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Mastectomy Sept 2011



  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,251

    I have permanent implants so no TE issues. I think my throat is a mess because of two surgeries with general anesthesia , and breathing tubes, in a very short time period. My daughter's fiancee's mother , who is a nurse, suggested Popsicles those are helping. Caryn

    PS: Lori, have you looked at your port yet? I am so squeamish, I just can't look yet.

  • Therese9
    Therese9 Member Posts: 58

    Olga, good to hear from you! We were all concerned when we didn't hear from you. This recovery

    process has so many ups and downs, doesn't it?, fo

    all of us. Caryn, sorry to hear your throat is bothering

    you. I know you're understandably frustrated and

    exhausted, but think of all the trauma and shock

    your body's been through in the last five weeks. You're

    doing amazingly well. Hang in there! We're all rooting

    for you!! Sarah, thanks for the info on the TEs. I hope

    that's all it is.ore to say to you all, but I'm running

    out of juice. Overdid it today and in a lot of pain. Goodnight

    all my powerful brave friends. Sleep well, heal

    thoroughly, and may tomorrow be a day of even greater progress.

    Xoxo, Stephanie/ska Therese

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Sarah, please be very careful while massaging! I tried too hard, I guess, while massaging with cocoa butter cream and got infection there. In the incision on my left breast, Right now he wants me to massage again and I am scared to death. I feel nausea too when I touch there...Cannot wait to finish whole thing....

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    yesterday I had my 3 extension and it was painful to sleep afterwards, I had to take 2 Aleve. PS said it is going to be painful for months....Especially I feel it after driving and working on computer  a lot.

    I started knitting wool socks for my 3 years old grandson Smile, on 5 needles, but I am kind of slow because of that pain. It is muscle I guess  ( feels under my right ribs).

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Caryn= I have looked. The issue w/mine is completely my fault. The nurse told me to take the dressing off and shower the next day. I just couldn't. It was so sore, so I waited until the next night. The gauze had meshed in w/the scab, so as I pulled the gauze, the scab came with. It bled a bit and has scabbed over again. Considering all of that, it doesn't look too bad. I can't see any sign of the port, just incision scabs and it's lumpy. You can do it. I don't think it's as bad as you have in your mind. When you're ready, I'm there with you in spirit!

  • Olga - don't worry, I'm going to be careful - I have an appt. w/the PS tomorrow and I'm going to ask her specifically what she recommends as far as how aggressive to be - even going to ask her to demonstrate on me. I have no pride/humility - massage my breasts, lady! At the very beginning, she had me, twice a day, just gently push in on both breasts from the outside to keep them from setting up too far out on my chest. That hurt at first but they've gotten nice and pliable and soft. The other directions are much more stiff. Gonna hurt the first time we get in there, I fear! I hope the Aleve helped your expander discomfort and that you got a good night's sleep last night!

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    Sarah, it seems to me your PS is much better then mine...I am thinking now, I have TE, should my massage be different, then yours? My TE feel hard as stone so far. He told me just put some nice moisturizing cream on it (Undecided no more cocoa butter!)
  • Oh I don't know, Olga - I think it's more an issue of our different reconstruction choices - I have my implants in already, so no TEs for me. So I'm already worried about capsular contracture (when too much scar tissue forms and makes your implant rock hard and immobile). The other thing to remember is that different PS have different rules EVEN FOR WOMEN W/THE EXACT SAME RECONSTRUCTION. This isn't an exact science and what one PS swears by, another PS will pooh-pooh. My surgeon, for example, is super strict on the activity restrictions. Don't lose faith in your PS just b/c of what I've said! 

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Tina--  went to the PS this morning and he said that the TE placement looks good.  He pointed out how close they are to the center of my chest and that is what matters.  I get my first fill next Tues so we will see how it feels then.  Oh and yes I got the last two drains out..  
     YEA...  I am to continue to wear the tight sport bras to keep any swelling down.  I start PT tomorrow so I hope to find out what I should and shouldn't be doing. 

    You all are talking about massaging the TE I haven't been told to do that.  It is crazy how every PS has a different way to manage our recovery.

    As for weight maybe we need a different thread :) 

    Caryn - I didn't gain weight during chemo.  A dear friend of ours who lost his wife to brain cancer told me his wife loved the chemo diet.  you can eat anything and not gain an any weight.  The problem is chemo did a number on my taste buds so I couldn't taste anything I did eat.

    have a good Tues ladies - I need to go fix me a spinach salad and then study to take my Pilates certification renewal test.

    sending gentle hugs to everyone...

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Margie, I am happy for you...When they fill it , I don't feel anything at all, and I cannot stand any pain, I am inpatient.

    My oncologist told me not to eat anything with saturated fat and no sugars at all. He told me that I can gain weight and also saturated fat is no good for us at all ( I mean BC patients). He told me the best is Mediterranian diet.My taste changed, I use to looooove fish, not anymore.I just crave for pasta, which I never liked much.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,251


    Ok, you inspired me. I took the bandage off and... It wasn't too bad. Some scabbing and very bruised looking but not bad. I put a smaller gauze pad back on it and will take shower this evening. Still haven't seen my left foob with the nipple removed.


  • Jaysmommy
    Jaysmommy Member Posts: 33

    Hello everyone, this is my 1st post.  2nd breast cancer dx 9/2/11.  DCIS in right breast. 1st BC was in left breast, was invasive tumor in 2004.  Had lumpectomy, chemo and rads and tamoxifen.  Very disappointed with 2nd BC after 7 years clear.  I opted for a Bi-lateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction.  Had my surgery on Sept. 26th.  I have expanders and alloderm.  Great surgeons and oncologist at the Women's Breast Center of Orange County in Calif.  Feeling depressed as I am 3 weeks post op but I am still so sore, can't sleep well, uncomfortable and I don't like pain meds.  I am scared that I am going to be in pain for the next three months until they put in the implants.  I feel so tired all the time.  It's getting very hard to be positive and upbeat. I go for my first fill today.  Scared that will hurt too.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,251

    Hi jays mommy,

    I do not have TE's but even with my one step implants, I was still uncomfortable after 3 weeks. The Alloderm slings are pretty tight but by 5 weeks seemed to relax a bit. It does get better but it can be slow going and frustrating. I had to have one of my nipples removed last week, but the implant was saved and a port put in for chemo so I was thrown back to post surgical recovery mode. Patience and perseverance.


  • Hi Jaysmommy - Sorry you found this thread, but happy you're here. I'm a two-timer, too - first dx'd in the left breast also, had 3 lumpectomies (to get clear margins), chemo, rads and did 5 years of tamoxifen. Re-dx'd w/DCIS in right breast, a new primary, this past June. I had my BMX w/immediate reconstruction (saline implants + Alloderm) on Sept. 19th. I still have lots of discomfort, am sleeping better, but would NEVER say "well", and although I'm less tired, still get pooped out easily. I'm 4 weeks out and feel like I just turned a corner in the last few days where I can see light at the end of the tunnel. And I'm only 1/2 way there, according to my PS!

    I've had ups and downs and I agree, it's really hard to be positive some days . . . we just want to feel well again, right?  And then being re-dx'd is a whole different thing, I hear you!

    I hope your fill isn't too bad - can you take an Advil or something beforehand? 

    Hang in there and let us know how the fill goes.


  • chonikel
    chonikel Member Posts: 71

    Margie - YAY on getting your last drains OUT! YAHOOOO!

    My PT said everything is exactly where it should be - but I do have some swelling on the right side so she worked on that a little bit.  You will be SO happy when you start PT.... I just LOVE my PT!! She is such a comfort to me - getting everything moving again.  Today she worked on my scar tissue (esp on my back) and my swelling.  She did "massage" the TEs some but she said it's really more about getting the lymphatic system moving more - it's not to make anything "softer". And gave me some more exercises to get my trunk moving more.   She thinks at 4 weeks it is time to start moving some things - but she is taking great care with my Left side due to the flap.  I feel so much better after seeing her!!! It's such an encouragement and I don't feel like I will be stuck like this forever.  Even my range of motion is getting better. 

    Jaysmommy - Welcome.  I am glad you found us.   I remember 3 weeks (just one week ago :) and that was when I started to get discouraged... Still being sore and not sleeping and feeling like - how much longer can this go on and will it EVER get better... It Will.  I have had a pretty blue week myself and just feel the fog lifting today - but I just went with it as part of the process - adjusting to everything and just feeling kinda blue.  I also am a #2 trip on the Cancer Train - diagnosed originally at 33 with invasive ductal carcinoma - did 3 lumpectomies, radiation and chemo and 5 years of tamoxifen.  Now at 42 re-diagnosed with DCIS - so opted for BMX with a Lat Flap due to the damage from the radiation and prior surgery.  So here we are - with you - on this journey...  These ladies will make the road a little less bumpy and a LOT less lonely - so come on in.   

    Hope everyone else is having a good day... Healing thoughts!

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Jaysmommy - welcome to our group:-)  I'm sorry you are still in so much pain and that this is your second round with bc.  I find myself getting impatient with my progress some days and kinda down, but then other days I will see progress, and it totally turns my attitude around.  Hope your fill goes ok today!

    Tina so good to hear you are feeling better - yay!

    Margie - yay, yay the drains are GONE!

    OK, so my local surgeon's nurse set me up for an appt Thursday to see the breast surgeon and the radiation oncologist.  I have a few stitches they need to look at and the biggest thing is they will be reviewing their second opinion done by hoping I don't need more surgery (to remove the L areola) and/or radiation (for close posterior margin).  I will do what I need to do...but of course I'm very anxious about what I am going to find out.   

  • So Jaysmommy, you can see that Tina and I are practically cancer twins - I was 32 when dx'd and am further out, but it's crazy, no? We actually met in real life and then found out we were re-dx'd very close to each other - then had our BMXs one day apart. This world is so funny.

    Tina! So excited you're loving PT and that it's empowering. Yes! You needed a lift. So happy for you, girl.

    Margie - YES! to no drains! You will feel so free w/o them. Buh-bye, I say. Congrats!

    Lorraine - big day for you on Friday. I'm anxious for you - but think of this way, the waiting will be OVER. You have waited and wondered for a long time, now you can move forward, come what may. We're all here for you. I'm hoping for great news, but here to catch you if you fall apart on Friday night. Hugs.

    Gotta go great my MIL - back later!


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,251

    Margie, hooray for being drain free!

    Dance trance,, good luck with whatever happens. I know you will deal with it like a warrior.

    I took my heavenly post op shower today. Left foob is still well shaped just no nip. Port placement looks good but both port area an foob are sporting some unusual shades of yellow and purple bruising.. Feeling better today and the shower was the key. Echcardiogram tomorrow as I move closer to chemo on 11/1.


  • groovygirls
    groovygirls Member Posts: 100

    My PS never said anything about massage- I'm so Afraid to even touch them!

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Hello all...

    Welcome Jaysmommy. Sorry you have to join us but glad you did. This is a great group to see you thru the ups & downs.. 

    MargieC - Congrats on the drain removal... I know I felt like a new woman once they were out!

    Caryn - glad the shower was heavenly and you are feeling better. 

    Tina - Glad the pt is encouraging you and improving your ROM. You'll feel better physically & mentally with each step. 

    Lorraine - We are here for you no matter what the outcome but are rooting for you! The waiting is the worst but it is almost over....Hang in there!

    I am set to see the plastic surgeon in the morning for my first fill. Which is a good thing since it seems I have developed small spots on my incisions which have opened up. It started as one small spot on one side which I dismissed as simply a piece of dead skin coming off but now I it appears both incisions have several spots. I suspect I am rejecting the disolveable sutures... Really hope this is a minor bump in the road......

    Hope everyone has a restful evening and continues healing well. Hugs all....

  • Caryn, glad to hear you got a shower and that it felt good! Also great that Lefty's looking good, over all - you can always get a nipple later, if you want one. Psyched you're feeling more up today. Good luck tomorrow w/your ECG - at least it's not a surgical procedure, right?

    Groovygirls - see? this is what I'm sayin' - our PSs are in THE SAME PRACTICE and they have different approaches. Not an exact science. Sheesh.

    I have a f/u w/PS tomorrow so she can check the revision. It's healing up well from what I can see, so I'm encouraged by that. If I get to go off my antibiotics, I will be 100% BMX-related drug free. I'm going to push her on the activity limitations as my doctor neighbor (and ER doc, but still) and I were chatting today and she backed up my PT in wondering what the heck is up with the no power walking rule. I get not pumping my arms, but it is actually VERY difficult to stroll w/o raising your heart rate. I feel a little ridiculous as older women zoom past me on the sidewalks of my neighborhood and I am DYING to work out now that I'm feeling better.

    I'm going to unplug and try to get to bed early tonight - did I mention that I have also successfully gone to nearly horizontal at night now? Still on the back only (let's not get greedy), and when I sit up after a while, my right foob, in particular, throbs at the outside edge near my armpit. I don't know if that's b/c it's shifted outwards while I'm lying down, or what? Anyway, it's dreamy to lie down. I tried it on the couch this afternoon while my daughter read to me for homework and it was comfortable. Hallelujah!


  • Jaysmommy
    Jaysmommy Member Posts: 33

    Thank you Ladies!  So my appointment with my Plastic Surgeon went well today.  Everything looks good healing wise.  I had skin and nipple sparing surgery and so far so good.  I had my first fill today and it didn't hurt at all.  Now the expanders feel even heavier so I guess I am going to take something tonight so I can sleep.  I don't sleep well which is a big problem for me.  My doctor rx'd valium for me for the muscle soreness and to help sleep.  I have vicodin but I don't like narcotics.  I prefer tylenol pm.  What do you ladies do for pain and sleep?  I'm not a big fan of pain meds but I feel like maybe I had better take something.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Thanks all for your words of encouragement! 

    Caryn - yay for the shower! Oh and I know nipple recon is probably not urgent in your mind right now, but have you ever considered a silicone nipple? I had impressions made of both of mine; you could make one from your other nipple once it is healed enough. Just a thought. I used

    Odie - good luck with your first fill, and I too hope the incision problem is something minor!

    Sarah - so glad you are going to push your doc on the activity question. I too think it would be helpful for you to get the heart rate up and breathing and all that which helps with lymphatic flow! Not to mention getting some endorphins for stress relief! Oh and YAY for complete horizontal sleeping!

    Jaysmommy - so glad you had a good check up today. And yay for no pain with fills - woo-hoo! Oh, and welcome to the not sleeping well club...unfortunately, that's an all too common them around here. Usually I take ½ a benadryl when I need it. Fortunately, I don't have much pain at rest, so the most I take is Aleve as needed, which lasts 12 hours.

    I had a very difficult day today.  For my recon, microfat grafting, I have to wear this device called a Brava.  It's these big domes that go over your breasts and apply slight suction to stretch them out - like TE's, but from the outside.  I have to work up to wearing them 10 hours a night for 4 weeks before my next surgery.  Yes, I knew what I was getting into...but gosh...reality is setting in after my first coaching session with them today.  What a PROCESS.  I won't go into all the details, but I was mentally wiped out and physically tired and then afterwards I saw some new little broken blood vessels and flipped out.  Of course I called them and was reassured all is fine, we will adjust the wear in schedule, etc., etc. - they are VERY helpful and hold your hand all the way...but girls...just way too much for this girl to handle today.  Major tears this afternoon!!!!  If I didn't have the pathology stuff hanging over me, I would have handled this better...just was too much at one time.  I'm better now - exercised, cried, talked to friends - yadda, yadda.  Thanks for listening to me whining. Smile 

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Ladies, is it possible, that Disability Insurance does not want to pay me, even  my job extended my disability for another 3 months? Can they just make this desicion , just because? And what to do in this situation?

    I am paying them from my check regularly.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Olgah - I wish I knew more, but off the top of my head, that doesn't sound right.  Is this short-term disability insurance or long-term disability?  How long of a period does your disability insurance cover? 

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    So far it is a short term. I keep calling them and they tell me not to worry , I stll have 2 weeks to be paid...They say they still have time to make a desicion...I am not sleeping nights, thinking what to do. They are going to call me today. I am scared. If I am not getting paid, we won't survive. How long does it cover? I don' tknow

  • chonikel
    chonikel Member Posts: 71

    Good morning ladies - Rain here today :( booooo.

    Dancetrancer - I have never heard of what you are doing but OH MY that sounds uncomfortable.  But all of this is new to us - and we all are adjusting to whatever we need to go through to get through this - so I know you will!! You are strong!
    Olgah - I know 6 weeks is short term disability - not everyone offers long term or in different capacities... do you have an HR rep you can talk to about it?

    Sarah - I am jealous and THRILLED about your horizontal - as usual - I hope I am right behind you : )

    Jaysmommy - I do advil for any pain and an ativan to sleep most nights.  Benadryl makes me groggy - but everyone on here finds different things work for them.

    odie - let us know how the appt went with the PS and if those spots are okay.

    Caryn - SHOWER YAY!  That is wonderful must feel so great!

    So I tried the bed with more pillows last night and still no real good sleep - tossing and turning could not get comfortable - but it was better -there was less pain and burning that I have had - so I am going to try - and maybe I will adjust.

    Have a good day ladies full of healing and positive thoughts!

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Oh Olgah, that is the last thing you need right now - money worries.  I would call your HR person and find out how long it is supposed to cover and see if they can help in any way.  

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Tina, my short term goes through January, something, then I have long term for a year, I have been paying for both.It is already 3months. I just don't understand their attitude- is it normal to talk to me like this- like may be yes and may be no? Do they have right to say me no JUST BECAUSE?

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Hey all - my PS emailed me in the middle of the night (I don't think that man ever sleeps - he is so dedicated!) and told me to wait at least one more week before starting the domes.  Woo-hoo - a one week reprieve!  LOL

    Tina - glad you see some progress in your sleep, that is a good sign of more improvement to come!