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Mastectomy Sept 2011



  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Sarah we were thinking of throwing a party after the holidays, too.  It will be a great way to celebrate life!  So glad the swelling was better this morning!

    I just finished my first "semi-hard" workout...35 minutes on the elliptical!  No arms of course!  Got my heart rate and breathing up and broke a darn good sweat - oh gosh it felt great!  I could have pushed harder and longer, but trying to control myself and be smart about reintroducing exercise.  Did my arm motion exercises afterwards - lefty (SNB side) still is problematic, but getting there.  Yep, have more swelling, despite no arms on the elliptical.  I think it would be worse if I did arms, but it looks to me like any exercise is going to increase the swelling.   I think tomorrow I am going to try going back to my dance class - t-rex arms and no jumping - but I feel like cardio-wise I am ready!  I may have to sit out a few songs, but it will be so good to get back with all my friends and shake my booty again.  LOL.  It's all about shakin' the booty in this class! 

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Sarah and Loraine-- we are also planning a party to thank everyone. Ours will be in M ay when I have my last herceptin IV (it will also be my 50th birthday). I have done 1/2 of my hand written thank you notes but I need to get the rest finished before I go back to work - project at Thr Nov 3.

    Yea on the exercise ladies. I am up to 3 mile a day walking (just not as fast as I use to go- that will come with time). I'm doing arm exercises/streaches PT showed me. My PT has released me for light weights on the arms but the left (SNB) side is still giving me a few issues.

    Today is football ( love watching NFL), taking walk with DH and working arms.

    I hope everyone is having a wonderful fall day.

  • JoannaT
    JoannaT Member Posts: 15

    It's been awhile since I last wrote, because the last couple of weeks have been pretty tough. My BMX was 9/29, and I'm still struggling with fatigue and soreness, so I'm in awe of those who are already exercising. My surgery went well, although I ended up not being able to tolerate the pain meds afterwards and spent my first day home heaving up my toes, as my mother would say. The surgeon ended up putting me on valium and Advil, and that worked pretty well. I can't say I had any intense pain after surgery, it was mostly an uncomfortable ache. I have found the tissue expanders to be extremely uncomfortable, and the first fill on Friday didn't help matters. I feel like I have two boulders strapped to my chest, and I can't imagine the PS pumping more saline in them over the coming weeks!

    My final pathology report was great -- two small tumors (one DCIS and one IDC), clear margins on both, and no node involvement -- however my Onco score was 21, which put me in the "maybe" group for chemotherapy. My oncologist said chemo (along with Tamoxifen) would reduce my chance of recurrence by an additional 4 percent, but I'm not sure it's worth it. I mentioned that now that I was off the Pill my killer periods were back (heavy bleeding, bad cramps), and he suggested I talk to my GYN about having my uterus and ovaries removed to not only eliminate the bad periods but the estrogen from the ovaries. He said he could not give me any statistics showing that ovary removal reduces recurrence of estrogen-receptive breast cancer, but he said there are clinical trials underway to see if there's a link. He also said the postmenopausal drug -- which I would take if I had my ovaries removed -- is a lot easier on the body than Tamoxifen, so it's a lot to think about. I have an appointment with my GYN tomorrow, and I'm interested to hear what she has to say.

    Any opinions on having the ovaries removed if you have hormone-receptive BC?

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    Good morning everyone!  Caryn, congrats on the new gradndaughter-to-be!  I am so encouraged by everyone out there getting exercise and feeling good about it.  Today is the first day I have felt human in a week, now stressing myself with getting ready to teach my 2-hour Monday class - new course, lots of new material for me, but challenging and fun at the same time - just hoping to make it that way for the students.  Fever gone, antibiotics playin havoc with my GI system, but pain now manageable with tylenol, so all-in-all, a much better start to this week.  Get to see PT tomorrow to get started on activity AT LAST.  Gentle hugs to all, and a "go get 'em" to all you exercise fanatics!!!  Cool
  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Joanna,I was writing my note as you were posting yours, so didn't see it.  I am so sorrry you have had such a rough couple of weeks.  I did chemo last year, would be happy to share my thoughts with you on it via PM.  I know that my mother has an attitude that she will do everything in her power to get even a single day added to her life, and I think she truly gets more enjoyment from life than most people I know (which is probably why people like being around her so much).  She did UMX, ALD, and chemo, was early stage BC, and has had over 17 good quality of life years.  She was also receptor negative.  She was not offered tamoxifen because of that. 

    I don't know the latest research or statistics, but I know they have been doing the ovarian ablation or "putting them to sleep" or whatever term you want to use for a number of years, and in theory, it sounds good.  And if you want to get rid of painful periods, this is an opportunity for medically approved tossing of an unused (currently) body part that just causes more problems.  Also, tamoxifen can cause uterine cancer, so you have to be monitored for that frequently, and not having a uterus can be a blessing on that account as well.  OK, that sounds rather harsh or flippant, and that is definitely not how I intend you to interpret - I guess I am just thinking in terms of "making lemonade."

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Joanna, so sorry to hear you have had a rough couple of weeks!  Hopefully the PT will help a lot with the chest tightness - I know my exercises have progressed me along rapidly.  I don't have TE's, but my chest did feel like rubberbands on each side when I'd move my arms (specifically, stretching the pec area).  I think what is happening is that first of all the pecs have been assualted by the surgery and so they are sore (my doc says he removed the fascia, which I think most docs do, but not all) - that's a lot of trauma to those poor little muscles!  And with TE's, you are putting something under there, so that's even more trauma.  Then, as we are healing, scar tissue starts being put down...hence the rubber band and tightness feeling.  If we are able to do gentle motion/stretches to the area while that scar tissue is laid down, it makes it much more pliable over time, with less chance of more problems developing.  

    Well gee you didn't ask for that big whole dissertation, guess I'm just in a rambling, talkative mood.  Hope someone found it interesting, LOL.

    I don't know anything on ovarian removal for ER+ gals.   

    Linda - good luck with your class tomorrow!  I go back to my teaching job on Tuesday.  Looking forward  to getting back into the swing of life. 

  • Joanna - as a 10 year survivor of a pretty vicious ER/PR+ BC, dx'd at 32, I have explored the ovarian ablation/removal issue at length. I was treated w/lumpectomy, chemo (4 cycles of adria/cytox) and 6 weeks of daily rads. I took Tamoxifen for 5 years. My oncologist has always been loathe to remove ovaries - because there isn't data to show that chemo + ovarian ablation/oopherectomy confers a benefit. So I'm a little confused, b/c my understanding of the trial going on now is that it'll give us some insight into whether chemo + oopherectomy/ovarian ablation increases disease-free survival, but that actually, we already know that doing either chemo or oopherectomy alone are thought to confer a benefit. Worth either doing research and asking for clarification from your oncologist on that one.

    I don't know how old you are, but there are distinct disadvantages to any of these options - the most significant being your risk for osteoporosis. I have osteoporosis and osteopenia as a result of having taken Tamoxifen - you may have heard that Tamoxifen has a bone-protecting effect - but NOT in pre-menopausal women. Aromatase inhibitors can cause osteoporosis. Tamoxifen does up your risk for uterine cancer, as Linda suggested, but the chief side-effect of that is off-cycle bleeding, so there is no monitoring that's done - if you do end up spotting between periods you'd want a uterine biopsy done immediately, but the docs don't get too hepped up about the uterine cancer stuff b/c you usually do show side effects even at an early stage.

    As for AI's being easier in terms of side effects - aside from osteoporosis, there is an increased chance of neuropathy. I know of a few women who had to walk w/canes after they started taking AI's (they were having ovarian ablation using Lupron - they were pre-menopausal) b/c their pain was so bad. Does not happen to all women, but it's something to ask about and to get the latest stats on.

    Even after being dx'd with a SECOND ER/PR+ cancer this past June (granted "only" DCIS, less than 3 mm of it and it was grade 1), my onc. says no to removing my ovaries. His vote was for BMX - take away the place that my cancers like to grow (now one on each side) and try to leave intact the body parts that "really matter" for the core functioning of my body . . . . not to discount breasts, his thinking is that the hormonal system is integral to feeling well and to aging well, and breasts are not.

    Depending on how old you are, it may be that having chemo might put you into menopause. Worth asking about b/c then you could get the additional benefits of chemo + the benefit of periods stopping. Just a thought. 

    I see your cancer is low-grade . . . that plus your borderline oncotype score makes this tougher. You've chosen the most risk-averse surgical path already. Have you also considered a second oncological opinion? 

    I hope this helps, maybe a bit. I didn't have the added piece you do re the horrid periods - obviously you'd knock that out w/a complete hysterectomy . . . but I will also tell you that several friends who've had that done say that sudden menopause is VERY hard to take, and one insists that she has never been the same since. The majority of these women have BRCA mutations, BTW.

    Once again - no good good choices and lots of unknowns. This is one reason I hate cancer and I'm sorry you have to think about this stuff after just having your BMX!



  • JoannaT
    JoannaT Member Posts: 15

    Thanks for the input. I couldn't agree with you more, Sarah -- no good choices and lots of unknowns! Just so you know, I am 44, and I have struggled with difficult periods and cramping my entire life. My sister had the same issues and had a total hysterectomy at age 40 and said it was the best thing she ever did.

    My oncologist had not suggested nor recommended having my ovaries removed, it was my comment concerning my heavy periods that led to that dicussion. I stated that It would seem to make sense that removing the main estrogen-producing organs -- the ovaries -- would be beneficial for someone like me who has hormone-receptive cancer. My oncologist agreed that it would make sense, but currently there are not enough statistics to draw that conclusion. He said that there are three clinical trials going on that will hopefully answer that question -- in the next five to 10 years!

    Given my Onco score, he said that I would be a candidate for chemo, but since I don't want that (reducing recurrence rate by 4 percent is not worth it to me), removing my ovaries might provide some of the same benefits that the chemo would. From the information he gave me to read about Tamoxifen, it sounds like it could cause menopausal symptoms and possibly even worse periods (more bleeding), so that seems like a lose-lose proposition to me. With a total hysterectomy, I would be in menopause, but at least I wouldn't have the periods. He did say that if I went that route, the post-menopausal drug that I would have to be on for five years could cause joint problems, but he said that's pretty rare. And if it occurs, I would just go off the drug. Seems like things can go wrong with any choice I make!

    I'm interested to hear you're having PT, Dancetrancer. I asked my PS about it, and he said it would not be necessary. I'm just doing some gentle stretches on my own, but I'm wondering if that will be enough.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Joanna, I'm not getting PT officially, but that's because I am a PT and can treat myself.  If I didn't know what I was doing, I would definitely want to be in therapy.  There are several people on this board getting PT.  I must have gotten confused and thought you were starting it.  You may want to call and ask your PS about it again, especially if you are feeling tightness - the earlier to you address it, the easier it is to get your motion back. 

  • Joanna - sounds like you have a great handle on this, so far. Now time to make difficult decisions - but having your sister's experience is VERY helpful, I imagine. 

    On PT - my BS and PS have NEVER mentioned PT, nor did they in '01, my first time around. I found it invaluable then (but you should try to hook up w/a PT that either specializes in women who've had breast surgery or who at least knows a lot about it) and you should clear it w/your PS in terms of what exercises s/he thinks are appropriate at your stage of recovery. I, at 4 weeks out, am still VERY restricted in what I can do (per PS instructions, I have my implants in already), but still can do some very nice neck & shoulder exercises and some range of motion stuff w/my arms that's loosened me up a lot. Also, a trained PT can assess you for lymphedema and help you to ward it off, or treat it (knock wood no one has an issue w/LE, it can be a bear).

    All - we've discussed weight gain - it's getting bad for me. Only a couple of pounds, but the spread from not exercising is starting to wear on me . . . my little bit of walking will help a bit, but I'm finding it so hard to not eat the cakes & sweets that are coming in my back door . . . I said to my husband tonight (as we were dining on rich food, so thoughtfully brought by a friend - please don't let me come across as ungrateful), "I can't wait to roast a chicken and some veggies and have a giant green salad or a bucket of kale for dinner!" I need to be able to cook and market for us again for anything meaningful to happen, I fear.

    OK, rant over. Off to watch Kris Carr on Oprah's Super Soul Sunday - do you guys know about her? The Crazy Sexy Cancer chick? I find her interesting . . . .


  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Sarah - Oh gosh I soooooooooooo can relate to not being able to restrain yourself when people are bringing all the good stuff!  I could NOT be good during that time.  As soon as I was able to cook for myself, I quickly told my wonderful friends to stop bringing stuff (that was hard to do...they wanted to keep bringing it, and I didn't want to seem ungrateful either!).  So, since you can't cook for yourself yet, I think you need to give yourself a pass for now on the weight gain.  It's practically impossible to hold back when it is put right there in front of you! 

  • chonikel
    chonikel Member Posts: 71

    I talked to my PT this week about the topic above - and she said we need to work on it - she said "You Had to ask for it, didn't you??" I did.. twice.

    it's not a standard for MX but it should be - I cannot say enough good things about the 1 week alone i have had with this lady - who knows Mastectomies and helps me  know my limits and work on strength and range of motion - but she said it is NOT the norm. And I know that during my first lumpectomy (x3) I never had PT nor did anyone ever recommend it.

    So ladies if you can do anything to be an advocate for this protocol to your BS and PS - PLEASE mention and push hard!  It is huge.

    First fill tomorrow - wahooo - I'll let you all know how it goes.

    Healing and peaceful rest tonight ladies.


  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Just checking in and see the board has been busy today...

    Caryn - Congrats on the grandbaby girl! Nice to have a new addition to look forward to.

    Lindan3ypb - Glad this week is starting better for you and know you'll do fine tomorrow.

    Dancetrancer - I am soooo jealous. I am a religious bubble bath kinda girl and have missed mine terribly since my surgery (not allowed bathes only showers per PS)....Enjoy a moment for me, ok? And what type of dance class do you take? A couple of my girlfriends and I took a belly dancing class last year and are thinking of trying Salsa...

    MargieC - Sunday is football day in our house too..

    Joanna - Sorry you are having a rough go of it but sending wishes for a smoother recovery ahead. As for the TE's, I hate mine! They feel like bricks on your chest and just are uncomfortable but are a means to an end so ......

    Sarah -  Glad your swelling is going down with rest so you aren't overdoing it. The weight will come off once you get back to your normal exercise & diet routine so try not to worry so much right now. 

    Chonikel - Good luck on your first fill tomorrow. I have my first fill on Wednesday.

    Big week for me this week. I will see my onco dr tomorrow to get my Oncotype results, hopefully confirm no mets, the current treatment plan of no chemo & Tamoxifen for 5 years. .And will get my first fill on Wednesday....

    Hope everyone has a restful evening and Happy Monday!

  • donnad333
    donnad333 Member Posts: 10

    Hey everyone ... I hope that all of you are doing well!

    I am checking in for the first time since BMX on 9/29, and I have not yet had a chance to read through posts.

    Surgery on 9/29 proceeded with no complications. Here's the rub:  Although the call was "node negative" in the OR, final path report showed 1 of 4 nodes with micromets ... a disappointment.

    Visited med onc 10 days ago and I am waiting to hear about 1) whether he has rec'd tissue from hospital; 2) whether there is sufficient tissue for oncotyping (there is an open protocol for ER/PR+, her-2/neu- w/micromets); and 3) hopefully, oncotype score.

    On the recon front: PS filled me to 400cc at time of surgery--and I still look like an A-cup. No additional fills as of yet.

    So now I'm wondering which forum to report to next ... Anyone with suggestions?

    All the best, Donna

  • groovygirls
    groovygirls Member Posts: 100

    You stay with us Donna!

    I could not enjoy the wonderful New England fall day yesterday. I was in an incredibly noisy building watching cheer compatitions! My daughter's squad came in first! She loves cheering. Not quite the sport I would have chosen for her but she loves it!

    I am off to MGH this morning to speak with a lymphodema specialist. You all got me paranoid about TE and exercising! When I asked my BS for an order she had no idea what I was talking about and in fact I was the first one she ever wrote an order for to speak with someone re: lymphodema. PT would not see me without an order from her....odd

  • Good morning, September friends (and a couple Octobers, too!),

    Odie - I'll be keeping fingers and toes crossed for you that there're no surprises today when you see your oncologist . . . surprises are NO GOOD when dealing w/cancer. We've had a lot of those on this board already. Enough is enough. Good luck.

    Donna - Glad your surgery went well, but I'm sorry you got a micromet surprise, and now that you're waiting - waiting is torture. As for forums - this is a good place for you to hang while you wait for news on next steps for treatment. Good to hear from you!

    I'm more swollen again this a.m., not sure exactly how much 'cause I haven't put on my regular daytime bra, but I'm also super achy, as I was the other morning after a good walk. It's been hard to exercise more w/o being able to stretch very well . . . not a good sleeping night (we'll, great for about 4 hours!). We'll see what today brings.

    Off to wake up DD and start the shuffle to get to school. Hope you all got some rest last night - here's to a good day for all.


  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Odie - Can you take a bath, but no deeper than waist level? I actually didn't go any deeper than that anyways, since I have always felt like I can't breathe if I get in hot water that is up over my chest. It was still wonderful - just a thought! And the dance I do is a dance fitness class - every single song has a different routine and the style of dance depends on who choreographed the routine. Generally it tends to be lots of hip hop, some jazz, some salsa, etc - very eclectic, but always lots of booty shaking, no matter what. It is so much fun and GREAT group of women - very social class with lots of outside parties, etc. They are my family here (my family is far away), and they are the ones who organized bringing food to us. I'm going this morning for the first time - so excited! 

    And so hoping you get good news this week!!!

    Donnad333 - welcome back! So sorry to hear about the micromets - that would indeed be hard to hear after thinking you were clear from the OR report. And please stay with us!

    Groovygirls - can't believe your BS had never heard of a LE specialist. And although PT's have what is called "direct access" in many states, where we can see patients without a doctor's order, most insurances still require an MD order for it to be reimbursed.

    Sarah, I sure can imagine it's hard to exercise without stretching! No wonder you are sore. Sorry for the poor night's sleep.  Frown  Hoping today is a good one for you!

  • Groovygirls - weird, this a.m. your post didn't show up when I logged in - isn't that odd that they don't know about this stuff? It's just amazing to me that the great minds there aren't tuned into this. Then I think it's my fault, too, b/c after 10 years I still just go to these specialists w/o talking to surgeons/oncology about it - I know it's so important to get PT, and I should be knocking them upside the head and saying "why is it that you don't recommend this to your patients??"

    Lorraine - your dance class sounds GREAT. I am dying to dance after this - always enjoyed it but something about not being able to raise my arms and move my body is making me hanker hard for some booty-shakin' myself. Enjoy.

    I'm eating lunch early and then off to the PT. I bit the bullet and turned on the heat just now - been sitting here freezing all a.m. and it'll be warm when I get home . . . . fingers are feeling numb and I've been downing hot tea to keep warm. Enough already!


  • chonikel
    chonikel Member Posts: 71

    Hello Ladies - I have had my first Fill today... 75 ccs on each side... I know people have said it didn't hurt - mine was not pain free but it was brief.  The right side needle insertion made me inhale and make a sound that was not good... but the fill itself is just uncomfortable.   PS says everything looks good - but there is still a lot of swelling so we won't know how many fills until some of that comes down.  Every 3 weeks we will do this. Left side with the flap looks a lot more "normal" than the right -which looks squished.  I took some advil and hopefully will be less uncomfortable as the days go on.

    Dancing would be FUN - just get out and do something that isn't MEDICAL! :)

    Good luck with PT Sarah - hope it goes well and that the swelling comes down.

    Odie - good luck with Onc - let us know how it goes.

    Groovygirls - hope your appt went well...

    Lots of love to you all today - i'll check back in later.  Dropping the dog off at the groomers (3 yr old black labradoodle named Jack).


  • Lady-di
    Lady-di Member Posts: 74

    Hi everyone,

    Odie- hoping all goes well for your appointment today!!!,

    It's been good catching up with all you. Starting to feel a bit better today. It was a rough weekend but I feel I'm on the mend today. Getting my hair cut short this afternoon. Going to tell her to cut it any way she likes. I just need to get use to it being short before it goes. It's just below shoulder length now. It's going to be sad to see it go.

    Have a good week everyone!

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Tina - glad the fill is over and hope you feel better as the day goes on and the Advil kicks in.  

    Well I made through the entire hour of dance class - woo-hoo!!!!  I did sit out one song - just way too much jumping, and it was one that I loved and knew I needed to just sit it out or I'd hurt myself, LOL.  (When I jump too hard my chest hurts.)  I kept my arms very protectively by my sides, only doing small moves mostly from the elbows - and all was good!  No increased pain or anything post.  It felt so great to get back with my friends and do something I love so much.

    Sarah and Tina and all esle  - I say put on some music and shake those boo-tays!  Very good for the spirits!  One of my friends in class made a comment that I was really shaking it good, and I said since I can't move anywhere else, that's where I'm puttin' all my energy for now...LOL! 


  • groovygirls
    groovygirls Member Posts: 100

    Appointment with the lymphodema specialist went well. Reinforced what I had believed all along which was "listen to your body" Got the okat to lift 10 pounds and go ROM excercises whch includes reaching overhead (yipee!) My personal trainer took that as- let's have her do weights with 10 pounds...hello- don't think I am quite there yet but okay I'll try.

    Odie- praying for good news today.

    Sarah- the colder weather often brings ore aches and pains for me too. Today was another amazing day here. I did not get a chance to enjoy it since it took 2.5 hours to get into Boston today (!). 

    Tina- can you take Jack for a nice walk. I wrapped bella's leash around my waist so she couldn't pull my arms. Worked well for us. She is a 90 pound golden retriever (love her!)

    Dancetrance- that class sounds like so much fun. I have two left feet and can only manage to move forward!

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Dance trance-- your class sounds great -- I teach cardio scuplt type classes but have no talent for dance -- that said I love to dance wish we had a class like that here.

    Groovy girls-- congrats on getting to start working out.

    Tina-- hope the advil kicks in. I have my first fill tomorrow.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Hello all.

    Dancetrancer - That dance class sounds perfect - can't wait to get back to my Yoga & maybe some Zumba soon... As for the bath, I was almost tempted to try a to the waist only bath the other night but it just isn't the same as a nose to bubbles soak......sigh....

    Groovygirls - Glad the LE pt appt went well... Woohoo! And either you are a really brave woman or Bella is a very well behaved girl... Even with successfully mastering puppy class, I would be facedown in the dirt the first time a squirrel or bug went by if I tied a leash around my waist....ha ha 

    Tina - Hope your discomfort eases quickly and am glad you are healling well..

    dia123 - Hugs! I understand cutting the hair short to make the transition easier (I was going to do the same thing if necessary) . As someone who has never had short hair, I figured it would be the one time I could try something short and not care if I hated it... One foot in front of the other and remember to lean back on us girls as needed.....We are right behind you all the way!

    Donna333 - I am sure they would welcome you on any of the boards but we don't want you to leave. We will root for a low Oncotype score for you!

    Sarah - Hope the pt visit went well.

    As for me, I saw the oncologist this afternoon and received my Onco score (13)... Woohoo!!!! Sticking to the original plan of no chemo and tamoxifen for the next 5 years. Didn't rush to the pharmacy yet to fill it but will do so in the next few days...(trying to get over a minor cold so my excuse is to wait a few days to let that resolve completely first)...

    Off to make dinner and settle in for some mindless tv for a bit......

  • donnad333
    donnad333 Member Posts: 10

    groovygirls, sarah, dancetrancer, and Odie16 ... Sounds like you're all in pretty good shape--for the shape you're in! I share your pain. My "tatas" as sore, for sure ... but the swelling is going down and it is interesting to differentiate the Alloderm sling from the TEs. Looks like they are placed very well ... but healing hurts! (A different kind of pain.)

    Thanks to all of you for your positive energy. I spent the day trying to hunt down my path slides, which turned out to have been misplaced for two weeks, waiting to be sent out to Genomic Health for oncotyping. I'm so angry I could spit ... this isn't a J. Crew sweater we're talking about! Now that the samples have been located and dispatched to California, I am hoping FIRST that there is enough tissue to even do the oncotyping--which may not be the case. Stay tuned--and THANKS AGAIN!

    All the best, Donna

  • groovygirls
    groovygirls Member Posts: 100

    Donna- that completely SUCKS!

  • groovygirls
    groovygirls Member Posts: 100

    Odie- I completely missed you post about the low onco test- WAY TO GO!

    Bella has a death collar on when we walk- it has huge prongs in it. I never have to use it but she knows when we are not walking with it. Every leaf, squirrel, cat, dog is fair game! She is a strong 90 pounder after all!

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

     Diana, how is going with SE with Neulasta? Any pain? They told me about losing hair on the 14- 15 day after 1 chemo, I noticed it on 18-19. Hair became dull and dry and hurted me. I took scizors and cut it very short myself. After that I felt much easier, I mean better physically. Then I just shaved everyday a little, and now almost everything is gone. I try not to think about it and not to look at the mirror too much.I sleep with silk scarf on my head, they say to get satin pillow, but I don't have it.

    Good luck and let me know how it goes with youe chemo SE...Olga

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Good morning ladies..

    Thanks for all the well wishes on the test result .. This Thanksgiving is going to be very special for me.... Beautiful fall day here so since I have no doctors appts today, I am going to take a nice long walk... Hope everyone has a good day! 

  • Odie! Late to the party but soooo happy to hear your news. Hooray!

    PT was great yesterday - a regular appt. (versus the intake) so she got to work some magic on me - she massaged my scapula, my shoulders (all while I lay on my back) - felt so good to have those muscles and joints activated - they don't move much when you can't move your arms! She did a lot of manual lymphatic drainage on me and brought my swelling down significantly. Felt like a zillion bucks afterwards. She did put the breaks on my power walks, though - swelling up and down is not good, she says - I need to take 2 days off to let the swelling resolve completely from Sunday's walk and then cut my distance way down for now . . . my mind and cardio system are ready to rumble, but the foobs are not. Bah. Ah well - as she reminded me "we have all the time in the world to get you back to fighting form once you're healed."
