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Mastectomy Sept 2011



  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    Odie, So jealous as I haven't been able to shower yet. I hope I will be able to do so tomorrow after my ps visit. My node news was not good as they found "something" in sentinel node so I had an axillary node dissection. No path report yet so I don't know extent of node involvement. Trying not to think about it and just focus on healing from surgery. Caryn

  • Oh my goodness - welcome to the newbies here! So much news from everyone - great to catch up and hear how everyone's getting along. Reading up has been a big treat for me here at lunchtime.

    I went out last night for a last-hurrah dinner w/some of my oldest breast cancer buddies. Met 2 of the women 10 years ago when I was bald and on chemo, starting up a young women's breast cancer org. in Mass., then the other two at the young women's support group that I started. So much has happened in our lives, a couple of us re-dx'd, kids growing, marriages, babies . . . we shared a lot of laughs last night and shed a few tears. But like Caryn, this a.m. I have felt very blessed. Last night helped me get over that hump to look PAST my surgery on Monday, to what's next after this round of BC. For the first time, I can feel a little excited that after Monday, I can move forward to new, intreresting, fulfilling things in my life. Just like the last time I did cancer. So while I would NEVER say that having cancer is a gift (gift receipt, please!), I will admit that my life after Cancer Round I has been better than ever imagined, and I'm so hopefully for post-Cancer Round II.

    That said, I have had folks bail on me this round, so I get that too. And parts of my family are fabulous, while my family of origin, not so much. As Tina says, it's all relative and what's important is to count the blessings we do have. I raved about you all last night - this group is EXACTLY what I needed, MargieC! So big thanks for getting the ball rolling and keeping us going, despite you moving to early Oct. - we'll be there to cheer you on, too - don't you worry!

    To the 4 women who go in tomorrow: Aquaclara, Amylynn, Jazz300, Luanneo - holding you in my thoughts. Kick some cancer booty!


  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    exbrnxgrl and dancetrainer- I did meet with my plastic surgeon yesterday and she wants me to continue babying that side. It's not healing quite as fast. It's not so much a hurting pain as a pain in my butt. I am wearing a bra now that the hospital gave me that offers a tight compression and my ps thought it was great. I was venting earlier, this sleeping on my back is getting old. I haven't been given my pathology report yet, but I did get a peek yesterday and saw 19 nodes were removed. I'm thinking that's why my armpit is still sore and numb. Will talk with surgeon tomorrow. Thanks girls!

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    exbrnxgrl  - so sorry, guess I should have clarified that I was happy to see that TML/Tracy and groovy girls had similar good luck with the node involvement. Wish it could apply to all and will keep my fingers crossed for you.. And trust me that shower will be worth the wait. I only had to wait two days which is good considering all the sharpie pen marks for the reconstruction... Looked like an art project gone  The hanger idea to hang the drains was perfect and quite the fashion statement, I am sure..

    Hope everyone is healing well and welcome to the newbies. Sucks you have to join us but at least it is a really good group of women..

  • Lady-di
    Lady-di Member Posts: 74

    Good luck to those going in tomorrow,

    The best advice I can give is to take a deep breath and put one foot infront of the other. When they wheeled me towards the OR I filled my head with thoughts of the people who I knew had told me that they were praying and would be thinking of me. I encluded people from this site. (Family and friends really cannot relate to what we go through, but everyone here does. )


    Thanks to all

  • aquaclara
    aquaclara Member Posts: 4

    2 more hours to go before operation..reading all your posts make me feel less I just want to get it over and move on to the next stage of recovery. Thank you so much.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    Aquaclara, will be thinking positive thoughts for you.


  • groovygirls
    groovygirls Member Posts: 100

    Aquaclarayou are not alone. I am your virtual sister in this and will be sending you positive thoughts

  • tarry
    tarry Member Posts: 10

    To hear a doctor being scornful of needle anxiety makes me very cross.  I've heard a lot of nurses say that big men are the worst.  One once told me that she had to give a series of shots to members of the Houston Rockets, and they were extremely anxious, upset, etc. 

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    So, on the topic of gratitude, my house is now filled with flowers and treats. Someone sent me mini-cake pops , each one decorated with a hospital motif. I also got a "bouquet" of Teddy bear shaped cookies and the cookies are decorated like doctors and nurses. I can't possibly eat all the stuff I've gotten, but it sure is fun and the flowers are beautiful. People are so nice! Caryn

  • Lady-di
    Lady-di Member Posts: 74

    Caryn- Yummy, they sound great and I can just picture them.

    Good luck tm with your drain!!!!!,

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564

    I found a lot wonderful things on this thread today. Thanks for the inspiring thoughts. Sarah - your words especially touched me. I'm trying to look at this as a journey and taking things one day at a time, but the ups and downs just keep sneaking up on me. I hope 10 years from now, even if I'm facing a recurrence, I can look back with as much confidence and hope. 

  • jazz3000
    jazz3000 Member Posts: 109

    amylynn- I'm on for surgery tomorrow as well and will be thinking good thoughts for you, before, during, and after. You're going to be so surprized at how easy being put to sleep is. From the moment you arrive you'll be supported and the staff assisting you will tell you exactly what's happening and what will happen. The absolute worse part of the whole sleep experience is the IV. That should be a piece of cake for you now. A small prick and all done. If they make you count backwards from 100, you won't make it to 98 before your waking up on the other side of surgery. You're going to do great.

    Told my surgeon the worse thing about this whole thing is it's the first time in my life I've had real cleavage, only to find out it's because I have cancer. LOL Thought she was going to fall out of her chair. You find something to laugh about tonight. Think about things that have brought you joy and happiness in memories. Dwell on good things and sleep well tonight. Your not alone even in the OR. Good thoughts and prayers are floating out for and at you.

  • jazz3000
    jazz3000 Member Posts: 109

    Hey Aquaclara. I look back on the first time I had a surgery and I thought you know it is kinda scary. But then I also thought about how great the people were - I didn't even know - that were taking care of me and working to heal my problem. They never let me down, and knew through their experiences I was afraid. There was a marvelous head nurse in the pre- op who came up and said - "They call me Mama here, because I know everything about you and will make sure they know everything they all need to know to get you through this. Don't worry about a thing, that's my job!"  You will discover that sometimes the unknown becomes a learning experience in trust and caring. Now stop worry and treat yourself tonight. You're going to do great.

  • jazz3000
    jazz3000 Member Posts: 109

    Big shout out to SAOIsenberg. Sounds like you need some good thoughts and prayers too. Thanks for your words of encouragement. Will be watching for your future posts. I keep trying to post this all in one box but I'm doing something wrong because I hit something on the keyboard and it posts. I haven't even had the surgery so I can't blame it on Chemo. Will get better at this.

  • TracieN
    TracieN Member Posts: 13

    Good morning ladies, it's been less than 24 hrs and I am doing great. Tired but great. Walking, eating. Wish the elephant would move:). Love and hugs to all.

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Tracie , happy for you!

    Lori, good wishes and my prayers for you! I still sleep on by back too...I don't have drains anymore, but I have this tight mesh west on my chest and it is not comfortable. I don't take pain pills anymore, thank God, but I still feel my chest. I can elevate my arms, it does not hurt, but feels tight.My PS already wants to extend me.Yesterday I had to start chemo, but they delayed it till next Monday.They flashed my port, but had some problems to get blood. I hate it , when somebody cannot do it, calls for help and I am sitting  scared and thinking what's going on? Finally they put me on the bed and did it. It was not anythind bad, besides anemia, HB10.I am so afraid of chemo.Nurse told me that she thinks I aam tough, so I can make it. really? What if I am not? 

    They told me do not pay much attention to temperature, by body still fighting.

    Everyone, have a good w-end! Love and gentle hugs

  • aquaclara
    aquaclara Member Posts: 4

    hi caryn, jazz, groovygirls and everyone, thank you so very much for all the kind supports! my operation was a successful one and no lymph nodes caught the cancer and also got a clear margin. i feel so much better now regardless of some minor pain and the drain....god bless those are getting surgery soon. we'll be on the journey of recovery together!

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    I am so happy for you, aquaclara!

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Just a quick note to everyone before I dash out the door - I had a hard time getting myself moving today, but wanted to let you all know I am thinking of those who had surgery yesterday and those who are today- about 5 I think.  Prayers for continued healing for those ahead of us.  Will check back later to see how you are all doing. Peace to all, Linda

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    tracie, Elephants, yes! That is exactly what I said to my surgeon the day after surgery. Despite being tightly bound, I said it felt like two baby elephants were hanging off of my chest. It has gotten better and I'm still tightly bound but the elephants have moved on and been replaced by overweight chihuahuas. Seeing plastic surgeon later this morning. Hope drains will come out, dressing changed and then will get green light for the much wanted and needed shower. Caryn

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Tracie - so glad to hear how well you are doing!!! 

    Aquaclara - you too! Can't believe you are already posting!

    Amylynn, Jazz3000, and luanneo - thinking positive thoughts for you all today!

  • Lady-di
    Lady-di Member Posts: 74


    My drain is out. It wasn't very painful just uncomfortable. The worst part was the nurse trying to cut the sutures that were holding the drain in. I took 2 ibuprofen this morning and it was enough to take the edge off.

    Trace and aquaclara- it's great to hear from you both so soon. Hope you both are getting some much needed rest now.

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Diana, glad for you!

    Caryn I like your attitude!

    Is anybady with me on chemo this month?

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    exbrngrl - I am looking forward to the overweight chiauwawas as much as you are the shower...haha  Love your expressions!

    Aquaclara - so glad to see u back so soon after surgery! You rock! Now back to bed for some well deserved rest....ha ha (seriously so glad to see you doing well)

    Glad to see everyone is coming along since surgery and will send prayers for those upcoming next.

    Linda & SAOLSENBERG - Hang in there and know we are here for you. Now go kick cancer butt!

    Gentle hugs to all.

  • hope2011
    hope2011 Member Posts: 11

    Hey Ladies.  It looks like I will be joining your group.  My genetic tests finally came back BRCA2+, so I'll be having a BMX on 9/27. 

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Okay gals. I met with my bs this morning. Sentinel lit up so 23 nodes were taken out during surgery. 2 showed up as cancerous. 1 rapid and the other not. I'm scheduled Oct. 13th to get my port placed. Next week will be hectic as my daughter has a bone marrow aspiration at st jude on tues, I meet w/ps on wed. and the oncologist on thurs. Wow. I still have my one drain left because there's still to much fluid coming out.

    Good luck to the gals who went today. Thinking of you all

    Welcome hope.

    Glad to hear everyone is healing so well. We Sept. girls are tough!

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Oh Lori, so sorry to hear all that you have on your plate.  My head would be spinning with that busy week you've got coming up and processing the node news!   Keeping positive thoughts coming your way!   Cry if you need to, get hugs, stomp your feet and fight this sucker!  <HUGS!>

  • Lady-di
    Lady-di Member Posts: 74

    Hope- welcome, this is a good place to be

    Lori- With everything on your plate, you seem very upbeat. Wishing you strength to get through next week. You don't know how strong you are till you look back and realise how far you have come!

  • tgisiner
    tgisiner Member Posts: 7

    Hi ladies, I had a left breast masectomy May 26th with reconstruction. I to am a severe worrier. It was not bad. I made the surgery much worse in my mind. I was back to work after 2 weeks. Good luck to everyone. Sending prayers your way!