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  • weety
    weety Member Posts: 378
    edited June 2013

    I'm checking in with an update because I need your opinion. 

    I started the antibiotics on Friday.  As of tonight, I feel a lot better--no more fever, headache, etc. That gives me a little hope and makes me think the antibiotics are working.  BUT the redness on the boob itself is not getting any better.  It is getting worse. 

    I have an appt to see my PS on Friday for a follow-up for it, but I'm getting worried that might be too far away.  Shouldn't it be getting less red by now?  It's been almost 72 hours now.  I'm starting to anticipate the expander having to come out...I just don't want it to become worse than even that.  What do you think?

  • foreverchanged
    foreverchanged Member Posts: 21
    edited June 2013

    If the redness got worse you need to be seen again as soon as possible this week.  I had several episodes of possible cellulitis or other infections the 5 1/2 months I had TE's.  The PS saw me every day he was in the office during these times to monitor the infection, of course was only in office on monday and wednesday.  I was referred to a infectious disease doctor and was on multiple antibiotics for many weeks but was able to clear up eventually each time and had successful exchange surgery this January.  Call your doctor in the morning,  good luck!

  • melmcbee
    melmcbee Member Posts: 371
    edited June 2013

    Patricia, post a new topic under surgeries asking if anybody has had staples with breast surgery. Than someone that might have experience with it will see it and post. Healing hugs.

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited June 2013

    I saw my PS today for a pre-op for my upcoming exchange surgery on June 18th. Amazes me how different docs's what I was told:

    - no compression bras...ever...

    - I can start walking the day after my surgery (I've heard others say no activity at all for weeks)

    - I can drive as soon as I'm off painkillers

    - can lift up to 10 lbs immediately after...can increase weight after 3 weeks

    Now I just have to decide whether to stay the same size I'm with expanders, or go slightly down in size...I have 420ccs with the expanders and am a 32D

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited June 2013

    road - your restrictions sound like mine - no bra, can't drive until off meds, can walk - don't remember about weight - I don't think he was specific.  Just remember that with implants they won't have a hard back like a TE so you will lose some of that projection and you will look smaller than your cup size.  My cup size is DD, but visually I look like a full C.  Another factor is that silicone is heavier than saline - keep that in mind, these babies are heavy!

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited June 2013

    Specialk - were you good without the compression bra?

    I'm thinking of asking him to go higher in ccs on the implant so that I can be the same size I'm now

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited June 2013

    road - I have never had a compression bra for any of the surgeries I have had, and it has never been a problem.  I don't think it is because my PS doesn't see the worth - he definitely had me in compression for fat grafting at the donor site - for 8 weeks, which is as long, or longer, than most others.  He also does not like any underwire either - right after surgery or ever, really.  He does believe in massage though and wanted me to do that a lot and aggressively to keep them soft and ward off capsular contracture.  My implants are same size as I was expanded to on the right, 25cc larger than I was expanded to on the left for symmetry.  I will say that if you go larger than expansion you may see a less natural looking result (does any of it really look natural, lol!) - I have almost no slope, but I did keep the size, so keep that in mind. 

  • mnsusan
    mnsusan Member Posts: 139
    edited June 2013

    Just to add to the "implants might look smaller than TEs" discussion, my PS said my TEs took up about 60ccs all by themselves, so if I wanted to be the same size I should add 60ccs to the fill volume. My TEs were filled to 620ccs and my implants are 700ccs, and she's right - they're just about the same.

    I had very few restrictions as well. Wear a bra that's comfortable (I'm loving the Bali Revolution bra because it fits several sizes while the girls are settling in), don't drive while on pain meds, don't lift over 10 lbs until the first follow up appt.

  • kathymc
    kathymc Member Posts: 21
    edited June 2013

    Well I had my exchange yesterday. Feeling pretty darn good.The only negative if I had to have one is I had to get drains. PS said she can take them out Friday. She also stated I'll probably need two more procedures to tweek my foobs. I am so happy to get rid of those TE.

  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited June 2013

    Kathymc- glad to hear it was exchange is Friday.did you stay overnight?

  • Not-Me
    Not-Me Member Posts: 50
    edited June 2013

    My exchange was last Thursday and all seems well.  Restrictions, no driving on pain meds, no lifting over 5# for one month, no strenuous activity (including walking) for two weeks, massage daily for one month. 

    I have notices a considerable weight gain since surgery just six days ago.  Is it possible that I am still bloated from the anesthesia?  How much weight do you think the silicone implants accounts for?  450 cc. 

  • kathymc
    kathymc Member Posts: 21
    edited June 2013

    palms91. No I did not stay overnight. In and out in 3.5 hours. OR at 11:30 and home around 3. It was a breeze. Good luck.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited June 2013

    not - I just googled - a 450cc silicone implant weighs about a pound - so that would be two pounds, but a saline implant only weighs a little less, so if you were filled to 450cc in saline and then exchanged there would be a pound or less of change.  I am guessing you have some swelling and excess fluid from the surgery.

  • cateyz2
    cateyz2 Member Posts: 253
    edited June 2013

    Just recently had my NS BMX on 5/31 and have a question after reading some of the postings here.

    How long after having surgery is the possibility of getting infection passes?? When drains are out, incisions completely healed, or are we at risk until months after TEs removed and permanent implants placed?


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited June 2013

    As time passes I think you are at less risk, but I know people who have made it all the way through exchange and lost implants to infection months later. That is unusual but it can happen.

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited June 2013

    Cateyz2 - not sure what the timeframe is, but mine set in about a month after my BMX, right after the first fill. My drains were already out and incisions were healed.

  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited June 2013

    Thank You KathyMc....

  • llilly
    llilly Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2013

    Is it true that if you have a sinus infection that it could also lead to a tissue expander infection?  I was diagnosed with a sinus infection today with acute asthma and put on Levaquin for 10 days along with Presdisone (a steroid).  Anyone know of any tests to make sure the infection does not reach the expander?

    I have left tissue expander left after a Nov. 2011 biltaeral mastectomy infection caused a second surgery to remove the right expander  with IV Antibiotics via PICC line for one month and am very careful about infection a year after completing chemo.

    Still on the fence about whether to proceed with implant reconstruction using implants or just have the left tissue expander removed and leave things as is.   I know my plastic surgeon could make me look good, but I cannot live through another staph infection as it delayed my chemo for a month and put me in a bad place.  Right now I am very positive and upbeat as I am done with treatments.

    Thank you.

    All the best wishes, 


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited June 2013

    It is possible for infection to travel, but I don't think this is very common.  Other than culturing the sinus infection, and later culturing any infection concerning the expander should it happen, I don't think you can test anything right now and get any definitive answers. Levaquin is a very powerful and effective antibiotic so I would adopt a "wait and see" on how things go.  Actually, Levaquin was the antibiotic I was given immediately after mastectomy so it is an effective drug for infections in that area.  Hoping that the drugs fix your sinus issue and that you can proceed with your original plans!

  • GreenCowgirl
    GreenCowgirl Member Posts: 80
    edited June 2013

    Special K I had been wondering about tatoos and mx.  I was getting redy to have one on my ribcage then had 2nd cancer,mx and currently under construction.  Well i am glad i didn't because the holes from the drains would have been right through it, plus the huge amount of skin removed from the cancer side would have distorted the tatoo.  Well of course i an thinking about it again, but will likely go on the opposite rib which had mx but not prior cancer/radiation.  I have a huge desire to put ink over the stupid ink mark form raditaion.  I am kinda obessed about covering it with something I chose, not a medical remimder.  Maybe thats weird but gotta do what makes us feel more normal again.


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited June 2013

    greencowgirl - when I was posting about an areola tattoo I actually meant a tattoo of an areola, lol! I need to enlarge the areola on the left, which was without recon for a longer period of time, to match the areola size on the right.  I would not do the ink as art, but I have seen some of those on the breast and they are beautiful. I think once you are done with treatment related stuff if covering scars, or rads markers, makes you happy you should do it!

  • stepmic
    stepmic Member Posts: 67
    edited June 2013

    I have a moveable lump (about an inch in diameter) that just developed in my new filled to 360 cc breast. I am freaking out that something has gone wrong inside. I had the TE placed on May 23rd which was when he put the 360 in. I saw him June 6th and all looked great. I am not red, don't think I have an infection but very strange to see this lump or bubble type thing. I was so excited to get this process started and have my first official fill next Wednesday. My PS is an hour away. Does this sound like something anyone has dealt with or knows about? Thanks so much!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited June 2013

    If you have an expander that is a larger capacity than the amount of saline fill currently in it you could indeed have an air bubble in it. Another possibility is a weak area of the pectoral muscle that has a small portion of the pliable outer shell of the TE poking out making a bump. A 360cc surgical fill is pretty huge, so that is asking a lot of your pectoral muscle!  You might want to call your PS and ask what he or she thinks about it, but if you are showing no other signs of an infection (redness, pain, fever, etc.) it doesn't sound like an emergency.

  • stepmic
    stepmic Member Posts: 67
    edited June 2013

    Thank you so much, Special K! I will call in the morning to see what he says. I feel better after reading your reply!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited June 2013

    Good, I am glad!  I would still run this by your PS when it is convenient though!

  • GrundyGirl
    GrundyGirl Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2013
    Grundy, VAJoined: Jan 2012Posts: 9

    GrundyGirl wrote:

    Has anyone experienced scar separation after tissue expansion? I had a TE inserted Nov 2012 with expansion done weekly till Feb 2013.  I was scheduled for my implant surgery Feb 2013 when my scar separated! I was treated with topical silvadene cream and @ 3-4 wks later the separation healed. The PS had reduced the TE by 250ccs and refilled @ 75 ccs at this time. Again it separated. Same treatment. It healed. Then separated again. A total of 4 times. I am so frustrated!!! Don't know what to do next!!! The separation starts as a tiny pin hole and grows to up to 2 cm.The PS says to be patient that the thin skin will eventually scar over and become strong enough to hold the implant. Does anyone have any suggestions??? What can I do to expedite things? It seems this journey just goes on and on!! I am blessed that my testing has came back negative but I want to get this behind me and move on!! DXED 11/2011 RT Radical Mastecomy with 30 lymph nodes removed. Stage 2A ER+PR-Her2Nu+; Chemo TCH ; Finished Herceptin maintenance 12/2012 No radiation. I do have Lymphadema Rt arm.

  • cateyz2
    cateyz2 Member Posts: 253
    edited June 2013

    Wondering if anyone else is having this isswue?

    On my right side just on the side of where the expander ends under my arm, I feel a hard bump and my skin is also bruised. Im thinking that maybe this is the tip of the hard backing of the expander and the more movement of my arm its aggravating the tissue around it causing pain,swelling bruising and fluid buildup.

    Any thoughts?? Hope they wont have to surgically do anything to correct, appt with my PS is on Monday

  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited June 2013

    Good morning friends this is Psalms...The day has I receive my squishes .keep me in prayer.i will be in touch.

  • GreenCowgirl
    GreenCowgirl Member Posts: 80
    edited June 2013

    So happy for you Psalms  Will be thinking of you today and let us know how things go for you.  This is a day we all look forward to, and say good riddence to TE's and the pain they bring.

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited June 2013

    Best wishes, psalms91!

    GrundyGirl, hopefully someone who has experienced that will be along shortly. In my case, when my skin thinned, it really thinned all the way across the TE & the TE was removed & the thin skin was excised.