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  • teachermom4
    teachermom4 Member Posts: 47
    edited May 2014

    Hello Ladies!

    I am 7 weeks post BMX and within the past two, I have developed a redness on the skin of my left breast. I've only had one fill since my surgery and my PS has had me on antibiotics the entire time. No fever or breast pain, but it's numb anyways! He's not sure what's going on for sure but clearly worried about infection. Here's the thing-I am getting married 6/20 and am so scared that if this turns into a real problem that I will have to cancel the wedding. We had put everything on hold once I was diagnosed and decided to go ahead once I knew I didn't need chemo but now I don't know what! Any advice and words or experience are greatly appreciated!

  • Lakegirl1
    Lakegirl1 Member Posts: 158
    edited May 2014

    Sherry...hang in PS tries to save it 1 time.  If that doesn't work, he says take it out to give the tissue time to heal and try again. I too thought the same thing about taking it out, that it could never go back. Obviously, I was very uninformed. There are many who have had several detours, but it worked out in the end. I had staph, PICC line for IV antibiotics for 21 days, surgery to replace the TE and drain.   We saved it, I am now in chemo and will finish recon, hopefully this fall!!!  

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited May 2014

    teachermom hang in there. Redness doesn't always mean infection. Keep checking your temp. If he puts you on abx take them. If it does have to come out you can still go through with the wedding. Is your surgical scar all healed? Or are there spots that aren't healed? If everything is ok then you just have to wait. I'm sorry you have to go through yhis. But if your PS is aware then you'll be ok. No matter how it goes. I may not be able to check in this weekend my DD2 is getting married so I'll be busy. Much love and a lot of luck. 

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited May 2014


    Glad you are on an antibiotic. If you don't feel a lot better tomorrow, call the doctor again. There are several different kinds of infections you could have and it's not unusual to have to change the antibiotic. Unless the doctor did a culture, he doesn't know what your infection is so he will prescribe a common antibiotic. If your fever goes away, great. If it doesn't, you need a new, maybe stronger antibiotic or an IV antibiotic. My doctor had to change my IV antibiotic every day for three days until we found the right one. It wasn't in time, unfortunately, to save a lot of muscle, skin, and other soft tissue. I've had to have several more operations to try to repair the damage. DON'T wait. If you don't feel better tomorrow, call the doctor. Ask for a number to contact him over the weekend. You need to stay on top of this.

  • Radical2Squared
    Radical2Squared Member Posts: 350
    edited May 2014

    Thank you Special K and Moonflwr. It's good to hear how durable these te' s can be! The best I can hope for right now is that the skin heals and I can begin very slow fills after chemo...but that sounds great considering all the other thing he that could happen in the mean time!

    Special K, did you watch any of the "Breakin'" movies from the 80's with Turbo and Ozone as break dancers? The leading female character was Special K. You're making me want to go dig out my old cha copies...

  • Lakegirl1
    Lakegirl1 Member Posts: 158
    edited May 2014

    Sherry...hope you are seeing improvement today!!!

  • babs6287
    babs6287 Member Posts: 1,619
    edited May 2014

    Sherry hope you're improving!!

    Had  my second fat grafting yesterday. Everything went well but my doctor says it's my last-there is no more fat to harvest. I'm hoping I don't get another infection!!  I feel like someone beat me up. He took fat from my midriff and my back so it's hard to get in and out of bed and chairs. 

    If all stays well I'll have an implant placed in my left side in 3-4 months at which time I'll have my right exchanged with a mastopexy.  Fingers crossed!!! Is like to be done already!!!!!


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited May 2014

    radical - I spent much of the 80's overseas so missed those movies - I got this name from a friend of my husband - they were all military flight crew - so Special K was my call sign, my first initial is K.

  • Radical2Squared
    Radical2Squared Member Posts: 350
    edited May 2014

    Special K,

    Please thank your husband and friends for their service on my behalf. I feel indebted to all of them.

    Then rent the movie. It's 80's terrible, but a cult classic! Lol

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited May 2014

    radical - that is so sweet - thank you!  I will pass along your appreciation! 

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754
    edited May 2014

    Healing thoughts to all!

  • purple87
    purple87 Member Posts: 93
    edited May 2014

    I too have developed an allergic reaction to adhesive since all these surgeries.  I wonder why.  Glad to hear u are doing better.

    On another note, I had surgery again on Friday May 19.  Ps put my right TE back in.  4th attempt.  I stayed in the hospital all weekend on antibiotics was released Monday.  All seems to be healing good this time.  We may actually get to start expanding soon.   

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited May 2014

    Purple! Glad to hear from you. Fingers crossed it works this time.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited May 2014

    purple - yay - keeping fingers crossed!  I had my stitches out on Thursday.  No TE for me until the end of September at the earliest.  I need to go be fitted for mastectomy bras and a prosthetic to match my implant on the right.  Eeesh.

  • scubalady
    scubalady Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2014

    I just wanted to mention this for any women just starting with TEs.  I was in a substantial amount of pain with my TE until my 4th fill.  Initially on that fill I felt very tight and expected to be in even more pain through the week, but the fill must have moved the TE off some nerves because the next day I couldn't believe how much less pain I had.  I finally hit the point of just some discomfort instead of actual pain.  While others may not see that happen as fills progress, hopefully, some will.

    Hang in there girls, it might get better as fills progress.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited May 2014

    Just like all the other phases of this journey, your path may be different than anyone else's in some ways and exactly alike in others. In a way it's frustrating because you don't know what will happen. I decided to read and study all the possibilities so I would be prepared. (Surprises throw me for a loop. Preparation and information is what makes me calm.) Although I never thought I would have tissue expanders because I chose BMX with immediate permanent implants, fate intervened with an infection that caused me to lose muscle, soft tissue and the implant on one side only at 14 days post op. A TE was put in and three weeks later after the infection and the drains were gone, I started fills. I'd read of others having pain with only 25 cc's but even though I got 180 cc's, there was no pain. The next week I got 240 cc's and again, no pain at all. This continued with 100 cc and 80 cc fills up until the 680 cc mark. As it got bigger, there was minor tightness after a few hours but a Tylenol before bed chased it away. With only 120 cc's to go before the TE was full, I expected the second to the last fill to be as uneventful as the others had been. I got 60 cc's, my smallest fill yet. That evening pain started. WOW. How could the addition of 4 measly tablespoons of saline make such a HUGE difference? Fortunately I was only in pain for a couple of days, but that was enough for me to tell the plastic surgeon that I wanted to stop. 740 cc's would have to be good enough. Forget that last 60 cc's. A month later I had the exchange.

    I learned that you really never know how it will go for you from week to week. Educate yourself on the possibilities but don't be surprised by curve balls out of nowhere. Also, don't be afraid of telling your PS to stop the fills - or at the very least, postpone them for another week or two. It will all work out in the end.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited May 2014

    When making comparisons to others who post here it is important to recognize that expanders come in many sizes. I had expanders with a 550cc total volume. I had a 220cc fill at surgery which represented approximately 50% of the total volume of the TE. For someone with an 800cc expander their 50% surgical fill would be 400cc, so almost twice the amount.  Fills need to be assessed as a percentage of TE volume rather than a specific number of cc's in terms of the discomfort they may cause, when thinking about what others post about fill amounts.

  • momx2
    momx2 Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2014

    Hi everyone , I had bilateral mx with reconstruction TEs . It has been almost 2 months and I still havent had a fill yet except with initial one during surgery. Complication after complication ! ABT for cellulitis which I dont believe was so. Then I started draining incision opened over an inch PS sutured 3 weeks ago now my left breast prophy mx started draining . The skin color doesnt seem right to me he says looks fine . Drainage cultured no growth good news . 2 months post op I walk around with abdominal pads and gauze dressings .Good news is my pathology was clear no signs of CA chemo did its job . Someone please help , should I insist taking the  TEs out and heal then start reconstruction oh n my surgeon is out of commission wont see him until July . I really like him and have confidence in him . I am so upset beyond upset , I thought after chemo n BMX I would be almost done .

  • momx2
    momx2 Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2014

    Oh and Ive been told to hold off on the Tamoxifen until this has resolved , should have been on it 3 months ago

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited May 2014



  • Radical2Squared
    Radical2Squared Member Posts: 350
    edited May 2014

    If my incision opens I'm having the Te removed. That can get scary very fast.

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754
    edited May 2014

    Have had a Seroma pop open the incision and that was without any TEs or Implants.

  • naiviv
    naiviv Member Posts: 308
    edited May 2014

    Good morning to all and Happy Memorial Day.  Special thanks to those whom keep us safe and their families.

    I have been pretty quiet. I was first so excited and getting ready for recon.

    5/21 I had my DIEP flap, recon and hysterectomy . H at 730 am went off first and as was expected all went well. Then came diep at 830 it all appeared well and they finished at 430. Then my left flap started failing and more surgery til 830. My ps tried but I lost left flap. 

    This was also my TE trouble side. It seems that chemo and all of the infections caused my veins to become very scarred. He said they looked white. Stuff was sent to path, I find out next week if it is anything else. 

    I am home recuperating, but am having a very hard time emotionally. I finally saw myself in mirror yesterday. I got to take my first bath. I just sat in my chair and cried.

    I heard his there's hope, look at positives, will try other things speech... But I see scars more than the lollipop I had on left side and it is beyond flat actually sunk in and I see a right side. I am trying to be thankful for one, but I can't be right now. It is big and the difference is huge between sides. 

    I had such hopes , I though this would be it no more surgeries and looking forward to so many planned activities.

    Gonna shut up, I realize I am menopausal automatically, on pain meds and feeling emotionally low but I am trying .


    At 5 days post diep

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited May 2014

    viv - I am so sorry - I know what you are feeling right now - a number of us do.  It is hard when it is not the TE but the recon that fails.  You were ready to be done, and you're not.  I know there is nothing I can say to you that will make this better but please know I am thinking of you and having the same experience.

  • naiviv
    naiviv Member Posts: 308
    edited May 2014

    Special K

    Thank you. I know you are currently in same situation and have endured many surgeries to one side. 

    I look up to you, your strength and always finding positives to post. You and many others I have met thru here are in my prayers daily. 

    I am trying not to complain. Kids don't understand. My  SO has probably cried for me more than I have.  He is really my person who I talk to, but I know he is frustrated he can't fix this. My PS told me how he reacted.

    Work will now be an issue, I have to get back sooner now, so I can have future time off. 

    I am so thankful to have all of you.


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited May 2014

    viv - my DH was over on the east coast this weekend, got home last night.  I wish I had come with him and come to see you.  This is hard stuff, but you will get through it - come here and share, or PM me anytime.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited May 2014

    Hugs Viv. I wish it were different for you.  Once you morn your loss it gets a bit better. But of course you see the disappointment every time you get dressed. Remember you lost a body part. Just as big a hit to your psyche as a limb.  But this is a part that also has a sexual context. No wonder you are having a hard time. Give yourself some credit for surviving this. You will get used to it a bit and just get on with life. We are good at that. But we understand so please feel free to vent uncensored here. I know I sure have.

    Much Love

  • babs6287
    babs6287 Member Posts: 1,619
    edited May 2014


    Please feel free to vent to us-we're all here for you!  It gets very frustrating at times and others who aren't dealing with the same issues don't always understand, but we do.  After my left TE failed I also was sunken in-it was hard to deal with.  But now, after 2 FG procedures I have a little mound and when I wear my bra and prosthesis, I look more "normal."  So, it does get better and there are other options.  Try to stay calm!!!

    Hugs to you,


  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited May 2014

    {{{hugs}}} to all those healing and feeling low.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited May 2014

    Viv, my heart is broken for you. Poor baby. Go ahead and cry. Sometimes that's all we can do and we aren't ready to hear about what could happen in the future. You have to get through this the best way you can and don't have to try to make anyone, friends or family, understand. We are here for you, through thick and thin.