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August 2011 Surgery Group



  • stcc
    stcc Posts: 9
    edited August 2011

    blondelawyer and Rowan47:

    Thank you very much for telling me how you will decide! Your opinions sometimes can reflect how I feel. Thank you so much for your input!

    I have one questions to the ladies who have gone through BMX with TE, what is the typical procedure of the entire operation? Did your breast surgeon stay in the operation room through the entire operation (even include the reconstruction part), or he/she finished his part of operation and left the operation room, so plastic surgeon came in and took over?

    I am asking this question because I am thinking if I can allocate all of the scheduled time just for the bilateral mastectomy (giving up the TE part so that my BS surgeon has enough time to do a BMX for me --- if he stays there through the entire operation).

    Thank you for your input!

  • stcc
    stcc Posts: 9
    edited August 2011


    Sorry I just read your reply after  I posted my previous post. I certainly value your input too! Thank you so much for your suggestions!


  • lilylady
    lilylady Posts: 478
    edited August 2011

    stcc-if you go back a day on this thread we were discussing this very topic. Might be page 2 or 3. I had BMX on Monday. Cancerous right breast suspicious lumps in left good breast presumed t be B9.I was told we would have to do ultasound and biopsy every time something showed up in there. I went ahead and had the left breast removed also.

    She sent both entire breasts for path and indeed everything in the left breast was not cancerous. I still am glad I did it. MRIs are infamous for false positives too. I am not doing recon sotherewas no PS involved.

    I am removing my surgical vest today-not sure if I am ready to look at my chest. My Mom is going to help me get out of it. Hope we don't have a big freak-out.

      I am glad I chose to do both. If I had only done the one I would be a nervous wreck waiting for  the second. I also don't think you will get much or any progression if you wait and have the second one done later. Remember these are all opinion.

    I am fully functional-hung out 3 loads of clothes yesterday, did some gardening, cut part of the grass,cooked a big dinner. Maybe a little sore today=probably did more than I should have.

  • rockym
    rockym Posts: 386
    edited August 2011

    Good morning ladies.  It's 5:45a west coast time and I have been up every hour on the hour since 1:00a!  I had to have emergency surgery last night around 9:00p.  Wouldn't you know... the swelling I mentioned yesterday turned out to be a hematoma and my left breast area got bigger and finally my incision opened.  What an experience.  Fortunately, my BS was nearby and tried to fix me up without surgery, but no go.

    I have a drain in at the moment and I'm suppose to record how much blood is filling up every so often and then dump it.  So far it has slowed down a bunch.  My advise to anyone is NOT to take Advil like I did, but just take the pain pills they give you (who knew).  Also, I almost went to urgent care thinking I just needed them to close this up with a few stitches.  Wrong again :-).  Everything worked out okay, but now my husband is all over me about not doing a thing and resting today.  Well, duh.  I've read that once you get a hematoma (I got one from my first core biopsy, but not my second) then you may be prone to getting them.  Aren't I the lucky one?

    Here's hoping my final pathology today or next week is looking better then my breast will be looking for awhile :-).

  • TML
    TML Posts: 10
    edited August 2011

    STCC....I, too, had the same issue.  I found out from my BS while he was doing an ultrasound to determine if my lymph nodes were troublesome that I needed to go from a lumpectomy to a UMX.  I was stunned.  No explanation, just u need a mastectomy. I left the office reeling and had nowhere to turn.  I found a breast cancer coordinator through Sharp Hospital who walked me through it and told me that, without question, do not have surgery until I was sure of what I wanted.  I did not know if I should have both removed.  It took me 2 weeks, but I scheduled an appt with a PS, had a group meeting with the pathologist who went over EVERYTHING and even scheduled a 2nd opinion with another BS which i ultimately canceled.  I wanted to decide if I should have 1 or both removed.  I also talked with a geneticist to see if I should get BRCA testing which determines if I am pre-disposed to cancer.  

    My BS' office was livid that I canceled my August 15 surgery, but I told them that I wanted to completely understand what was going on with me and what was the BEST solution for MY issues. After the meeting with the Pathologist, I knew exactly what I wanted to do.  The meeting I had with the PS also helped me with my decision to remove both.

    I am a DDD cup, so for any reconstruction to match the other would be a nightmare.  Much easier to start at the beginning and work UP.  I just turned 50.  I have IDC, ER+/PR+ , HER/neu -.  My cancer is in my left breast only and it is 2.5 cm.  

    Hope that helps...   Oh ...  and I am also having tissue expanders.  I do not believe you need to 'worry' about the time it takes for 1 surgeon vs another.  They will take care of that for you.  Think positive.  Wink

  • stcc
    stcc Posts: 9
    edited August 2011


    Sorry to hear that you are facing the same thing (from your signature, I can tell that we got diagnosis on the same day and had the surgery planned on the same day). I hope your new surgery date is close....

    I just called my PS's office, they told me that if I have to reschedule the surgery, it has to be after September 19th because my PS will be out of town for a while.... I certainly don't want to wait for so long...

    So I might have no many choices left. My BS just called me and told me that he is talking to his assistant and see if they can work things around so that I don't need to change my surgery date.... I am hoping for that.... But I will not know maybe untill the end of day today... and not sure if things will work out or not...

  • TML
    TML Posts: 10
    edited August 2011


    The BS and PS are working together now to scheduled the surgery anytime after Sep 5.  I have some things going on in my life that will make it much easier to do after that date.  So...I do not see an issue with this.

    Take care and keep in touch and let me know how it goes.   

  • dgmlmax
    dgmlmax Posts: 7
    edited August 2011

    Today's the day.., I'm leaving for the hospital in a bit. I have thanked my breasts for serving me well, as they fed my to children. I'm dealing with this the best I can. I'm just praying that the lymph nodes or other areas are not involved. If this is the case I will celebrate! I truly have no idea of what to expect today or for the next few weeks, so that scares me. The only thoughts are the ones I dreamt of each night since my diagnosis, so let's hope things go better than in my dreams. I do feel some strength in knowing I'm not alone, we will get through this. I'm thinking of each of you as I go through this journey.


  • stcc
    stcc Posts: 9
    edited August 2011


    Wish you good luck with your surgery and the final pathology report! Best wishes for you!

  • profbee
    profbee Posts: 307
    edited August 2011

    Dear Dina,

    Good  luck!!!  I'm thinking of you today.  I know just what you many times I have thought of the sheer joy I experienced while nursing my son at my breast.  We're with you. 

    Lots of love,


  • bobeena
    bobeena Posts: 46
    edited August 2011

    Dgmlmax - good luck today!

    It's good to hear that so many are feeling good after surgery! Keep updating us on your progress please. Tiger_blood - how are you feeling now? I hope things are going better for you for this weekend!

    Stcc- I decided on BMX even though my cancer was small. My original bi rads score on my cancer side was a 3, and my family doc thought a biopsy would be a good idea because of family history. Well, we were both shocked when it came back as invasive, with ADH and LCIS. MRI shows a B9 looking lump on the other side, which cannot be seen on us, and makes me uneasy. I am having a skin sparing mastectomy and my PS says my skin is thin and is worried about healing if TE is placed at time of surgery. So, I will be having delayed recon 2 or 3 months after surgery. That took a bit for me to wrap my head around for sure. Everyone's journey and choices can be so different! You will make the best choice for you!

  • stcc
    stcc Posts: 9
    edited August 2011

    More update about my case:  

    My BS office called me and told me that they are able to coordinate things around so that I can have bilateral mastectomy/ with TE  on August 15th!!  I am so grateful for them to make this happen.

    Thank you all for all of your kind suggestions! Thank you and my best wishes to all of you!

  • blondelawyer
    blondelawyer Posts: 104
    edited August 2011

    stcc:  So glad that it worked out!

    Dina:  Good luck today--will be sending you lots of positive thoughts

    rockym:  Sorry you are having troubles.  Take it easy today and I hope that everything goes smoothly from now on!

    For me--my right breast (the cancerous one) is swollen and red and hurts SO much.  I talked to my MO yesterday and he said that if it continued like this then he wanted to see me today.  So, I'll be seeing him at 3:20 pm today.  The concern of course is infection.  I haven't had a fever, so I don't think that it is.  I think that my tumor is just inflammed or something or perhaps even growing. This thing has been a nightmare and I can't wait to get rid of it on Tuesday! 

  • stcc
    stcc Posts: 9
    edited August 2011


    So sorry to hear that you don't feel good, hopefully it will ge better. Sending you my best wishes and hugs.... 

  • lilylady
    lilylady Posts: 478
    edited August 2011

    Today was the day I removed my surgical vest. First time looking at what used to be my chest. I did not freak out or break down but boy it is really really ugly. It is sunken in so far I am concave. I am that nightmare little old guy you see on every  beach-you know the one-he's tanned to leather but still out strutting his stuff. I thought my new wardrobe with shirring and ruffles and gathers would probably cover up the flatness but theres not a chance in hell fabric can fix this. My incisions go all the way past my armpits almost to my back. No swelling as far as I can tell.

       I did drive today and my pain ball is gone. The only place that feels bad is where the drains are sewn in. I am having them out on Tuesday or I will cut the off myself. My drainage is less than 30cc and is very light colored. BS is on Vac til Tuesday.

      Saw my onc today for a strategy meeting. Scan last sat had great results. Liver tumor can no longer be seen and lung ones are very small. I have appt in 10 days with thise surgeons to see what they have to say. Both resections will be done at the same time.

      Rockym-what a development. Did you not have a drain because it was a lumpectomy? Were you running a fever before it started getting big? I had a huge hematoma after my biosy-I thought my tumor was growing because we had diturbed the cells! Oh those dumb uneduacated days. I hope you heal soon-just sit in a chair and let them wait on you.

    Dina-thinking of you today. Hope you are able to post soon.

    blondelawyer-I hope it isn't something that will delay your surgery. The anticipation for me was so much worse than the surgery. please let us know what they found.

    stcc and TML-so glad you are taking the time to make your decisions. I have had some long time survviors tell me how it used to be even like 5 years ago. The BS and MO told them what was going to happen and most never raised a question. We are a smart and educated about our disease. It is OUR body and the decision should be ours. Some times I wish I was a person that ccould lay back and let someone else take control...

  • Natters
    Natters Posts: 19
    edited August 2011

    Rockym, I am sorry to hear you needed an emergency surgery but glad you came on here to share your words of wisdom. I developed a big hematoma from my core biopsy so I am really taking your words to heart. It is going to be so hard to slow down and let myself heal and not work out for 2-3 weeks but I really want to avoid another hematoma. I surehope you finally got some sleep and that you're feeling better by the time you read this!

  • rockym
    rockym Posts: 386
    edited August 2011

    blondelawyer, Thanks for your wishes.  I'm hoping that now that I've had my 2nd hematoma (this one with full drain and everything), I have had the worst.  No pathology report yet.  Looking forward to next week.  The BS office told me that I have to be producing less than 30cc of fluid to have this drain come out.  My friends and I rented a huge waterslide for Sunday, but I guess I'll be sitting on the sidelines for this one.

    How did it go with your MO?  Was he able to give you some good meds to help for the time being?   Rest well this weekend and Tuesday will be here soon.

    lilylady, Glad to hear that the drains are coming out for you.  Maybe you, blondelawyer and I will all have things removed on Tuesday.  Heck I'm even hoping for Monday, but last night it looked like I had a third breast under my arm.  I can't believe that I didn't figure out what was wrong for almost 3 hours.  I was just holding an icepack on the darn thing and typing away on my laptop while my daughter was in her tutoring session.  When I took the ice away and saw the mess, it was freaky.  The only good side was that since I had this happen before (although not so large) I kinda understood what was up. Glad to hear the other tumors have shrunk... happy news!

    No, I didn't have a drain in to begin with.  I'm not sure why, but I've got one now :-).  I didn't have a fever as it was swelling.  Since I had ice on the area for comfort, I really didn't notice it was getting bigger and bigger.  When I removed the ice, I was like... WTF?  Thanks for your wishes.  I plan to take it easy for the next few days.  Slowing myself down is probably the hardest thing.  There is just always so much to do!

    Natters, Thanks for your wishes.  Ahh hide-sight on the slowing down :-).  At least I was able to convince my husband that I didn't cause it to happen and that I was just going about my day. I read on another website where one lady had something like 7 procedures and got a hematoma after each one. That sucks!  I didn't get a whole lot of sleep, but my friend came over and brought me lunch and we watched a scary movie,  It was fun and I was able to relax a bit.  Of course on the other hand, my chest was tight from the suspense of the movie, but it was still fun!

    Dgmlmax, Hope all went well with you today and the procedure was a success!

  • RangerMom
    RangerMom Posts: 205
    edited August 2011

    TML, STCC, abatellik, tlaquepaque - My prayers are for you this weekend that you will have a smooth surgery day next Monday and have clear margins and on your way to becoming cancer free! We will have something to celebrate on the other side of this surgery!

  • stcc
    stcc Posts: 9
    edited August 2011


    Thank you very much for your kind thoughts for us! Hope we all will get better and better. Have a great weekend, everyone!


  • blondelawyer
    blondelawyer Posts: 104
    edited August 2011

    My oncologist put me on antibiotics just in case and gave me stronger pain meds.  So, hopefully I will be able to just relax this weekend and get this darn tumor out on Tuesday!

  • Tssheps
    Tssheps Posts: 7
    edited August 2011

    Hi Ladies. Would you be so kind as to add me to your list. Its been a whirlwind month when a self diagnosed lump turns out to be IDC...last mammogram was less than a year ago. CRAZY! Anyhow, I have an excellent team in place and will undergo Sentinel node test and BMX with TE's on Aug. 30th. I was in the city today going over final list of questions with BS and PS. MRI showed it to be multiple centric - no chest wall involvement or axillary lymphadenopathy shown. PET scan shows tumor but nothing to impede sign of lymph node involvement but have to wait for results of sentinel node test. I remain hopeful! My BS said that I will need chemo but have to wait for final pathology...Rads? I am still waiting BRCA test results. I feel good. Keeping up with the exercise and playing as much tennis as I can before surgery. I am busy getting things organized for my children (4 and 7) who will start the school year on Sept. 8th. Busy time. Sending you all warm thoughts and gentle hugs (especially those in recent post-op) thanks for listening/reading!

  • Monica1971
    Monica1971 Posts: 3
    edited August 2011

    Hi ladies.  Can I join your group? I just had surgery on Wednesday (August 10). I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago with IDC.  I found a lump back in February and my doctor said it was probably nothing (had a clear mammogram in December)  He finally sent me for a mammogram in July which was also clear, had an ultrasound right away, then biopsy, which confirmed the cancer. I've been told it was a 2.2cm Grade 2 tumor.  Had lumpectomy and SNB which was positive, and should have full results on Monday. I'm terrified but trying to stay positive.  I've read your stories, and am so sorry for all you are going through.  My family and friends have been amazing, but I find it helpful talking to others who are going through similar experiences.  Thanks so much and hope you are all doing ok.

  • dogeyed
    dogeyed Posts: 84
    edited August 2011

    BLONDELAWYER, after my chemo was over, within a couple weeks I noticed my breast was swelling back up like it had before chemo, so apparently if yours was like that before chemo, I suppose it is expected to take that window of opportunity to goof up again.  I'm just glad you'll be getting it off this week.

    STCC, so glad you got your surgery situation straightened out to where you will get it done sooner rather than later! 

    ROCKYM, that hematoma thing was quite a story!  I am relieved they were able to see you quickly and get that thing squared away.

    ALL, with me, I had an injury right after surgery where my drains and stitches were pulled when I was told to move from the gurney down to my bed, and I fell and pulled all my stuff.  They said it was okay, but I kept whining about it hurting and bleeding, finally an R.N. came in and pulled all my bandages off, they were blood-soaked, and she redid them, they leaked for about five straight days after I left the hospital, went thru a bunch of T-shirts and many bandage changes.  Awful!  So, reason I mention this is because where my upper inside arm rubbed against the drains, especially when it was damp, really swolled it up, as of course did the area where the drains were, and it is so uncomfortable.  I don't think I have that hematoma that ROCYM had, just irritation.  The ONLY problem I have besides the swelling in my upper arm is I WISH I had asked nurse last Tues when she took my drains out to renew my pain pills.  They always act like I have three heads when I do that, so I let them run out, and now I'm in SO much discomfort, I don't know how I can wait until Thurs when I see my surgeon again.  Then again, the pain might settle down over time.  It's just it's hard to relax with all that going on.

    QUESTION:  I also thought about putting some ice packs under my arm, to get the swelling down from all the injury and irritation that happened there.  It's not red, just sensitive and swollen.  I'm thinking, ROCKYM, since your ice got your swelling down, even tho it was really a hematoma, that perhaps I should try ice to reduce swelling.  I don't think it's lymphadema, size of arm is same on both sides, it's just that irritated part is swollen on both inside upper arm and where the drains were, keeps rubbing.  I put lotion and loose clothes, no help.

    Thanks for letting me post.  And welcome to the new girls here, it is important for all of us to share what happens, helps others who run into trouble to read how we dealt with it.  GG 

  • rockym
    rockym Posts: 386
    edited August 2011

    Welcome Tssheps and Monica1971,

    It sounds strange to welcome someone (to repeat others words) to the group they never signed up for.  Sounds like you're on top of things Tssheps.  I know I felt a lot better having all my information in place before I had my surgery on 8/10.  I even put off my surgery for an extra month while I gathered information.  I also have a busy life with a 13 and 9 year old who started school on 8/8.  The only thing that threw me off a little was that I had the emergency surgery on 8/11 when I thought all was good.  Now I'm really glad I didn't have the surgery earlier and then go off on our trip a couple of days later.  Who the heck would have known that something unforeseen was going to happen.  Oh wait... that's why they call it unforeseen :-).  Get all that exercise in now, because you will have to rest a bit after surgery.  They say the healthier you are going in, the quicker you will recover.

    Monica1971, A dx two weeks ago and you already had surgery??   Wow, that was fast.  I suppose that since you found the lump back in Feb, you already had enough waiting time.   Sorry about the SNB being positive.  That truly sucks!  Mine was not, but I know the drill... nothing is confirmed until the final pathology.   We all have such a burden to bear these days.   I too have had great family and friends during this ordeal and it makes me appreciate my life a lot.  I figure I may have just one crappy boob, but I feel like there is a lot of love out there and things could be much worse.  Heck, just 20 years ago women were having breasts removed where they may not need to today and chemo and rads were soooooooo different.   I feel blessed to have this awful disease at such a good time in medicine.   I was very worried about my 9 year old girl's future (even with my negative BRCA), but my RO said, "In another 20 years she won't have anything to be concerned about.   We may even have cures by then, so don't even think about that now."

    dogeyed, Thanks, my BS called me today to see when he can take this drain out. Told me he'd be on call this weekend and in his office Monday so I should be back to "normal" soon. Of course it's a long time for all of us to be normal.  Weird to think this is now a 5 year journey. I am so sorry to hear about your injury.  I can't stand these nurses (or whoever) saying things are okay and don't sweat it.

    I had sanitary pads wrapped around my underarm with an ace bandage (as per the dr. on calls instructions) before realizing I looked and felt like a total idiot.  This thing wasn't going to stop bleeding until my doctor cleaned it out and stitched me back up.  If the on call had her way, I would have continued to bleed though those pads and possibly became infected.  I'm on antibiotics now.  Glad you persisted with them.   Ice is good for the swelling, but make sure it is just a swelling.  The ice felt good for me, but I had no idea my swelling was something of more concern.   It wasn't until the ice was off that I realized how big the area had become.

    There should be a doctor on call who can call in some pain pills. Did you try that?   Also, tell them about the swelling.  Do you think it's getting bigger?   Are you bruising?

  • chulita
    chulita Posts: 16
    edited August 2011

    Hi Ladies and welcome to all the newbies :) I had my surgery on the 11th and came home today. I didn't realize how stiff my tummy and legs were going to be as well. All went as smooth as it could go. I am more drained than I thought I was going to be. I hope that everyone is managing to the best they can. I've thought about you all...

  • tigerw0man
    tigerw0man Posts: 59
    edited August 2011

    Hi all, on Monday morning (8/15) I'll be having a PBNSM.  I had an excisional biopsy in May that turned out to be LCIS.  In addition, I have a strong family history of BC, but my BRCAnalysis came back normal.  After speaking with my cousins who have BC, I decided to move forward with surgery since my risk seems to be so high.  I spent a bit of time interviewing BS and PS and have found two that I feel very confident with.  Please say some prayers for me!

  • FLwarrior
    FLwarrior Posts: 614
    edited August 2011

    TML, STCC, abatellik, tlaquepaque and tigerwOman ~ Wishing you you all well for your sugery on Monday.  Sending you speedy recovery (((((HUGS)))))!

    I have been very busy tying up loose ends getting ready for Tuesday.  I am really ready to get the surgery behind me and begin healing.  I am not as nervous about the procedure as I probably should be.  I went to surg tech school several years ago and during my clinicals my favorite Dr. to scrub in with happened to be a breast surgeon.  When I found my lump I called her office and got hooked up with the network of Drs she works with because I knew if I had to have surgery I would want her to be my surgeon. She is awesome.  I am grateful to have scrubbed in the OR with the Dr that will be performing my surgery.  It helps me feel less anxious.  I am dreading the hospital stay more than anything...even though it is only 1 night.

  • joan811
    joan811 Posts: 1,982
    edited August 2011

    Hello all,
    I am a new member of the August 2011 clgroup. Like so many, I cannot sleep at night and my head is swimming with questions.
    Surgery will be lumpectomy and SNB on August 30, IV sedation.
    No pathology during surgery.  Follow up appointment ten days later to get pathology.
    I am hoping that the node report is negative and I can move forward with post surgery treatment.
    I had 2 opinions and 1 telephone consult with BSs. I wanted to speak with oncologist beforehand, but was steered away from that.
    One problem is that I need dental work -- extraction -- and BS says she is not concerned with when I do it.  I have two weeks to go, and could do it this week and hope to heal quickly.
    I was told that I'd have to do it before chemo if that's my path.  So, dental work before surgery or after?  I have this week off from work and I really prefer to spend it as normally as possible.
    I have not yet read through all the August Surgery Group posts, but am wondering who is working through this?  I plan to take off a week and go back after Labor Day if I feel OK.

    My thoughts are with each of you as you negotiate these unfamiliar paths.

  • dogeyed
    dogeyed Posts: 84
    edited August 2011

    Dear Joan,

    I have an answer to your question about dental work.  I also needed a couple teeth pulled, didn't know I couldn't do it during chemo because they started it so quickly from diagnosis time.  One of those tooths have about drove me crazy, and how I wish i had disregarded the whole bunch and had it pulled even during chemo. Sooooo, since you've got some time before surgery to get it done, by golly get it done!!!  Believe me, you will have enough time after surgery to goof off and really rest, which is precisely what you should be doing.  You will feel so wonky and wierd and won't sleep right, you'll want those days there, not so much before.  I know, we all want our mini vacations when we can get them, especially before such a marathon of treatment, but since the week before surgery you'll just be resting up, a little visit to the dentist is not going to be a big deal.  But if you wind up after surgery with a hurting tooth, you'll kick yourself for not doing it sooner, especially an extraction.  I'm two weeks out from surgery (I had chemo first) and I STILL cannot "get it together" to go down to the dental clinic and get some teeth pulled.  It takes a while to regain your strenght from surgery, altho I took longer because I'm 60 and disabled to begin with.  But, PLEZ, get that tooth pulled NOW, before surgery. 


  • lilylady
    lilylady Posts: 478
    edited August 2011

    Hoping TML, STCC, abelelltic, tlaquepaque have a good Sunday. Eat a good meal, hang out under a shade tree, do any heavy lifting you need done.

       I got to have my shower yesterday-surgery was Monday. It was also the first time I stood in front of the mirror and really looked at myself. I hate the way it looks. I think it looks like ET. The thing I am the most upset about is the BS told me she was off by 1/4 inch on the 2 incisions. When I looked yesterday the cancer breast (which had become lopsided) has a nice straight incision almost 10 inches long. The good breast is straight for about 4 inches then has a big hook all the way to the top of my armpit. The purple line she drew before surgery is still there and she is 5 inches away from it. Did she think I wouln't notice? I know there isn't anything that can be done about it now but I am pissed. A whole different set of nerves than if she had cut it straight. It is also chafing like crazy. It is all the way at the top crease of the armpit. I had no nodes taken but may as well have for how messed up it is. I am having my drains removed Tuesday so I will get an explantion then but there isn't anything she can say that will make me feel any better.

    I realize this is minor compared to what some of you have been thru but I already feel like a freak.One side you will never be able to see the scar but the other side will show in any kind of summer top.