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  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited March 2012

    Hope things go/went well, fluffqueen!

    Glad to hear you are doing better, olgah.  

    alilou & DM13, hope the hole & incision seals up quickly.

    Yay, Renn!! 

    Great news about your dad, MTNester. 

    Gee, sure know how to have fun lately. 

    Hi Tatina! Things are going well. I am not enjoying the tape at all, but it is definitely helping to shape up that saline implant. Scheduled for another fill on Monday.

  • alilou7497
    alilou7497 Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2012

    Hey guys:  how is everyone doing today?  It is Friday and I hope everyone is gearing up for a great weekend regardless of weather and/or things we have to do.

    Olgah34 - I am happy that you are doing well today.  Talk to me about the cream and the massage.  My TE was removed and my PS didn't say anything to be about creams or massages.

    Special K - OMG girl. How do you do it?  I am praying extra hard for you, you need more than just broad shoulders, you need an assistant and she needs her own assistant.  I love the way you talk about it though.  One day at a time.

    MTnester - congrats on your dad's results.  I know that this brings much relief to you.

    DLL66 - Thanks.

    On the conversation of the dentist - besides what I have been through, I hate dentists.  Ugh.

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2012

    Alilou, he wants my skin to be really soft and able to strech in future... he does not know yet if I will be able to do another extender, probably not, probably one of FLAPS, but now is too early to say anything yet...So I have 2 times a day, after shower massage cream in my skin and he means massage, not just stroke...withb strenght... and another one ,which has TE since 09/01, massage as well..I just don't like cocoa butter, he likes it, but I can use smth else. Personally I am avoiding PARABENS, because they mimic estrogen in our body, and I don't use any creams anymore.Estrogen feeds BC, and I had estrogen positive BC. I used to be make-up junkie, working in cosmetics for 10 years, BC changed it...So I have to find nice cream without PARABENS and massge..

  • MTnester
    MTnester Member Posts: 147
    edited March 2012

    I had a long message typed up this morning and my computer wouldn't allow me to send it. Gremlins!  Fluff - thinking of you!  Olgah, YAHOO to no drain!

    SpecialK - holy moly, your plate is overflowing. I hope all of the issues you are working on get resolved quickly! Too bad you don't have diet coke workers....

     DLL-glad the tape is helping.

     Alilou-I hate dentists too. Used to avoid going for years, until my sister who is 3 years older than me was diagnosed with tongue cancer 4 years ago. Her hygienist found it. Since then, I go in every six months like clockwork.

    Thanks everyone for your good thoughts regarding my dad. I would have rather dealt with chemo myself than to watch him go through it, so our family is definitely counting our blessings! Have a great weekend, ladies.

  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited March 2012

    Thank you everyone I made it through the airport check just fine,the security was so nice that I had to go to the supervisor and tell him. He immediately saw my compression bandage and ask me was that for LymphEdema? His wife had breastcancer .. They also help me with my 7 year old.

    I have thoughT about my own body tissue,but I am so afraid of being under so long...... I am counting down the days 23 days and counting.what can I do to help myself, I have gained weight and feel super unhealthy,I am worried about the hysterectomy....I am not ready,but I have to prepare

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited March 2012

    MT- I can only imagine the sigh of relief you had when you heard the news on your dad. How is he doing with the recovery?

    Psalms-good news about TSA. Wishing your family well.

    Alilou - sounds like all is going well on your end....

    DLL66 - can you explain the tape? After my right TE removal and tissue trimming, my left side is going to need some work to match up to the left (skin trimming, lift,....). The tape sounds as if it cradles the implant in place?

    When I saw my dentist he informed me that I am probably grinding my teeth at night -- wanted to know if I was under stress...... Ummm.....yeah.....

    Take Care,


  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited March 2012
    I have a few long strips of foam tape starting just below my armpit. They curve around to where he wants the IMF & sort of keep the implant above it to as it gets filled. It is glued on me & is driving me nuts. Laughing
  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited March 2012

    Thanks all! I am home and feeling pretty good! So far, the srest part is where the port came out. They sent the lump out for testing, but he said it is something from the first surgery. It has a name, but i havent listened to the tape recorder I made my husband use, and he vant remember.

    Chick...did you have draining/bleeding? PS uses the technique where he leaves the incisions open. Only one is draining, but I am going through a lot of guaze pads. Changing them every couple of hours. I know it is normal, but not sure how much and when it stops.

    Foobs look fuller....hope that stays. Havent peeked at nipples yet. His notes for post op say that if I dont want to use the nipple protectors, I can use Dr. Scholls corn pads to avoid friction. Made me laugh!

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited March 2012

    Fluff-So glad you are feeling good.  Some of my holes were left open, some were stitched.  The bellybutton one had a stitch.  I did not have much drainage.  At least not something I had to keep putting gauze pads on.  But you had much more extensive lipo then me.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited March 2012

    fluff - yay!  Glad you are doing well!

    All - yes, my plate is full, but at least it is full of mostly non-BC related stuff - which is just normal life, right? 

    olgah - glad you are feeling better - what about vitamin E oil?

    layla - does your onc know you are taking Remifemin?

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2012
    thank you, special K, sorry, everyone, stillbaby my left arm, type with right hand middle finger,,,cannot write a lot...he said- no oilsFrown, I  will find something, thank you
  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited March 2012

    Thanks chick....all good now. After I read his directions it said it could do that for 48 hours, but is has stopped. I think I have a bellybutton stich too. Going to check more carefully when I shower in a bit. Fair amou t of bruising and I am really stiff but its not terrible.

  • sundermom
    sundermom Member Posts: 98
    edited April 2012

    Hi all! I'm back from warm, sunny Jamaica. My DH and I had a great time. Unfortunately I am again experiencing swelling and warmth on the problem side. It started on the plane on the way home. I was wearing my sleeve but I have to wonder if it isn't LE rearing it's ugly head. I plan to call my PS tomorrow to get on another round of antibiotics. I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm already nut job!!! I wrapped my chest up tight for some compression as that has helped in the past and I ran a strip of Kineseo tape down my arm. I have a PT appointment on Thursday. Please say a prayer for me ladies. This is how it started the last time . . . hot feeling, swelling and numbness in the arm.

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited April 2012

    Thinking about you, Sundermom....

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited April 2012

    Don't worry sundermom, all our PS's think we are nut jobs!  I hope now that you are home and settled a bit the swelling has goine down.

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited April 2012
    ChickSmile, I love it! Sundermom, my thoughts and prayers for you....
  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited April 2012

    sunder - glad you had fun but yikes!  Come back and let us know the latest - hoping it is just swelling from the flight.

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited April 2012

    Olgah - It feels so odd when I touch the area around my removal side. It is like nails on a chalkboard! I feel like I touch one spot and I feel pain in this other spot... I am SO hoping you are not experiencing that! I am cringing at the thought of you having to massage twice daily!

    Sundermom - I hope you are doing better today :) 

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited April 2012

    Hello ladies! Sounds like healing is underfoot. YAY!

    Welcome back Sundermom.

    Olgah, how are you?

    Fluff, how is the belly today? How much did he lipo you?

    SpecialK: I swelling on airplanes common? I don't have lymphedema but am afraid to fly b/c of the air pressure changes; afraid it will trigger swelling. Am I crazy? 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited April 2012

    ren - I always had trouble with swelling after flying, but it was usually ankles and feet.  I happens because you are sitting in one location for so long.  It is pretty rare for flying to cause lymphedema, especially if you don't have significant risk factors for LE.  My LE PT says she has only seen one case in 27 years.  You can follow the recommendations for prevention/risk reduction on the LE threads, which is deep breathing (from the diaphragm, putting your arms overhead and making fists periodically, hydrating,  and getting up and walking the aisle of the plane.  For short flights - not hard to sit for a couple of hours - but longer flights, I would do that. Were all 8 of your nodes on one side?  If so you might want to get a sleeve/gauntlet for flying.  My AND was on the cancer side but I had a SNB on the prophy side.  I wear the sleeve on the LE/cancer side more often, and only wear the sleeve on the prophy side for exercise/flying.  Lastly, you are not crazy :) 

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited April 2012

    DM, it is not only weird, it is also ugly...I am not massaging it yet...I am afraid to do it. Tomorrow is my Birthday, so I don't want to end up with some problems...start on Wednesday, I guess..

    Rennassus, I am better , thank you. My DH and I had a trip to Target today . I even forgot about

    my problems. But cannot wear any bra yet...Ladies, can I ask, did you BUY prosteticsjust between removal and putting TE back? They gave me some oblong bag

    with synthetics in CS , I don't like it at all, an don't want to spend $ 40 on prostetics...

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited April 2012

    olgah - the American Cancer Society may be able to help you with a prosthetic if there is a location near you - I received a free one from them, I needed it because my TE was out for 7 months.  My insurance would not pay for one since I was a reconstruction patient - but they would pay for a mastectomy bra.  Not sure what they expected goes in a mastectomy bra...  but insurance companys are not logical.  They also paid for my lymphedema physical therapy but not my prescribed sleeves.  I also got some temporary prosthetics at Macys that were less expensive but not really for mastectomy - more for augmentation of a regular breast.  I put them together, front to back to make one whole pretend foob, and they were inexpensive.  When I had my BMX I woke up in a vest that holds the drains.  With that vest there were cotton pockets full of fluffy woolly stuff.  I used that too because it weighed almost nothing and was very comfortable.  Glad you are feeling better and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited April 2012
    Thank you, Michelle, right?Smile
  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited April 2012

    Olgah - I actually used a foam prosthetic because my PS didn't want me using anything heavy. It worked well for me. I got it at the American Cancer Society for about $15, I think....

    Happy Birthday tomorrow!



  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited April 2012

    Renn....I am feeling pretty good, although I swear this compression garment is a size too small. It is tight around my ribs at the top. He lipod out 1800 ccs, i believe. That is what my husband remembers him saying. I'll know more next Tuesday.

    I have a lot of bruising on the left side, where it actually stayed open longer, and not too much on the right in ab/hip area. It is lovely. Not much bruising on the foob. Nips look good. Finally got the courage to peel off the tape and take off the cone for the shower today. Lol. Looked gross with the dried blood, but not that its all washed off, it is much more appealing. The area he rounded out where the infection was looks fabulous, and they appear fuller, but it is hard to tell as I havent put a bra on.

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited April 2012

    Olgah-Happy Birthday!

    Fluff-Sounds like you are taking this better then I did.  I was brusied all over. 

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited April 2012

    Olgah, I did have prosthetics in between having the TE removed (had to wait 6 months), then having it put back in.  They were great, and really made me feel more comfortable going out in public.

    Ren, funny you mention the air pressure thing. Last year when we went to Vegas, my husband remembers me saying that I thought the left one was getting bigger. When we got home I had the fluid issue and had to have a lot drained off and had that horrible cath bag hanging down to my knees over the weekend. I truly believe the air pressure set everything off. Thank God it wasn't an infection, but that certainly caused a LOT of worry.

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited April 2012

    I hope cabin air pressure isn't an issue.......I'm flying to Italy at the end of the month. My PS said all would be fine to fly....another thing to worry about? 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited April 2012

    Here is the latest on my yard - they put in new sod last Friday - looked great, but we still didn't have a sidewalk and part of the street is still caved in.  On Friday the city guy said that the sidewalk, storm drain and gutter would be done first by concrete guys,, then the whole street would have to be repaved, and that this work would be done by contractors.  So, today the concrete guys came (with a jackhammer at 8:00 a.m.) and guess what they did?  They ripped out all my new sod :(  They are putting it back now, and hopefully it will survive.  I can't water it because it is right next to the new sidewalk, argghhh!  Wouldn't it have made a lot more sense to do the concrete before the sod?  Is it just me, or do you all think that women are a lot more sensible?  Now I feel like I have to camp out to keep the neighborhood kids from putting their initials in the wet concrete, and it is 90 degrees outside.  The fun never stops...

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited April 2012

    There is no auestion that we have more common sense.