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All about Xeloda



  • jeanieb2
    jeanieb2 Member Posts: 130
    edited September 2012

    Robin, I agree with Frapp and Swannay.  I did not have side effects until about the 3rd or 4th cycle.  I expected them right away but that did not happen.  I may have had a little nausea but I take Nexium and Zofran on a regular basis and it helps a lot.  Go, have a good time and enjoy every minute of it.  We just got back from a 17 day Alaskan tour, half land and half cruise.  It was wonderful, I was able to take 6 weeks off X to do this, but I have taken it for a year so the onco said he would let me take a break.  I went on the trip and did not even think about cancer the whole time, now it is back to reality, scans and tumor markers tomorrow, results on Thursday.  Hope being off for that time did not make that much difference.  Enjoy your trip.

  • Cynthia1962
    Cynthia1962 Member Posts: 236
    edited September 2012

    Good news: my onc lowered my dose from 3000 a day to 2000 a day and is giving me an extra week off after seeing my hands and feet.  I'm so relieved.  I didn't expect the break, but I'm looking forward to giving my hands a chance to heal.  And, he really wants me to try coconut oil so I will.  I hope it doesn't take my hands too long to heal.  They've finally quit itching so much, but they have a long way to go.  Oh, and my markers are still droppiing and he says it means I'm have an excellent response.  I'm so glad.  I hope it keeps working for awhile and we get the hfs under control, too.

    Wishing everyone else a good response, too!!!

  • banjobanjo
    banjobanjo Member Posts: 187
    edited September 2012

    Had spine MRI - all clear except for one small met that might get bigger, might be shrinking - doctor's advice is to wait until next scan (Nov) and see what's happening because I don't have any pain but if I have problems then they will scan sooner.  I'm okay with that.  

    Had brain MRI yesterday.  Doctor could find nothing except two tiny white spots - too small to tell whether they are new mets or scar tissue.  I think probably new mets because I want to be realistic.  Have another MRI scheduled in eight weeks' time so he can see if they have grown.  Obviously I hoped there would be nothing there but also feared that there would be many, so I'm taking this as good news.  Have appointment for bone infusion tomorrow, so I will get the oncologist's opinion after he has seen my scan results. 

  • RobinNY
    RobinNY Member Posts: 136
    edited September 2012

    Thank you ladies for all the info.. I hope to be part of the group very soon!

    Once again, my BCO sisters have calmed my nerves and helped me to prepare for the Onc visit. Love you girls.



  • Frapp
    Frapp Member Posts: 343
    edited September 2012

    I finally got a copy of last weeks scans. It shows a "decrease in multiple Hepatic metastasis " however it also show that not only do I have 4 Nodules in my right breast (2 of which have decreased) but I now also have 2 in my left breast. This is news to me. Why did my doc not mention this? She seemed so happy about the results I never suspected that there was a new spot. I guess the good liver news trumps these new spots but wouldn't you think it would be mentioned? It just makes me wonder what else is being hidden.

  • RobinNY
    RobinNY Member Posts: 136
    edited September 2012

    I agree. Mine does that too....sticks with what has changed. I literally circle everything on my report so we go over it all. unnerving ... That's for sure!

    great news about your liver.



  • braids3
    braids3 Member Posts: 131
    edited September 2012

    hi ladies, found something that helps with the itching it, called resinol its

    got zinc and calamine and no petroleum.i have an mri Fri. hope everyone has a wonderful day BLESSINGS

  • Swannay
    Swannay Member Posts: 50
    edited September 2012

    Frapp, I would definitely talk to onc more about your report. Happy about your good news. Just picked my report up today and it confirmed no sign of cancer. I am going to have MRI of face in next couple of days as my left side of face hurts. I have runny nose all the time on this drug. Onc thinks sinus may be blocked. Hope that's all it is. Always something new to worry about.

  • Jac53
    Jac53 Member Posts: 58
    edited September 2012

    Good news from the onc this morning; the cancer is regressing on my treatement of Xeloda & Soferanib!  I'm on my third cycle.  I can't decide if I want ice-cream or chocolate cake to celebrate.

  • Frapp
    Frapp Member Posts: 343
    edited September 2012

    Congrats swannay and jac53. Looks like xeloda is working for us. Vanilla ice cream on chocolate cake sounds good to me!!

  • braids3
    braids3 Member Posts: 131
    edited September 2012

    Me too! tumor on rib cage is gone my breast ones are softer yeah for all of us. tykreb is also kicking my buttso yes it's own tread would be great

    blessing and joy to all!

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409
    edited September 2012

    Robin - I didn't have any SEs until I was at the end of the second cycle.  So you should be fine for your vacation.  Go and have fun!

  • Jac53
    Jac53 Member Posts: 58
    edited September 2012

    Braids3:  Congratulations on your results too!

  • gail5
    gail5 Member Posts: 125
    edited September 2012

    Congratulations on everyone having success with Xeloda, too much effort to scroll back for you all, sorry.

    My onc fitted me in with an extra appt today as have had a few headaches recently. May just be a bit of a bug and she doesn't think it's significant, but is going to do a CT scan just in case. I feel better now that I know it's being checked.

  • jeanieb2
    jeanieb2 Member Posts: 130
    edited September 2012

    I am wondering if any of you have take Taxotere along with Xeloda and what some of the side effects are to look for.  I have looked them up and the onco gave me a paper but there is nothing like hearing first hand from someone that has taken it or is on it.  I have been on X for a year.  I had a bone scan and CT scan on Tuesday and at my appointment yesterday they said the bone scan had remained the same and the other parts affected had stayed the same but the omentem (don't know if I spelled that right) showed thickening so he started me on Taxotere along with Xeloda.  I did get treatment yesterday and I am on my 5th day of X's 7 day cycle, after being off for a break of 6 weeks.  I feel pretty drug out today and do not know if it is the X, the Taxotere, the stress of starting yesterday or all of the above.  They did give me decadron, Zofran another anti-nausea medicine, reacted to the Taxotere while they were administering so they gave me a shot of Benadryl.  I guess I am just wondering if this is a normal reaction and it will get better in a day or two.  Anyone that has been on Taxotere or a combination of these I would love to hear from you.  Thank you.

  • Swannay
    Swannay Member Posts: 50
    edited September 2012

    I have been getting black spots under my nails since being on xeloda. Does anyone else have this problem? If so, have you found anything that gets rid of it?


  • Frapp
    Frapp Member Posts: 343
    edited September 2012

    Sorry jeanieb, can't help you with the taxotere but with all the drugs you're taking it's no wonder your feeling drugged out.

    Swannay, I don't have the nail spots but I do have brown spots on my skin in several places. Enev the palms of my hands. Look like age spots. Hate this disease! I'm too young for age spots.

  • Frapp
    Frapp Member Posts: 343
    edited September 2012

    By the way.... I got a copy of my blood work and my liver fiction is normal and my tumor markers are in normal range. Guess I can forgive them for not telling me about the tumors in the other breast. Maybe.

  • Swannay
    Swannay Member Posts: 50
    edited September 2012

    Great news Frapp, I'm waiting for my tumor markers to come back. I have the brown spots also and I hate them!

  • Jac53
    Jac53 Member Posts: 58
    edited September 2012

    Excellent news Pat!

  • Frapp
    Frapp Member Posts: 343
    edited September 2012

    Swannay, did you get your MRI on your face yet? Still hoping its jus sinus infection.

  • RobinNY
    RobinNY Member Posts: 136
    edited September 2012

    Hi All

     Scanning next week to see what is happening...but I will be starting chemo after the cruise.  Either Xeloda or Taxol.  Did Taxol originally and got good results...glad to hear it's an option again.  Either way, hope to be a member after the vacation.



  • gail5
    gail5 Member Posts: 125
    edited September 2012

    Jeanie - I didn't do TAX along with Xeloda, but had 8 cycles of FEC-T (4xFEC/4xTAX) as my first chemo a few months ago. I had a neulasta jag to boost blood counts day after chemo on TAX so hard to say which one caused some of the SEs, but mainly had some pain for a few days in feet, joints and bones. Had codeine based painkillers but as suffered from severe constipation on TAX tended not to take them so much and put up with the pain. Food tasted really crap for a few days as well and lost appetite. SEs tended to take a couple of days to kick in but really felt good for second half of cycle. Had already lost hair on FEC but started to grow back on TAX, although was also still losing some hair at the same time. Some people lose nails, mine developed horizontal ridges, but didn't lose them. Dark nail polish is recommended by some, but I just used nail strengthener as my onc thought it wouldn't work anyway.

  • jeanieb2
    jeanieb2 Member Posts: 130
    edited September 2012

    gail5 - Thanks for the info.  I am glad to hear you got to feeling better halfway through the cycle.  I was wondering how to plan for the fatigue.  Now if I can feel good the last half I will know what to do.  The doctor did mention about the nails down the road and he mentioned the hair could go.  I have gone to the taxotere site and looked at the side effects and also to the board here.  So far I have not found anyone taking Xeloda and Taxotere, it seems like they are taking it with something else or on its own, not that it matters about the X because I have taken that for a year and know how I am on that, just curious about the two mixing or not mixing.  Did the taxotere work for you?  I see that was in 2011 and you have taken other things since then.  How are you doing on the Xeloda?  I have been on it a year and have dealt with it very well, just nausea, fagitue, hand and foot syndrome but other than that I get along fine with it. 

  • gail5
    gail5 Member Posts: 125
    edited September 2012

    Jeanie - I had some success with TAX as it shrunk my primary tumours a bit, but had skin mets within a few weeks of finishing it so might have built up some resistance. TAX is usually pretty successful though so my experience isn't really typical. I'm not too bad on Xeloda so far, had some problems with acid reflux but have more control over that now. Still get a bit tired, but OK most of the time and hands/feet suffer a bit but don't have any blisters or peeling so far and it doesn't stop me doing anything.

  • jeanieb2
    jeanieb2 Member Posts: 130
    edited September 2012

    gail5 - That is the news I like to hear, that it shrunk your primary tumors, but not about the skin mets.  I hope that Xeloda will take care of this for you.  I feel like you do with X, I was able to still do most things unless the hand and foot thing got out of hand, which I let it do.  I knew they were getting bad but just figured it was something I should deal with until I showed the onco and he said "no this is not going to work" so he gave me a smaller dose until we found the right one.  I started with 7 on and 7 off, 2,000 morning and 2,000 evening, then went to 2,000 morning and 1,500 evening after 4 months, and 4 months later 1,500 morning and evening, then down to 1,500 morning and 1,000 evening.  Now that he added taxotere I am on the 2,500 daily for now. 

  • Swannay
    Swannay Member Posts: 50
    edited September 2012

    My onc sent me Results of MRI of face and neck and it was good. Guess I will have to find away to deal with sinus congestion. I also got my tumor markers back. Two weeks ago pet showed no evidence of cancer. My markers 3 weeks ago were 57. I thought they would have gone down again this week and maybe hit normal but they went up to 62. I feel depressed about it but not sure if I should be. This is such a roller coaster ride. Hope everyone has a great weekend

  • gail5
    gail5 Member Posts: 125
    edited September 2012

    Swannay - I would put my confidence in your scan results. Not all oncs seem to use tumour markers and they don't always seem to be very reliable. I have no idea what my TMs are and not sure I want my onc to tell me.

  • RobinNY
    RobinNY Member Posts: 136
    edited September 2012

    Hi Girls

    I am an official member of the X group now.  Starting my meds on 10/1 after our cruise. I will be 14/7 to start.   Results from the scan show 2 new lymph nodes are enlarged...I was worried about this scan.,  Faslodex didn't work and it's been since at least June since I was on something that was working.  So relieved that nothing else changed.  Come on X.  Let's kick this to the curb!

    I haven't seen anyone mentioned losing weight on this treatment.  I am hopng to get rid of some of the Femara weight.  Any hope for this!?  LOL

    (Edited to ask a question) 



  • Frapp
    Frapp Member Posts: 343
    edited September 2012

    I've just finished round 6 or is it 7? I'm loosing track. Anyway, I am finding that The tip of my tongue seems to be going numb. It did it a little last round and I've noticed it a bit more this round. It's not a bog deal, just surprised by it. Has anyone else experienced this?