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  • purple87
    purple87 Member Posts: 93
    edited August 2014

    ok ladies I am frustrated....need to vent.  So I am not healing well from these 6 holes made by suture to my ribs.  PS won't operate again until they close.  My implants don't stay in place so I have droopy boobs...wth???  How do u have droopy boobs with implants..... I just want to scream....

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2014

    purple - droopy because the pec muscle is not strong enough to hold the weight of the silicone. Mine were doing that so the PS did the surgery in March to put in a newer/better/stronger allograft material - that started my latest downward spiral. Has there been any discussion of hyperbaric for you?

  • Zimastar
    Zimastar Member Posts: 3
    edited August 2014

    Thankfully & fingers crossed, no infection is present. I'm set for chemo in 10 days with an open wound...yay for having another thing to worry about...NOT! But it'll be fine. I'll truck on & this will be a thing if the past before I know it! 

    And what a great idea, sanitary napkins. I've been buying 25 count of 4x4s at almost 4.30 a box! 

  • purple87
    purple87 Member Posts: 93
    edited August 2014

    correct Special bc there is no pectoral muscle to hold implant.  PS is gonna use cadaver muscle and ligaments next surgery to try to build a pocket to hold implants.  Just frustrated and bored 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited September 2014

    purple - at least that explains it, but probably doesn't make you feel better about it.  I just saw my PS last week and he is discussing several fat grafts to my skin - much like they are now doing with radiated skin, which of course will take longer, BEFORE putting the expander back. I thought the expander would be put back in October. So it doesn't look like things will be resolved as quickly as I had hoped, I will not probably be getting a new expander until next year now. Sigh.

  • Frostecat
    Frostecat Member Posts: 223
    edited September 2014

    So sorry to hear this Specialk.

  • KLJ
    KLJ Member Posts: 79
    edited September 2014

    SpecialK, so every time a new year rolls around do you start over with a new insurance deductible? This is my second year of this and my second deductible. Also looks like I will be heading into next year with new procedures. I will never get ahead with having to pay a new deductible every year :(

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited September 2014

    frostecat - I have learned to be patient, lol!  The bonus - more fat graft harvesting, so less fat where I don't want it - gotta look at the bright side, right?

    KLJ - my insurance does not have a deductible.  I have a military referral plan, so I can only see in-network physicians and they accept what my insurance pays, minus my co-pay - which is $12 for an office visit, $25 for surgery, $25 for hospital.  Everything I do - every procedure, has to be OKed in advance, but that is very little hassle for the great benefit of not having a deductible, or co-insurance obligations.  The downside is that I am not really free to seek a second, or third, opinion wherever I choose - I can only go where they send me.

  • naiviv
    naiviv Member Posts: 308
    edited September 2014


    I had multiple infections after mastectomy on my left side. A month after , I had TE replaced then a month later removed. I had pseudomonas, MRSA, Staph at different times. But basically had a never ending infection of one sort or another and a small opening in the incision that was constantly draining. Finally got rid of everything with reconstruction several months later.

    I continued with chemo, while on IV antibiotics and/or pills through those months. As well as during surgery, only had 1 week delay during chemo 1-2  while waiting on cultures to get appropriate IV antib.

    But Zim, please remember every case is different as is every doctor. If they chose to wait, you can ask the reasons why? There answer should be based on what is best for your health.

    Heal well and fast, I know it is frustrating.


  • KLJ
    KLJ Member Posts: 79
    edited September 2014

    SpecialK, I can see a good and bad side to that. But, if you are happy with your doctors that's a huge plus!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited September 2014

    klj - I am very fortunate that I coincidentally live right next to the only NCI designated cancer center in FL. All of my docs were there at one point, my BS was the former department chair. My MO thinks outside the box, and has been very proactive in protecting my bone health with Prolia injections as soon as we had awareness that I had degeneration, and has not followed the ASCO guidelines for post treatment testing and surveillance. He scans post treatment, does tumor markers every six months - along with a full battery of regular panels to make sure everything is functioning well. I have been lucky to have great docs and not to have the financial worry so many of us have on top of worrying about breast cancer. I wish you didn't have to be concerned about another year of deductibles. 

  • purple87
    purple87 Member Posts: 93
    edited September 2014

    sorry to hear that Special.... I know you have to be as frustrated as I am.   We will make it through.

    KLC I have a deductible every new year too which is another reason I wanted this all over and done with quickly.  The financial strain this is putting on me is humongous.  I don't know how I will ever get out of debt, but I'm trying to look at the bright side of everything.  I still believe there needs to be financial services available to people with breast cancer....or cancer period.   As many walks and fund raisers there are some should go to help with financial assistance.   Just my opinion.

  • Camillia
    Camillia Member Posts: 34
    edited September 2014

    Hello ladies. I had my exchange surgery on Friday and so far so good. Recovery is super easy and I like what I see. I do whish that I had more projection, but I knew that I was going to have less than with the expanders. My PS used Sientra shaped implants filled at 370cc's with fat grafting and I was just wondering how much "drop and fluff" I should expect with that type of implants since they are a cohesive gel? Any at all? How much change should I expect in the next few weeks?

    Purple87; I hear you! I too have a deductible every year and I am going to do all I can to have my nipples done before the new year!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited September 2014

    camellia - all current silicone implants are cohesive gel, the Sientra are just anatomically shaped, more highly cohesive, gel.  I believe that there is the potential for fewer visible changes because of the shaping, but certainly you will know more when any swelling subsides.  Have you checked any of the threads for ladies who have specifically had anatomicals? 

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754
    edited September 2014

    Another fill down today.  PS thinks at least one more, that I'm almost done for this part of the process. 

  • Radical2Squared
    Radical2Squared Member Posts: 350
    edited September 2014

    so close galsal! Almost there!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited September 2014

    Camilla:  The Sientra anatomical implants are fairly new so I haven't seen much feedback.  I have the Allergan 410 anatomical implants and while they do settle in, I don't think they drop as much as rounds.  The PS pretty much installs them in a pre-determined or created pocket. There are two threads about the anatomical silicone gels - sometimes called gummies.

  • Camillia
    Camillia Member Posts: 34
    edited September 2014

    Thanks Specialk and MinusTwo. I thought I did read somewhere that they wont be doing so much settling. I will go check out the other threads :-)

  • Frostecat
    Frostecat Member Posts: 223
    edited September 2014

    Talking insurance - yowza!  I just got a whopper of a bill yesterday in the mail, for almost $1800 not to mention the other bills I have for $300, $400 $200 and more and I have two insurances!  I have a $1500 out of pocket max - go figure.  It is something that I am going to have to dig into when I am recovering.

    Agreed - with all of the breast cancer fund raising - isn't there something to help us with this?  What gets me is they will "write off" so much of the cost to be compatible to your insurance, but will hound us like crazy for the small remainder.  My good credit rating is going to be going down the tubes with this, as I plan on paying only a small amount every month.  

    I do however have to admit that I did opt for an additional cosmetic procedure while I'm at it.  That procedure I obviously I know is my option and my responsibility.  But darn the other is what can get to you.  You would think the 2nd insurance I have would at least pick up the deductible difference - but noooo.

    I too am hoping to get this all wrapped up this year.  But I keep thinking it will be ongoing with future MRI's, bloodwork, etc.

  • cateyz2
    cateyz2 Member Posts: 253
    edited September 2014

    Frostcat as long as you make payment arrangement they cannot send you to collections and I believe they cant force you to use some financing company either

  • darriea
    darriea Member Posts: 5
    edited September 2014

    I have sientra anatomical. My exchange was August 22. I have had some drop. Not a lot but I do see some.

  • Radical2Squared
    Radical2Squared Member Posts: 350
    edited September 2014


    Got a bill today for $23,321.00....that's one chemo treatment. They're claiming insurance didn't cover it (and I've had 5 more since then.) I have to believe they filed incorrectly, but of course it's Saturday and I have to wait to investigate!

  • Lynndeidre
    Lynndeidre Member Posts: 40
    edited September 2014

    I have a question about tissue expanders flipping around inside the breast.  I had a BMX, May 3. I was very large breasted so I only needed two fills. I developed an infection in my right breast and had my TE removed June 25. This postponed my chemo by three weeks.  At the end of July I experienced a lot of pain in my TE breast. It felt like it had flipped over. I called the plastics office and she nurse told me that it was very unlikely that happened, I probably just pulled a muscle. It was sore for a couple days but then I felt it slide back Into place and I was fine. Over the last two weeks, this has happened 3 times (each lasting a few days) sometimes the TE was totally on its side pointing straight out. 

    Last Wednesday, it happened again. I have been taking Motrin and Atavan in the hopes that it will loosen it up. I called my plastics office on Friday and she said that although it is painful, it is not dangerous and she said to continue Motrin and Atavan. She also instructed me to wear a more compressive bra in the future. 

    Well, today is Monday and I'm still in pain (it is not a horrible pain but it is terribly uncomfortable) I left a message for my PS around 9 am while I was in the chair, no response three hours later so I popped over there. No one was able to see me and they told me to come back tomorrow and I can see the NP. I live about 1.25 hours from the hospital where I am being treated and I'm wondering if she will be able to do anything to help me. I would rather not waste most of my day driving there for nothing. I emailed her to ask that but have received no reply. 

    Soooo, after this humongously long story my questions are these:

    Has anyone had this problem?

    Were they able to fix the problem?

    Any advice for rectifying the problem myself? 

    Thanks so much for sharing all your wisdom and experiences. So many of us learn so much from all of you. 


  • angelfaith456
    angelfaith456 Member Posts: 33
    edited September 2014

    Lyndeidre - so sorry you are having trouble with your TE! I have not experienced anything like what you are going through..Just pain! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754
    edited September 2014

    Lynn...oh to HELL with dealing with a Nurse after being told repeatedly it's no big deal, can't be that, etc.   You'll have to TELL them you will be seen by the Dr, no ifs ands or buts.  Okay fine...easier said than done right!

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754
    edited September 2014

    Working on getting scheduled for the exchange procedure, whether I get any more fills or not.  That one spot on the Right I've had concerns about for months decided to act up again so following the redness problem, he didn't fill it on the chance it would further weaken the point.  Washing with Dove Soap Bar for Sensitive Skin and using Cerave on the spot.  I'm going back next week for a check and possible fill, to see how this is doing.

    An IMF incision will not be utilized.  Instead, he'll go in through the side since has to open that any way to remove the mudflaps of excess tissue/skin left from a SSBMX.  Unless the spot on the front incision clears up nicely he most likely will need to clean that up too.

    The brand/style/size of implants for exchange are up in the air at the moment.  The chart he looked at is entirely different than shown online so I've asked for confirmation.  It's between Allergan and Mentor although he was leaning to Allergan.  The starting point is 600cc and feels I'll be 650cc, although he's having 600-800 implants on hand to check things for an OR decision.  He does want to use a very high profile for two purposes - to at least keep at the current level of projection as TEs and also to fill enough to fill in more at the front of a bra cup.

  • Lynndeidre
    Lynndeidre Member Posts: 40
    edited September 2014

    thanks for your good thoughts ladies!  The np was able to flip my te around and she filled it with saline until I look about ready to pop. Now I have one Enormous on my left and nothing on my right. Whatever. Feels a lot better!  Gal Sal good luck with your choices!  Hope it all goes smoothly from here on out!!  

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited September 2014

    lynned, I was half filled on one side for 2 years. The other side came and went. Weird feeljng. But i used the poly fill poofs to even me up. It's never easy! LOL

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754
    edited September 2014

    Well FUDGE nuts!  When I mentioned to the scheduler that I wanted the procedure to be done early enough in the month so I could do a trip to Vegas late in October, I heard back that PS prefers to wait until after my trip is finished.  Don't get me wrong, I understand why - just in case of trouble, etc.  Right has never played nice from the first date of placement, even when it was replaced.  So I can appreciate the thought process.

    I so very much wanted to be scheduled and get the exchange done!

    It appears PS desires to use Allergan's Natrelle style 20 high profile, likely 650 to 700cc.  Still will use 600cc as the starting point.

  • Char66
    Char66 Member Posts: 35
    edited September 2014

    Morning sisters=has anyone been able to save a TE after infection? Or does it always have to be removed. Last Jan had PBMX with one step implants, skin necrosis on left, three surgeries and infection implant was removed. I waited the 6 month rest time and last Fri had TE put in. Was okay for about 4 days and then started feeling sick-then comes the red area. Had been on Keflex since surgery, yesterday they changed It to Cipro 1000 mg/twice a day. Now the wait and see, and of course PS is out of town for couple days. His nurse has been in contact with him about what is going on. But has anyone saved the TE after infection????? I'm not sure mentally if I can go thru this all again-hanging on by a thread. and it feels like it is unraveling. Sorry for the whineing, been a crappy week. Having a pity party at 3am, hard to talk with anyone about what's going on in my head. DH good help but he is a guy and just doesn't get it-"everything will be alright" is always the answer Again sorry for the whining post-just wondering about the chances of saving TE and not having to start over again. Char