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Mastectomy Sept 2011



  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Lorraine - hope today's surgery was quick and easy.  Sending you healing thoughts.

    Sarah - Sounds like you had a very full day.  Even though tiring isn't it great to be getting back to a more normal day.

    Tina - glad you finally have power.  How's your fills going?

    Caryn - you poor thing.  You have been through so much lately.  I hope you are over the worst and every day gets better.

    Linda - sounds like you had a great time with the family.  I hope all turns out ok for your mom.

    odie16 - I will be sending hugs your way Thur for your exchange. 

    I had my 4th fill this morning and we are getting close.  I have approx 360cc in each side.  My PS wants to do an extra fill on me to give him room to work when doing the exchange (I was small B/large A and I am going a bit bigger).  I am so confused on what size I want to end up.  I am only 5' 3" with a 30in ribcage.  DH and I talked when we got home and we are going to go in next Tues do that fill and then decided if we are done or if we are going to do one more fill.  If next week is my last fill PS feels my exchange will be mid to late Dec.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Surgery is done, over, and I've been home since just before lunch.  All went very well!  I slept much of the afternoon; so far only minimal discomfort.  Very happy to be done with it and moving forward! 

    Hope everyone is doing well - odie best wishes on your surgery - I don't know anything about implants, so will leave that to another surgery sister on the board. Smile 

  • Yay Lorraine! Happy you're home and have been resting. Here's hoping there's no more discomfort . . . and you sleep well tonight. Onward!

    Margie - you're getting close, whether or not you choose another fill. I have NO idea how many CCs I have in my implants - I really need to find out (I have the little product registration cards for each one, but of course, PS didn't fill in that info, just stuck a sticker w/my name and hospital ID no. printed on it it on each one - bah). You and I are the same size height & ribcage-wise - I had Bs before and have 'em now - in fact, forgot to mention that Saturday night I wore one of my old bras . . . it was very weird - just like old times, but not! 


  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Thinking of you all tonight.  Today was a bit rough for me, more pain in my arm, kind of bums me out.  But on the good side, I did a lot of work, got caught up on a couple of things, still behind in others.

    My mom's mammogram came back OK, follow-up in 6 months.  They did not do MRI - not sure why  not.

    Odie, best wishes tomorrow!  Sarah, hope your "squishies" turn out great.  Margie, I think you are going to have to decide sooner or later what size you want to be, but it's kind of like deciding what you want to be when you grow up - many options!!!!  And all of them have advantages!!! I am sure you will be pleased whichever way you decide.  But remember, if you go smaller, you won't want to gain a lot of weight because these newbies won't grow with you, so that COULD be a good motivating factor for a  healthy lifestyle.  Wink

    Chemo ladies, I am thinking of you, hoping you are not having too hard a time.  Remember it is temporary!!!  Special hugs for you tonight, without germs!  Wink

  • Linda - sorry about the arm pain . . . hope that time brings relief for you! Oh, and I have squishies already - more like "crinklies" b/c they're saline - it was Odie's squishies I was celebrating! So glad your mom's mammo came out OK - maybe they could see enough to tell they could wait 6 mos.?

    Odie - tomorrow is YOUR DAY! Will be thinking of you. Check in when you can and rest well post-op. Here's to progress.

    Lorraine - hope today was OK for you. 

    On the healthy lifestyle note - did another harder workout today, and aside from wanting to fart around on line and avoid cleaning for the cleaners tomorrow, I feel fantastic. I think I've turned the corner back to my more normal self where I actually feel a lot better and more energetic if I'm exercising regularly . . . so on that note, starting back to my every day routine tomorrow - only light workouts, though. Linda - I do often consider that I will always be a size B breast even if the rest of me gets bigger . . . and it is motivating!


  • Silia
    Silia Member Posts: 265

    I'm so glad we're all getting thru our procedures and treatments. I'm frustrated because I seem to have a muscle pain (it may be a "rib roll" according to my Pilates Instructor). Anyway mentioned to my RO today since its just below my Mx incision on one side, and she wants me to rest and not do Pilates for the week. I'm betting it happened when I picked up a case of water 2 days ago and its not from Pilates! Anyway RO made it sound like she was surprised that the PS was okay with my exercising - I'm almost 9 wks post surgery so I don't get it... Arrgghh!!!!

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Silia, I seem to be getting lots of conflicting information and advice from various health professionals.  I think that means there are no "correct" answers, but rather lots of opinions, probably based on solid reasoning but not solid research.  I think we need to listen to our bodies more than the "experts" sometimes.

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Silia - my PS and PT told me I could work out at 4 weeks post op but listen to my body and no heavy lifting.  Like Linda said it seems we get a different answer from everyone.

    Oddie - I hope your squishes are prefect and the surgery was easy.

    Lorraine - hope you are feeling better after your surgery.

    Sarah -  Yea for turning the corner and I hope there are no U-turns ahead.

    Linda - good point about my new floobs will not change if a gain weight.

    Last night I tried on some of my sundress, cute summer tops and swim suite tops that never fit perfect due to me being a size small in the top than I am on the buttom (I had told my PS in the begining that I wanted to balance out my body).  The good news they all looked great.  That help me make the decision on my size.  I am just about there.  I need just a little more and I will be done.  As we all know bra vary in size, but I am right now I am fitting in a B cup.  I figured my next and last fill will take me to a large B/small C which is perfect.  I am glad that I only have 1 fill left.  The last 2 fills have been more painful then the BMX was.  -  I joked with my PS 20 years of chest press and pushes are not helping right nowYell

    Have a good Thursday everyone...  can you believe Thanksgiving is one week from today? 

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Hi all!  I'm continuing to do well - get to have my first post-op shower today...aaaahhhhh! 

    Silia - sorry to hear about the muscle pain.  I pulled a muscle when I over did it in dance (felt fine until the very last song when it came on suddenly).  It was sharp, in between two ribs, below the breast a few inches, and worsened with deep breathing, etc.  Classic intercostal muscle strain.  Rest did indeed help, as well as a bit of ice to the area.  I don't know if that is what you have or not, though, since yours is right by the MX scar.  Mine was several inches below.    

     Margie - glad to hear you are figuring out what size you eventually want to be.  That was a good idea to try on clothing!  

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Good morning all.

    Just wanted to pop in and say Happy Thursday!!! 

    Margie - Glad you like the expected size and that the clothes are looking good... Hope your next fill is painless. 

    Silia - Hope the muscle pull feels better soon.

    I am off to see the wizard to exchange these TE's for squishies! Hope everyone has a great day and continues the progress.....Hugs!

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,252

    Chest tube chronicles part ????

    Saw the thoracic surgeon this morning, I am soooo close to getting it out. Lung is completely inflated but there's still a bit of air in thoracic cavity which indicates there may be a tiny lung puncture that is not quite healed. However when he tested it it did show an improvement over Saturday. Next Weds. they are going to clamp the tube in the morning and see how I do. I will go for an xray in the late afternoon and if lung is still inflated, then doc will be convinced that it's ok to remove. I've gotten used to it in an odd way but certainly won't miss it when it's gone. Hope everyone is well and progressing toward wellness. Caryn

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Caryn  --  I sure hope they can get that #$%^ chest tube out Wed.  You have been through so much already.  Here's hoping it is gone and you have the BEST Thanksgiving ever.

  • chonikel
    chonikel Member Posts: 71

    Caryn... SO CLOSE - Praying for you - showing improvement - excellent!  I am glad you are more "comfortable" with it - but it has served the purpose and now TIME TO GO! :)

    Fill #2 today - interesting - apparently I still have significant swelling for 8 weeks - so he just put 50 CC on the right side (non LAT flap) - left side with Lat actually looks somewhat "normal" shaped.

    And here is what he said to me - WHY don't they tell you these things up front so you can be prepared... : So now we do another fill in 3 weeks and then we "watch it for a couple months" see how things shape up - fill more if we need to - then he tells me worst case he's had was 9 months it took for swelling to go down.  We don't want to swap in the perms til we see what things really look like - and apparently that can take months.  SERIOUSLY?  I was thinking January kids! (originally was hoping for December!)

    MONTHS?  So sad.  I don't want rocks in my chest for months :( I know it's not the end of the world - but cmon - can you tell me up front I might have the TE in for 6 months?  CAN YOU TELL ME?? make it sound like - ooh a few fills and day surgery and you are DONE! Nope. Not for me.

    So - anyway - hopefully 50 ccs won't KILL my Pec... feel sore but not as PAINFUL as the first fill was.  

    I am cleared for anything I want really exercise wise - so I am thinking ZUMBA next week... Low impact to start.

    But I am a bit disappointed with a possible 6 month sentence with TEs.

    Love to all of you - hope you are all having a pleasant restful evening!


  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564

    Just checking in on everyone. I've been trying to keep up with how you're all doing since I started here before my surgery was scheduled in October. I'm 3 weeks out bmx now, with chemo coming next month.

    Caryn - I'll be thinking of you on Wednesday. So sorry that's been such an on-going problem.  

    Chonikel - Sorry to hear that, but I know what you mean. I won't get my first fill until Monday, almost 4 weeks post-op, and with chemo coming within 3-4 weeks, I probably won't be seeing my exchange until May or June. Urgh. Hang in there. 

    Continued warm thoughts to everyone. 

  • Oh Tina, that SUCKS. I have heard that, though - women w/them almost a year, then celebrating like mad once they get their exchange. Hang in there - my PT was saying yesterday that if you're a person who swells up from salty food or before your period, it indicates that you might swell more post-op and that you're prone to swelling, so it might take longer for yours to resolve. Don't know if you fit that description, but I know I sure do. Fingers crossed that you go down quickly and get the rocks out sooner, rather than later!

    Caryn - amazing re the chest tube, and that you're actually used to it by now - the power of coping and the mind, I guess. Not something you should have to do! I am glad things are better, and it probably is the best that he's being conservative so you don't have to have one re-inserted. Will keep fingers and toes crossed for you!

    Lorraine - hope your shower was heavenly!

    Odie - hope your exchange went OK - been thinking of you.

    Rachel - great to hear from you - how are you feeling, 3 weeks out? Hope it's all going as smoothly as possible for you.

    I have my annual gyn exam this a.m. - with the gyn that found (miraculously) my first cancer. She is now a good family friend (her family moved in around the corner from us) . . . so first time a non-breast person has seen the foobs, and the first friend to see the foobs. Sure to be weird - have thought of changing docs but she is so good and I trust her implicitly . . . figure it's like the old days w/small-town docs or something - but we're at MGH?!

    Hope today is good for everyone.


  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    odie - hope the exchange went well!

    Caryn - good luck with the chest tube test and <hopefully> removal today!

    Tina - months?  Lets hope that is worst case scenario and not your case!  You are right, though, they should tell you all possibilities so you can be mentally prepared, just in case.  I can totally understand your frustration.  

    Rachel - nice to hear from you!  Glad to hear from you, but sorry to hear you've got the possible "TE delay" situation, too.   

    Sarah - good luck with the gyn visit this morning and the first real reveal!  I showed one of my friends but that was after a few drinks.  Guess you can't take a bottle of wine to the gyn appt.  LOL 

    My shower was great except for at the end I looked down and saw a small amount of bright red blood - eeks!  It was just a small amount and stopped very quickly, but it was enough to get my heart rate up a bit!  Hasn't happened since.  I don't know if the water hit it too hard or what - but it was a reminder that things are still healing.  I know that intellectually, but it is hard to remember when you feel like zilcho pain.  Good thing the doc has me on restrictions (no heavy lifting for 2 weeks) b/c otherwise, I could easily overdo it!  

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Sarah  -  good luck at the GYN.  I scheduled my annual appointment this week for Dec 16 and I was telling the DH wounder what she is going to think being the first Dr to see me with the TE and no nipples.  I have a special spot in my heart for my GYN since she jumped in and got me in earlier then later to my BS.

    Odie--  I was thinking about you all day yesterday I hope the exchange went well.  I bet you are excited to have those TE out.

    Tina --  oh my gosh...  I hope that rather then months it turns out to be weeks for you.  I have my fingers and toes crossed for you :)   Glad you got cleared to exercise.  I found getting back to working out helps with my moods.

    Lorraine --  take it slow and easy and heal.  I know easier said then done at this time of year.

    sending healing thoughts to all of you....   Happy Friday...

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,252

    Technical question, I deleted my avatar because I wanted to change it but it won't let me add a new one. Suggestions? Caryn

  • Well, Caryn, there appears to be a cute doggie pic there now . . . maybe the site was slow to load or something? I wish we could blow up the avatars b/c they are so tiny it's hard to see - is that your dog reading something on an iPad???

    Update - my friend/gyn didn't even want to see the foobs - we used the time to catch up (she is insanely busy) and plan a night for our families to get together in the next couple of weeks. She said (and she's right) that there are plenty of hands all over me and it can wait 'til next year. Appt. much more fun this way!


  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Happy Friday ladies.

    Caryn - I am so hoping you can get rid of that stupid chest tube Wednesday and am glad have managed to accept/tolerate it in the meantime. Glad to hear things are moving in the right direction. 

    Tina & Rachael - I am so sorry you have to have those awful TE's longer than originally thought. I hated mine so I understand exactly how you feel. I am amazed at how some women have them for months or a year or so without complaint. I was lucky enough to not have to have a long term relationship with them and will definitely give thanks for that this year! Hoping you can switch out to squishie sooner than later.

    Margiec - I also had the reminder to schedule my annual gyn visit and will see her on December 5th. Those first post MX visits should be interesting, huh? I have treated with mine for years and she also was the one to refer me to the breast surgeon so I am not dreading the visit like I normally would.... And no I do not miss my TE's at all.

    Lorraine - Thanks for the well wishes. Hope the shower was heavenly absent the minor scare. Glad you feel good but don't overdo it... 

    Sarah - Glad the dr visit went well and was more like a social call. Sounds like you have a good friend and physician there which is a blessing.

    I am about 24 hours post exchange surgery and doing pretty well. Little sore with some muscle spasms and fatigued from anesthesia but can already tell that the implants will be much softer. Won't gloat out of respect for those who have to have the tissue expanders longer term but can say hang in there, IT will be better........... 

    Hope everyone has a wonderful & restful weekend....

  • chonikel
    chonikel Member Posts: 71

    odie - Gloat away!  I am happy for you - I would celebrate - I am celebrating for you!!

    I will deal with these for now - and hope the swelling goes down quickly.

    Funny all the OB/GYN talk - my annual is on Monday - but she never looks at my boobs -- She figures I have enough docs checking them out - she leaves that to them.  If she wants to take a peek - I'm fine with that though... I don't really care... So many docs/nurses/PAs/Techs have seen them at this point!  

    First week back at "work" over... Working from home though - and I am thankful that I can still lounge around in jeans and sweatshirts rather than get the work gear on.  I think I actually got more done here than if I had gone in - with everyone who would want to see me and chat and catch up - so I am glad I "eased" into it.  All my projects are behind - and I don't know how I will ever catch up - but I will do the best I can.  Already stressing about it!  So Stupid!!

    Lorraine - Take it easy there girl - don't be knocking those babies around! :)

    Hoping all my friends are enjoying their Fridays and easing into a wonderful weekend!!


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,252

    LOL! My daughter somehow got the new avatar up. Yes, that is my Pomeranian, Nala, working the iPad. I posted it an FB too and noted that I missed teaching so much that I taught my pom how to use an iPad. Poms ate very photogenic dogs. Have a great weekend everyone.


  • Checking in here while I wait for DD to fall asleep . . . she likes to have someone nearby, and DH is out grocery shopping (for some reason, he feels that I should not be doing this yet - I'm not fighting it, I'll admit!).

    Tina - back to "work"! Easing in is the only way to go - don't worry, you'll do what you need to do to get on track . . . rest will fuel you up to power down Monday. Will you go into the office then? You're going to have to duck all your well-wishers to get ANYTHING done (a good problem to have)!

    Lorraine - Yikes. Sounds like all's fine, but who needs surprises at this point? Maybe you were doing too strenuous of a happy dance in that shower?? : )

    Odie - rest well, sounds like you're on the right track. So glad it's all gone smoothly for you.

    So I forgot to mention I got my gyn to give me a copy of my path, finally. Lots of nasty junk, more in the right than the left - my BS told me about all this, but interesting to see it in print, and to read in detail about all the samples, etc. Oh, and found out I actually had 2 nodes removed on the right, not one as BS told me - there was a "clump" that turned out to be 2 mushed together, one much larger than the other and smaller one hidden. Always interesting. 

    I hope you all have a restful night.


  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Odie - congrats on a successful exchange surgery!

    Sarah - interesting about the nodes.  My BS said only one, too, but the path report said 3.  I suspect that what he meant was he only looked at one in the OR, but perhaps it was as you said, 3 clumped together.  Who knows...but it was surprising to go from 1 to 3.  Yep, "interesting"...LOL

    Nothing new for me - still doing fine and no more incidents!   

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Caryn what a cute doggie!!!!And you are such a strong person, going through all that. Wish you to recover soon.

    Odie, I am glad for you.

    Tina, I am disappointed too..I was leaking last time and still have left s-called- breast red in the middle.Yesterday he extended more and nurse attached some gauze and told me to wear bra, I even slept with it. I t did leak some, but not much.After every extending left become very very red and swollen, next day it goes away.They don't know why.Left is much smaller then right, I think, because I had 3 operations and now it is siza A , I have 2 exrendings left, and I hope to exchange in 3 months after that, if everything will be OK, it will be March, I guess...I hate all that, TE and complications.He told me , leaking could occure, if needle went to wrong place.Really? Who did put it there?

    Monday I will have chemo number 4.

    My oncologist told me, that it is very bad, that I gane weight.He told me , that women who gained weight and used saturated fat have more possibilities for recurrence.Is it really?

    It is difficult to eat while on chemo and more difficult to be on diet.

    I hope everyone will have a good weekend and Thanksgiving!

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Forgot to tell I am still anemic, I am taking slow FE, does not help , I try beet, apple and carrot juice, still does not help...

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Odie--- I am so excited for you. You are our trailblazer for exchange surgery. Keep us posted on how it's going.

    Olgah-- Good to hear from you. Hope you are doing ok on Chemo.

    Lorraine-- nothing new is a good thing in our lives right now. :)

    Sarah-- it must be going around after surgery my BS said 5 nodes were removed but when we went for my path results she said there was 6 removed.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564

    Sarah and Dancetrancer - I saw your question about the nodes. What happened in my case is that they took 2 out as part of the SNB. Then during the bmx, there happened to be another 5 random nodes that came out along with the other material. It just makes you that much more relieved if they all were clean, as mine were.

    Olgah - Good to hear from you. Hang in there. Don't let your onc scare you like that. Sure, it's healthier to not gain weight, but at this point, focus on getting through chemo and your recovery. If you can do a little more to avoid gaining weight, fine, but don't waste your energy worrying about something that at this point may be beyond your control - I've heard of a number of women who gain weight during chemo because of the meds. Just make healthy choices that you're comfortable with.

    Happy weekend to everyone. 

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Just checking in and trying to catch up with everyone.  I won't try to name everyone as I am sure I will forget some.  Olga, I was on chemo just a year ago, during Thanksgiving, so that holiday meal was kind of a bummer, but I was happy to spend time with family anyway.  I keep you in my heart and hope you continue to do well - hang in there - rest, eat as healthy as you can, and know that you are loved by family and friends.

    I am excited for all of you getting your new foobs, getting rid of TEs, and moving onward!  My infection has cleared, and my chest is still more tender than I would like, but it is definitely healing, and I will be ready for at least some prostheses soon.  Right now I mostly look like I have just lost a lot of weight, and I am wearing lots of boxy sweaters and jackets, but having a little curve might be nice for the holiday dresses!

    I feel like I am coming out of a fog finally, with more energy every day.  I was able to participate in a 3-day watercolor workshop, and even though it was pretty intense and I was exhausted by the end of each day, I had a blast and it did my soul a huge bit of good!  I am making good progress in PT, but still have paiin where my sleeve brushes against the skin of my upper inner arm.  Quite annoying, occasionally downright depressing when it is so constantly with me, but I have been trying to wear a long-sleeved t-shirt under other shirts, and it seems to keep the brushing to a minimum. 

    I think that by next week, I will be able to get back to some workouts.  Anyone swim or do water aerobics?  Any helpful hints?  I did see the comments about changing clothes in a locker room, and am still a bit "bashful" about that, so will try to use the toilet stall for privacy.  The main thing is just overcoming interia at this point!

    Gentle hugs to all of you, and thanks for your comments and sharing your experiences.  It gives me a lot of encouragement.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,252

    I will keep this post short since I am still in shock. Because of the PET scan I had that by accident found my collapsed lung, a spot on my hip was also found. After an MRI, CT and biopsy I now have a 2 cm bone met to my left femoral head. This makes me stage IV. Chemo is off the table and I start Arimidex immediately and have an appointment with an RO tomorrow. I am literally sick to my stomach. Caryn