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Mastectomy Sept 2011



  • Oh Diana - did I tell this cat box story here? We had a cat (mine before marriage, husband merely tolerated in the name of love) when I was going into chemo. I SPECIFICALLY asked my oncologist (who's very conservative, I was sure this was going to come out my way) about the litter box during chemo - figured I'd get out of it for those months! To my surprise, he said it was fine to scoop it, just to be diligent about handwashing, etc. Bah. You should've seen my husband's face - GLEE, I tell you! So my otherwise super-supportive, ever-loving husband got out of it and never, ever offered to do it. 

    I wish you much better luck. If it were me, I'd get a doctor's note! : )

    I had an OK night. My back is just not happy - this not moving and stretching thing is getting to it, I think. In bed last night I tried bending at the waist in a pike position - didn't reach for my toes b/c I figured that'd be bad for the foobs, but just tried getting some extension and man, am I bound up. I'm going for a walk this a.m. 'cause it's going to rain here - that'll help a bit, but I want to reach to the floor and the sky!

    Today's the f/u w/PS - curious to see if she's going to puncture me (that is going to be pleasant, no?) or just let this swelling fester. Also might have a slight revision done for some necrotic tissue of my own (a thin line along my old scar, nothing that looks too onerous).

    Hope you all got some rest last night. I wonder when I'm going to stop waking up at 3 a.m. and downing another Tylenol/Ativan cocktail? I'm sure I've gotten my body into the habit now . . . grrrrr.


  • Lady-di
    Lady-di Member Posts: 74

    Sarah- haha. I think my husband must be related to yours. He hates the litter box. After surgery I think he and kids handled it for 2 weeks. I did it one day and have been doing it since. I'll be looking into getting that note!!!,

    Good luck with your appointment today.

  • chonikel
    chonikel Member Posts: 71

    Good Morning ladies -

    Sadly another rough night for me - I had cramps on top of everything else... the dog saw something outside at 1:30 AM so I was up with him trying to convince him it wasn't worth barking at.... cramps at 3 ... cramps at 5.... husband up at 7 to leave for work.  Not going to be a good day for me -

    BUT the good side is - I really have nothing on the agenda today - so I am gonna take a SLOW day - walk the dog - and go to the post office and do some bookkeeping for the ice cream shop - and that's it... okay and maybe my PT exercises.... 

    Giving myself permission to take a day but feeling the pressing of things to do before going back to work - ahhh women - why do we DO SO MUCH!!! :)

    So - having my coffee... and then off to walk the dog - that will give me a burst for a couple hours anyway - Naptime this afternoon? I believe so :)

    Hope you all have good healing happy days today.


  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Good morning ladies

    Seems we all have the issue of waking in the middle of the night lately. Even with my Tylenol PM, I was awake at 2 a.m. & then again at 5 a. m. Luckily I was able to go back to sleep until 8 so I won't be a zombie today. Plans for today include meeting a friend for lunch before getting the much needed new do. Was unable to get my hair done yesterday since the x-ray at the hospital took forever!

    Gonna be raining here today so walking appears doubtful but laundry is a likely late afternoon passtime. Not that I am complaining as it feels good to start helping DH out with the household chores. Hate to burden him with everything as he has enough trouble getting himself up & out for work in the mornings.... ha ha 

    Wishing everyone a relaxing & wonderful day!  

  • Pittsey
    Pittsey Member Posts: 1

    I had mastectomy on 9/28. My pain level is different every day. Lately my implant feels like when your foot falls asleep. Numb but prickly Anything touching it is irritating. And always the occasional jabs that can drop me to my knees.

    I can feel things shifting around on their own. That part is so strange and alien to me. Starting to wonder if I made the right choice with the expanded and implant.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,251

    I am highly allergic to cats but I do have two dogs(only mildly allergic to them). As in most places, it is the law that one has to pick up after them, and besides, I'm a good citizen. Anyway, in speaking to my onc, with my DD present, I asked if this activity would threaten my immune system ( please, please say yes!). He said, no!!! As long as my hand was covered and I washed thoroughly after the fact, it was ok. Darn it! DD just smiled.


  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Pittsey welcome to the group.  I haven't had an implant, but I can speak to the strange sensations you are having.  I think I started having that same hypersensitivity at about 2 wks post-op, right where you are.  It has improved significantly this week (but not 100% gone).  At least now though I don't find myself trying to pull my t-shirt forward off of my chest to alleviate it.  Hang in there! 

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461
    Just wanted to share that last night I was able to lay on my side for about 5 minutes before I got uncomfortable (R side only, L side with SNB still too sore).  Progress - I'll take every little good sign!!!Smile  I also survived my first night alone - DH is on a business trip.  I'm bummed b/c next week he will be gone for 8 days...lonely already!  Gonna try to set up some lunches/outings with friends. 
  • babycakes82
    babycakes82 Member Posts: 11
    I had a good doctor visit.  He said nothing he can tell is causing my pain.  He thinks it is the tightness, muscle spams in the back.  I have an appointment to start therapy on Friday.  I can't wait.  They did do another fill, but only 60 cc.  They had planned to do double, but we thought it might be too much with the pain I have been having.  Getting the fills to me feels like an outer body experience.  Very Strange.  So my 3 mon laptop hardrive crashed and I have been trying to get everything back where it was.  I have a back up, but it has been working weird too and my house phone has gone out today.  For me at least it is something to keep me busy!! haha. I would rather have something to do than not!  We have had rain here the last 2 days.  I am  ready for that to stop so I can get back to my walks outside.  I love this time of year when the leaves are changing and it is not cold yet.  I love the stories about the cats.  I want to have a Bye, Bye, Bra party in November. I want to donate all my bras and have my guests brings bras for the women's shelter.  A fun, catered party to try and do something positive.  Must say,  I have enjoyed going braless as my breast were so dense and large. We need to come up with a name for "our cocktails" we make!!!Laughing I am so thankful for this blog as it keeps me real and it is nice to have someone share what I go through!! How blessed I am. Hope all of you have a good nights sleep and recover very quickly with no complications.
  • Hi friends!

    Pittsey - welcome! I had my BMX and have implants and feel many of the same things. My twinges are not as bad as yours - no knees, yet . . . but a quick inhale of surprise as I get a zinger, for sure. I do feel like things are shifting in there, too - I think it'll all calm down as we heal up. There is so much change going on right now in our bodies.

    Caryn, sorry about the dog poop! Clearly your oncologist and my oncologist are from the same camp. It really seems as though you should get a pass on that sh$t (get it?) while on chemo. Will DD take pity on you???

    Babycakes - I hope the pain goes away - that the therapy helps. I think it was wise not to fill you up too much - you can get to that after your pain is more resolved. Besides - your technology is falling apart - you have enough on your plate for the next couple of days! Your bra party sounds great - keep us posted. I think that doing something positive is one of the greatest ways to heal after the trauma of a cancer dx. 

    Lorraine! Your side?! How totally awesome. Have to admit I'm jealous - it'll only get better from here, friend. And congrats on going it alone - another big step. I would imagine you'd feel lonely after all the QT you and DH have had over the last month . . . definitely line up fun stuff for yourself for next week - it'll give you something to look forward to, too. 

    I saw my PS this afternoon. She is unconcerned re the swelling - it is worse on my prior-radiated side, which she said is normal, that that tissue has a harder time absorbing the fluid. She said that I should get worried if it starts to move into my breast area (it's really only on the sides and under my arms). I'm going to see her next week so we'll see how I'm doing then. 

    She did a revision on the left side - part of my old scar was black and she said it wasn't healing well and was afraid that in a couple of weeks it might open up (eeeew). So she shot me up w/lydocaine and opened it up, cut out the spot and stitched it up. I am not a fan of being awake and with it while undergoing medical procedures!? It was fine, I felt zero pain, only pressure. Hopefully this'll do the trick, she seems to think it'll be just fine. Let's all cross fingers.

    So Monday is the LE PT, I can't do much w/her, says PS - but at least I can get measured and have another set of eyes on me.

    I am pooped! I did much more yesterday than "usual," then this a.m. got moved to pay the bills (there were a lot of them!) and then met w/a contractor, got showered and gussied up to go to the hospital, then stopped at the pharmacy on the way home (DH driving me, still haven't done that). I'm in bed w/p.j.s while DH oversees homework (thank the Lord I'm off duty tonight) and reheats some delicious looking food from a neighbor. Phew! Maybe this'll earn me a decent night's sleep tonight??

    Oh - anyone have a recommendation for a cami w/wide straps that has a shelf bra? PS would like me to at least wear this if I can't wear a bra b/c of swelling.


  • babycakes82
    babycakes82 Member Posts: 11

    Sarah, I was able to find lots of Cami's at Kohls.  They have been on clearance because of summer.  I guess the good thing is you were able to get that done in the office and not have to be put to sleep, especially since you didn't feel anything.  But hard to go through that procedure.  Your hubby sounds like mine, taking care of things!  I feel pooped just listening to your day! hehehe. 

  • bayareamom
    bayareamom Member Posts: 19

    Hi All,  I have some catching up to do here.  I took a break for a few days.  I was so excited to get my last drain out last Friday, but then developed a small seroma and was quite depressed about it.  I felt so bad that i had the drain removed, should have waited until Monday but I hated it so much.  I saw the nurse about the seroma yesterday and she said not to worry-it is small and soft and that it should reabsorb without any intervention. 

    I did not have tissue expanders placed with my mastectomy.  How many of us are holding off on reconsruction?  My surgeon did not offer me tissue expanders because he feared I might have to do radiation.  I am glad I am not going though the painfull fills now but wonder how it will be to have additional surgery to have them placed, IF I decide to reconstruct.

    I got my Coobie bra in the mail yesterday-with it on, I don't look much different than before as I was a AA.  Anyone NOT going to reconstruct??


  • Therese9
    Therese9 Member Posts: 58
    Hi all. So many posts, hard to keep track of them all! We’re such a chatty group. I love that! And I love hearing how all of you are doing, your good, bad and really hard days. It makes such a difference to not be going through this intense, emotional process alone. Know I’m there for you, cheering you on.  Dancetrancer and Caryn, I’m with you on the attitude. If something’s bad, it’s gotta go. Period. Done. Linda can lead us on our charge to eradicate bc! And Caryn, you’re too important to leave our group! Maybe we could share you with another group, maybe, but only if we remain the first in your heart.  Jazz, hope your wound is healing well and that you’re feeling better each day. Tina, that’s great that you love your PT and that she could confirm for you that you’re healing well! We need those external eyes and words of encouragement to help us along this pathway. Linda, I’d go nuts if someone rearranged my kitchen, even though I’m only now learning how to cook. Okay, so I’m 54 and my kids are grown, but hey, what’s the rush? Now if someone came in and just thoroughly cleaned my kitchen, and then read my mind and put everything back exactly where I wanted it (even if it wasn’t there to begin with), that would be okay. J Yeah, and then if that little sparkledust fairy got to work on a few other less than glittery parts of my life, I’d be all set. J  Like Sarah said, for now,  if you can, sit back and enjoy the pudding. (That should a bumper sticker. Talk about attitude adjustment. That’s what I need.) Pittsey,welcome. I don’t know why we have so many odd sensations after this surgery, except that all of our nerves there were cut. But it can be disconcerting. Hang in there. It tends to get better, even if it’s not a straight shot upwards. 
  • Therese9
    Therese9 Member Posts: 58
    Colodisneylover, great to hear that your recovery is going well since your 9/16 MX! And Babycakes, you sold a house?? Really? That’s so cool.  And here I was feeling so excited yesterday that I could participate in “finding the curl” in my mop head after my shower!  (I won’t go in to all the details, but my husband assumes the alter ego of “Mr. Cristophe,” a hairdresser, who helps me dry my curly hair. Anything to keep him from dying of boredom and me looking as bedraggled as I sometimes feel.) But you’re out selling houses? WTG! Odie16, glad that you’re feeling well enough to help out your DH with the household stuff; who knew that that could ever feel so great?! I’m with you there. Stjude, that’s an amazing thing to do: donating your hair. What an impressive group of women you all are! To be so giving and thoughtful in the midst of your own suffering is extraordinary and so inspiring. Thank you for being such great examples of how to handle this experience with grace. 
  • Therese9
    Therese9 Member Posts: 58

    Yeah, I know I'm a technodork. No need to comment. Trust me, I do all that sniping for myself and more. :) 

    I'm so emotional today. Had a really bad night last night. Took Tylenol PM for the first -- and last--time. I think "PM"  stands for "Pre madness" in my case. My god, half of my body was trying to fall asleep and the other half was having an allergic reaction to the additional medicine in the Tylenol. I felt every single thing that touched my skin, I was itchy, couldn't stand the sheet on my body. It was hideous. It was like being one half of a Siamese twin and one part of you is trying to drowse off and the other is screaming, "Help me, help me! I'm drowning!" And I knew I just had to ride it out somehow because the drug was already in my body. Trying to sleep on my side (which I sooo want to do!) made me feel like Frankenstein. I could feel some sutures, like I was a stitched up monster.A week ago Vicodin gave me weird nightmares, so now I'm waiting to get back on mild ole percocet for the evenings.:)  Sorry to be so graphic. And I'm sorry for all my fellow sisters who've also been struggling with sleep problems. A good, deep sleep makes a huge difference in our ability to cope.

    The good thing that came out of such an uncomfortable night was an emotional breakthrough. Today I've been writing and crying--but in happiness, not sadness. I am broken open by the love and kindness that has been shown to me during this time. I am so moved and touched by the extraordinary people in my life and by the human capacity to love. That's a gift. It isn't what I expected, but it's gift and I am so grateful. xoxo, Stephanie/aka Therese

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,251

    Bay area on, Welcome back. My understanding is seromas are common and will resolve on it's own. I had immediate permanent implants since I stayed the same, smallish, size. One is coming out tomorrow(see below). I may have to have rads but my ps feels this will not impact implant. Funny how every ps has such differing opinions on just about everything! Btw, I understand that many women do not find fills painful. Some ps's go slowly and that helps.

    Reporting to hospital at 10:00am tomorrow with surgery at noon. Left nipple is going due to some dcis found per final path report. Implant will probably go too because there won't be enough skin left so TE will go in. Chemo port will also be placed. Should be home by evening.

    Went wig shopping and got one full wig and one halo. The wig style is called Sybil and, she will be my other personality. I have soft curly hair that few believe is natural but, really, it is. Tried on some straight wigs that were cute but felt costumey. Sybil is bit lighter than my hair but has lots of highlights and enough curl to look like me. The halo is softly curled and will look cute with hats. I feel pretty good about how I will look and it was actually kind of fun trying on and picking out the wigs. Time for a shower and then relaxing. BTW, my evening cocktail of choice is Zyrtec, 1/2 Percoset, 1 mg. Ativan and Colace! Sweet dreams and hoping you are all doing well. Caryn

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Babycakes - glad you only had a small fill - less likely to further irritate those already irritated back muscles! Sorry to hear about your computer...and the back-up acting up...uggh! As for a cocktail name...hmmm..."Bra Burner?" LOL  This could be fun seeing how creative our group could get with this - ha! 

    Sarah - so relieved to hear your PS is unconcerned about your swelling! Sounds like we have it in the same place, so that gives me extra peace of mind, too. Eeeks about the revision - wow, sounds like it went way better than expected with it only being a local. Whew! Fingers crossed that all heals up well. And wow, you did have a busy day! I bet you are exhausted and yes, here's to hoping for a very restful sleep tonight!

    Bayareamom, bummer about the seroma. Glad to hear the nurse says it should resolve on its own. I am in the process of reconstruction - right now I am about an AA. I'm guessing after my next recon I'll be an A but not sure. That's what I was before, so I'll be deciding then if I want to go through more surgeries to get a little bigger. The lipo with fat grafting is a slow process, but it was the best option for me and so far I am really happy with the cosmesis.  So are you considering no recon?  

    Well, I've decided I am going to go check out the local Race for the Cure here on Saturday. I will walk whatever I feel is ok for me, while DH will run it. I went today to the local mall to pick up our packets. This was my first longer drive combined with walking in the mall, and I was pretty pooped afterwards. I also found that the seatbelt still bothers me - still pretty sore across my chest. Really ready for that to go away! Hubby will be home in a few hours, and we will settle in for dinner and Survivor - we are hooked on that show.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Checking in.......

    Welcome Pittsey!  Hang in there... It will get better...

    Bayareamom - I'm so sorry you developed a seroma after the drain removal but totally understand your eagerness to get rid of them. I finally got rid of my last two drains Monday (1 day shy of 4 weeks post surgery and was seriously over it). Hope the seroma is a distant memory soon.

    Caryn - I am glad you were able to find a kindred sister (Sybil) and will be praying for you tomorrow that your surgery goes smoothly & is uneventful. 

    Babycakes -  Glad your appt went well and love the bye bye bra party idea. What a nice way to give to those in need.   

    Sarah - Glad to hear the doctor is not overly concerned with the swelling. Boy did you have a full day! 

    Stephanie - I am so sorry you had such a rough night. Funny how meds can affect us all so differently. Hoping you are able to sleep like a baby tonight.  And if that fairy shows up, PLEASE SHARE....ha ha

    My day went as planned (which so never happens) however I have to share a pleasant surprise. I got a call from a lab company about the requested Oncotype test my onco requested (just to be sure). He asked them to be sure to call me to let me know the cost and any possible charges after insurance. She wanted to advise me that my insurance was paying the cost 100% so I would owe nothing for the test. Almost needed puppy kisses to revive me off the floor. Finally someone calling to tell me I owe them nothing??? So to celebrate, I made cookies...

    I also got a call from my ps office letting me know that my exchange surgery will be November 15th... Get my first fill next Wednesday. Can't wait to get rid of these stupid TE's as they are just hard & uncomfortable. 

    Lorraine, I aspire to lay on my side and hope to get there by the end of next month.. Always good to have goals.... hee hee     Best of luck at the walk this weekend. We're proud of you!

    Gentle hugs to all my Sept. sisters. May we all enjoy a restful evening......

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Caryn - sending you hugs and well wishes for you surgery tomorrow!  

  • Therese9
    Therese9 Member Posts: 58

    Caryn, yes, best wishes for tomorrow!

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Caryn-- good luck with your surgery.

    Dancetrancer-- enjoy the race for a cure this weekend. I did ours a couple of weeks ago and I was very moving. I can also relate to your feeling with DH going on a business trip. Mine leaves Mon for the week. He has been so great I am going to miss him, but he needs to get to work he had been at my side for the past 10 days.

    Odie16 -- exchange surgery Nov 15 good for you on getting the fills done and the exchange done quickly. I hope to do the same.

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Heading to the hospital to have my port put in. All of the tests are completed, and this is the last thing before starting chemo next week. Having an issue with my left arm, the side all the nodes were taken. Still can't straighten it all the way. I've heard of cording? and am wondering what's going on. One thing at a time. My BS is getting the machine for early LE detection, and I'm scheduled for the 20th. I sure hope not. See PT again tomorrow, but she's working on the armpit and breast, and not really focusing on the area that's bothering me. I'm thinking I'll see if we have a LE PT in my area.

    Welcome Pittsey, good luck Caryn with your surgery, and HUGS to all my Sept. sisters!

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Sarah - this is expensive, but it has wider straps (compared to spaghetti) that are adjustable.  Seems like if you want wide straps it is hard to also find them adjustable without paying $$$.;jsessionid=69B5764B8E7A5E2A918395BE23911A97.qscstrfrnt02 

  • Hi friends - rainy day in Boston. Great day to re-group from business yesterday. Working backwards on personals: 

    Lorraine -  that looks awesome! You are so dear to search for me - I haven't seen that one and I like it so much more than the post-MX tanks I found at TLC. And I think you are right about $$ - I actually got a friend to drive me to the specialty lingerie place this a.m. and got two nursing tanks, of all things - the shelf bra is nice and snug and the straps and chest band are wide. These don't look maternity at all (meant to transition), so no one will know (plus, it's hoodie weather up here). They were $54 apiece - again, pricey, but all cotton w/a little spandex and SO comfy. Feeling a little "money is no object" right now about these things - I have several more weeks to wear these and it's a 24/7 garment! Definitely let us know how the Race for the Cure goes - I've done many and found them to be VERY inspirational, despite my distaste for the whole pink thing. It is truly amazing to be in the company of so many women who've experienced the same thing.

    Lori - hoping the port goes OK, and that you don't have cording. I had a lot of continued discomfort after my first ALD - it lasted a long time but did eventually go away, no LE, thank goodness. I hope it's just things adjusting and that you'll be able to work through it in PT . . . sounds like you're on top of it, which if you ask any LE expert or woman who's lived with it, is the most important thing.

    Odie - yippee! 11/15 is a good day - and SO SOON! who knew we'd be so excited for more surgery? And so happy for you about your 100% covered oncotype - what a relief. So awesome to not have to fight on every little freakin' thing. Whew. I'm eating a cookie in your honor (or 3. don't judge). 

    Stephanie - you're cracking me up with your multiple posts! I can SO relate to the emotional ups and downs you talked about, and about crying b/c of the love you're feeling from everyone. I don't think there's been a single day since my surgery when I haven't been moved to tears by the kindness of someone. Definitely shed more tears of happiness than sadness, and that is a blessing. I'm so sorry about your Tylenol PM disaster, but you made me LOL. Who knew about all these crazy drug reactions? Who has TIME for this crap????

    Bayareamom - listen, your docs removed your drains, you didn't rip 'em out. You'd be a freak if you hadn't wanted them out ASAP. The seroma's not your fault - and I'm so glad that it looks like it'll clear on its own - that's the best way . . . no more cutting/draining than we need to right now. Our bodies need a rest if it's possible (this from the woman who was recut yesterday, but it wasn't MY choice!).

    So I'm trying to drum up a little freelancing again and was digging for quotations, and this one made me thinks of my Mastectomy Sept. 11 posse:

    "We may have all come in different ships, but we're in the same boat now." - Martin Luther King Jr.

    Hope everyone who's having a procedure today is doing well and that everyone else is hanging in. It's hard to believe we're mid-October already . . . miles to go before we sleep, but let's not forget how far we've come.



  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Wow, it is hard to keep up with all you ladies!!!!  I would like to respond to each of you, and will when I get a chance, but right now just want to say I am thinking of you all, hoping you each have as good a day as possible with continued healing and positive attitudes.  Welcome to the new folks. 

    I FINALLY got one drain out today, will probably have decreased drainage to get the other 2 out on Saturday or Sunday, but will have to wait until Monday for the office to open.  Oh, well, I guess an extra day or so will be ok, I am just delighted to get the one out today as it has been the one causing the most discomfort.

    And the rash is finally nearly gone!!!! Woke up this morning without itching (well, just a little, but it is the itching that goes with healing and not with reaction!).  Laughing

    Gentle hugs to all.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Hello all...

    Good day yesterday so as the ebb & flow goes,  today not so great... Woke up just before 3 a.m. and was not able to go back to sleep other than a cat nap. Also seem to have a sore throat and stuffy nose....grrr.             Glad I got that flu shot 3 days ago.....

    Hoping it is a 24 hour bug or mild virus that goes away soon. At least the weather is perfect (rainy & gloomy so I don't feel bad about not getting out...ha ha )

    Sarah - enjoy those cookies - no judgement here. Heck, I think we've earned one or three....

    Lynda - glad the rash is clearing and finger crossed you get the remaining drains out soon. Sure don't miss mine!

    St Jude10 - Hope all went well today. Thoughts & prayers are with you...

    Hope everyone else remains on the upward track of this rollercoaster.......

  • Silia
    Silia Member Posts: 265

    Hello ladies -  I've been lurking since my 9/15 surgery.  I developed a bad bowel infection (C diff) from the antibiotic that sent me back to the hospital for 5 days.  I'm just starting to feel sort of normal as of this week (and I'm grateful!!)  I can't believe how much has been going on for all of us.  As Sarah said, it's amazing that it's mid-October already.  Since I had chemo pre-surgery, I'm preparing to start with rads in the next couple of weeks.  For those of you prepping for chemo, you WILL get through it.  At each step of this process, fear of the unknown has been worse than the reality.  Sending good vibes, prayers, and hugs to all!

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Sarah - so glad you found two tanks that will work - hopefully you will be much more comfortable at night. Oh, I really can relate to splurging on yourself right now. I feel the same way! 

    Yay Linda for one less drain and almost no rash - woo-hoo!

    Odie - hope the sniffles and sore throat go away soon. Having that on top of recovering from surgery? Yuck.

    Silia - welcome and goodness you have been through it with the cdiff. Glad you are starting to feel closer to normal - 5 days in the hospital means you were pretty sick!

    Thanks all for the encouragement re: Race for the Cure this weekend. I got up to 2.4 miles today without any I'm thinking I might actually be able to walk the whole 5K. DH is gonna run it and then turn around and come back to me; we'll walk and cross the finish line together at the end. Guess I better bring a bunch of Kleenex, LOL. Oh and yeah when I went to pick up our packet the ladies were soooooo nice to me when they found out I was a survivor...I immediately felt a you said Sarah, it's gonna be amazing to be in the company of women who've been through the same thing.

    Oh, speaking of Kleenex...if you are looking for a tear jerker, I watched the Lifetime movie "Five" today. It's a 5 part story about various women going through various types of bc. Gosh, it is EMOTIONAL to watch - I find that very healing - but if you aren't into breaking out the Kleenex, you may not want to watch this. It's pretty heavy stuff.  Here's the link:

  • Linda - SO excited to hear about the rash being gone, and hey, one drain's better than having all of them - great it was the most troublesome one, too!

    Silia - OMG, c diff is serious business. They though I had that the day I was discharged, turns out I didn't, but um, the symptoms were so horrendous and they were telling me that I couldn't take Immodium or anything b/c they didn't want to back the bacteria into my system. I can only imagine how awful that was for you, going on for so long . . . but glad you're back and on the mend. Hospitals are cesspools, I tell you!

    Odie - what? no sniffles. this sucks. rest as much as you can and I too hope it's a short-lived thing. like you said, at least the weather's crappy . . . .

    Lorraine - you are going to have a great time at the Race. It'll be awesome to cross the line w/DH, and you will feel so empowered, even if you have to take a break. I bet you won't - don't know if you've done road races before, but my experience (as a younger woman!) was that I was so psyched up that I could run (or in this case walk) further than I'd imagined. And it was such an awesome feeling. Can't wait to hear about it! I might have to check out that movie - made the mistake of watching "My Sister's Keeper" and cried a lot thru that.

    I'm off to get ready for bed and watch my nightly junky t.v. now. Have to say, this is the most awake I've been at this time since my BMX - more progress . . . . 


  • groovygirls
    groovygirls Member Posts: 100

    C.diff- I am so sorry. I was so afraid of this I took so many probiotics and continue to do so....

    Sarah- love the new quote..

    Has anyone heard from Olga?

    I m feeling really down.....I am so Afraid of reoccurrence

    I want my life back