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Mastectomy Sept 2011



  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Oops, forgot, Linda- love the military style warrior. I've already planned that when asked about the taste in mouth when chemo, heparin, or whatever is administered, my answer will be, "tastes like victory!"

  • babycakes82
    babycakes82 Member Posts: 11
    Hello Ladies, my computer crashed so I am borrowing one for a few days.  I am 4 1/2 weeks post op and now having sharp pain on my left chest.  I am not sure what is causing this as I am being very careful not to pick up things heavy.  I had my first fill last tuesday and am due for another this tuesday.  It even hurts when I take a deep breath, cough, move my arm, sneeze.  I am very suprised this started now. Is anyone experiencing these sie affects? I wasn't sure if they were caused by the fills.  I must say I am a little scared to get my next fill as it will be twice the amount!FrownI am ready to get all these fills over with.  Hope everyone is doing well.  I am behind on reading updates as my computer is down and out!  Hugs to all of you!Wink
  • Good morning all. A better night for me - only woke up a couple of times to readjust myself. And although the new bra is much better, it still came off during the night - I think I just expand a lot naturally when I sleep -the warmth, the gravity. Swelling has moved into my pits more today, and the right is more swollen than the left now. A circus act - something new in every ring!

    Babycakes - I have not had thad sharp pain - I get zings and zaps that I'm chalking up to nerve regeneration, but not all the rest of the stuff. I will say sneezing, coughing and laughing can be weird and slightly uncomfortable - for me I think it's a pec issue. Also when I shiver - my foobs tense up in a funny way now b/c the pecs are on the outside of my implants.

    Lori- your day sounds so nice! Football, family, ice cream - good for the soul. This warm weather is nice, but weird. As a fall lover, I have to say I'm excited to see our temps get back to the 70's tomorrow. Today will be in the 80's again. I have the a/c on upstairs for sleeping.

    Groovygirls - wow! You are walking a ton - excited you feel you can do it - I am nervous about walking more than around the block a couple of times. If it's not making you swell and you feel good, then I say, enjoy! Nothing better for you than exercise. Sorry your husband is crabby again, though - that does seem to be a sign of normalcy. And your chickens - are they on loan, I hope? It'll be nice to get them back when you're back to yourself. I just learned a neighbor of ours has chickens and sells the fresh eggs. When I'm back to myself, I'm exploring that - we live in a very urban suburb so this is a bit of a novelty and there is nothing better than fresh eggs!

    I hope you all had a peaceful night. Today is my first weekday flying solo w/o my MIL. A holiday from school, but not from work for DH. DD is out for am and pm playdates, so I will have the a.m., middle of the day and evening to try to tackle. Today we'll have no homework, so that'll ease the pain. Tomorrow will be the acid test - still have meals coming, thank goodness.

    Hugs to all,


  • jazz3000
    jazz3000 Member Posts: 109

    Stephanie this is really graphic pics but this is what the tissue looks like when you have a serious issue with necrotic tissue. I surely hope it is not what you think it might be.  My surgery would not heal and the stables and steri strip were not holding the tissue together as the tissue was dying and dead underneath. It didn't actually turn black until after the surgery.  It was a deep purple and dark red. After the BS cut out the tissue was when the tissue turned black.

    Let's hope it's what they call Tar Blood. That is black and can be very frightening. Worse case scenario if it is - it requires cutting away so the healthy tissue can heal.  Blood supply has a lot to do with how we heal. I didn't know they cut veins away but it makes sense, and some of us have more cut away than others.

    Hoping it's okay and your healing continues without a hitch. 

  • jazz3000
    jazz3000 Member Posts: 109

    babycake - One of the first warnings I had was relative to the list of things you just shared regarding what was going on after your fill. You do need to call the Doctor and relate what's going on. Don't hesitate to find out what's going on, if for no other reason you need the peace of mind.  Are you having a lot of swelling?

    Hope all goes well. Let us know. Prayers and Hopes for your health.

  • groovygirls
    groovygirls Member Posts: 100

    Swelling from exercise? Where? I seem to be okay this I am nervous!

  • chonikel
    chonikel Member Posts: 71

    Good morning Ladies!
    I managed to get some sleep - not uninterupted - but not up for HOURS - so I call that an achievement. They guy across the street is putting on a roof and starts early! Apparently the chair and I have some more time together for a while.  But I am thankful that I did get more than the night before - glad I didn't try a nap.

    I haven't had any fills yet - start on 10/24 - so I cannot advise to the swelling.(babycakes)

    This week is just more recovery for me - and I am starting to get nervous as my disability is dis-appearing before my eyes.  I see the PT tomorrow so hopefully that will help target my mobility.

     I am hoping everyone here is having a healing day so far and peaceful and restful.... riding this wave... UP and Down...



  • Lady-di
    Lady-di Member Posts: 74

    Wow, I can't keep up with you guys, I'll try to read all later.

    Odie..... Good luck today with your oncology visit. I found I was more nervous about that appointment then any other so far. Hoping it goes smoothly for you

    The weather has been so beautiful here this weekend. Was in the 80's yest. All the leaves on the trees are changing colors. It is our thanksgiving weekend here in Canada. Just made a small turkey with some of the trimmings for myself and dh and 2dd. Today I'm going to wah my car.

    As you can tell, I have pretty much all my mobility back already. Still have quite a bit of numbness in my underarm though. And at times when i over use it i feel more pain. I have not had a daytime nap in about 1 week.

    I have decided to go with the more aggressive chemo. Have to give it my all, and that includes for chemo also. I go back to oncologist tm to set up treatments and I also have to attend a chemo class before my first treatment.

    Wishing you all a happy Monday!!!!

    I forgot to mention at the top of this that I changed my profile name.

    Diana. (((((((((hugs to all))))))))

  • Hooray for more sleep, Tina! Here's to further recovery. I feel better today - tired, but that is likely more from lack of sleep night before last than anything. About to get Lilah off to do the school cleanup service day project w/a friend and then I am going to take an a.m. nap. Showered and got my hair somewhat dry (can do do a very rudimentary blow dry so that I don't sit around w/wet hair all day - not pretty, but functional), so that tired me out too - every shower is easier though, and today I actually touched my scars more and it was OK physically and emotionally. Step by step I'll get used to these things. They just freak me out a little bit.

    Groovygirls - Barbara Smith told me that the more active we are, the more fluid builds up in our bodies. And when I called the PS the other day on the swelling, the NP said that I was moving more, so more fluid + our bodies are getting used to having foreign bodies implanted there - so sending fluid to the area as an immune response. So that's why I've taken it very easy physically -  Smith and Colwell said strolling is the name of the game, no heart rate up, no arm swinging - like at a museum. I am going to try to go further distance-wise later today and see how that goes. If you don't have swelling, don't worry - your body should be your guide!


  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Babycakes, I do not have TE's, but I have had occasions of sharp pain below my breast in the rib area. It hurt with deep breaths, and I could also reproduce it with arm movement. I determined it was a strained intercostal muscle (my own analysis - I'm a PT) b/c the pain was nowhere near the breast tissue, I could reproduce it with movement, and the area between the ribs was sore to palpation. I iced it several times and it went away (I would NOT have iced it if it were anywhere near the breast, though!).    I have no idea if that is what is going on in your case or not, but I think you should talk to the doc to find out, especially since it is a sharp pain. 

    Sarah - so glad you had a better night's sleep! So did I...but I wasn't taking any chances - took a benadryl and knocked myself out, LOL. Feel much better this morning.

    Groovy girls - the swelling I get from exercise is on the chest wall under the armpit where the bra line would be (on the SNB side). Mine is very minor, and I believe is normal post-op swelling, but I am keeping a close eye on it (worried about truncal LE - being very careful to gradually introduce exercise so I don't trigger it).

    Tina - glad you are getting some better sleep, too!

    Diana - now you've got me craving turkey and all the trimmings...YUM! Glad you made your chemo decision - I'm sure that was a challenging process.

  • Diana - great to hear from you! Glad you've made a decision re chemo - and it sounds like you feel comfortable. That is the most important thing. Keep us posted - hope tomorrow's appt. goes well. You're making me want an American Thanksgiving dinner right now . . . .I have leftover chickpea curry from a friend that I'm having for lunch, but mmmm, turkey gravy and stuffing would hit the spot. Glad your mobility's back!

    Lorraine - oh honey, I didn't say I had an UNMEDICATED good night's sleep, did I? I actually took an Ativan and a Benadryl - no chances. Said to my husband this a.m. that I think I'll do that for a few nights, just to seal the deal.

    I'm going to finish lunch and sneak in a walk before my daughter comes home. Thought I'd sleep this a.m. but got "Something Borrowed" on demand and just lay in bed enjoying some escapism. I am loving being alone today - and later we'll see how heating up dinner goes. My daughter said this a.m. as I was finishing breakfast and urging her to do the same, so we could shower "this seems more normal, mom." Ahhhh, yes it does darlin', yes. it. does.

    Baby steps, women!


  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    LOL Sarah - that is so funny!  Medicated sleep is WAY better than restless, fretful half-sleep or no sleep!  I feel so much better today!  I think that's a good idea to do that for a few nights in a row...may just follow your lead on that!   So glad your first big day alone is going well - yay for returning to some sense of normalcy!!!  From the mouths of babes...


  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Hi all

    I wanted to give you an update. My children laxatives did the trick and I am finally getting back to normal. I have taken one quick look at my breast and today I took a much longer look. They look good according to the surgeons but it still is emotional to look at them.

    I did get great news today. My BS called (on her day off) to tell me that she has my path report and the 4 nodes they took are all clean!!!! Yea no radiation. The left breast had IDC ( most of it was gone due to Chemo) and some dcis which was all removed with the mbx. The right breast was clean. That is a huge weight off my chest. None I just have to deal with healing, reconstruction and 7 months of perception.

  • groovygirls
    groovygirls Member Posts: 100

    Margie- that is great news!

    I am 4 weeks post op today so I think the exercise is okay. I am not supposed to lift anything. Hubby took all the notes when we last met with the PS- I'll have to review to double check since I can't remember anything!

    I have to go back to work tomorrow :(. 8-12. It should be okay but I really liked staying home.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Awesome news Margie!!!!!!!!! 

  • Therese9
    Therese9 Member Posts: 58

    Dancetrancer, thanks for sharing your experience. Glad your right nipple recovered and you have healthy skin. yay!

  • Margie - awesome news in the bathroom and on the path report! (how many times do you get to cheer for an adult in the bathroom?) I hear you about emotional - even though surgeons consider things "a success" it's still very different for us to see ourselves post MX. All my friends who've done it says that it will get much easier, and I can say that today, my 3rd real shower, I felt much less intimidated by my new breasts and am feeling a little more comfortable with them. Still a LONG way to go - we will get there! Celebrate your victories today.

    Lorraine - let's drug up together, sister. Wahoo, we are a wild crew. Bring on the Benadryl!

    Groovygirls - check your notes, but if you feel fine, then it is likely FINE. I think lifting is a more serious matter. What about range of arm motion? I'm curious about when PS will start letting me lift my arms up - couldn't hail a taxi to save my life right now. Sorry you have to go to work tomorrow - I hope it goes OK . . . will be rootin' for you.

    I just took my longest walk ever, nothing on the order of Groovygirls, but I surprised a neighbor with my distance. Felt fine! We'll see how I feel later. Still, this seems like so little . . . need to not get crazy and keep working up. Repeat this 10 times, Sarah . . . I am a terrible over-doer and over-achiever!


  • Therese9
    Therese9 Member Posts: 58

    Jazz3000, thanks for the link to the photos. They were indeed quite graphic, scary too, but seeing them made me calmer. The black tissue around my R nipple looks more like dried blood or a scab this morning. Whew. Stuck in a traffic jam on the way to PS, still want to checck it and weird dents/ripples/underarm swelling out. Thanks, guys, for the support!

    Margie, great news!!

    Sent from my iPhone

  • babycakes82
    babycakes82 Member Posts: 11

    Jazz-I have had some swelling.  I had a seroma a few weeks back while the drainage tube was in.  The pain is better today, although when I laugh, sneeze or cough, I hold my breast area as to not jar it because the pain is worse otherwise.  I am due to have a check tomorrow morning.  I don't know if they will fill or not. 

    Dantrancer-I drive to Birmingham to see the doc at UAB.  I see you are from there.

     I too have had the sleep problems even with meds.  So, I keep on going just like the energizer bunny!  I even showed property all morning and sold a house.  Pretty good for 4 weeks post op!  YAH!!! Have a great day

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Sounds like some of us are getting much-needed sleep with modern pharmaceuticals, and I am so in favor of that as opposed to not sleeping!

    Yaaayyy, Margie!!!! Glad things are progressing for you!

    I went to teach my pharmacogenomics class this morning, only about 2 hours total, and was so glad to be back, although I was not highly caffeinated, still on pain meds, it is Monday morning, and I don't think any of my students had enough coffee this morning, either!!  Wink  Still was good to have only missed one class with them, so there is good conntinuity.

    I called about my rash and arm pain, saw the NP.  Apparently I am now allergic to whatever prep they do to clean the skin prior to surgery - not the same old betadine they used to use - and I am itching from chin to belly, across my entire chest, inner arms, with red rash all over.  She gave me some topical steroid that is a little stronger than the over-the-counter stuff, continue benadryl.  The arm pain started in my inner elbow, now is up the inner side into the armpit, she says it is "normal", no evidence of swelling, but probably/possibly nerves waking up.  Nost sure if that is good news or bad news, guess it depends on just how bad this pain gets.  Right now it is super-sensitive to the touch of my shirt sleeve.

    My sister has been cleaning out my vegetable garden and putting in lots of beautiful bright mums.  Such a joy to look at them!

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Hello all!

    Busy day complete with my initial med onco visit and follow-up with the plastic surgeon. Per the oncologist, the current plan is to make sure none of the stupid cancer cells escaped via chest x-ray, onco type test and bloodwork. IF all is good, the plan is that I will do hormone therapy for 5 years (non-negotiable per him) but NO CHEMO!!!! The benefits of chemo does not outweigh the risks in my case. Then off to the PS for follow-up where he removed my last two drains  and scheduled to start my fills next Wed. They are even going to go ahead and schedule my exchange surgery for Nov or Dec.... Then off to the minute clinic for a flu shot just to round out the day.

    Hope it does not seem I am glouting because that is not my intent. I didn't sleep well last night worrying about todays' visit and can not begin to tell you how relieved I feel at this moment. There is finally light at the end of the tunnel and may not be a train coming to mow me down again....

    That said, I wish everyone of you the same blessing (to smoothly reach the end of your journeys as soon as possible)...  I know I am not done with the fight quite yet but feel stronger knowing I am winning!.

    diana123- Even thou I will not be joining you on the chemo route, I will be here to support you all the way. I hope you had a wonderful holiday today.

    MargieC  - glad to hear things are also moving right along for you! hee hee... Great news on the pathology as well. 

    Teresa9 - I hope your appt today went well.

    Groovygirls - Sorry you have to return to work but I too may be a working schmuck soon. Hope your first day back goes well and that you find comfort in returning to the routine. 

    Dancetrancer - thanks for the insight on the under the foob/rib pain. I too have that on occasion and figured it was muscular since positioning seems to help alleviate it.

    Sarah - I am so happy to see you are sleeping better (tylenol PM has been my dreammaker) and that you & DD are getting into what feels like a more normal routine.

    StJude10 - Thanks so much for the warm thoughts. Glad you were able to enjoy some beautiful weekend weather with family.

    As I have said before and will continue to say to eternity, you guys have been a godsend. It sucks to take this journey but I am honored to share the ups & downs with you ladies. Please know that I love you all! May we all continue healing quickly and sweet dreams (medicated or otherwise).

  • Odie! Such great news for you all around. Doing a happy no-drain dance for you - it has been a LONG time w/those suckers. You are NOT going to miss those bad boys tonight. Trust me. Fingers crossed that the tests come back and confirm that doing hormone therapy alone is the ticket for you.

    I'm in bed, trying to last 'til 9 or so. I'll medicate myself and try to get some more good rest tonight. I am relieved b/c I got a reply email from my old lymphedema therapist (saw her proactively after my surgeries in '01) and she confirmed I should come in just to be checked, although she said there is a wide range of post-op swelling that is normal. She also told me their massage techniques can be good for regular old post-op swelling too. So between her and my PS f/u on Wed., lots of eyes will be on this case in the coming week. I'm calling to book an appt. w/her first thing tomorrow a.m.

    Aside from being swollen again tonight, today was good. I'm clawing my way back up here - feel like I've had string (but for the swelling freakouts) of good days and that my energy is picking up. I tried to nap today, but couldn't - rested and tonight DD and I played a strategy game together and had a good time. Evenings are hardest for me energy-wise, but most important parenting-wise . . . no one said this'd be easy!

    Hope everyone rests well tonight, naturally or w/aid! Is ANYONE sleeping naturally?? Undecided


  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Babycakes - that's cool! UAB has been great to me. And wow, can't believe you are out working so much already. A BIG congrats on the house sale! 

    Aw man Linda - that itching sounds terrible. Hope the medicine is kicking in for that!

    Sarah congrats on the long walk! It feels so good to get out and MOVE, doesn't it?

    Stephanie - hope you got good news at the doc today!

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Too funny - by the time I post my response, there are several more to read and catch up on. LOL! 

    Odie - keeping my fingers crossed for you on those tests - no chemo would be great! I'm so happy for how you are doing - yay!!!

    Sarah - so glad you got in touch with your old LE therapist and will be able to see her and get some answers and peace of mind! Really glad you are feeling more energy. Sounds like your first real solo day went well!

  • Lady-di
    Lady-di Member Posts: 74

    Odie, I'm so happy for you. Im keeping my fingers crossed for no chemo for you. It's great news and being drain free too. It's one of those priceless moments.

    Sarah.. Hoping you get that restful sleep tonight. One of the main reasons I stopped napping during the day was b/c I couldn't sleep through the night anymore. I was waking up between 4 & 5 and then staying up. I was never a napper before and I think my body was telling me it wasn't needed anymore. I was really tired in the early evenings at first but now it doesn't bother me at all.

  • OK, so I somehow didn't see Babycakes' and Linda's posts a few minutes ago - weird. Babycakes - that is amazing that you're working so hard - if it's working, go for it! How is the RE market down there - are you a wonder-broker or are things moving, generally. Congrats on the sale.

    Linda - I had a rash like that in '01 due to Betadyne they used then for my first lumpectomy. THAT was awful, too. I hope relief comes soon - I got to take prednisone then b/c my surgery was so small . . . that was obviously off the table this time. So it's a waiting game. I found ice to be helpful - bags of peas on your torso? Just keeps getting better and better! Glad to hear you were able to teach today - I can't imagine being with it enough to do it, but then again, I haven't been put to any tests mentally since my BMX.

    OK, now I'm REALLY going to bed. One can get sucked into BCO for a while . . . and being on the laptop is not getting me on the glide-path.

    Good night, all!


  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Linda -- back teaching your class - wow. I hope your rash gets better.

    Baby cakes-- showing and selling houses -wow for you too.

    Odie16-- no Chemo would be fantastic

    Sarah-- I am not sleeping naturally Dr gave me Valium for muscle spasm and suggested taking one at bed time and it has helped me sleep.

    BTW I got 2 of my 4 drains out this afternoon. I go back Fri to see if the other 2 can come out

    Good evening e eryone hope you get a good night sleep.

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Sarah=I too am sleeping with the help of an aid. I tried cutting out my naps, and it didn't seem to help any. Xanax is my drug of choice right now.

    Linda=Sure hope your rash gets better. I'm sorry, it sounds so uncomfortable. Wishing better days ahead for you.

    So happy for Margie and Odie to get such great news! rock on sisters!

    I had my bone scan today. Officially all testing prior to chemo is a wrap! I also met w/PT today. Can't believe how much it hurt at first, and how much better it felt when I left. My ROM is so much better. A bit more swelling tonight. Not gonna freak about it just yet, I tend to swell a bit more when I've overdone it.

    Wishing my sisters sweet dreams (one way or another)!

  • jazz3000
    jazz3000 Member Posts: 109

    babycakes I am hoping that your visit goes well and your health is improving. The best item I recieved this week was a gauze band that looks like a tank top and it covers the bandages and holds them on the area while they debrie it, but more than that it helps with exactly what your talking about. I don't find myself grabbing my breast area when I cough or sneeze because there's enough pressure coming from this thing ( I'm sure the old timers probably have a name for this) I don't need too. It also puts just enough pressure on my sides I haven't had as much swelling as I did Friday.

    Ask your Doctor if they have something like that and see if it helps. Am glad you sold a house today. Awesome! There is life and money after Breast Surgery!  Hoping the next house you sale will be all sale and no pain. 

    Therese - I so hope I didn't cause you any distress as I know how I feel when I have to look at pics like these but they really do help us discern what's what. Like I told my BS, " I don't have a breast removed weekly therefore it's difficult to know what's right and or wrong."  I'm glad it's more a healing issue and not necrotic (we hope). Good thoughts for a "You're doing better than we expected, and everything is moving along as we anticipated." 

  • chonikel
    chonikel Member Posts: 71

    Good morning ladies -

    moving along here - today is an appt with PT - see if I can find out how to get my arms back.  Sleep is still not good - but I only used the ibuprofen last night - trying to wean off Oxy at night too.  No one better take my ativan though! :)

    I hope everyone has a good day today and is healing and finding some new 'normals' - lots of good reports of progress yesterday - even if that's emotionally preparing for what's next ....

    We are here for you!
