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  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited March 2012

    I think engagement chicken is a Barefoot Contessa recipe.  I watched that episode and it looked delicious!  One good recipe for chicken from my MIL is layer as many boneless, skinless chicken breasts as needed in a large shallow baking dish.  Top with slices of swiss cheese.  Mix 1 or 2 cans (depending on how much chicken) of Cream of Chicken Soup with enough water or white wine to thin it by half.  Pour carefully over cheese topped chicken.  Sprinkle with a cup or so of crushed dry stuffing mix (like Peppridge Farm).  Optional:  Pour 1/4 c. melted butter/margarine over the stuffing.  Bake at 350 F. for 45 min to 1 hour.  I usually have all these ingredients around the house, so this is pretty easy and can feed hungry adults.  You can use reduced fat ingredients if you wish (soup and cheese) and omit the butter.  I meant to post this sooner but somehow I forgot this was Tuesday!

  • MTnester
    MTnester Member Posts: 147
    edited March 2012

    Thanks Layla! I will look that up. And I'm giggling out loud here because the recipe you described, SpecialK, is exactly the one I decided on for my parents! HA! I'm adding fresh mushrooms for them, though.

    Yesterday I emailed my BS to ask for the name of the other PS they recommend. I described what happened to me in the implant surgery and explained that while I trusted my PS 110%, I feel our relationship is blemished and I don't feel comfortable at this point with thinking I will get the results I expected. I feel like I owe it to myself to get another opinion. So there ya go -- even when you think you're "done" after getting squishies, you're not. I'm realizing this whole process is a marathon, not a sprint.

  • MTnester
    MTnester Member Posts: 147
    edited March 2012

    Layla- hope the fill goes OK today. I had discomfort at the first few also - muscle relaxers worked wonders!

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited March 2012

    Thank you for the birthday wishes!  I don't remember if I came in here or not. Arimidex has turned me into a zombie with no sleep.  My daughter came home from college and surprised me (she said she had to work). We went out to dinner and a movie.  I was hoping that would really tire me out and help me sleep...nope!  Anyway, my day started out normal but ended nicely.

    Layla - You need to ask your dr when it's ok to exercise.  You had your uterus removed didn't you?  I got the ok with no restrictions at 3 weeks.  The first week of exercise was tough, I still felt jiggly down there.  Yesterday I did my first full pose planks and held them for a minute.  I didn't feel any tearing like stretching in my abodomen.  Just my arms are so weak!  My workouts are progessing.  They are getting 'easier'.  It's nice getting back into my old routine.  If only this fate on my hips and ass would acclamate faster!

    SpecialK - How nice the workers fixed your sprinkler!  What a relief, you didn't have to do that on your own and deal with a claim.

    Ali - I hope you are feeling better with the TE out.  Sorry about the hole. Hopefully it will start to heal with the TE out.

    MT - I'm in the same boat you are with my PS, I think.  Can't wait for my second opinion.

    On a baked chicken note - I bake my chicken with lemon and herbs.  Lemon brings out good flavor in the chicken so you don't need to add salt.  I stuff fresh herbs under the chicken skin with butter.  All organic.  Chicken skin is on my trainers ok list as long as it's organic and butter! :-)

    What was up with that pink slime????  I heard about it in the news after seeing the posts in here.  When I first started out with my trainer a few years ago, he always preached organic, especially meats.  I blew him off for the longest time...I've been doing great all these years without!  Eventually he won me over.  But now after breast cancer and reading of pink slime, I'll never go back to regular meat.  I'll pay extra for naturally raised cattle and fowl!


  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited March 2012

    I forgot...I gave in and took 1/2 a xanax (1mg) last night.  I SLEPT!  But woke up groggy, but I slept...I really slept!!!  :-)


  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited March 2012
    oh... I apologize is this is off topic but... I just got a call from the psychiatrists office at Sloan Kettering. My PS asked that they give me a call. He told them I was, "having difficulty dealing with my cancer."First, I informed them that I am cancer free.  Apparently the great Dr. forgot about that.I then expressed my disappointment in having to have another surgery to have my TE's repositioned because my all of a sudden, concerned PS, did such a terrible job.Unbelievable!!! 
  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited March 2012

    greenmonkey - if I am putting chicken recipes in the TE trouble thread I don't think there are any limits on topics - you can post anything you feel!  I am sorry for all on this thread who have experienced a lack of confidence in their various doctors who are providing their care - that just complicates things that are already complicated!

  • Hindsfeet
    Hindsfeet Member Posts: 675
    edited March 2012

    I do not like the implant. It is larger than I ask for. I wanted a small size B and I have a large size C. It feels tight and heavy. It moves funny as well. I can feel its edges. I am going to look for a fat grafting plastic surgeon. I thought it would be light weight and without feeling...almost like it wasn't there. I wanted to go small so it wouldn't be noticed or a bother, but instead it is like a heavy bra I can't take off. I have one of the best plastic surgeons, who pretty much likes to do it his way. I have a appt. on Thursday...hopefully he will take out the drain and this will be it for him. I don't want to go back because I see no need to. I came close to considering taking off the other breast, but now, I don't think so.

  • MondaysChild
    MondaysChild Member Posts: 161
    edited March 2012


     You crack me up!  Go get 'em.

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited March 2012

    SpecialK were the workers in your front yard like the diet coke commercial or did you see a lot of plumber crack?

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited March 2012

    Hi all! Busy thread, hard to keep up. Hi to all!

    Psalms, safe travels, sorry about your grandmother.

    Specialk: Sounds like the front yard from hell! I hope all those many men put it back just the way you want it! 

    DM13: can you describe your incision healing problem a little more? Was the area sealed but then re-opened?

    MTnester: Yes you deserve a 2nd opinion!

    Olgah: You sound better! Hope this continues.

    Evebarry: I'm sorry you are not happy with the implant. 2nd opinion for you too?

    Alilou: How big is the hole you are talking about? Is it bigger or smaller than before your TE came out?

    Greenmonkey: I added you to the surgery list.

    Knock on wood, my pin hole continues to heal. My PS was absolutely shocked to see/hear this yesterday! He was literally speachless. Last time I saw him, 3 weeks ago, the pin hole was seepaing and he was scratching his head about what to do. He spoke to his colleague, they determined I would need a lat flap due to compromised healing. And then I showed him that it was healing. I posted updated pics on the forum. It's not 100% sealed yet, but it has never been this good looking in the 13 months I have been dealing with this! Yay for some good news! Hope that gives someone out there who also is frustrated and worried that they will never heal hope.

  • Layla2525
    Layla2525 Member Posts: 465
    edited March 2012

    Nope, the engagemnt chckn receipe I got was off the internet and you cover the chickn in lemon juice and put 2 lemons inside and cover it with parsley,rosemary & thyme (no sage was called for but guess you could put it I didnt) All I know is that it is delcish,simple,fast and healthy.

    Nope Mrochon,I never got my uterus removed,just the nipples and breast tissue are missing,I still have the skin and a 2 in scar across the bottom of each boob. Got 2nd fill today,she agreed to slow down and only put in 70cc so that brings me to 350cc ttl and she says we go to 450 and stop if I want to. I wanna be a C cup but no idea how that will translate. What kind of pics would Whippet MOM need to estimate it? I am 5'4" and normally weight 140 but have gotten to 151 and gaining since they put me on AI and took my estrogen away I feel hungry all the time now. S
    till have all my parts except the boobs. Sad feeling when I miss them but they tried to kill me so..

    Thx was a lot better and I took the TyCo and flexeril and tonight I feel fine and all the pain meds have worn off since lunchtime when they did the fill not like last time,with 100cc I was out of work for 2 days!

  • mkw1
    mkw1 Member Posts: 102
    edited March 2012

    Rennasus: I am glad to hear the good news about your incision healing.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited March 2012

    ren - yay for the healing!  I am so happy!

    layla - I am a petite girl and to get a full C cup I went to 650cc's.  Whippetmom has a list of criteria she needs - not photos - go to her thread called breast implant sizing 101 and follow the directions at the beginning.  You need your TE brand, style and dimensions, height, weight, ribcage measurement and what size you would like to be.  She was spot on in her recomendation for me and I asked her before I started fills - she is awesome. 

    chick - no diet coke men in my yard, sadly...  But they are not done yet so I am hopeful.

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited March 2012

    Ren - It was sealed, now it is opening. It also seems to be getting longer, moving away from the initial incision. I also feel something rough, poking out, like a stitch... skin around area is normal color, but texture is different from rest of boob. I have surgery in three weeks for the bad side, guess I will go in to see PS this next week.

    SpecialK - I am curious about the men in your yard too! Had a laugh about plumber butt versus coke ad. Speaking of ads, pretty funny how every beer commercial depicts men loving beer and being in great shape... Most men I know that love beer all have the big overhang stomach. hahah - anyway, what a pain with your yard. Here you finally get your body put back together, and do you get a rest? No way, let's blow up your yard! No break for you and you so deserve it :) 

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited March 2012

    Layla - Sory I thought you were the one who had the full hysterectomy.  I got the ok to exercise, no restrictions, 3 weeks after my BMX last July, as long as I didn't do anything that caused pain. I went back to my trainer then.  We only worked on stretching and range of motion for the first week and a half.  Then I got an infection, I'm told nothing I did to cause it.  I went back to my trainer two weeks after that surgery.  I worked out with him for a month but frankly I wasn't in it and I think at this time I was finally dealing with what had happened.  Right after that I had my TE replaced then of course the partial hysterectomy a couple months later so it just wasn't a good time to get back in.  My OB gave me the go ahead to exercise 3 weeks after my partial hysterectomy in February. The only restriction I have is from the PS and I'm not to lay on my chest. I can't ayway, to uncomfy. And because I hear conflicting reports on pushups, my trainer modifies that for me. I was feeling good and started back with my trainer.  I'm finally in a good place right now where I can focus on my physical health and exercise the way I used to.  It's been tough my body remembers and has adjusted.  I do some pretty intense workouts and have been working out about 5 days a week.  I go for a fill on April 4th and am not sure how I will be feeling so I'm prepping for that.  I'm eager to get my body back.  The Arimidex, like I said has not affected my weight.  I have lost almost ten pounds in the past month.  I've cut out pretty much all processed foods and will be going on an even stricter food detox in a couple weeks.  It is important to get in weight bearing stengthening exercise while on Arimidex.  I'm assuming because you are on that that you are post menapausal anyway, either way it's important for your bones to get the weigth bearing strengthening in.  I take Vitamin D and calcium supplements, Vitamin B12 shots (I was very low in B and D) and fish oil.  Vitamin D and fish oil is something I did before cancer.  You may want to ask for a different sleep aid.  Ambien does nothing for me at least it didn't.  I haven't tried it in about a year.  My anxiety was the problem behind me not being able to fall asleep.  I couldn't and still can't get my brain to shut down so I can sleep.  I hate taking xanax but I'm only taking a half of a pill.  It does help, I just hate the way I feel in the morning.  I took it the past two nights and boy did I sleep!  But I'm not a pill person.  I won't take it everyday.  I have to try to get my brain to shut down on my own.  I will try some breathing exercises my trainer showed me.


  • alilou7497
    alilou7497 Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2012

    Hey everyone, hope everyone is doing well. 

    Chickadee - Hey there - the hole is actually about an inch to the right and an inch to the bottom of my nipple.  It is not by the inscision at all.  But it is the size of a quarter and scary looking. hahahah 

    I went to see the PS yesterday and bascially he said it is healing well, the skin is sticking down which is good and that in about six months we can start again.  In the meantime, he wants me to go and get and finish radiation and not to worry about my skin that I will be okay and if a problem arises that he has tricks. hahahaha.   I am taking it one day at a time and just thanking God that the cancer is gone and all I am dealing with is not as important.

  • mkw1
    mkw1 Member Posts: 102
    edited March 2012

    alilou: good perspective for all of us. We have so many things to be thankful for.

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited March 2012

    Hi everyone -

    Before I get to my update I wanted to send off:

    Psalms - so sorry to hear about your loss. 

    Renn - awesome news about your pinhole closing up!

    Olgah - happy you are feeling better!

    DM13 - keep us posted -- this is so tough.....

    Special K - that chicken recipe sounds fantastic and easy.  I will have to try it!

    Alilou - sounds like you are doing well, too.

    DLL66 - how are things going?

    Mrchon - happy to hear you had a great b-day!

    Everyone else -- I hope all is well.

    Have a dental update.  My PS said "no" on the cleaning.  He wants to hold off until after the exchange.  I saw my dentist anyway because the upper right side of my mouth felt off and sure enough it's a cracked filling.  He said it can wait until after the exchange, too.  My dentist was shocked though that the PS was so conservative with me but understood the reasoning behind it because of my bad TE infection.

    Back to work,

  • mkw1
    mkw1 Member Posts: 102
    edited March 2012

    alilou: Good perspective. I need to remember to be thankful for the most important things like family, friends and health.

  • MTnester
    MTnester Member Posts: 147
    edited March 2012

    This was an emotional, wonderful day for our family. My dad had prostate cancer surgery Monday. The dr removed 20lymph nodes. The pathology report: ALL CLEAR! Yes, we have setbacks and frustrations to deal with, but the big picture is that we all proactively dealt with cancer, we are stronger than we ever knew,and we've made so many new friends here and at our dr's offices and hospitals... I can't tell you all how thankful I am for you.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited March 2012

    MT - yay for Dad!  I am sure you are so relieved!

    DM - I am not too worried about the yard, except that it looks like hell right now, which is upsetting the DH as he is the yard guru.  This is the city's responsibility, so it is not costing me money or anything.  I am still viewing it as a curiosity and learning experience - I have learned a lot about water mains, types of piping for water mains, sprinklers, backhoes, dump trucks, city workers, communications between city departments...  On top of this I am also dealing with the insurance company for the hit and run accident to the rental car we had when we went to the funeral in Washington, D.C., the IRS and the person who used my social security number last year to file a tax return and get a refund, moving our IRA and mutual funds into new accounts, refinancing my mortgage, oh - and the remaining fallout from BC, which for the next month consists of physical therapy and a colonoscopy!  The fun never stops!!!  I am not really whining - but this is a full-time job!  Good thing I don't have a real one!  LOL!

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited March 2012

    MT - so glad to hear the good news with your dad. My uncle is going through prostate cancer, but is getting radiation and hormone treatment.

    Tatina - I actually need to get some dental work done... what is this all about? I am sure I have missed some posts, but should we all be waiting till we are in final recovery?  

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited March 2012

    DM - there are some PS and dentists that think you should take antibiotics for dental work while you have TE's in.  Tatina's doc says wait for the dental work since she had an infected TE, just to be extra safe.  I think the thought is that cleaning, or other dental work, can dislodge and spread bacteria through the bloodstream, which can lodge in the pocket, and cause a new TE infection.

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited March 2012

    DM13 - apparently, my PS is being really conservative with me especially given the fact that my exchange is in May. He generally prescribes antibiotics for dental work, but for me, he wants me to hold off. My dentist said when I return back to my dental work, I'll probably need two cleanings and then the filling(s). I want nitrous oxide! I believe Chick had work done with her TEs and all went well.

    SpecialK- Geesh! What things you've had to tackle. Enough already, right?

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited March 2012

    tatina - my shoulders are broad - I can handle it, ha!  I had cleanings during the time I had TE's but my TE problems were not related to infection,  I lost mine due to skin healing issues.  I had my teeth cleaned right before chemo and then a month or two after I was done with chemo - same general reasoning as your PS, don't endanger when your white count is low from chemo.

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited March 2012

    I had teeth cleaning, nothing more.  I might have been more hesitant if it was actual work.

    Forgot to log on last night and give Fluff a big shout out!  Hope everything goes great today and that little pesky lump is just nasty scar tissue! 

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited March 2012

    Thinking of you, Fluff!

  • Layla2525
    Layla2525 Member Posts: 465
    edited March 2012

    Hope your yard is progressing SpecialK ,yep funny how the tv ads are so far from real life. the guys who come to dig are always fat,old and ugly,no shirtless hunks but one can always hope.

    Wow are annoyingly atheletic!!!LOL...wonder why PS wont let me exercise? I have been walking every morning now to keep my weight down and eating beans with breakfast and the steel cut oats at night to keep my appetite in control. I am trying. Odd I had a long list of side effects to take to the MO and it disappeared and also my Tagamet which I hardly ever take but had some toasted onions and got acid reflux from that and was looking for it and it completely disappeared out of the drawer it had been in for months! I suspect the thief is my boyfriend who really could use it. He gets acid reflux just thinkg about eating but its cause he eats way too fast. Is he in a food eating race with the dog?!

    Anyone taking Remifimen for the horrid hot flashes coming from the Aridx or other estrogen cutting meds?

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2012
    hello, just had my drain removed, yeahhh! he told me not to use my left arm for 2 days, so I am typing with 1 fingerSmile...he told me it , probably was low grade infection from the beginning...redness is gone now. wearing west for 2 more days. put cream and massage it really well, to make skin softer...he told me cocoa butter, anybody used anything else? It is so good they removed it before my Bday next Tuesday...