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Mastectomy Sept 2011



  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Hello, ladies!

    I am not that good after 2 tx...My oncologist gave me Neulasta shot last Tuesday, and I feel so weak, dizzy and nauseaus since last Thursday....I am actually in bed all the time. I am taking Claritin ( they say it helps with Neulasta) and think; can it make me feel this way?

    I am still in pain from Neulasta, had to take pain killer last night.I don't know, should I take Claritin or not, because I am driving today to see my PS.

     I don't want to be dizzy...

    I even cannot shave my head, make me dizzy too...

  • chonikel
    chonikel Member Posts: 71

    Olgah!  I am glad to see you but not happy you are feeling so lousy!  Did you call the dr about the dizziness?  I only had the shot once at the end of my chemo and I remember that did make me nauseous but I don't remember dizzy and it didn't last a week.

    You should definitely call....keep us posted - we worry about you  HUGS!

     Jazz - my cheerleader  - thank you - i definitely had a weekend of blues.  Just discouraged about the amount of discomfort -but I am also doing more - so I am sure my body is reacting.  The Right side seems more aggravated than the Left right now which is weird since the left is the one with the flap.  But I have some swelling on the R side - but you all seem to say it isn't a big deal.  I will see the PT tomorrow - so I will ask her.  

    I hope everyone had a nice weekend - and continue to pray for peace and healing for all my sisters! 


  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    I just found... that claritin CAN make dizzy and even fainting, but BREASTCANCER.ORG does not allow to paste it .

    Thank you, ladies... Chemo is not fun... but slowly we are gonna make it

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Oh Olgah, it's so good to hear from you. Sorry the se are getting to you. Hang in there, you CAN do this. Hugs

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Olgah - so great to hear from you, but I sure wish you were feeling better.  Hugs and thanks for letting us know how you are doing. :-)

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Caryn-- congrats on the grandbaby you are expecting.  It is so nice to have something good to look forward to with all we are going through...   My sister's two daughters both had their first babies a few weeks before my BMX since I did chemo first it was good for the family to focus on the two pregnancies/babies while I was doing chemo and then having a BMX.  Babies are the biggest joy in the world.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,251


    Hooray! You're back and we are so happy to hear from you. I hope you feel better soon. One of the things I've been thinking of is how well I felt before the diagnosis and now...not so good. Quite an irony. I had my port placed last Thursday and it is not comfortable and I feel like I can't breathe deeply. I have an onc appointment this morning and hope to figure out the problem. Everyone take care. Caryn

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    dancetracer---  congrats on completing the Susan G Komen 5K!!!  --  I understand the weepy feeling.  My DH left this morning for a 4 day business trip he left 3 hours ago and I am sitting hear catching up on everyone posts (wasn't online all weekend) and getting weepy.  I have had people around me for the past 2 weeks since I had surgery consistently and it is weird being alone, but I think I also need this time.  I have a feeling every evening while DH is gone different friends will be dropping in to check on me.

    Olga--  I hope the chemo SE get better as you go along.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Hey Margie I can totally relate!  My hubby won't be back til Sunday...uggh!  I'm trying to schedule get-to-gethers with friends, too.  That will definitely help.  

    Well I've been putting off going to Walmart for my groceries, but I'm out of some real necessities now...guess I am forced to go this afternoon...I don't wanna!  May the force be with me... 

    P.S.  Has anyone else put on weight since their surgery?  4# for me.  Between all the yummy food and feeling sorry for myself so eating as much as I want, with limited exercise, this was bound to happen.  I think some Lean Cuisines are in order to get myself back on track!  

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    dancetrancer--  yea I have put on some weight too.  Same with you with all the food friends are bring and not working out to the extent I usually do I have put some pounds on too.  I have always worked hard to keep my weight at a certain level and stay a size 8.  This weekend is the first time I tried to put something on other then sweats or yoga pants and ugh they were tight.  When I mentioned it to a friend and DH they said don't worry about it you need all the calories to recover, but I don't want to gain more I have already lost the chest I like now I am gaining weight.  UGH

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    I know Margie!!!!  I always have watched my weight really closely, too.  Sounds like we are the same size.  I've got to nip this in the bud - putting it on paper makes me accountable!  <hopefully>  LOL

  • Silia
    Silia Member Posts: 265

    Olga -  Would you onc consider NOT giving you the Neulasta shot?  I got through 5 months of chemo and never once got the shot.  He wanted to give it to me but I said I'll already have the SEs from the chemo itself - if I can avoid the SEs from the Neulasta, I'd like to.  He agreed but said if my wbc got too low, he'd insist that we add it in.  I was hypervigilante about avoiding germs, using Purell, and avoiding crowds and it worked out.  Your doc may not be receptive but just wanted to toss out the possibility.  You WILL get through chemo.  Stay strong!

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Hello all.

    First off, Welcome back Olgah!!! So sorry you are having such a difficult time with the chemo and Claritin. Hang in there ....We missed you & were worried... ((Hugs)))

    Dancetrancer - Good luck at Wally World

    And MargieC - Enjoy a few quiet moments and don't forget we are here if you get lonely. Seems this must be the week for DH's to go on business trips. Mine luckily will only be gone one night (Wed) so I sympathize with you ladies.

    Speaking of DH, we have a wonderful dinner out last night to celebrate our anniversary. He has been so supportive during my bc journey and always by my side. He is bummed that he will miss my first fill on Wednesday ....... Little concerned how much he enjoys the PS visits...ha ha

    As for weight gain, I am with you ladies. It seems so unfair to gain weight after losing "the girls". Thus I guess I best go for my walk now.... Hope everyone has a great day!

  • Oh no! I feel like I've been caught w/my pants down here - reading up on posts while indulging in a chocolate bar filled w/marzipan that a friend sent over . . . better go try on my jeans, STAT. I'm a life-long watcher of weight, maintained a 40# weight loss since 1991, so I am usually pretty good about keeping it in check, but yes, ladies, BC puts you to the test! If you all want to start an accountability thing here, I'm SO in. I can keep myself in check better if I have to check in w/you guys, for sure.

    I'm sure I'll miss someone - it's unintentional - lots of posts since I posted yesterday!

    Olga - great to hear from you, and I'm sorry the chemo/neulasta SEs are making you feel crappy. I know how badly you want to feel good - it's so hard on your body to take all the drugs, and then more drugs to manage other SEs - there gets to be a point where you want to say "uncle!" I agree w/Silia - ask your onc. whether neulasta is necessary - I know the std. is dose-dense chemo now, but some women will have their infusions spread out a bit further and thus not need drugs to manage SEs. In any case, big hugs to you!

    Odie - so glad you had a nice dinner!  I think it's cute your husband likes to go w/you so much. It brings our caregivers some comfort, it seems, to be in on the entire process . . . I know it's that way for my DH. This Wed. will be the first appt. he hasn't gone to - f/u w/my PS. He's the MVP on my team, for sure.

    Stephanie - I don't have TE's, and you should ask your PS, but I think I've read that TE's can soften up, just like implants can soften up. Hopefully it's nothing to be worried about. My fingers are crossed for you.

    Tina, I'm sorry you had a down weekend. It's so discouraging to have pain, still. It's been a month, darnit. For me, it's shifting too - and this is normal. I'm sure you want it to be OVER! You are 1/2 to 2/3 of the way there, girl, you can do this! It'll get better, I know it. You are doing all the right things, it's just a long process. Hugs to you, too.

    Margie & Lorraine - too funny, my DH is out of town Wed. & Thurs. and then next week the same. This week my MIL is coming for Wed. night to help w/dinner and my daughter, then Thurs. I'm on my own. I'm fine by myself, and would be overnight, too, but it's all the ruckus w/my 8-year-old  - homework, dinner prep (I can't open my fridge or pick up pots & pans) and bedtime routine + cleanup - it's either exhausting at that time of day or physically impossible w/my restrictions. I cannot WAIT to have those lifted - I just want to be able to do my job again!

    I had my appt. w/my LE PT this a.m. and she was so reassuring. She told me my swelling didn't look outrageous to her, and that it is totally normal for the prior-radiation side to be taking a long time to come down. She did careful measurements, showed me some VERY gentle exercises that will get my ROM back but follow my restrictions and will show me implant massage when my PS clears me for it. She said her pts. have VERY low rates of capsular contracture b/c of the PT combined w/the massage, which sets my mind at ease. It's so amazing how a competent, caring medical provider who takes time w/you can make your whole attitude change. Feeling encouraged and excited to be doing some ROM work, finally!

    I'm off to rest up a little more, then take my walk. I need to clear it w/PS Wed., but PT said she'd never heard of the restriction I have where I can't get my heart-rate up at all - showed me how to power up my walk w/short strides and keeping my arms at my sides, but bent at 90 degrees - she is distressed I'm not able to move, as that's how our lymph is pumped around . . . as am I. Curious to hear what PS says on this one.

    Hope you all have a restful afternoon,


  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Sarah - LOL!!! Yes, I'll check in here on the weight thing for sure.  I'll set my goals as losing 4# and definitely NOT gaining more - egads!  

    Awesome news on the PT LE visit - yeah!  Gosh I feel for you on those restrictions...I would be going nutso...less than 2 weeks left for you til you can start moving more, right?

    I sent an email to my local BS's nurse asking to be seen.  Now that all of my steri-strips are off, I've noticed what looks like an external stitch on the left side above the areola.  Also, the very end of my SNB incision under my arm is feeling sharp, "pointy", and more painful.  I'm thinking I may have an internal stitch trying to make it's way out.   This will also give me a chance to have my minor trunk swelling looked at and to ask about the status on my 2nd opinion path analysis.  

    Ok, ok, I guess I've put off Wally World enough... 

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Sarah-- enjoy your walk.  My PS hasn't given me any restrictions other then listen to your body.  I plan to talk with him tomorrow at my appointment about exactly what I can and can not do.  I am an exercised person and afraid I am going to do too much and mess up my recovery.  I am going for a walk later this afternoon with a girlfriend when she gets home from work.  We are having a nice 80 degree day - need to get out and enjoy before the crappy weather gets here Wed.  --  I am game for a weight watching support group amongst us.  We all need to eat and eat health.  I find myself eating stuff just because my friends brought it over. 

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    I have a question for those of you who have TE.  Mine have min fill so far (just what the PS put in during surgery).  Mine seem to be on my chest, but also in my arm pit.  My DH thinks it is because I haven't had a fill yet?  I plan to ask the PS tomorrow, but want to ask you all what your experience is.


  • chonikel
    chonikel Member Posts: 71

    Margie - I haven't had a fill yet either - except from surgery - first one is a week away still.  My left side has the Flap - so it actually seems more Breast Shaped and centered. While my right side is definitely flatter and seems to be more towards the arm pit - I was wondering if a fill would change that shape.  I also wasn't sure if it was swelling not the TE... I am going to ask the PT tomorrow because I don't think it was so shifted to the outside before.... But it is not high up in my armpit if that is what you are asking - just more to the outside.

    Sorry if that doesn't really help - let me know what your PS says!


  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Hello again!

    I did not take Claritin today and feel much better.I called my nurse and she told me usually they give Claritin night before Neulasta and second day, but sometimes oncologist asks to take it longer, like in my case. It is all because of lft TE, which was infected after first chemo and I had to take antibiotics.After second chemo on 10 of October on Monday it became very red and swollen, but oncologist decided that it was not an infection, but, probably reaction to Decadron IV, because I also had red face.And Neulasta was given because of my infection last time....So I stopped taking it today, thanks God.

    I missed forum and don't know whats going on there, but I will catch up.

    Caryn , I still feel the port sometimes, but it is a great thing... saves your veins.

    Margie,my TE are a little under my arm, I already had 3 extensions, and it still does not look like a breast at all. And left one still a little red.But they say it is OK.

    Sarah, I want this marzipan too...

    Nice to hear from all of you.Olga

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Tina --  sounds like we both have the same question for PS tomorrow cnocerning the TE I will posted what mine says when I get home tomorrow. 

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Olgah - so glad to hear you are feeling better. 

    Well, I survived my first solo trip to Wally World.  Only two problems.  First one was getting a cart - you know how they all stick together.  I tried three different rows to see if any were loose when the cart guy yelled "You gotta pull hard!"  LOL!!!  I told him I couldn't, just had shld surgery (quick lie on the fly) - and immediately received help from all around.  2nd problem was getting a 2 liter bottle down from the top shelf.  Definitely didn't feel I should attempt that, so I asked for help.

    Only other annoyance was having to make multiple trips in from the car to the house with one bag at a time.  My energy level is still good so I'm happy with how I managed.  Still, I am surprised at the level of weakness in my arms.  There is no way I could go back to my clinical job next week (heavy lifting - I work in geriatrics).  Fortunately, I also teach at a local PTA school part-time and will be going back to do that 2 days a week next week.  Really looking forward to it - love the teaching job! 

  • groovygirls
    groovygirls Member Posts: 100

    Oh Olga- so good to hear from you!

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Hi all!  Back from a nice 3 mile stroll, which felt really good. Count me in for the weight accountability. I am trying not to gain any extra as I already need to lose about 10 lbs. 

    Margie/Tina - As for the TE question, I am so glad to learn it isn't just me. I was afraid my new foobs were going to be in my  I will get my first fil Wed so hopefully they won't feel so wide.....

    Dancetrancer - I am proud of you for asking for help. I hate having to ask so this has been slightly humbling for me. Brave woman going to Wally World alone   ......ha ha

    Sarah - Glad the pt could help ease your swelling concerns. Sometimes we need to hear it from someone else....

    Guess I best go switch laundry around and start dinner so I can settle in to watch Dancing with the

    Take care all!   

  • Ah, Odie 3 miles! In my dreams! Yes, Lorraine, hopefully only 2 more weeks on restrictions, but w/the revision last Wed. + the swelling, I wonder if they're going to push me back. I am so proud of myself for sticking w/the program, so far.

    Wally World! We have no Walmart close to us - not enough space. I have never set foot in a Walmart, can you believe it? Positively un-American. Glad you asked for help, Lorraine - was just thinking about all the things I wouldn't be able to reach at the supermarket, and had to tell another mother today that I couldn't handle Target to scout out t-shirts for the spelling bee - the parking lot alone would push me over the edge - very crowded and hard to crank the car around for me now. I am sick of this!

    OK - should we watch our weight here or should I start another post? I don't want to bug others - and are we counting calories? Just watching what we eat? Logging exercise? Or shall we keep it very casual and just check in every day and know that others are "watching" us? I had a trainer once who said, "What you eat in private shows in public!" I think of her when I'm nomming down something naughty over the kitchen sink . . . .


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,251

    You all know that Walmart is my idea of hell. I can handle, and love Target, but Walmart is my store of last resort. My appetite has been severely diminished since all this surgery business started and I've lost a few pounds. I'm sure the steroids they'll give me during chemo will puff me up. Went to onc today and tentative start date for chemo is 11/1 and I finally agreed to the clinical trial. My breathing is quite awful right now because of swelling and irritation from the tube down my throat during surgery. Two long surgeries in 5 weeks was just too much. If I don't talk I feel better so I'm trying to stay off the phone. I am hating bc today.


  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Odie - I'm watching Dancing with the Stars right now, but I don't usually follow it. DH is on the road...thus I get to put all the sappy crap on t.v. LOL Congrats on the 3 miles! 

    Sarah - you've never been in a Walmart? Wow! I didn't think there was anyone in the USA who could say that. LOL!  Regarding the weight, I would be up for another thread to share specifics - if that's what all who are interested want to do - or we can keep it casual and just share periodic updates here with our regular posts. Oh and I count calories, but not religiously every day. (I may have to start doing that, though, uggh!)

    Caryn, I feel for you on the throat/breathing issue. I talked too much on the phone the day after surgery and ended up giving myself laryngitis and a sore throat. Lozenges and staying quiet definitely helped, but it probably took over a week before I felt like my voice was back to normal. Take it easy. You have been through so much, and you have every right to be hating bc today. It sucks.


  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Caryn=I had my port put in the same day that you did. My throat is fine, but I came out of it w/a small mark by my lip. Kinda looked like a burn, but didn't hurt. My nurse friends said that I probably got a spark on me. IDK, just glad it's going away. I am w/you on the exhaustion tho.

    Margie, Tina= I have that puffy area under my armpit, to the side of my boob which my PS says my body will absorb that fluid over time. Still waiting. My PT massages my TE and says that it's good to do at home as well. Thought I'd go thru the roof the first few times she did it. Not bad now. She told me the more flexible, the less painful the fills will be in the future. We'll see.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    St. Jude - I suspect "massaging the TE" is actually really massaging the pec muscle to help it relax and stretch better, so that it handles the stretch of the next fill better...since the TE is under the pec, you essentially have to develop a longer pec muscle to tolerate the expansion...just some musings from a non-breast ca specialist PT. ;-) 

  • Caryn, I'm sorry you're feeling shitty. It's all so shitty. I wish I could take it all away for you. On a hopeful note, I gained not an ounce on steriods for chemo. I hope you can get some rest tonight and that you catch a break tomorrow. Hugs to you.

    Lori & Lorraine - pecs streching but also breaking up scar tissue are what my PT said about massaging chests . . . she is going to help me massage my implants (that'll be interesting, no??), and from just poking around w/the right one (PS said I could be a little more aggressive massaging that one already), it's the WEIRDEST feeling to feel that sucker move in its new little pocket. I feel a little nauseated every time I go for it, but I suppose it, like all this other junk, will get easier w/time. You're good to do it Lori, it should ease the process along.

    I'm off to finish watching Ellen and hit the rack (can we ever use that expression and not think thoughts again??). Ellen is my #1 escapist treat during this ordeal. Always brings a smile to my face. I hope everyone gets some rest and relief from her troubles tonight.


  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Caryn - I agree with you. Hate Wally World but have to admit the prices can't be beat. Much prefer Target.....  Hope your throat feels better soon, I know the intubation bothers me too. Or at least that is my excuse so I can have ice cream after

    Sarah - Never in Wally World??? Impressive. Saving yourself some serious aggravation ha ha..... I am amendable to starting another thread or staying here (majority rule is fine with me)

    Lori/DT - Thanks for the mention of massaging the pecs/TE's. I know after the exchange we are to massage the implants but didn't realize we should massage the TE's as well. Getting my first fill in two days.

    Wishing everyone a restful evening and sweet dreams.....