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  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited March 2012

    MT - what a tease you are!  Bummer about the stich.  I had a hyst/ooph 10 years ago, I remember the resumption of normalcy was a little scary, but eventually it was all good!

  • MTnester
    MTnester Member Posts: 147
    edited March 2012

    I just don't want to mess with the healing...just one pesky stitch is left. And if we resume things too soon and cause problems, that's just another delay. I was told everything should be good soon. It is a little scary to think about how all of "that" has changed...

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited March 2012

    MT - it may provide some challenges for you going forward, but hopefully nothing you can't work around, especially if you are motivated.  I have no regrets. After being dx'ed with BC I was really glad I didn't have to contemplate having that surgery - it was already done.  I had a surprise 3cm mass in the right ovary (pre-malignant) so I have a feeling that if I had all that equipment now it might have been dangerous for me.

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited March 2012

    Yes SpecialK you can have cake.  And for the record my neighbor that I hang out with all the time turns 56 this year.  You are only as old as you feel and you guys sure don't act like you feel old!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited March 2012

    chick - I am regularly shocked that I am this old!  Sometimes I physically feel this old, or older, but in my head I feel much younger.  I actually feel fortunate that my DD is still at home - I get to live in her 22 year-old world a bit so I feel more tuned in.  I also had co-workers that are much younger, and some friends in their 30's, and I don't think they view me in a mom-like way, so it is all good.

  • mkw1
    mkw1 Member Posts: 102
    edited March 2012

    psalms 91: chlorophyl is one of the supplements I take whenever I have been anemic and it has worked wonders for me. I just had the left TE put back in on March 1st with very little discomfort and everything seems to be going quite smooth this time. I pray everything goes smooth with both your TE replacement and hysterectomy. Having been sent into menopause with the chemo, my oncologist suggested to take fish oil to help with the hot flashes. It really seems to tame the symptoms of menopause.

    I also used to be quite concave after the MX and the expansion process has taken care of that. 

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited March 2012

    Happy Birthday, Mrcochon!

  • mkw1
    mkw1 Member Posts: 102
    edited March 2012

    Ladies: Which type of prosthesis or breast forms do you recommend while going through tissue expansion? 

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2012

    Happy Birthday, Mchron!

    I am back, feeling much better physically and emotinally...thank you, everyone for support...Still have a drain.Probably, well be removed this week.

    I remembered now, while in hospital, I was so drugged up, I kept sending my DH home to take down Christmas tree, and wasarguing with nurses, because I wanted to stay in hospital through the night! It seemed to me such a great idea!Smile

  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited March 2012

    Mtneater- thank you for responding,believe me it helps, I feel very empowered, I love all the ladies in this forum.i hope to be of some help and or inspiration to someone.

    I daily pray for all of us.

    Hey ladies I need to fly out on Thursday ( I lost my grandma) I am petrified,first of the scanner and then my slight lymph edema,I just got my sleeve and glove on Friday.

  • mkw1
    mkw1 Member Posts: 102
    edited March 2012

    psalms: I am sorry about your grandma passing away. May you be comforted in His love.

    I flew last January twiceand they did take me aside and tested my hands I think for explosives? I had a tissue expander, a port and I was wearing my wig. It was not a big deal. After they tested my hands, they allowed me to continue on to pick up my carry on. I did not show them the card for my te and the letter from the oncologist about the chemo port. Do you have the cards that have the information about your TE? I pray you have a safe trip. 

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited March 2012

    psalms...sorry to hear about your grandma, I just recently lost my grandpa.  I would carry your TE cards with you.  I showed mine and instead of going through the scanners they sent me through the xrays.  Safe travel.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited March 2012

    psalms - so sorry about your grandma.  I would carry your cards, if you have them.  You can request a private pat-down instead of the scanner, but you would be highlighting yourself. Be sure to put on your sleeve and glove an hour before your flight and do not take them off until an hour after.

    olgah - glad you are feeling better.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited March 2012

    Psalms-so sorry about your grandma. I have flown several times and it has never been an issue. The one time I thought it was an issue, as the scanner lit up, I started telling them my whole story, had the papers, etc. They said..oh no, dont worry, its the sequins on your shirt. Oops.

    I had the pat down, but needless to say, I did not wear anything with decor on the way home.

  • ShaeG45
    ShaeG45 Member Posts: 21
    edited March 2012

    Mrochon- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!

  • Layla2525
    Layla2525 Member Posts: 465
    edited March 2012

    Tatina,I also wonder about going to the dentist this yr and I am gonna ask the PS wed at the fill if I am not in too much pain to remember.

    Thx Mrochon now I am freaking out over a new problem,I went on the treadmill after work cause I am getting too fat with the ARimi(does that cause weight gain?) Anyhow I go to jump in the shower and I am like WTF!!!????My TE all of sudden are forming a mammary fold and caving in at the bottom. Has that happened to anyone else? Then the one with cancer op is filling in at the cavein spots. What are these things doing? Are they real aliens? Gonna see the PS in a day or so and I am really worried about what these things are doing. The left one is pulling in and the right one is fluffing out. OMG! Wish I didnt have a mirror next to the shower. I dont wanna know but its like some kind of train wreck I keep having to look. I slept in a recliner to keep this from happening. I have been so careful unless something happened when I sleepwalk. Seriously I do and sometimes I take Ambien to get to sleep and that makes it worse with cooking and eating while asleep. For real,I am not gonna take anymore Ambien. So worried about the TE did anyone else get this problem?

  • MTnester
    MTnester Member Posts: 147
    edited March 2012

    Psalms I am so sorry about your grandma. I pray your travel goes well and that you find comfort in the memories of your grandma. I love the ladies here too. The strength and comfort and advice I get here is invaluable. I pray I can "pay it forward".

    I flew last Saturday. I had my implant card with me, debated about saying something about it up front and then decided to go with the flow and see what happened. Well....nothing happened. I was scanned and passed through A-OK. Hubby got stopped though for no obvious reason and got patted down. Lol.

    My dads surgery went well today but he is in a lot of pain tonight and is battling nausea and dizziness. I kept texting my sister, who is there with my parents, to give "get him an anti nausea patch". I'm glad my sisters are there with them. My parents and I live in the same town so when they get home, I'm it for support. I want to come up wight a good chicken dish to take them Wednesday for supper. Any advice?

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    edited March 2012
    Psalms: I am glad you are doing ok. I will definitely be remembering your date of April 23 as that is my BFF from childhood's birthdate AND it is the date of Shakespeare's death! For these reasons that date is already embedded in my mind so I shall add you to remembrances for that date this year!

    Just one question: are you sure you want to go ahead w/TEs? Did you consider micro fat grafting or flaps? They are far more comfortable as it is your own tissue. I am sure you can find a doc near you who does both. Just wondering if you had considered but I am also fully aware that I am kind of walking into the "middle" of your situation and I don't know your history. I am sensitive to not having people repeat/tell their stories especially when it comes to this luscious bc! I am sure you have considered options. BTW, they will stuff that TE in and make a new pocket. They can definitely do that.

    I am so sorry about your loss.  Don't worry about flying.  Actually, if you think about it, it is just perfect that you just got your sleeve.  It is odd that you got LE on the unaffected side but they say we can develop LE any time for the rest of our lives. 

    Mtnester: is your avi a tattoo? Is that your's? It looks great! It is so intricate and beautiful! Very nice.

    Oh, cry me a river: THE PINK SLIME processing plants are closing! I am going to have to go console myself!  

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited March 2012

    Mt - Do you want yummy or healthy (or both) on the chicken?  Any ingredients that you don't want included?

  • MTnester
    MTnester Member Posts: 147
    edited March 2012

    Lizzy-thanks! it is my tattoo, a recent addition to my back.

    SpecialK-I think either yummy or healthy would be fine. Comfort food after surgery is a good thing! He was told no beef or pork for a month after his surgery. I think I will plan to make enough for my husband and I to have dinner with my parents Wednesday night...that way we can check up on them, have a short visit, and head for home.

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited March 2012

    Thank you for the birthday wishes. I'm exhausted.  Yesterday was just like any other, dr appt, workout and then I get home and my oldest surprised me with coming home for my bday. We went to dinner and a movie. It was a nice evening.

    Layla, I have not gained weight on Arimidex. But, I am working out with my trainer 4 to 5 times a week. These are high intesity workouts and I've cut out for the most part processed foods.  Which is how I ate before cancer. I've lost weight. It sounds like your problem is the Ambien.  I've taken Ambien but I never had any problems on that.  My MIL has the same issue as you while on that.  She wakes up with food in her bed!  Ambien had stopped working for me awhile back but I think I'm going to try it again. The only problem I'm having is insomnia and it's kicking my ass.  I'm a walking zombie.

    psalms, I'm very sorry for your loss. (((hugs))) to you.


  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited March 2012

    Ok add me to the list. Surgery April 24th. I'm considering just having her put a or small b implants in. But either way both TE are coming out and being replaced correctly/evenly with smaller TE's that don't drop so low.

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited March 2012

    Hope you had a great birthday, mrochon!

    Sorry for your loss, psalms.

    Glad your dad's surgery went well, MTNester.

    So now I have a long strip of foam tape glued to me that I am supposed to try & keep on for a week, LOL. It goes from my armpit down around the IMF to help shape/define the implant as it gets filled. 

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2012

    I am so sorry, Psalms.My thoughts and prayers with you. I wish you also a good flight!

  • alilou7497
    alilou7497 Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2012

    Hey guys:  Have been MIA for a few days trying to catch up on things.  Last week on Tuesday PS removed my TE.  Everything was fine but the hole now is huge and I can't invision it ever closing.  But hey, the way I see it, the cancer is gone according to the Pathology reports so reconstruction is secondary.

    Layla - I know how you feel about the mirror.  No matter how much you don't want to look you do.  It will get better.

    Psalm 91 - Sorry about your grandma.  My prayers are with you and Psalm 91 is one of my favorits Psalms

    Mrochon - hope you had a great birthday and I wish you many many more.

    Olgah - great you are feeling better.

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited March 2012

    allilou where is the hole?

    mchron-my MO prescribed ambien for me for 2 months to try to get my body into som sort of regular sleep cycle / help me get my mojo back.  I think it is helping! 

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited March 2012

    Been hard for me to keep up lately - been so busy with work and kids. 

    Healing on the non cancer side has always been fine. I notice now however, at the end of the incision by arm pit, skin is apart and not sealed together. Also, no redness around the opening, like the rest of sealed incision. No seepage, so I am going to try and hold out till I see PS a week before next surgery.

    SpecialK - hows the yard?

    Olgah- glad to see you're feeling better.

    Michelle - Happy Belated Birthday.

    Sorry for anyone else I have missed... so many pages I had to read to catch up! 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited March 2012

    DM - I have sawhorses and crime scene tape all over the yard!  There is about 20 feet of sidewalk missing, the big hole is now filled with dirt, but the street is caved in right next to the curb.  As is typical for any city, there are guys that bring dirt to fill the hole, guys that do the sidewalk, street guys, guys who re-sod the lawn, but none of these departments are connected, or communicate with each other, so nobody knows when, or if, people will arrive to do any of the work.  It is all a giant mystery.  I have come to regard it as daily entertainment.  I did convince the dirt guys yesterday to fix my sprinkler (before they filled the hole with dirt!) and they were very nice.  Normally I would have to fix the sprinkler and then file a claim with the city, so I was very happy they could fix it for me!  All in all, it is a work in progress!

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited March 2012

    Chick-I can only take 1/4 to 1/2 of an ambien if I want to function the next day. So, I have refilled all my prescriptions and have tons of it stockpiled! LOL. I try to only take it twice a week so I don't get too dependent on it.

    My surgery on Friday now includes removal of my implant on the right side to go in and look at/remove the lump that I found a few weeks ago. The PS talked to my BS and the BS said she will feel better if he uses the opportunity to look at it, since nothing at all showed up on the MRI or ultrasound. I am nervous that the easy surgery is more complicated with more chance of infection, etc,  and what they potentially will find.

  • Layla2525
    Layla2525 Member Posts: 465
    edited March 2012

    MTnester, there is a receipe on the internet called "engagement chicken". I was already engaged but I wanted to try it. It is basically chicken stuffed with a lemon and covered in fresh herbs. OMG,is it every delicious and might not get engaged but you will certainly have a lot of compliments its a wonderful receipe.

    Mrochon,how long til I can exercise? I only had surg 4 wk ago and my PS wont let me do anything but walk. Guess I have to walk further and harder. I have gained a lot of weight. Being menopausal and having my estrogen cut off is not helping that. I have so much anxiety from the AI that I just wanna chew something constantlly. Apparently from the sleepwalking I think about eating when I am asleep dang! I could duct tape my  mouth shut. LOL. 2nd fill 2 moro,I got a lot of calls from friends leaving msg on cell phn that they are praying for me for 2moro but I am scared to death. Last time was so painful,I parked in front of my house and jumped outta the car and ran inside to undress,I couldnt even have clothes on it hurt so bad. Have already started the ibuprofen,my son the med student told me you gotta start the anti inflammatory process a few days ahead to get that area under control. Then I can bath my non surg area in epsom salt and take my TyCo#3 and flexeril...thinkg of just buying a bottle of Vodka and drinkg myself into oblivion. I hate TE and fills, but I was so tired of channeling Nicole Kidman's boobs and I wanted to have something different,something bigger and better but dunno if I can handle it. Beauty knows no pain...quote from the founder of the Dallas Cowboy cheerldrs.,