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  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited March 2012

    Ladies! Sorry I've been MIA. Been reading, but not posting.

    Saw PS today. he is quite perplexed about my case. I asked about packing the pin hole (like at a wound center). He said "not with a TE in there." I asked if adding alloderm would help the compromised skin heal. He said maybe; we talked about that as an option (and also putting in a drain for an extended period). Said I don't need debriding, as my she skin edges around the hole are healthy. We just have to figure out why my body continues to produce all this serum! He stressed that it is NOT anything I am doing wrong, it is not anything I have control over. (That part felt good!) Said the route we have taken - removing the TE which resulted in perfectly healed skin - means there is no underlying infection. He is going to speak with another surgeon about my case. I am also going to get a 2nd opinion. I see him again end of the month. I feel a little overwhelmed today. Part of me wants to keep denying that this has become such a problem with no known solution. the other part of me is pissed off and ready to take the bull by the horns. The rest of me is just tired.

    I finally wrote about my healing issues on my blog yesterday; I'm still not up to my current problems (on the blog I haven't had my TE taken out or put back in yet), but for all of you out there struggling with skin integrity issues, I posted photos so you can see exactly what I've been dealing with. The post is called "Dealyed Healing" and you can find it at:

    Hope everyone is healing up OK. Several ladies are recovering or still having issues... good luck to all. Will read more tonight. ;-)

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2012

    Well, I am back . I had heart echo, Nerceptin , and PS as a desert ( kidding) at 3: 45...well..he did not like that pocket at al.. Friday I have to have expanding, but he wants to put needle inside and pull some liquid.To drain under my skin, I guess. And I have to walk around with a needle. I rememeber, somebody here had similar experience, please, let me now. I am so upset. He told me; nothing is going easy with that side...I know that.yeah...

  • Dixiemine30
    Dixiemine30 Member Posts: 16
    edited March 2012
    Ladies -- I need your thoughts/help. My BMX was 2/2/12...will be 5 weeks post on Thursday.

    I have large (650ccs) expanders. I've had 3 fills and am at 530ccs (PS filled to 350 in OR) and my fills have been once a week/10 days at 60ccs. I've had minimal pain. I've always had (and still do)...the "wearing a bra 2 sizes too small" feeling since the first day.

    On Sunday, I stretched a little too far getting something off a shelf and ever since I've had this burning that comes and goes under my right "boob"...right where the band of my bra would be. Today I've had what feels like rib pain on the right side. I have to lean back to make this pain subside. Any ideas on what's going on and what I can do to make it stop?

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited March 2012

    Dixie...sounds like tugging on some of the internal work your PS did — the internal tissue stays tender and takes a long time to heal. I'd put in a call to your PS so they know what happened and see if they offer any insight. If they are worried they'll have you come in. It takes a long time to heal all the work the PS's do internally. An over-the-counter pain med (whatever you usually take... Advil or Tylenol) will help. I have experienced that burning feeling when I reached too far early on, though I don't recall the pain lasting.

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited March 2012

    Dixie-I agree with Renn.  Call PS just so they know.  Sounds like you tugged something (internal stitch?)

    Renn-Sorry :(

    Olgah-Don't you just feel like you could just bite a doctor's head off sometimes though :)

    Basically my PS appointment today was a waste.  He took the tape under my arm pits off but told me to keep the rest of it on another week.  Go next monday.

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2012

    He is, supposedly one of the best with 30 years experience and very big ego. Somebody told me to get another opinion... I , probably, would not have time. And I always have chills, no fever, when it gets inflamed.

  • Bogie
    Bogie Member Posts: 79
    edited March 2012

    Dixie, I'm 8 wks out BMX and had sore ribs up until a week or two ago. I think the trauma and probably some internal bruising makes them sore. At 7 to 8 weeks it went away if this helps gauge a time frame for you. I only felt a burn when I tore my incision while in the hospital. MX tape of exercises from ACS helped ease the tightness in a subtle and safe way..I loved those exercises!! I agree with the others I'd make an appt for the burning.

    be well :)

  • Layla2525
    Layla2525 Member Posts: 465
    edited March 2012

    I think its ok the yellow is my skin which I guess is the purple bruising healing cuz dumbo aka my fiance was so nervous the day he got me from the hospital he wanted to put orthopedic shoes on me and insist that I use a walker and then I might catch cold (yeah in FL) and so he fluffed out the warming throw blanket to put over me and the stupid controller for the heat hit me in the chest the day I got home from the hospital so I had a huge bruise on my cancer side which was purple and then turned yellow and spotted light yellow to clear stuff for awhile but now it all bright pink to pink and going to PS tomoro for first fill so i am sure she will say something if its infected. But first we have to slap my fiance into next week,oh never mind he walked my dog for 3 wks and cooked and did laundry and brought me chinese food and yogurt and cookies ...ok never mind I can wait til next week to kill him.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited March 2012

    Layla...cant live with em ..... Mine never gets any details from the docs after surgery. PS, on my first follow up after mastectomy, asked if I had done something. I looked at him stupidly, he said didnt your husband give you the paper? No, of course not. Turned out the folder was still in the back of the car.

    But he took great care of me, so I am not complaining. I bruised up a lot also....all kinds of colors.

    Renn...I'm thinking superglue. Lol. Seriously, that is so strange. I think it is good you are getting a second opinion. I even wondered about a skin specialist, if there is such a thing?

  • Bogie
    Bogie Member Posts: 79
    edited March 2012

    LOL to Layla BF story! Like my hub who cornered my plastic surgeon to write a note to get HIM off work so he can take care of me. He got the note, I got eggs made, laundry done, rides to the DR. And he got two weeks off work and some downtime with me. They are like little kids fumbling a foul ball.

    They nod their heads to the Dr. Play the role well, when I asked him what he said, he has no clue!

    Gotta love it that they try if they arent driving us crazy!!

  • miasanta2007
    miasanta2007 Member Posts: 87
    edited March 2012

    Renn, I'm sorry for all your TE trouble...hope you get some answers soon!  You've been through a whole lot and I admire your courage and patience.

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited March 2012

    Hey miasanta! Good to see you. How are you doing?

    Renn, sending more pinhole-healing vibes your way!! 

  • mkw1
    mkw1 Member Posts: 102
    edited March 2012

    Renn, Sorry about the complications you have been facing. I am praying that you and your doctors will find a solution to your problem. Is reconstruction with implants the only alternative for you or are you open to another form of reconstruction? 

     Ladies:How long did it take for the surgical glue to start peeling after surgery? I am concerned because today is the 7 day after surgery and some surgical glue started to peel at the edge of the scar. I am concerned that it may make me vulnerable to an infection.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited March 2012

    Mine stayed on forever. PS finally asked me if I knew I could rub it off. LOL, I didn't want to touch anything. If it is any consolation, I got an infection anyway. I covered my foobs with plastic wrap when I showered to keep them dry for a while also to help it heal.

  • SheChirple
    SheChirple Member Posts: 95
    edited March 2012

    I had my TE implanted on BMX 11/28, 180 cc at surgery. My doc waited until late January to start my fills, waiting for the surgical scars to completely heal, and to clear me from possible radiation or chemo.  Since then, I have had 6 fills at 60 cc each, so I am at 540 cc.  PS is looking at 700-800 final!  The fill I had yesterday is the first that is really painful. 

    It is way more than the 'tight bra' feeling that I had have with previous fills. I think Dixie's post hit me because we are of similar fill size and similar pain onset.  I am in true pain for 36 hrs now.  The pain started almost immediately after fill, all across the tops of the breasts.  But today, it is settled, much like you Dixie, under the right breast, right at where the bra line in the fold is, and feels like a burning knife stuck in there.  I called my PS late this afternoon and he said it was likely the pressure on the edges of the scar formation in the pocket from stretching.  He said to take it easy and not stretch it anymore until our next visit, next week.

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2012

    Ladies did anybody had experience of draining liquid from the pockets with a needle?

  • CRuth
    CRuth Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2012

    Hi guys -- I just saw this blog & am wondering if anyone else has had an experience like mine wth TEs and chemo.  I  had DMX 2/2/12 with immediate reconstruction -- TES placed.  I had a big hemotoma and ended up getting my last drain out on 2/29.  I had my first fill on that same day -- very uncomfortable & swollen through the next 2 days, but by Monday morning, was actually a little more comfortable than I'd been so far (not saying comfortable, just a little more so). Then, I had my first THC infusion on this Tuesday, the 6th.  Since then, my upper breasts, almost to my collar bone, feel extremely swollen and tingly -- have moved from discomfort to pain.  My Onc's office had no imput for me, other than that I should call my PS.  Yesterday, PS's office said retention of fluids is normal, but this doesn't seem very normal to me.  But, then, not much has since diagnosis in December! I'm scared of infection or allergic reaction to the chemo agents -- is this crazy?

    Has anyone else had similar post-chemo problems and should I be following up again with PS?  Thanks everyone

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2012

    CRuth, when they do TCH, or any chemo,they usually inject anti- nausea medicine  Decadron, which makes ( in some people) redness on your face and breast area. It goes away in few days.

    Check your temerature. Infection usually comes with fever, redness, leakage, etc.Pain ... my PS told me from the beginning, that it is going to last for months...

    But if you feel scared- call them and insist on seeing you.I always do that.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited March 2012

    Olgah, yes I had fluid withdrawn from the area around my expander. He then did a fill to help take up the space.

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2012
    Fluff... how was it?Surprised I am scared to death. Why are they doing it?
  • CRuth
    CRuth Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2012

    Thanks guys - -I'm going to try to calm down today & see if it subsides by itself.  Hate feeling so on edge!

  • Dixiemine30
    Dixiemine30 Member Posts: 16
    edited March 2012

    SheChirple -- My burning was a little better yesterday.  I've tried to keep my arms close to my sides as much as possible.  I still get the rib pain in the afternoons but I have decided it's because I am back and work and I sit up straight in my chair...I have to slouch in the afternoons to keep the rib pain at bay.  Of course, this is sure to cause back pain later on...guess I'll decide which is worse when that day comes.

    I have another fill tomorrow and I'm a little concerned the burning pain will return with a vengence.  I'll have to talk to PS about it.  I"m glad you called your PS and got a possible cause, it made me feel a lttle better.  I was so worried to have done so well for almost 5 weeks and then begin to have so much pain.  I'm crossing my fingers and praying that we both have a more enjoyable next fill :-)  I'll post and let you know how this one goes.

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2012

    C Ruth, BC is a rolocoaster... Do you have any redness at all?

  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited March 2012

    I know you don't hear from me much. My other expander has some red blotching, I go to the PS today.first the right now the left. Why me. It just came out of no where. I am so afraid for myself and my child,. Please send some good thoughts my way. I have a feeling the end result will be removal,the doctor that I will see today is aggressive in his approach.if I have the surgery I willbe totally flat

  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited March 2012

    I was schedule have a replacement TE on April 23 along with a hysterectomy. Now this! Weird as soon as I schedule a surgery something comes up like last year,I had schedule to have my implants then one of the expander got infected.

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2012

    I hope it is thoughts and prayers with you, Michelles..

  • MTnester
    MTnester Member Posts: 147
    edited March 2012

    I don't have much to add to this thread these days but I think of you all daily! I hope those of you with issues will get the resolution you want. Sending you my hugs.

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited March 2012

    Olgah, I had fluid around my left TE, and had to go to the hospital (intervention radiology) to have it drained, guided by ultrasound.  They actually gave me a big cath bag for a drain that hung down to my knees and I had to keep it over the weekend. It stayed in for about 3 or 4 days max.  It didn't hurt, but that big ole bag was inconvenient. My husband and I were laughing so hard when we left the hospital. I tried to hide the bag in my huge purse.  Our bodies just naturally fill empty spaces with fluid, and like Fluff, my PS filled the TE to capacity when the drain came out so there was no space around the TE.  Problem was solved very quickly.

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2012

    Thank you, momof3infla!

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited March 2012

    Momof3infla: So you basically has a drain put in for several days and once the fluid drained, did you have a fill to fill the space? Or did they do the fill while you still had the drain? Looking for all options here! 

    Fluff: Not sure I realized (or remembered) that you also had fluid drawn off from outside the expander. How was your skin integrity? Any healing issues or just fluid? Sorry I can't keep everyone's stories straight!

    Psalms91, sorry to hear u r still struggling, let us know what your PS says today!

    mkw1: I have a real aversion to more extensive surgery than implants — but if my pin hole doesn't resolve, obviously I will need to go another route. I'm in the process of getting other opinions/consults. 

    Ladies with problems, hope your PS's are aware of what you are dealing with. And I can't stress enough... take photos of your healing self! It's the only way you can truly monitor your progress (or lack thereof).