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  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited March 2012

    Fluff-Saying many prayers this morning and looking forward to a happy post later today.

    Renn-So sorry this is happening again.  What about the PS reinforcing the area with some alloderm?

  • MTnester
    MTnester Member Posts: 147
    edited March 2012

    Fluff and Renn -  you are in my prayers. Sending you all my positive healing and good news vibes.

    The antibiotics are kicking in - my belly button is still sore but not as bad, and not as red. The last thing I want is for any infection to take hold and migrate to my squishies. I know you are all in the same frame of mind ... some days "one more thing" to worry about is the straw that breaks the camel's back. And then I come here and connect with all of you and I'm thankful to have you guys to vent to and get support from.

    Any word from Special K lately? Have a good weeknd ladies -- my youngest will be home from college this weekend, it will be good to spend time with him laughing. Hugs to all of you!

  • MTnester
    MTnester Member Posts: 147
    edited March 2012

    Ginger - let us know what you find out today at your appointment, too. Sending you my good thoughts!

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited March 2012

    Positive vibes going out to you, Fluff.

    Renn, so sorry you are still dealing with the blasted pinhole! I know that frustration.  

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited March 2012

    CHICK... I woke up this AM with the same thought... can PS go in and put some Alloderm on top of the TE? I don't know, but will ask Tuesday!

    GINGER48 and FLUFF: Let us know what your docs say today!

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited March 2012

    SPECIALK: Let us know how you are doing.

    MKW1: How was surgery yesterday? Do you have a drain?

    ALL: Let me know if any of you TE Trouble ladies have upcoming surgeries, I will add your names to our surgery roll call list at the top of the page.

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited March 2012

    Renn-My dr told me he might add more alloderm on top of the implant where there was the most significant rippling.  My DH didn't ask so I don't know if he did or not.  To me, the doctor wanna be, this would seem like a logical solution to your thin skin problem.

    I am still moving slow today but the bruises are turning yellow so I must be healing.  Wishing Fluff and Ginger would check in!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited March 2012

    Good news for me. BS squeezed me in before her first appt today and the ultrasound showed that they are lymphoceles. New word for me but my understanding is that they are like pockets of lymph fluid that have gotten stuck. No treatment needed. Phew! Just keep doing the manual lymph therapy and wearing my compression garments and to gently get my body moving to keep the lymph flowing.

    Also got diagnosed with frozen shoulder which they say will resolve itself in 1 to 1 and a half years.

    Fluff- hope you got good news too!

    Thanks for the kind words everyone.

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited March 2012

    Good news, Ginger! 

    Fluff, been thinking about your doctor's appointment today.  Sending good thougts......

    Ren, I actually think the Alloderm is a great idea.......excellent thought, Chick!

    Hope everyone has a good, relaxing weekend,


  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited March 2012

    Ginger-Yeah on the good news.

    Fluff-Hope all the storms stayed south of you.  We only had very tiny hail here.

  • Layla2525
    Layla2525 Member Posts: 465
    edited March 2012

    Anybody?  How do I know if my TE is infected? They spot a tiny bit of pale yellow fluid or speck of blood occassionally.  I did not take any pain pills or anythng other than my thyroid pill and vitamins and antibiotic today and they have been hurting a little off & on. One looks ok kind of bright to pale pink line but the other one has a reddish line instead of pink and doesnt look like it is healing as fast and they feel very pokie today like they are just poking my ribs today. I am so worried but I am supposed to go back to the PS on Wed to get my first fill. I dunno if there isnt any pus or smell or swelling does that mean everythng is ok and I am just being paranoid? I already had my home health care nurse stopped and slept in the bed for first time since surg last night and oh my aching back!! Is it ok to sleep on my side or will the tissue expanders fall on my lungs or something? I have no medical trng and I am freakg out. Maybe I should just take a tylenol and chill?

  • Bogie
    Bogie Member Posts: 79
    edited March 2012

    Good to read good news! Ginger, you must be relieved.

    Confirmed today I have capsular contracture on my left expander. We had to stop at 120 cc fills because it worsened. PS told me today I have to schedule surgery for CC and TE replacement.

    I just returned to work full time this week ..yikes! I asked if I could wait until April and he said as long as I can handle the tightness, no risk there. So I'll head back to surgery in April. He told me thurs surgery back to work on Monday, hope he is right. Bummed about this setback.

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited March 2012

    Yah Ginger!!!

    Fluff and Renn, ditto what everyone else says! Sending positive vibes your way!

    Mtnester - How are you feeling?

    SpecialK - Where are you? Hope you're just busy.

    Layla - I can't easily go back and read posts on my phone. I read there is yellow stuff developing under your skin? Is that right? Is it at the incision line? I hate to say it but it could be puss developing due to infection. My infection started with pink skin, then the yellow stuff developed around the incision line with redness and it was hot. I had no fever. Get it checked asap.

    My first week of work is done. I'm going to see athe Artist in a few and have dinner with a girlfriend. I'm feeling ok. My right side is still pink but it's not hot. The color is lighter. I think it's just the sane irritation I had a few weeks ago. I'm keeping an eye on it. Oh and my car still isn't ready. :(

    Ahhhhhh....I know what Fridays feel like again!


  • mkw1
    mkw1 Member Posts: 102
    edited March 2012


    Thank you for checking on me. Surgery went smooth and without complications yesterday. They did put in a drain, but this time is not bothering me like during past surgeries. My PS said that the expansion process is going to be slow due to the fact that I lost quite a bit of skin during the breast debridement in November and also yesterday he removed lots of scar tissue.

    Changing the subject, I pray that the problem with pinhole on your skin resolves promptly and that you stop having any complications. How many CC's have been placed in your TE already?

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited March 2012

    Ginger: So nice to hear good news!

    Layla2525: These things always seem to occur on Fridays! I would place a call (if you haven't already) with your PS's answering service, they should know you are having a potential problem. Does it seep like thin fluid in there, or something thicker? The skin being red and hot are warning signs that something is up. 

    Mrochon, congrats on making it through the workweek! I really enjoyed The Artist.

    mkw1: Removing the scar tissue causes a lot of fluid output to the drain. You may also feel some pain. For me having the TE taken out was a piece of cake. Put back in, hurt a lot! But after a couple days it got much better. I have 250 ccs in my new TE. That's what he put in on the table when I had the right TE put back in. Lefty is at 350 ccs. I have never had a fill. How many ccs are you at?

    Fluff, SpecialK: Hopefully you both are just busy and we will hear from you over the weekend! Thinking of you! 

  • mkw1
    mkw1 Member Posts: 102
    edited March 2012

    Rennasus: The PS put in only 100 cc's yesterday while I was having surgery. He will not start filling it in until the sutures heal inside. He is being extremely careful. As for my other side, I am already filled up to 590 cc's. It does not look that big because I am one of those bodacious ladies.I guess going trough this process requires a lot of patience for all of us that had complications. Hope the issue with that pinhole resolves soon. 

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited March 2012

    Bogie, I had contracture of scar tissue with an implant & my PS now has me on Singulair (off-label use) to prevent CC. 

    Glad surgery went well, mkw1. Hope you are feeling okay.

    Sorry about your car, mrochon. Hope your right side doesn't give you any more trouble.

    Great news, Ginger!

    Glad you are feeling well enough to move around, chickadee.

    Hoping there's no infection, Layla.

    Waving to Renn & Tatina!

    Hope all is well with SpecialK & Fluff... 

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited March 2012

    I am relieved to say that they don't know what it is, but what it is cancer. BS checked it all out, ordered ultrasound. They whisked me over there,but that didn't show anything conclusive, but didn't show anything bad either. She then ordered and MRI, they cleared it with my insurance and she headed off to surgery with my PS.

    After MRI, I was told I would hear Monday. BUT...BS and PS called me at 5 p.m., saying they knew I would be stressing and wanted me to know the MRI was all clear. No cancer. They still don't know what it might be, so they are going to bring me back to check it in 4 months, and PS will try to see if he can see anything when he does the fat grafting at the end of March.

    I am going to try to learn a lesson and finally start to move forward and not request every test to look for trouble.

    Thank you all for caring.

    Renn...I hope your pinhole clears back up. You would think they could just put some of that surgical superglue on it. Maybe you shouldn't get it wet until it has totally healed. Get out the press and seal! Sounds funny but it works!

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited March 2012

    Yay, Fluff! I am very relieved for you. 

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited March 2012

    Fluff- glad you got good news too...what a relief! I am watching the terrible devastation in Indiana on the news this morning. Hope you are safe where you live!

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited March 2012

    OK so now all we are missing is specialK checking in.

    Fluff-pretty sure everything was south of you but hope you escaped the weather.  I called 3 phones before I finally got ahold of my parents and although everything was ok they should have known better then to not answer phones (we've been through 3 tornadoes).

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited March 2012

    Hi all - didn't mean to worry you but the meds have made me very sleepy!!!  After I saw the PS on Tues. and had the drain pulled he gave me a scrip for Atarax but it knocks me out.  When I was awake I couldn't organize my thoughts so I just laid on the bed.  My netbook has such a small screen it was taxing my brain so I was not posting from the laying down location, and I couldn't get it together to get on the desktop PC.  Ridiculous!  Then on Wed. night I spiked a 101.2 fever - you can imagine all the scenarios that ran through my brain!  I know every one of you has had the same ones!  Both sides had felt cool to the touch prior to this but the fever went away as quickly as it came, and now the left (troublemaker) side feels body temp and the right side is still cool.  It is not red, inflamed, or otherwise indicative of any problem.  The suture line is perfect, no oozing, skin looks completely normal.  I have had an upset tummy and Wed. evening also had a scratchy throat.  I am hopeful that the fever was for the purpose of fighting off a bug and was unrelated to the implants.  I am thinking the lack of coolness on the left is due to the poor pec muscle accomodating a 600cc implant in a 575cc pocket.  At various points it feels cooler than others, but it is never hot, just body temp. but also not as cool as the right side.  I am now molting from the rash - my poor skin feels like sandpaper, but no longer itchy, so that is super.

    fluff - so glad that you are ok and not tornadoed as well. 

    Just got a text from a friend whose 90-something Mom lives in Alabama and her house was hit but she was visiting someone and not in it at the time. 

    chick - glad the parents are ok.

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited March 2012

    I'm watching and reading the news.....I hope everyone's families and friends are unharmed with this wave of tornadoes.    

    Fluff and Special K - I was so relieved to know you both are better.  It sounds like things are steadier now.  Special K, it sounds like your skin has been through too much!

    DLL66 - waving back

    Ren - another good idea......surgical glue and not getting the area wet.  Thinking about you.....

    Mrochon - congrats on the full work week.  Take advantage of the weekend hours, okay?  Loved The Artist....enjoy it!

    MtNester - glad the antibiotics are starting to work for you.  Hope you are feeling better today, too.

    Layla - My infection came pretty quick for me.  My right side was a large, angry red.  And the small spot that wouldn't heal, ended up oozing a yellowish/greenish color and the skin around it was compromised. I agree with the call the doc's office and try to reach someone there to talk about what you are seeing. 

    Working for a few hours this morning, resting, and off to a fundraiser tonight with a friend.  I hope I can stay up after 9 pm!


  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2012

    Fluff, happy for you!

    Special K , I had fever after my BMX for 4 days without any reason, it was on the 10 day after the operation, a nd I had some stress, some family issues.They checked blood, did not find anything. Could be this, or may be throat issues. Just try do not worry. please. My thoughts with you!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited March 2012

    olgah - thanks!  I also had one day of fever after each chemo treatment, but my white count never indicated a problem.  Sometimes an allergic reaction can also trigger a brief fever.  At any rate, keep fingers crossed I have no issues with the left side!

  • mkw1
    mkw1 Member Posts: 102
    edited March 2012

    Fluffqueen: I an glad to hear the good news. 

    SpecialK: I was told not to worry about an infection till the tempeature reached 101.5. Seems like yours did not last and did not reach that point. 

    Ladies: I had a question. 

    When so much skin has been removed due to scar tissue removal and past breast debridement, could the breast still be expanded to a reasonable size or should I lower my expectations?

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited March 2012

    MKW - My last fill is scheduled for this coming Thursday.  I did lose skin on the right after my TE infection ordeal.  Originally, I was supposed to be between 550 and 600cc.  My PS stopped on the left (the good side) at 520 cc. He is going to fill the right side up to 520 cc on Thursday to see how it looks and to determine if we can go a bit higher.  But the plan at this point is to keep it at 520 and remove skin on the left (a lift, if you will) to even it out with the right during the exchange surgery.

    Would love to hear how others went through this, too.

  • mkw1
    mkw1 Member Posts: 102
    edited March 2012

    Tatina: How exciting that you are going to have your final fill next Thursday. I hope you end up with the size that you originally desired. Will look forward to hear how everything went.

  • Bogie
    Bogie Member Posts: 79
    edited March 2012

    DLL I was prescribed Singulair too. I am starting that and Arimidex at the same time today. between that an antidepressant Wellbutrin and vitamins I feel like a 90 yr old takings all these dang pills. I told my surgeon prior to my cancer dx in the fall I wasn't on anything. I haven't even had a cold, then all hell broke loose. I won't complain though I feel fortunate we even caught it!

    Is the Singulair working?

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited March 2012

    mkw - I had BMX with immed. TE.  Never filled beyond the surgical fill of about 200 until almost a year later.  I had an emergency repair (expander through the skin right below the nipple), followed by two more excisions and then removal of the left TE.  Once I had that TE replaced 7 months later I was eventually filled to 575 cc's on that side and at exchange he jammed a 600cc implant in there, so it can be done.  I have a 650 on the right side but because of anatomical asymmetry they look the same size.  I am a petite girl - this puts me at a full "C" cup.  It is funny about the fever - my discharge sheet from the hospital said if fever over 101 call the PS, but I too used the 101.5 mark from oncology.  I didn't call - we will see if I get in trouble for that on Tues!