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Mastectomy Sept 2011



  • Lady-di
    Lady-di Member Posts: 74

    Lorraine and Tina.....

    Will be thinking about the both of you tomorrow and hope today is filled with a sense of peace to get you through till then..


    Hope today went well for you,

    Please keep us posted

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092

    My thoughtsand prayers are with all having surgery this week.  I am 4 weeks out tomorrow from bmx and doing well.  You can all do this too!  Chemo is next up for me...nervous, anxious, and every other emotion under the sun.


  • chonikel
    chonikel Member Posts: 71

    Surgery Sister!  Sorry - I got the people mixed up - there are too many of us here - sadly

    I am with you tomorrow - I will pave the way - lifting you up in prayer...

    see you on the other side.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    Hi All,

    My thoughts and prayers have been on all who are having surgery today and chemo. I had a big morning. Went to the gym and did an easy 20 minutes each on the treadmill and recumbent bike. Then went on a few errands. Came home, showered, lunch and planning to relax for the rest of the day. I feel pretty good but will not push it. Got some good news on lymph nodes, only 1 of 15 was positive. Waiting for a call from oncologist to set up appointment and come up with a game plan. I also have an appointment to take a physical therapy/lymphedema prevention class next Monday. Today is a good day and I hope it is for you too.


  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Caryn - good news on the nodes.  Wow you are already in the gym good for you.

    I had my pre-op appointment today.  It makes it a little more real that I am having surgery.  I did get approve to take an ativan the moring of surgery which will help keep me calm.  I HATE hospitals. 


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    I hate them too and mine was very nice. You can dress it up but it's still a hospital! BTW I was afraid to overdo it so I looked like a little old lady at the gym. I didn't change or shower there. No quite ready for that ...yet.

  • jazz3000
    jazz3000 Member Posts: 109

    Well I'm home minus the boobie and the nodes - 15 all together, and results should be ready on Friday regarding stage what? etc... I hope all of you on Sept 16 heard me from the hospital with prayer and concern for your safety wellbeing and security as well. I did indeed think of you and amylee and aqua- I kept my promise and prayed for you until I went into surgery so you weren't afraid and made it through well.

    There is pain as my breathing was compromised and the pain killer normally given was the culprit. But hey... I'm alive and bruised and happy to be home with family and friends. I knew I would have to get a lift for my shoe as I am a lot lighter on one side than the other and leaning. LOL. 

    Hard not to use the arm you depend on to accomplish things but I'm not wanting to get a locked shoulder so I try to keep moving it as much as I can. 

    So love and appreciate all your support and  help and ideas.

    One question is for the drain. Lots of coagulated blood passing through - is that normal? And do the bruises keep moving as they continue to spread through the other breast and down toward the stomach? Pain is now minimal but the nurse said they couldn't alleviate it due to the medication restrictions. I'm sooo happy it's over. Let me know how everyone is doing. Am trying to read the board but even Zooming isn't good right now. LOL 

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Caryn, sounds like you're moving right along. I can only make it around my block twice, and still can't do anything w/my left arm. Still waiting to say so long to #1. I hope further treatment is not needed for you!

    Jazz- sounds like you're doing as well as can be expected. The hospital did show you how to "milk or thread" your drain, right? Gets nasty sometimes! Take it easy and gentle hugs for you.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    Jazz, I did have some clot like stuff in the drain bulb for the first day or two and stjude is right about needing to strip or milk the tubing. Bruising is variable but yes, it can appear in an area where you did not previously see it. I found lots of small bruises cropping up on my inner arms and stomach for a few days but they are all just about gone now. Sorry about the reaction to pain meds. I got very sick from morphine but was OK with Dilaudid. Took some Percocet home but stopped quickly because it constipates me.

    Stjude, I really looked like an old lady. My pace was very slow!


  • chonikel
    chonikel Member Posts: 71

    Update from Sarah's Husband on her blog - she is doing great - up in her room - All surgeries went well - no complications.  Praise God.

    I am off to bed soon - ready for my turn tomorrow.

    Praying for all you ladies - see you in a few days.  Tina

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    Tina, Thank you for posting that update. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow as well as dancetrance.


  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Tina, thanks for the update on Sarah. Best wishes to you and dancetrance for your surgeries to go smoothly and a speedy recovery.

    Caryn, too funny! I'd probably get lapped by an old lady right now.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Thanks everyone for the well wishes.  So glad to hear Sarah is doing well.  Hope to give the same report!  

    I'm off to bed soon as well.  Will be back to post in a few days.


  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Thanks for the update Tina. Will say a prayer for you tomorrow.

    Lorraine - prayers & wishing you well tomorrow as well.

    Hugs to all....

  • KatheW
    KatheW Member Posts: 28

    I want to thank those of you who were thinking of me September 14. My surgery was cancelled by my PS on September 13, and I am still trying to trying to get to the bottom of it. Apparently, my pre-op ekg reading was not good enough for the potentially lengthy DIEP surgery. In April, I had a similar reading, but it was okay for 3 hour MX. I have been trying to get more infor on the DIEP thread, but am essentiallly in surgery limbo until further notice! 

    To Tappy, Tracey, Silia, Clara, AmyLynn, Jazz, luaneo, Sarah,  I hope you are all doing well.

    Lorraine and Tina, best wishes tomorrow.

    Good luck to all on this thread!

  • groovygirls
    groovygirls Member Posts: 100

    Hard to believe I am one week post op! No more need for pain meds- even Tylenol! 2 drains left, hubby back to work, walking 1/2 mile a day ( found out yesterday Inam only supposed to do 10 minutes!) able to sleep on my side- yippee! Should be able to drive next week. I think I am recovering far better than I thought

    My sister is going to take me bra shopping today. I was sent home with one compression top! I am supposed to wear it for 4 more weeks! I didn't relize how expensive they were ( over$100! ) insurance should cover them plus I saw front closing sports bras on Title 9 fir far less.

    Positive thoughts, prayers and energy to my virtual sisters


  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Hello, Ladies!

    Happy for you, Joanne and happy to hear, that Sarah ig doing good. My prayers with all of you...

    Yesterday I ahd first chemo day,it was not bad, thanks God!I borught a lpo of water( 2 33,) and it was not enough. I also had some snucks-cheese cubes and cookies. The atmosphere ther was nice- sweet nurses, alot of drinks and snacks. I brought a book to read : Furiuos love Elizabeth Taylor Richard Burton and Marriageof the Century, and some knitting magazian. I am a


    They brought me a small TV to watch movies. They injected me Emend, steroid anti-nausea and gave me decadro, I

    have to take it at home too for 2 days.

    I did not feel any nausea. After I left, I felt and still feel tired, I did not sleep. i have a headache and dry mouth.Hudrating is good, it id flushing out of your sistem.But Nausea can come later, even 3 or 5 day.So far so good.

    Linda, I am having Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin. Lthe last one is crucial, because I have 

    HER2, it is very aggressive cancer...

    But we are getting there, ladies! It is not scary, believe me!

    And also, Mu PS did first extending an d I felt absolutly nothing They took off the ,vest, I still feel it tight, but for the first time islept on the side..

    Good luck to everyone, I go to rest...

    Thanks for all your wishes and paryers. It helps


  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Olgah  --  glad to hear your first chemo was ok.  I was on the same chemo drugs as you are.  My main advise is to stay on top of the constipation and diarrhea.  My experience was I was constipated the first 3 days after chemo and then it would turn to diarhea for the next couple of days. 

    Glad to hear Sarah did well yesterday.  I will be praying for Tina and Loraine today.

    Yesterday I had my first Herceptin only IV and it was so nice to only be in the chemo chair for 2 hours rather than the 7 hours when I was on TCH.  I had my pre-op appointment yesterday too.  Boy brought home the fact that I am having surgery.

    I hope all the healing ladies are having a good day...


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    Joanne, Don't know if your ps was very specific about the sports bra, but Walmart carries a front closing sports bra (Fruit of the Loom) that was only $9.00! I was given a far more expensive one through Kaiser but when I wear them, I don't see any difference between the two. The bra I got from Kaiser was professionally fitted and was a 38. I always bought 34's. When I went to Walmart, I was just sure the fitter was wrong and got a 36 as a compromise. Went home, tried it on and sure enough, it was too snug. Had to go back and exchange them. Should have trusted the fitter. BTW, I haven't tried driving yet but there's no reason why I can't. Will do a "trial" with my DD tomorrow and if it feels good will drive to a lunch date with a friend on Thursday. So glad it's going well for you!

    Olga-Happy to hear that your first chemo went smoothly. It is encouraging to me, although I won't know until Friday if my onc. will be reccommending chemo for me. Glad to hear that your fill was easy too. May things continue to go smoothly.

    Everyone else, I wish you all the best as you heal, go through treatment or prepare for surgery. I can't believe we all have to walk this path but I am so proud of how we are doing it, with courage, strength, tears and gritted teeth at times but we are doing it! Caryn

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092

    Olgah--so glad chemo went ok...I am still in insurance limbo to decide whether or not they will pay for the Neulasta shot.  Not going to postpone too long and will pay for it myself if necessary just to get started and deal with reimbursement after.  Do not know what else to do.  Cannot afford the shot and cannot afford to wait!

    Glad that those recovering are doing well.  Prayersand hugs to all who are coming up1


  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Olgah, I'm so glad your first chemo went well. I'm hoping that the nauseau stays away for you and you continue to feel well. Caryn, I find out on Thurs. for sure whether chemo is needed. I think since my surgeon has scheduled surgery to place a port, it's probably a go. Boo.

    Margie, 7 hrs....what the crap can you do in a chair for 7 hrs? Wow. I bet you're glad to have that over with. And to think I've complained at home about being bored w/my limitations.

    Mags, insurance should take care of what is needed for you. That's what you pay them for. My insurance company had called after my daughter got sick and wanted to know what they could do for us. We told them to pay the bills and the team of drs could handle the rest.

  • groovygirls
    groovygirls Member Posts: 100

    Olgah- I am a knitter too! I started a simple lace pattern shawlette while waiting for surgery and picked it up when I got home. In my narcotic haze I got the pattern all messed up. Too late to frog it (this yarn is bison and knots/breaks horribly). I am going to finish it- I will be the only one who knows it is not supposed to look the way it does!

    A nice thing about being home and not working is I can explore Ravelry to my delight! I think I am spending way to much on yarn but I think of knitting as therapy. I will be making special items or family/friends who have helped me thru this difficult time

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Lori - I spent the 7 hours at chemo working (they have wifi) - my boss thought I was crazy, but else is there to do.  plus it helped me to save my vacation time to supplement my disability time after surgery (my company pays 60% of my salary while out). 

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Hi all! Hope everyone is having a good day.

    Olgah - I am so glad your first chemo visit went as well as possible and hope they continue to pass smoothly & quickly.  

    Joanne - Glad to see you are doing so well. I am also one week post surgery and shocked at how well things are going. I also used the Walmart FOL $9 sports bra which works well.  

    MargieC -  The pre-op visit really does make it seem real, doesn't it? Hope your surgery is here and gone like a simple memory in no time. 

    Caryn - Sucks we have to walk this path but so glad we can all walk it together 

    Had my post-op with the ps yesterday and got rid of 2 of the 4 drains. Will hopefully lose the other two next week. Will now await the med onco visit  to determine any further treatment. 

    Stay strong sisters & God bless those blazing the trail today.


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    I wonder what determines how many drains a person has? Caryn

  • Lady-di
    Lady-di Member Posts: 74

    Jucar- will be thinking of you tm, have a peaceful night.

    Kathe- Have they rescheduled your surgery yet. I couldn't imagine having it canceled on me. That has to be the worst!

    I also have a walmart fruit of the loom sports bra that ive used and love and have not worn my expensive post masceptomy cami. Still have alot of numbness and swelling under my arm.

    It's good to see everyone one doing so well dealing with everything that's been placed on them. I'm still waiting for pathology report to see what's next for me.

    Hoping everyone has a peaceful day.

    TAPPY Member Posts: 39

    Wed will be one week post op for a doub mas.

    Very little to no pain or swelling, just a nasty face rash one evening that I think was brought on by stress of it all.

    Doing well, came home with two drains  - very little out put so I am glad and hope that means they wont be in very long, my skin feels very itch and tender how ever.

     Could shower after 48 hours and that was wonderful

    I was told just to wear the sports bra with padding after my shower (was told to use kotex) .

    Question, I am putting off reconstruction untill i know more what I am looking at as far as treatment.   When do you go get a mas bra and what type of padding is the best ?  All very confusing.  I know we have a med supply store here, but do most people order them ?

    Edit - My surgeon took a large vial of my plasma before the surgery.  He told me he sprayed that over the surgical site before he closed me up and this was done to promote fast healing/like your bodys own glue -    (which it has)-some new techy thing that is being done in these types of surgerys.

  • Lady-di
    Lady-di Member Posts: 74

    Tappy-I have also put off reconstruction, I was told that I would have to wait about 4 weeks to be fitted for mastectomy bra and prosthesis. I had only right side removed so I will get something to match the left till I go for recon. They have soft or beenie type things (foobs) ? That you can purchase to go in the bra. You can also get a cami that comes with a bit of padding to wear for now. If you google mastectomy bras and prosthesis you will see a big selection. Alot are cover by insurance if you have coverage.

    Glad your doing well!!!

  • bevdurrant
    bevdurrant Member Posts: 30

    Hi there wanted to see how you were doing after your mastectomy, well i hope, i had a bilateral 3 weeks ago, with immediate reconstruction.  would love to hear how things went for you, Bev :)

  • Lady-di
    Lady-di Member Posts: 74

    Welcome bev, I see your new to bco like alot of us here. My surgery was exactly 2 weeks ago today. Still sore in arm, shoulder and under arm and back. Im sure it will go away soon. I hope all is well with you!!!