke up from that surgery I felt 1000 times better. And when I see him for my post op visit I will tell him see it was the stupid te. But I cant complain about him because he dideverything he could. Again Im so sorry but it infuriated me for you to say you felt abandoned. You arent. Healing hugs. Have you tried neurontin?

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited June 2013

    dwilli: Whew who! I'm so glad you are getting the treatment you deserve! ;-) Your PS is correct, the TE *can* move around so the port also moves. That's why they often use a magnet to locate it. 

    ndroby: a red ring sounds like infection to me. Please call your dr., be persistent!

    melmcbee: Congrats on completing your surgery. Take it easy, eat plenty of protein, it helps with healing!

    mamasixtaz: I agree with SpecialK, sounds like your fills are too big. ease up, skip a week, do whatever you need to. Slow and steady wins this race! Also, ask your doc about maybe taking a muscle relaxant.

    patriciahurtado, let us know how the surgery went.

    DM13 and Olgah, how are you guys feeling?

  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156
    edited June 2013

    Melmcbee, Renn-thanks so much for the support, this is such a long journey and without these boards full of wonderful people who have "been there done that" I would have never made it thru all of this with more to come. I have tried muscle relaxers but wipe me out so cannot use at work and care for disabled DH so need to stay sharp. Ativan works for short time, not tried neurontin,will ck it out. Thanks again, will keep you posted.

  • patriciahurtado
    patriciahurtado Member Posts: 85
    edited June 2013

    Good morning my sisters .... Goodness so many issues with this crappy TE .... PS can be such assholes.... Mine dresses on tuxedo all the time... His cologne can be smelled from a mile away he is really sweet and nice...BUT when it comes down to any issues he's like "if it hurts" oh it's suppose to hurt...."if its red" he dosent see it.... "Floor manager removed my drains knowing it was red" she's part of staff and has worked here longer.... He asked me not to have my surgeon remove my drain... But one of his staff ?????... My surgeon was pretty upset......... But then everyone says he does a great job.....?????...... I asked my Surgeon I want a different PS... She says she dosent see why I should do that at this point.... ????...... Today my surgeon will remove my TE because he just had a baby .....and that she's fono this in New Mexico for years with I wonder why she wouldn't want me to change PS

    Good luck to everyone and ill keep everyone post and see how my raisin will look!!!!!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited June 2013

    mamasix - have you tried valium?  It seems to workwell for TE related discomfort - it has a muscle relaxing effect.

    dwilli - as the TE inflates the port moves - think of drawing an x on a balloon without any air.  As you blow air into the balloon the x will be in different locations as the balloon inflates.  Glad you were able to get something for the discomfort, but know that 100cc fills are really big and are most likely going to hurt.

    patriciahurtado - your PS sounds interesting...  Keep us posted on how you are doing, also sometimes I just take a look at ren's surgery header at the top of the thread - it is inspirational to read all of the names and surgeries and know that all those ladies got through this!  You will too!

  • melmcbee
    melmcbee Member Posts: 371
    edited June 2013

    Good luck Patricia keep us informed

  • patriciahurtado
    patriciahurtado Member Posts: 85
    edited June 2013

    I'm home..... Everything went well I have one drain and I'm taking kelix and bacterium ds for antibiotics... But have this pain running down my right arm where the surgery side was ... Is that sign of lymphademia ??

  • melmcbee
    melmcbee Member Posts: 371
    edited June 2013

    Patricia what did he just do? Did he take the te out and put something else back in? Another te? Is this the first time you felt the pain? Is it on the inside of your arm down to elbow? Do you feel a cord there? Could be cording. There are some great videos on youtube for learning to do lymphatic manual drainage which basically helps move the lymph from the bad area to agood area. The lymphedema thread has some great tips on it and I think the other website is step up step out or something like that. Just go to the lymphedema thread and you can find some great resources there. Healing hugs

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,800
    edited June 2013

    Dwilli...if the only place it hurts is on the injection, tell him you want EMLA cream. Mine hurt like crazy too. So painful. PS kept saying how sorry he was. I had EMLA cream to use with my port injection. And asked if I could use it. He said give it a helped a lot.

    I smeared it on all across the area he was likely to hit. Don't rub in. Cover with plastic wrap. Do this about 30-40 minutes before the fill. It numbs it up pretty well. I wouldn't say it eliminated the needle pain, but helped significantly.

    Green Monkey...sending you positive energy to deal with this new challenge. It really does suck. I am on the five year plan for colonoscopies due to family history and take it very seriously.

  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156
    edited June 2013

    patriciahutrado-Hope you are feeling better with the TE out.  Hope it is not lymphedema after all of the trouble you have had.  Healing ((HUGS))!

    Special K- Ativan and Valium are both muscle relaxers and seem to work well but not for long. I did get some sleep finally and  I am feeling somewhat better after a week.  Incisions are still red but not looking any worse. Gave up on getting in to see PS. Not having any more fills that large again!  Will not have a fill for  at least 2 weeks so get  a break from  Dr. visits. YEA! Trying to focus on the great summer weather and get out every day.  Having a better day in the office today taking a break from the  floor, although it was sooo busy, I was tempted to help.  

      Dwilli-so sorry you have pain with the fills, I felt one side not the other.  It was surprising when I felt the injection on the 2nd side.  He did offer emla cream for next time as well.  

  • weety
    weety Member Posts: 378
    edited June 2013

    So last night I had fever and chills...assumed that I was just coming down with something since this morning I have a runny nose. But then I noticed that underneath my TE it looks pink. I just came back from seeing the PS and he is putting me on 2 antibiotics just in case it is an infection starting. Do infections ever clear up with antibiotics, or is it more likely that the TE will have to be removed?

  • mnsusan
    mnsusan Member Posts: 139
    edited June 2013

    Weety, I had infections in my left TE twice.  The first one (about a month after surgery) cleared up with 7 days of Keflex.  The second infection (a month after the first one) cleared up with ten days of Augmentin. They don't always need to be removed.  I hope you feel better very soon! 

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited June 2013

    Weety, MNSusan is right, some clear up, others don't. Keep a close eye on how you feel. If your fever continues, or the redness on your foob doesn't diminish, call your doc! Always better to err on the safe side. Keep us posted! {{{hugs}}}

  • weety
    weety Member Posts: 378
    edited June 2013

    I started the two antibiotics this morning (of course it's Friday) how long should I watch and wait? Would I see drastic changes (good or bad). Right away?

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited June 2013

    Weety: Meds take time to work; I'm no doctor, but by Monday morning I would think you should be feeling better. However, if you feel worse tomorrow, call your doc (even tho it's a Saturday; his/her service will put you in touch with someone). You know your body better than anyone; listen to your gut. If it's telling you something is wrong, something usually is. Err on side of caution. Fingers crossed you wake up tomorrow seeing improvement and feeling a bit more like yourself!

  • mnsusan
    mnsusan Member Posts: 139
    edited June 2013

    Weety, with my infections I felt better pretty quickly but it took a few days for the redness to go away.  I agree with Renn, if you think you're not getting better, check in with your doc.  

    How are you feeling today?  I hope the fever is gone!  Hugs to you.

  • weety
    weety Member Posts: 378
    edited June 2013

    Thanks ladies!

    I knew the fever finally broke around 3am when I woke up in a puddle of sweat!  I feel a little better this morning since the headache is finally gone, too.

    I think I found the culprit, though.  There is a little spot at the end of my incision that seeems to be leaking.  I found a little bit of crusty fluid on the inside of my bra.  I pulled my other bra out of the hamper and saw the same spot. 

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited June 2013

    Hello All - 

    Everything seems to be going well post-op. Still in girdle attire and muscles are starting to feel like old self.

    As far as the re-attachment of pectoral muscle goes... I still have pain, it's not constant, but I am reminded every time I try to do something I'm not supposed to do! lol...

    Hollows from fat grafting only appear to be getting worse, and I wonder, if my pectoral is thin, is it ok to still get tattoos? I'm just so tired of having surgery - I will do whatever I can to avoid it a t this point.

    I have to thank Ren again for starting this thread. It is so great to read through everyones posts and see the continued support! SpecialK you have been so active throughout my whole experience, you have helped so many of us through the hard parts - a special thanks to you too!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited June 2013

    DM - aww thanks!  I am glad you are doing better!  I have considered an areola (nips are still there from nip sparing BMX) tattoo on my trouble side as it is smaller than the cancer side which had a TE for such a long time.  I have genetically thin pectoral muscles and am nervous that a tattoo might be too deep and cause trouble!

  • patriciahurtado
    patriciahurtado Member Posts: 85
    edited June 2013

    Weedy... If its leaking call dr...

    Well my ladies had my TE removed on my right side and was pretty upset cause I wasent informed about getting staples... It's that we get when we have TE removal... How I hate this!!!!

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited June 2013

    SpecialK - I am thinking the same thing in regards to Tattoo's... don't want to stir the pot.

    Patricia - When I had my TE removed I had stitches, have never heard of staples... Maybe some of these other gals can help?

  • melmcbee
    melmcbee Member Posts: 371
    edited June 2013

    Oh patricia, I am so sorry. You have been thru so much. Get on youtube and type in relaxing music and turn the lights off light a candle fix a cold cloth for your head and try to relax an enjoy the music. I havent had staples with any of my breast surgeries so I cant help you there. Did they put another te in or just take it out and will put another one in later. Healing hugs

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited June 2013

    Thanks Fluffqueen01, I will talk to my PS if my next injection is painful. He has given

    me Vicodin to take before injection. I complained so much. I think this work or the port moved because the third injection was a breeze. My next injection is in 11 days. Always anxious not knowing what to expect.

  • patriciahurtado
    patriciahurtado Member Posts: 85
    edited June 2013

    My sisters thanks for the info.........but has anyone else had staples after TE was remove cause of infections issues?