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  • babs6287
    babs6287 Member Posts: 1,619
    edited May 2014


    Sorry the TE's had to come out.   The road we travel has detours sometimes!!  I lost my Left TE 2 weeks after my last fill.  Boy was I bummed out but we have to keep moving forward!!!  Heal well and then try again!


  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754
    edited May 2014

    fluffqueen, sure wish those VC bras came in sizes for big girls!

  • happyteacher
    happyteacher Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2014

    Hello Ladies,

    This is my first post on this thread.  I have read through some of the old posts, but whew- there are many!   I feel pretty whiny even posting this, as so many of you are gong through so much- and I hope each and every one of you find relief, healing, and positive progress on your journey.  

    I had a BMX on April 14th.  Sailed through the first two weeks for the most part, then started to have some pain from the TE's.  The pain got progressively worse, and I thought perhaps it was because the last drain didn't come out until week 4.  After the drain was taken out, the pain became worse.  Went back to work a few days after the drain was pulled, so perhaps that is some of it.  By the time I made it to my first fill appointment I was very sore all the time, but the fill knocked out pretty much all of the pain- until a couple days ago.  Now I am back to what feels like compressed nerve pain issues again.  

    I have a prescription for oxycodon, and sometimes it helps, but usually not so much.  I am a little freaked out about taking it though, because it is addictive and there is a family history of drug addiction (prescription).  I have no issues in that area, but I guess I worry about it.  Is there something you have found that helps with the pain and is non-addictive?  Extra strength tylenol does absolutely nothing- same with Aleve.  Is there exercises or something that makes the pain better?  My range of motion does allow me to extend pretty well, but the pain from the nerve thing makes it so I don't want to move the left arm very much.  It is absolutely from reaching for things with the left that put the TE back in a position that is giving my nerve pain too.  

    I have 2 weeks left in the classroom, and work has been miserable for the most part.  I did have a couple good days right after my first fill, but then right back to nerve pain issues.  I am not going to lie- after reading that so many of you had the TE's in for 18 months or more I cried.  I can't even imagine what some of you have endured. I just want the damn things out. I knew going in they could be painful, but I thought it was going to be muscle pain from stretching- I can take that very well, same with surgical pain from incisions healing.  The nerve pain is a different story though.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited June 2014

    Happy teacher we are not in a competition here. No one has it worse than anyone other. We all have to handle our own detours!  LOL.  Everyone of them sucks.  Perhaps your next fill will help with your pain..If you can get it early. Much love. 

  • scubalady
    scubalady Member Posts: 49
    edited June 2014

    Happyteacher, I didn't feel any pain relief until my 4th fill and was miserable until then, not from the stretching, but from pressure on a nerve.  I know it's hard to hang in there, as I was also thinking that I wanted them out, but there is a good chance that there is a fill in your future that will make things better. I go for another fill tomorrow and am hoping this one will continue to be relatively pain free.

  • KLJ
    KLJ Member Posts: 79
    edited June 2014

    Has anyone gotten sores at the site where the needle went in for their fill? This is my 6th fill and nothing like this has ever happened before. Looks like it blistered and is now drying up. A little red around each site. The same on both sides. About the side of a pencil eraser and a little itchy today. Never even noticed it until Friday evening. Each site bled a little more than normal after the fill also. Definitely calling the PS office tomorrow but just curious if anyone else had this happen. Nothing changed since the last fill as far as soaps, shampoos, lotions or anything. Hoping this isn't a sign of an upcoming infection :(

  • Radical2Squared
    Radical2Squared Member Posts: 350
    edited June 2014


    My suggestion is to take the last two weeks off! I am a teacher too and I know how hard it is to leave the kids...especially when you're almost there! The teachers and administrators knew my leaving was going to be a pain in the butt, but they were all firm on the idea that I needed to take care of ME first! I've never been good at it, but I'm trying. I've been out of the classroom since the beginning of March. I planned to go back in September but I haven't been able to start chemo yet and that will carry me through September even if all goes as planned. I'm thinking I might be borrowing a month or two of sick days from the sick bank!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited June 2014

    happy - you might try lidocaine patches, accelerated, but smaller, fills, or a short course of both muscle relaxant drugs and possibly something like Lyrica or Neurontin.  Most with nerve pain have it resolve when the TE fills up more and is lifted a bit, and stops pressing or irritating.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited June 2014

    klj. Take a pic of the needle holes. I don't like that is happening. It sends up a red flag. Perhaps it's just a freak thing but really watch them. I have some oily areas and get red bumps from clogged pores sometimes. But in that position it's definitely a concern. Plan on having him look at them. And don't allow fills til that clears up. And if they get bigger call in even on a weekend night. Good luck.

  • KLJ
    KLJ Member Posts: 79
    edited June 2014

    Moomflwr, here is a picture. Hope it posts. Haven't posted pictures before. This is the worst side. The other side is a bit smaller and not quite as red around it. Like I said it is about the size of a pencil eraser. Appreciate the advice!



  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited June 2014

    Was it there before? Has it gotten larger?Is the area warm? Is it sensitive? Does it weep or leak? Are you running a temp? Take it to be sure. If you don't have a temp you probably could wait to call your PS. If you do have a fever either call your PS or go to the ER.  Infections are no fun. Keep taking your temp every hour or so til you go to bed if you aren't running one. But make plans to go in tomorrow. If you are worried call the P'S tonight. He might even tell you to email the pic to him. If you don't go on to night go tomorrow please. Also realize that this is an open forum and you might take the pic down later tonight. Hugs. 

    Keeping my fingers crossed for you. 

    Much love

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited June 2014

    I agree. It looks like an infection to me and looks like it's going to open up. Personally, I would head to the ER because this isn't anything to mess with. My infection went from worrisome to serious in no time, so I'd rather be safe than sorry. Then again, I don't have to pay your ER bill so it's easy for me to say. Of course you can call your doctor and even send him the picture tonight to see what he says  If you are taking any kind of fever reducer, it might mask a fever. The fever might not be high at first. I didn't feel anything with mine because all the nerves were cut in the mastectomy.

  • KLJ
    KLJ Member Posts: 79
    edited June 2014

    Moonflowr, the fill was done on Weds and this showed up Friday night. Not warm, sensitive, oozing or anything. No temperature at all. Do you suppose it is possible that fluid leaked out and my skin reacted to it? Almost looks blister like. Anyway, calling him first thing in the morning! Thanks for helping!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited June 2014

    no. They just use saline in the needles. Unless you are sensitive to the cleaner they use? But I'm leaning with Sandra. I really don't like the look of them maybe at least call your PS tonight. Then if he says he'll see you in the am go. Much love. 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited June 2014

    hon, I don't mean to scare you but if you look at Sandra and my signatures we are very familiar with infections and really DONT want anyone else to have a bad outcome.  Much love. 

  • DiveCat
    DiveCat Member Posts: 290
    edited June 2014

    Yeah, that does not look good to me. It looks red and inflamed, which are signs of infection. If you cannot get a hold of your PS I really recommend going to the ER tonight. As was said above, infections can spread fast and certain medications can mask fevers and even swelling. 

    It may be absolutely nothing to worry about, but I like to err on the side of caution when it comes to this. I made two visits to the ER just erring on side of caution for things that were likely nothing to worry about but *might have been*, both times things turned out to be just fine but it was good to ease my worry and know if there was or wasn't an issue.

  • KLJ
    KLJ Member Posts: 79
    edited June 2014

    Thanks Sandra and Moonflowr. Calling the PS now. Hope it's nothing but we'll see what he says. Thank you!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited June 2014

    klj, fill us in when you can. 

    Much love

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited June 2014

    Haven't heard from KLJ. Hopefully she is resting quietly at home after a false alarm but I think we would have heard from her before now if that was the case. Still hopeful.

  • KLJ
    KLJ Member Posts: 79
    edited June 2014

    Just got back from the PS. It's an hour drive each way and shopping in the big city is a must unless I am in pain which I'm not. Turns out I have developed an allergy to adhesive. That should make for some interesting changes during my exchange surgery. Fills are delayed until these sores completely healed. Nothing but gauze and antibiotic ointment covered by a bra or fresh air when no one is around! Probably will be a couple of weeks before another fill but he says two more and I will be at 600 cc's and that will be it. Thank you all so much for your concern and help. Didn't get much sleep last night thinking about all the things it could have been so I may take a cat nap before it's dinner time. I am one relieved girl right now! And I found the cutest matching outfits for the new (yet unborn) baby and his big brother! Big brother/little brother shirts are a necessity for coming home from the hospital right! :)

  • DiveCat
    DiveCat Member Posts: 290
    edited June 2014

    I am so glad it is not an infection!

    There are ways to work around the adhesive allergy after exchange. They can use glue, and gauze, and ace bandages, etc.

    You can also try tapes that are generally more gentle, there is a thread somewhere on BCO for those with adhesive allergies.

    I react to many adhesives and tapes, but do fine with silicone tape (like Mepitac); it is very gentle and used on those with thin/delicate skin including preemies and such. Some do well with paper tape like Medipore. 

  • babs6287
    babs6287 Member Posts: 1,619
    edited June 2014

    So happy it's not an infection KLJ!  Great news!!!!


  • naiviv
    naiviv Member Posts: 308
    edited June 2014


    Happy to hear, it's not an infection.


  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360
    edited June 2014

    KLJ, I'm relieved for you!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited June 2014

    klj - If you are allergic to adhesive I would also avoid glue, as that is what it is.  I am also allergic to adhesive, and have had problems with steri-strips, mastasol, and all kinds of tape, including tegaderm.  I have gotten by after surgery with rolled gauze for pressure) and paper tape, or gauze dressings held on by a surgical bra, with no tape.  It is really not that much of a problem for exchange surgery.

  • KLJ
    KLJ Member Posts: 79
    edited June 2014

    Thanks everyone, just another bump in the road and a delay in progress. I was hoping to get this process over by the end of the year. It may still happen as long as there are no more detours. Another 2 weeks off, then 2 more fills and then about 8 weeks before exchange. So hopefully an exchange date my mid August? I sure hope so!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited June 2014

    KLJ - so happy to hear it's "only" an adhesive allergy. (not good but could be worse)  Below is the link for the tape allergies.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited June 2014

    klj! Awesome news. Well not. But so happy it's not an infection. You will see a lot of familiar names on the adhesive thread.... LOL.  There are also barrier creams they put on the skin to help. But just follow all the recommendations of your PS you don't want open sores anywhere near your incision.  Whew! Get some rest. 

    Much love to all. 

  • KLJ
    KLJ Member Posts: 79
    edited June 2014

    Thank you Moonflower! MinusTwo thanks for the link to the adhesive thread. I will make sure to go over that thoroughly tomorrow. My PS was very relieved when he took a look and saw the sores and blisters. Knew right away what it was and described the symptoms from beginning to where I was today. Told me what to do and said "don't worry" I am making a note right now. No more adhesives for you! Now to get these two spots healed up so I can move on!

    What a great group of friends you all are! I can't tell you how relieved I am. Definitely getting some good sleep tonight!

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited June 2014

    KLJ, sleep deserve it. So glad this was not an infection but at least the doc got a look at it and you've found out that adhesives are not going to work from now on. So, it was worth the trip. (Plus you got some retail therapy done.)