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  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited August 2013

    Hello, I'm back home today. TE is back! He only put in 250 this time. Last fill was 500. Used allerderm. Took out scar tissue and weird fatty thing I had to get ultrasound for. Feeling pretty good, using vicoden. Had a h*ll of a time in Post surgical room though. Um, you all know my biggest SE during chemo was diarrhea, right? Bet you are wondering what THAT has to do with anything, hummm? Well, let's just say I was nauseous, and, um throwing up. And also had the big D AT THE SAME TIME. WTH????!!!!???? So not the most fun time I ever had. But better now.... LOL, makes a great story for the poor nurses, now doesn't it? LOL jeeze, I sure know how to liven up a party! LOL dignity, WHAT dignity! LOL

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2013

    moon - yay for the new TE!  Sorry about the other stuff, but I can tell you FIL is a doctor, MIL is a nurse, 2 SILs are nurses, BIL is a doctor - none of this stuff is a big deal to them - just human bodies doing what they do, so don't worry - I just feel bad for you, not them!

  • jnprsn
    jnprsn Member Posts: 59
    edited August 2013


    60 CCs are max fills. You may want to go slower for less pain. Maybe 25 or 30 CCs.

  • jnprsn
    jnprsn Member Posts: 59
    edited August 2013

    Moonflwr, congrats! Sorry about the recovery room issues.

  • Love_ESS
    Love_ESS Member Posts: 4
    edited August 2013

    I believe my TE has a leak or material is breaking down, either way, my TE has lost volume.
    Saturday, 8/1 admitted to hospital through the ER.

    I was long overdue to see PS. Did not follow up when radiation treatments concluded Sept 2012.  Just wanted to get on with life, ignore all the cancer stuff; buried myself in my job.

    Noticed my TE seemed to be deflating.  Saw PS 8/1, he believes due to radiation treatments breast materials are constricting the TE causing it to flatten – extending into arm pit.  PS added saline to determine if it will hold and to begin building/stretching skin outward for cup size.  Follow-up in one week for more saline and determine if deflating.  Worked an outdoor fundraising event two days later, Sat. 8/3; at the end was not feeling well.  Got home and laid down - giving myself just one hour - and if not better going to ER.  Honestly, I thought I was dehydrated from being outside in the heat all day (even though I drank a lot of cold bottled water.) Assumed I'd be given I.V. fluids and go home.

    Went to the ER about 8pm, undressed for exam gown and discovered my right arm (lymphedema) and my chest down to belly button was beet red!  ER doc ordered blood work-up, chest x-ray and CT scan - found some fluid in bottom of TE pocket.  ER doc called PS (out of town for weekend, but found him) and Infectious Disease doc.  ID doc ordered IV antibiotic (utilized my power-port by installing a catheter) and fluids, admitted to hospital.  On Sunday, ID doc received preliminary blood work and diagnosed sepsis.  And, will continue to take comparative blood draws every 3 hours to study progress.  I.V. antibiotic: Vancomycin “drug of last resort”.  Now I’m really worried.

    PS doc returned early Sunday from his weekend out-of-town to see for himself what was going on with me.  Believes that due to an inflamed cuticle earlier in the week, (right hand/arm lymphedema and he saw/mentioned it) and due to purchasing a new compression sleeve that day (much tighter) that perhaps when putting on the sleeve (Thursday evening, Friday and Saturday) infection was pushed up the arm and into my body.  PS doc also concluded that if the TE was at fault, it would also be red and inflamed, and it was not (below to my waste, entire arm, and some on my back was red.) 

    PS doc spoke with ID doc; they assumed a pro-active stance and orders left to prep for surgery on Monday to remove the TE, if by then I was not responding to the antibiotic.  The assumption all 3 docs made (GP, PS, and ID) was that we may never know “the source” of the infection, so all precautions must be taken.  PS doc concluded his visit by saying he had scheduled 3 other surgeries for Monday morning but that he would be in sometime in the morning to check on me.  GP doc visited later Sunday evening and “marked” diameter of inflammation/redness to watch progression or recession.  ID doc visited again and confirmed the plan for Monday; and she noted that with a port, I could be released for home monitoring earlier than most patients in this situations.

    Monday morning, GP and PS doc together visited.  I had turned the corner and was responding to antibiotics.  PS doc left for his other surgeries.  ID doc and GP returned to room and happy faces and informed me that one of the blood tests did come back with sepsis, but others were confirmed with staph, so they concluded the sepsis result was a contaminated sample.  Could not determine when I would be release from hospital yet, continue high dose of I.V. antibiotic every 12 hours and monitored.

    Tuesday morning everything looked even better and docs agreed to release me, but after the one hour drip of I.V. antibiotic.  Also, to coordinate with home healthcare nurse to be trained at home to administer every 12 hour I.V. antibiotic, and for home blood-draws and deliver to hospital lab.  Warned repeatedly by all 3 docs to rest, stay home, take care of myself and heal.  I begged to attend a very big, (100s of people) important event for work on Friday, and they all said no (also missed a wake on Sun & military funeral on Monday.)  Homehealth care nurse advised that their services would be voided if I left home.

    Had a whole lot of problems getting blood return from my port.  After consultation and several different drugs to clear the port (TPA worked) I left the hospital at 8pm Tue evening 8/6.

    Next week (August 19 thru 23): the last I.V. is Tuesday evening (8/20) Doc appointments 4 days next week.  I’m worried.  Feel certain the TE will be surgically removed.  But can that be done safely if my body continues to fight an infection?

    Who can offer some advice?  Who has been through similar?  What should I expect to happen next?

    I’m trying to plan my life/work.  Scheduled to be out of town on two different weekends in September (next month); family reunion – and a once-in-a-lifetime trip to New York City with a professional group of peers with private guided tours and behind the scenes of 9-11 memorial and museum, along with many other private tours, including a boat trip with dinner.  I missed my family reunion and professional group meeting in L.A. last year due to chemo/radiation treatments because Oncology docs would not approve travel.

    So, from reading/scanning some of the posts here, some of you have similar experiences.  So help me – please – tell me what typically happens in these situations.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited August 2013

    Lovess, so sorry that happened to you. If they didn't take the TE already, unless you get worse, I don't really see them doing that. I had to get IV abx for 3 weeks, every week, I went to my cancer center to be reaccessed via port. Gave myself the abx every day via the accessed port. The part that is bad us your port is open ALL THAT TIME. you have to be careful about movement, and remember to keep it clean, because you still have a needle in you. That being said, I was able to shop and get out of the house, etc. If you are traveling, I don't know how that would go over with your docs, unless you could get accessed at your destination. After I finished the IV abx, I was put on oral abx for 4 weeks. I got through it. Good luck.

  • Love_ESS
    Love_ESS Member Posts: 4
    edited August 2013

    Thanks Moonflwr. . . good to know someone else has been through it too.
    Love your bi-line.

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited August 2013

    jnprsn, do you think I should go weekly and get 25 to 30? Right now I am going every other week for 60.

    Love ESS, so sorry for what you are going through. I hope they get you all fixed up.

  • jnprsn
    jnprsn Member Posts: 59
    edited August 2013

    Goldie, I would start with 25 or 30 weekly fills then see how the pain is. If that doesnt work then change to 25 or 30 every 2 weeks. That is my plan when I have my right TE but back in after chemo.

    I have a very low pain tolerance in the breast area. Chemo seems easy compared to reconstruction.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2013

    I did 25cc weekly and did not need any pain meds.  I needed to go slow due to numerous surgeries for skin necrosis/delayed healing.  For a bit I just had the left filled after it was put back in to let it catch up to the surgical fill in the right side.  From the TE replacement surgery to exchange was a total of seven months.  I think "low and slow" is a good way to avoid pain and additional trauma to the pectoral muscle inthe process of stretching.  I have also seen a few people who have developed stretch marks with rapid expansions - smaller ones might avoid this problem.

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited August 2013

    Thanks Special,

    I am going to ask about that.  My husband said he didn't care if we had to go more often, he doesn't want me to suffer anymore.

    Have you had your exchange yet, and if so, are you happy?

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2013

    Yes, I had exchange in Feb. of 2012.  Considering I had seven surgeries on the left side I am satisfied with the way things look.  I had divots above my implants because my chest is bony. I had fat grafting in Dec. of 2012 and that improved thing a great deal - looks much more natural.  I have a band of scar tissue over the left implant that was made more obvious by FG so I am considering a revision to see if my PS can release it and then do some more FG, but I am not in a hurry.  I am happy with the size - I am fairly petite, 5'3" and optimal weight is 120 lbs. - I wear a size 4ish usually.  I can wear a size 2 jacket depending on the brand.  I have a 600cc implant on the left and 650cc on the right, they are different due to chest wall anomaly and scar tissue on the left from so much surgery.  I need a 34DD in an underwire bra, but visually look like a full C cup. 

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited August 2013

    Gosh, have been through a lot.   I am sorry.  I am glad you are happy with things the way they are now.  I hope I can get there soon. I appreciate all your imput. It helps more than I can say.

  • jnprsn
    jnprsn Member Posts: 59
    edited August 2013

    Its been 9 days post surgery to remove my right TE. Happy to report that today was the turning point for pain. I'm feeling much better and have been taking less motrin and no narcotics!

    Will be even better Monday after drain comes out. Afraid of that pain but its short lived.

    Thank you all for listening to me through my pain and recovery. Feel like this surgery has bern worse than my BMX.

  • jnprsn
    jnprsn Member Posts: 59
    edited August 2013

    Specialk, "low and slow" for fills. Very helpful to me as well. Thank you.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited August 2013

    Jnp, yes, having a TE taken out is worse, on top of the pain, you have to add the disappointment you feel. Who wouldn't? Something goes wrong with your planned recovery, why wouldn't it make you mad and sad? But sooner or later you begin to plan for your next one, even if its not for a year. I feel so much better after this surgery, I cannot believe it. I am on 6 hour pain pills, rather than every 4 hours. Tomorrow, ill try 8. If I can go 8 on narotics, ill switch to reg pain meds. I plan on low and slow too. But I can't wait for the D*mm drains to go! LOL Much love to all.

  • jnprsn
    jnprsn Member Posts: 59
    edited August 2013

    Moonflwr, thank you for understanding. Hopefully the replacement won't be as painful a recovery as the removal. Which pain meds work for you with no side effects?

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2013

    Ladies, sounds like you are turning a corner!  Just know that many of us have gone before you successfully, so don't give up!

    goldie - for a while it felt like the movie "Groundhog Day" - they knew me by sight in pre-op and that is not a good thing! 

    I think those of us who have had these issues come back to this thread because we all remember what it is like to be in TE limbo - so disappointed and fearful of the future - but its all good now, and I hope the same for you ladies too!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited August 2013

    SpecialK, you know you really special, don't you? You were the one I kept in mind all last year, with she finished, I will too! So THANKS! MUCH LOVE TO ALL.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2013

    moon - awww, you are the sweetest!  And, yes, I am so hoping the third time is the charm for you, you are due girl!  It has been a heck of a ride for you!

  • patriciahurtado
    patriciahurtado Member Posts: 85
    edited August 2013

    I too shared same feelings scared, blinded, mad, sad, and ready to kill my PS for not listening when I said my TE was red...... But it's been 3 months without TE on my right and I'm almost done with radiation 4 more days!!!!!! ... I will also take time heal ... I'm not in a rush any more ... I think I'll wait till next year to start some kind of reconstruction ... I don't want DIEP .... I hope my skin will heal just fine and move forward slowly but surely I will also will be thinking about 30 cc for the future.... I hope everyone continues to recover and remember we have each other if in dought !! Happy Sunday !!!

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited August 2013

    Love_Ess: I'm so, so sorry to hear about all you have been through! I do not have experience with infection (I had necrosis and delayed healing), but others here have had staph infections. It sounds like you have a great team of docs, I would do exactly as they say. If they don't want you to travel, IMHO don't travel. Cancer steals so much from us, one of them being the ability to sometimes just get on a plane and live our lives. Right now (again, IMHO) I think you need to stay home and get well. It sucks to miss these important events that you have looked forward to, both business and family-wise. But staph infections can be very dangerous, and it's not worth having to be hospitalized far from home should your body decide you are doing too much and it can't heal you properly. Others ladies, please feel free to chime in!

    goldie4040: Agree with everyone, go slower and fewer cc's. Your body will let you know when you've found the sweet spot with regard to fill size not hurting.

    patriciahurtado: That is great that by week's end you will be done with radiation! And I don't blame you one bit for taking time off from the recon train.

    jnprsn: That is very encouraging that you have turned a corner with the pain. Rest, rest and rest some more! And eat your protein for healing!

    Moonflwr: OY is all I can say about your experience in the recovery room. It's bad enough to go through surgery but to be so sick afterwards is so not fair! Remember your protein too.

    SpecialK: I am doing well, thank you for asking!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited August 2013

    Well, interesting morning.... My drains were leaking from the incision. Tuck. Had to call PS. He said just change dressing, and don't worry if the drains are still draining. Well, they are, still over 40 each time I empty one, second is usually only 10. So coralled my squeamish DH to help, real hard to put tagaderm on properly by yourself. Got the wet stuff out, clean and dry on. Had a lot of leftover supplies from the last time with port accessed for three weeks. Like surgical dressings, gauze pads for cleaning, saline wound cleanser, sterile gloves, and tagaderm covering, so job was complete in twenty or so scary, yucky minutes. LOL. My DH was happy to leave to go back to work. I see PS on Tuesday, maybe one drain will come out, the second will probably have to stay unless it starts to get lighter by tomorrow. It's still running pretty red now. Much love.

  • jnprsn
    jnprsn Member Posts: 59
    edited August 2013

    Two steps forward, one step back...VERY WORRIED!

    Has anyone that had a TE removed experienced a painful red spot? This was what I have experienced today. I just finished two weeks of Keflex antibiotics and am scheduled to get my drain out tomorrow. The nurse is doing it. PS is still on vacation.

    What could possibly be wrong now with no TE in there?

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited August 2013

    Jnprsn, call your docs answering service. You probably need to continue the abx longer. I was on IV abx for over 3 weeks and oral for more than 3 more. In the meantime, you can always rinse with salt water. That shouldn't hurt, I use it if I am thinking something isn't right, as I am allergic to do many abx, I save using them for when nothing else works. If you don't have that problem, you probably have abx cream around to use if they tell you to. Good luck, much love.

  • jnprsn
    jnprsn Member Posts: 59
    edited August 2013

    Were your iv antibiotics given as an outpatient?

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited August 2013

    Jnprsn, yeppers! Fun, fun, fun. Home nurse came to show me how to do it.

  • jnprsn
    jnprsn Member Posts: 59
    edited August 2013

    Moonflwr, good thing I have a port!

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited August 2013

    Thanks for all the advice on the smaller fills.  I go this coming Friday, and I am going to beg them to try it.  What is exciting is that the expanders are actually looking kind of nice after not having breasts all these months.  They are not too high, and not to much under my arms.  If they were a little bigger, and soft I would be happy with the shape. My scars are fading a lot, maybe from the twice a day bio oil massage.  How sick is that? Its called having nothing for too long.  Reading all your posts is so helpful. Thanks to all of you.

  • jnprsn
    jnprsn Member Posts: 59
    edited August 2013

    Called my PS last night.  He said the drain may be causing the infection since their is hardly any liquid coming out.  

    Since both Percocet and Vicoden make me nauseous, to get through the night, he recommended 1000 mg Motrin (5 over the counter pills) every six hours alternating with 2 Tylenol every 4.  Set my alarm to get me up in the middle of last night to take my scheduled doses since I didn't want to wake to more raging pain.  

    Funny how pain meds affect everyone differently.  Tylenol seems to make me nauseous.

    Seeing his nurse to remove drain this morning.  She will take and send him a picture of red skin (infection) and he will either recommend more oral antibiotics or IV antibiotics.  Can't see how more oral antibiotics will help since I have been on them for 2 weeks.