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Mastectomy Sept 2011



  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Thank you tgisiner -  from one worrier to another - I so appreciate your post! 

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    Hope, Welcome to a wonderful place to be for sympathetic ears from those who are walking the same path that you are. Had my drains out today. No pain or discomfort and I don't miss #1 and #2 at all (that's how they were labeled as were their corresponding dump cups). Best of all, that super tight bandage that was wrapped around my torso is gone. So good to take big deep breaths. And then, there was the big reveal...I look like me! I am so thrilled. Nipples look great and size is perfect. Now, they are a bit bruised and smushed but it was far better than I expected. My ps wants me to wear a close fitting sports bra for the time being. Will have some visitors this afternoon, my first shower tonight and then I'm sure I'll be wiped out from the big day. It also felt good to put on real clothes and makeup for this big outing. Hope everyone else is progressing well and those in waiting are encouraged by my story. Caryn

    P.S. The chihuahuas ran away!!

  • Hi friends - stopping by to check in w/my "breast friends" - been a whirlwind of a day, my last weekday to get things done before surgery on Monday. Whew!

    Lori - I'm sorry about the nodes, the port, the week you have coming up . . . I know it's all so hard, but know too that we're with you, every step of the way. Your own little virtual cheering section. Go Lori, Go Lori!

    Hope - sorry you're here, but glad you're here - does that make sense? This is a very nice group to have to be a part of. Wink

    Diana - hooray for no drain!
    Aquaclara - so glad it worked out well - and whoa! I think you win the record for the quickest to post post-surgery - congrats on that one, too. Hope your recovery is smooooooth.
    Olga - sorry for your continued troubles - I hope that starting chemo goes as well as it can . . . not fun at all, but you can get through this, too!
    Jazz & Odie - thanks for the shout out . . . two more days before I meet those elephants - Caryn, I love that your elephants are GONE. Not a personal fan of chihuahuas, but in this situation, I think I can become fond.
    To all - it's a surreal time for me right now. Feeling so lifted up by the kindness of my friends, the great fall weather we're having in Boston today and for the weekend, doing all the ordinary things (soccer games, making dinner, taking out trash, bringing in mail) . . . and then I have this lingering sadness and dread knowing what's to come early Monday a.m. I'm relishing the "last" of each thing with my "old" body, knowing that there'll be a whole new normal for me come Monday afternoon. Pissed off that I have to do this because of stupid cancer, but also understanding how lucky I am in so many ways as well.
  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Caryn I am happy for you! May I ask, what kind of reconsrution do you have?

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    Hi Olga, I had a one step implants, no TE's, no filling, and nipple sparing reconstruction. The one step usually works best if you want to stay relatively small. I have a petite frame and was a large B/small C before bmx. I wanted to stay exactly the same as I loved my boobs and they looked great for a woman my age. My implants are Allergan Natrelle style 15, 457 cc's. I know there is still a lot of healing and settling in to come but I'm happy so far. Caryn

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    The biggest they can make TE is C, and I don't think it is abig difference between C and large B smallC? But My original size used to be double D, and the biggest they could do was C.I am not petite frame, I am 5'7 and not skinny. That's probably why.

    U are doing so good, Caryn, are u getting chemo too?

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    I just wanted to share something that has been helping me.  I've been reading a book written by a survivor of the 9/11 attacks, Lauren Manning.  Her message, strength, and outlook are so uplifting.  It's given me much perspective on my situation.  Sharing in case it might appeal to others!

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    I saw an interview with her on TV during all of the 9/11 programming. She certainly is an inspiration.

    Olga, I don't know about the chemo yet but suspect the answer will be yes, because there is some node involvement. I am trying not to think about it and just concentrate on healing from surgery.


  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Thank you to my viral cheerleaders! It's wonderful to have such support. Caryn, I'm so happy to hear of your revelation today. Seeing yourself, and liking what you see...that's awesome. Sarah, I hope for you to enjoy your weekend, and know that we'll be here waiting for you when you feel like checking in. Olga, I too will be staring chemo, not sure when. We can continue to compare notes. Hope you are feeling better.

    Hope all my new friends have a wonderful weekend. For me, it's popcorn and movies. Think I'm looking forward to having an excuse to do nothing. And then, of course, there's Sunday football to enjoy as well!

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    Sarah, Forgot to mention that I asked about exercise and the answer was yes, as long it didn't involve arms/ chest. Since I'm not driving yet, will wait until Monday when my daughter can take me to the gym. Hooray! Caryn

  • Oh Caryn, great to know! I'll keep my fingers crossed for the same - so does that mean you can ride a stationary bike? Or do you think that the pressure on the arms/shoulders is a no-no?


  • aquaclara
    aquaclara Member Posts: 4

    Joining this board is one of the best thing knowing I'm not alone. You are all very inspirational. My wound is just uncomfortable today and can't move my right arm. But lucky enough I have my mom pampering me. Im still waiting to have my first post surgery shower... best wishes to you all!

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    I am sorry, Caryn , I just thought they would tell you like they told me the plan what to do almost on the very first day of diagnosis. My nodes were not involved, but I still doing it. I just like all the

    friends here and want to continue our journey together and if somebody has the same treatment ( Taxotere, Carboplatin ang Herceptin) we could help each other. I apologize if it sounded anaproppriate.

  • groovygirls
    groovygirls Member Posts: 100

    One other thing I found very helpful was a patch to help with post op nausea/vomitting. I applied prior to surgery and it lated 3 days- no nausea for me!

  • groovygirls
    groovygirls Member Posts: 100

    Good luck and well wishes to my virtual sisters as they face surgery and healing this week. You are all in my prayers and positive energy

  • TracieN
    TracieN Member Posts: 13

    Home and resting.  Doing very well.  Hoping to hear that silia is doing well too.  Hang  in there everyone.  we can all do this.

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Nice to hear from you, Tracie! Of course, we can!Smile

  • Denise2730
    Denise2730 Member Posts: 320

    chonikel wrote:

    "For those of you having drains removed - my PS made SURE to tell me when I come back to have them removed - BRING PAIN MEDS - it HURT"

    Having mine removed didn't hurt me at all, just felt weird. Maybe because I have absolutely no feeling in my temporary foobs. It felt a little weird but didn't hurt. And oh how wonderful not to have those annoying drains hanging out of my body like some weird aliens.

  • Denise2730
    Denise2730 Member Posts: 320

    I wish I could walk here. It's still so warm and humid here in SW Florida. Last night at 11:15 p.m. it was 81 degrees but with the humidity it felt like 85!. I am a hermit here in the summer.

    I'm hoping to go back to the gym in the next week or so. Forgot to ask my PT whether I could start some light upper body weights. My PS said okay but he also said I didn't need to put lotion on my scars or my TE's to keep the skin supple.

    Hugs to everyone who is having their surgery this month.


  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Wow! Denise, what a great attitude! And Florida sounds fun I am from NC, and we have rainy day and 60 F today. Did you have BMX? Nobody told me about any exercizes , I just have a little book from my lumpectomy in July.

    my prayers for everyone who goes to surgery this week, and for everyone recovering...


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    Denise, I am constantly amazed by how differently we react to the same things. People find the radioactive trace injection to be no big deal,others have likened it to having acid injected in their breast. Same thing with implant fills or even IV insertion. I was eager to get my drains out but read about discomfort ranging from weird feeling to real pain. Took some advil before I left the house. PA asked me to cough 3x as she was removing drains and I felt virtually nothing! She did open the cap on the bulb to release the suction which is a must. I read someone else's post that said this step was missed and that made it hurt.

    Sarah- ps said stationary bike is ok as long as I am not straining arms or pecs. I am going to try the recumbent bike since I can lean on the backrest and put the arm rest down for support. Although I am feeling pretty good, I tire very easily. After my ps visit yesterday, I had some visitors in the afternoon and took a shower in the early evening. By 8:30, I was wiped out. So I know I will take it very slow at the gym.

    Went to my least favorite store, Walmart, this morning looking for front closure sports bras. Found some but was not in the mood to try on. Got home and found they were too small so now I have to exchange them. Ugh. Otherwise, I think they will be fine once I get the right size. Inexpensive too!

    Trace, glad to hear that you're on the healing path.

    Finally, will not brag about perfect Northern CA weather.... Caryn

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Misty & cool here in VA today so I guess I will have to just relax, take in a movie & some popcorn...Right after a shower. Good thing I did some walking yesterday...  Hope everyone continues healing well & has a wonderful weekend. Feel really blessed and at peace today. Wishing everyone the same especially those coming up for surgery next week.

  • hope2011
    hope2011 Member Posts: 11

    I'm trying to mentally prepare for my NS BMX with reconstruction.  Has anyone had a c-section before?  How does the pain from a BMX compare to the pain from a c-section?  Yeah, I know it's a strange question, but input is appreciated.

  • Therese9
    Therese9 Member Posts: 58

    Hi Everyone.

    I've been out of town for a week on a family trip and a mini-retreat with my old body before it gets sliced and diced and becomes something new. Came back and then tried to catch up on all the work I have to do. I'm just having a hard time staying focused. Reading all your posts makes me happy and energized. I'm so glad to hear so many of you are doing well and moving through the surgery and recovery process. Welcome to the newbies; sorry you have to be here, but hope the site gives you comfort and encouragement.

    Tonight my husband arranged an impromptu cocktail party so that I can spend time with friends before my surgery this Thursday. Like many of you, I'm so touched by the outpouring of love and support (even though there are a few friends who pulled back, most have been fantastic). This group, even though I don't post much, makes a huge difference to me. Thank you, September sisters, for your honesty, your tears, and your courage. You inspire me. Love and healing wishes to all who have completed your surgery and best wishes and strength to those whose surgeries are coming up. xoxo, Therese9 

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    Hi Hope, I've never had a c-section but I had a myomectomy. Very similar but instead of a cute baby, you get an ugly fibroid. Incision is the same as c- section. My ps thought that bmx/ reconstruction would be easier but it wasn't for me. Not that it was unbearable, but I was less comfortable over all. The important thing to remember and something you've probably realized is how different things are for each person. I consider myself a wimp when it comes to pain but here I am 10 days post surgery and feeling better each day. Thinking good thoughts for you.


  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Hope -

    I had a c-section years ago hence why I chose to pass on the free tummy tuck... That said, maybe I have grown tougher as I age or just am a wimp when it comes to abdominal surgery but I think there is no comparison. I was nervous prior to my bmx and won't call it pleasant however have not had nearly the discomfort I expected. Mostly discomfort, not any real pain in my case. And hey, I am not walking like Tim Conway on the Carol Burnette show so that in itself is progress!!  Wishing you the best as your day approaches and hope this helps.

  • Hey Hope . . . my daughter was adopted, so I can't contribute personally on your question - but I have a friend who had 3 C-sections and then had a UMX w/Tram-flap reconstruction (now going on 11 years ago) and she said the MX/recon was easier - and she got her bit of tummy sag cleaned up at the same time. But like Caryn says, it's all so individual.

    Therese - glad you're back - hope tonight's party is fun!

    Odie - you crack me up! I was wondering what my posture would be like immediately after surgery and never even thought of Tim Conway, but yikes - so glad you're not walkin' like him and hope I'm not either. Loved that show!

    All - went out to a nice dinner w/my husband and daughter tonight. Ate many of my favorite foods, had a great time. Going to hit the hay early tonight. Tomorrow's for one last workout, puttering and loose ends, then a cookout w/my MIL and mother in the evening. Quiet family time is what turns out to be best for me in these 48 hours pre-BMX. Feeling relaxed and peaceful tonight - and SO thankful for my September Sisters.



  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Good luck , Sarah, I will think and pray for you tomorrow, and others as well..


  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Best wishes Sarah for your surgery - may you have peaceful feelings along with courage to fight this beast!  

    We are leaving for Miami this morning.  One step behind you!


  • monse812
    monse812 Member Posts: 6

    I don't log on for a couple of days and have so much to catch up on!  It's so nice to hear how well everyone is doing.  And even if there have been some complications the positive aura around this forum if fabulous!

    On Friday, my bs said I'm healing nicely. I have one drain that may come out next week, and all I'll need after that is arm exercises to increase mobility in my left arm.  That's it!!!   Yaaay!!!  Now, I can start researching reconstruction to determine whether or not it's the right procedure for me. And if so, which one.

    saolsenberg - Wishing you all the best tomorrow.  Sending lots of positive thoughts your way!