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Mastectomy Sept 2011



  • Lady-di
    Lady-di Member Posts: 74

    Snow- I find it incredible that you ladies will be getting so much snow already. I'm in Canada about an hour from niagara falls and it's cool but not a flurry in site. Hope it stays that way for a while as its usually a very long winter. I have also pulled out the no shoveling card for this winter to DH.. The first positive side effect to chemo that I've found so far.

    Stay warm and dry

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,251

    Sorry I've been MIA. Boy, did
    I have an adventure. Two weeks ago I had an echocardiogram in preparation for chemo. There was some concern about fluid around my heart so I was sent for a PET scan late in the day. Early the next morning, my onc called and said, get to the ER now! . They are waiting for you. You have a pneumo thorax (collapsed lung). Have someone drive you or call 911. My daughter and her friend were there in 10 minutes and I was rushed to the ER. Rushed inside I was taken immediately and told I'd need a tube inserted between my ribs to re-inflate my lung and I'd be hospitalized a few days! It seems that when they inserted the port, the guide wire nicked my lung.. The nick was small that the ex ray after port insertion didn't catch it. It was a slow leak that I walked around with 2 weeks! That's what accounted for the snap,crackle, pop in my throat, the annoying dry cough, not the breathing tube. So you think the tale is over? Nope,late yesterday I was sitting up and heard a "clunk". I looked down on the floor and there was the tube! It had completely fallen out. Paged nurse, who paged surgeon and within minutes they were prepping for a new surgery to re-insert it . AAGHH, did I mention that despite diaudid and locals that it is very painful? This has been a nightmare with lots of ex rays to check that lung is re- inflating. Oh, did I mention that this happens in 1-2% of port insertions? What an ordeal. Still in hospital, still exhausted.

  • CARYN???!! WTF? Sorry for the language, but really? I'm so glad you're OK, this is insanity. I can imagine it'd be painful - just think of the discomfort some women experience w/the drain tubes post-MX, and this thing is going in between ribs into your lung, right? Yeesh. Hang in there. Sending you big warm hand squeezes & kisses b/c I just don't think a hug is what you need right now.

    Keep on keepin' on, friend.


  • Lady-di
    Lady-di Member Posts: 74

    Caryn- sitting here with my mouth hanging open, Unbelievable... I'm sorry you went through that but glad that they found it when they did!!!! My echo was before the port was inserted and glad yours was after.

    Take care and rest up


  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415


    OMG!!!! Man you have been thru the wringer! ... As Sarah said, WTF??? Sending heartfelt prayers you get better soon and am so glad they caught it on the echo... Please feel better soon... 

  • chonikel
    chonikel Member Posts: 71

    Caryn -

    I am so sorry that happened to you!  Know that all your sisters here are praying for you and sending good thoughts your way for healing -- there is nothing to say that can soothe what you are going through - but I hope you mend quickly!!  So glad you are okay!


  • chonikel
    chonikel Member Posts: 71

    Foot of snow here - power has been out since 6 pm last night - husband is out snow blowing.

    A tree fell on the back deck and knocked out the top section - thankful went right up against the bedroom window but not through!

    As things melt we will assess all the damage - so many trees down and may be without power for days! 

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Caryn-- holly cow---- That sounds horrible. I hope they finally get you all better. Sending you good heeling thoughts.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Caryn - Oh my word!!!!  Gosh, so thankful they caught it on the echo!  Wow, who would have ever thought this was the source of the snap, crackle, pop.  Wow, just wow.  Rest, rest, rest and feel better soon! 

  • jazz3000
    jazz3000 Member Posts: 109

    exbronx- It's unbelievable how some of these things happen, but I'm thinking thank goodness someone caught it before things got even worse with the lung. You're pretty unbelievable as well! Walking around 2 weeks with a deflating lung and not knowing you were in that type of danger. All of this defers your treatments and exhausts you as well. Take care and get lots of rest. Saddens me to hear you've had more added to your plate than what's all ready there. Warm Hugs

  • bayareamom
    bayareamom Member Posts: 19

    Wow-so much going on!  I went back to work full time 2 weeks ago (teaching second grade) so have been MIA.  I will begin chemo the day after Thanksgiving and will be taking off then, so for now, I am just a regular person, not a "cancer patient" and it feels kinda nice.  My incisions are healed very well and I am feeling pretty "normal".  still a bit numb and tingly on one side.

    I am one that mentioned my seroma-it eventually cleared up after about 3 weeks on its own-no drainig needed, but it never got too big.

    Linda, I also asked about anyone NOT doing reconstruction.  Thank you for posting that you will not.  I am still undecided.  I am not feeling too self conscious being breastless and like you, wonder if more surgery is worth it.  But we have loads of time to decid.  Have you gotten a mastectomy bra and fake boobie inserts yet?  I just asked for the prescription, so shoud get fitted soon.  Will see how that looks.  I have just been using my coobie bra for work, with frilly front tops, and nobody notices (or doesn't seem to) I was small to begin with.

     Caryn, you have certainly been having a tough time.  i am so sorry but happy about the granddaughter news.  I honestly can't wait to be a grandma (but hope it's not for a while as my oldest is only 20 and hasn't grown up yet!)

    Thank you all for your posts.  I learn so much from you.  I will be taking neulasta, as well, and got some great tips here.  My next procedure will be my port insertion in a couple of weeks.  Nervous about that as I am not sure where they will put the IV since I don't want them to use my arms for fear on lymphadema...I guess my foot-ouch!

    Have a great Halloween everybody.  I am going to be a witch, as usual...


  • Therese9
    Therese9 Member Posts: 58

    Caryn, what an awful ordeal you've been through--as if having bc and surgery isn't ENOUGH of an ordeal! I'm so glad the docs finally figured it out, but so sorry that you had to have two surgeries to fix it. Your poor body--it must be exhausted and in a state of shock. That's an awful lot to go through in a short amount of time. May you get all the rest and healing you need and may this be the last bump on this journey! 

  • jazz3000
    jazz3000 Member Posts: 109

    bayareamom - I'm chosing not to do reconstruction but based on the TN status, and the statistics surrounding recurrence of with those who do. And yes it certainly does help to be small. My chemo starts on the 25 of Nov, and am not looking forward to it but have settled with it. Happy to hear your doing well and the swelling has gone. I can actually lift my arm up over my head finally. Whew!

  • groovygirls
    groovygirls Member Posts: 100

    We have been hit hard with the snow- no power, cable, or Internet for several days....tricker treating has been cancelled too! Kids have no school. Wi-fi at work so I can post... Not sure when I will be able to post again. We have an in house generator ( my 15 year wedding anniversary present!) so we can stay warm, cook, and play wii plus have family and friends over who are without power. Work has power so here I am!

    Stay save and happy Halloween!

  • Hey ladies,

    Groovygirls - argh! Many folks in Northern MA don't have power, still, either. What a pain. My friend w/two young kids is coming into Cambridge to a hotel as their house is 50 degrees inside. Yikes. Hope things get back to normal for you quickly.

    All - my drain holes on the right side are really bothering me - anyone else have this issue so far out from surgery? This is my 6th week - what gives? My PT was massaging my left-side ones last Friday . . . didn't do these . . . maybe they're healing now that swelling's finally going down?

    Otherwise, things are good, all things considered. Lazy day, gearing up for tonight - lots of excitement in this house! My 8-year-old DD will be a witch.

    Tina - are you back to work today? If so, hope it went well . . . .  


  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Sarah - no problems at all with my drain holes.  ? 

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Sarah -- my drain holes have been itchy but not painful. Have fun with trick or treat tonight.

    Tina -- have you gone in for you next fill yet? Mine is tomorrow.

    BTW. I don't remember who suggested folding up a small comforter in the bed to use as a wedge pillow. I want to thank you! It works perfectly. I have slept in bed the last 3 nights. It is just one more step to feeling normal. Hopefully in another week or so I will be able to lay flat in bed or hoping big-lay on my side :)

    Tomorrow I see my ONC-first time since I completed Chemo 9 weeks ago and surgery 4 weeks ago. I am interested to see what she has to say. Then herceptin IV, then on to PS for my 2nd fill and I end my day with a facial at my PS medspa (they are giving free ones to all of their breast cancer patients). If all goes well with these appointments then back to work Wed (luckily I work virtually so my commute is bedroom to office down the hall).

    Happy Halloween.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Yeah Margie for sleeping in the bed!!  Myself and one other person suggested putting blankets, etc. under the sheet for a wedge.  So glad it worked for you!  I hope you have an encouraging appt with the onc tomorrow...and wow, how NICE that your PS gives free facials - enjoy!!! 

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415


    One of my drain holes on the right side has been terribly painful since about 2 weeks post surgery on 09/13.. Even now, over two weeks post drain removal, I still get pain/throbbing when I am active like walking etc....When at rest, it doesn't seem to bother me. PS has double checked it and notes it appears ok (no infection) so I am guessing the drain was simply too close to the muscle.... Hence the pain with activity. Course since I got my medical degree from a crackerjack box......... Funny thing, it is closer to my back than my other drains were...

    Hope yours feels better soon. I figure mine may just take a bit to settle down....

    MargieC - Best of luck at the onc visit tomorrow.

    Happy Halloween to all. 

  • Thanks everyone - Odie - funny that, my medical degree's from the same place! The darn things hurt less now than they did this a.m., and I took Advil this a.m. for them - didn't do a darn thing. Go figure. I'm sure it's just settling out, etc. I see PS next week again so she can give 'em a once over too.

    Margie - hope your visit goes well tomorrow - envious of your facial - enjoy!!


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,251

    Had third chest tube placed yesterday. Still in hospital and very frustrated. All from a tiny lung nick during port placement.


  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    My goodness Caryn!  Why a 3rd chest tube?  Are you having trouble getting the lung to reinflate?  I'm concerned about you!  You have every right to be super frustrated.  Thinking of you and sending prayers/positive thoughts. 

  • Oh Caryn. What is going on? I'm so sorry to hear you're still in the clink . . . hope there is some improvement, at least. I'm SURE you're frustrated!!!! Hang in there and keep us posted. 


  • groovygirls
    groovygirls Member Posts: 100

    Oh Caryn- that sounds horrific. After all you have been thru to have to deal with this as well!

    AFM- still no power! The kids have another day off from school- two snow days so far and it's not even winter! 96% of my town is without power. We went trick or treating at my parents house last night. It was a blast because all the cousins were there too- 11 grandkids! DH and DBIL helped clear my parents yard from all the fallen branches. My dad has alzheimers so it is hard for him to stay on task and too much for my mom to deal with

     I also started tamoxifen one of 5 years!

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Wow Caryn you are in my thoughts you have been through enough. I hope they get it figured out and let you go home. Nothing is worse then being stuck in the hospital.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Caryn - Wishing you a speedy recovery & parole in the near future... Hang in there and know we are praying for you....

    Groovygirls - Hope you get power back soon but am glad you were able to salvage Halloween for the kids. Just fyi, my mother had Alzheimers...Not sure which sucks more (cancer or Alzheimers).....

    Quiet day in my world. Will go tomorrow a.m. for my third attempt at the first fill (delayed to allow more time for the incisions to heal)......

    Wishing everyone a good day!

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Hello, ladies!

    Caryn I am so sorry... I will pray for you..

    I still fighting chemo all the time, fatique and nausea sometimes. Yesterday I had my 3 chemo, and Ladies, what happened this time1 U nbelievable!

    I was extended an Hour before Chemo( and Iron , because I am anemic) and then , during chemo I found my left shirt wet around the left TE incizion , covered with band age. It never happened before. I told the nurse, she called PS offise, they told do not worry, just put some gaze tight it will go away when you get home.

    It did not.

    I change it and put a piece of Pad, on the top to hold it itght.

    It did leak through the night.

    This morning I went there and PS said it could be 2 things:

    1. My own body seroma , which is not that bad.

    2, TE is broken or not good quality. in this case we need REPLACEMENT OPERATION, but it is bad now, because I am in the middle of chemo and anemic.

    So on my next appt on the 18 he extends me more and put some dye to see where it is coming from...

    So I have to kill myself thinking about it till probably another month...

    Isn't it lovely?

    ok, I am going to rest now, good luck for everyone!


  • groovygirls
    groovygirls Member Posts: 100

    Craptastic Olgah- I think you have been thru enough....

  • Groovy - here's to power coming back soon - although sounds like you salvaged Halloween in a big way! Cheers to kicking of Tamoxifen - another tool in your anti-cancer arsenal!

    Olga - ugh - I'm so sorry for the leaking. I hope it's that your body healed its own seroma and you don't have the face another operation right now.Keeping you in my thoughts.

    Just came back from PT and my PT says my swelling has gone down slightly - hooray! She would classify it as mild post-op edema . . . so we need to get rid of it, but it's not horrendous. My range of motion is so much better after last week's appts./my exercises and, get this . . . I DROVE MYSELF THERE AND BACK. Yes folks, Sarah is back on the roads in a big way - 40 minutes there, 40 min. back, 45 minutes on the table. I'm pooped, but I did it!


  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461
    Olgah - ugghhh!  How frustrating! Frown