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nipple tattoo???

pkb3937 Member Posts: 2
edited October 2018 in Breast Reconstruction

I had my nipple tattooing today.  Wow...was not what I expected.  They are bleeding and there is bruising .  The bruising may be from the lidocain injection.  Not sure.  But either way, they are hurting now.  Can someone tell me their experience...



  • mawhinney
    mawhinney Member Posts: 14
    edited August 2011

    Who did your tattooing? A PS or a tattoo artist?  Did you have a 3D tattoo, areola & nipple, or did you just have the areola tattooed? A tattoo artist may use different instruments than a physician. The FDA does not permit doctors to use the same type of dyes that Tattoo artists use.

    I had a unilateral mx, implant reconstruction, & c-v flap procedure for the nipple and after that was healed, my PS tattooed the areolas. He tattooed my "good" side so both would have the same coloring.  It was not pleasant but a "doable" procedure with just the lidocaine injection. I certainly will not be having any decorative tattoos! After the tattooing a crust formed which was probably from slight bleeding. I didn't have any bruising. I used some antibiotic ointment to keep the area moist and put a protective pad over the area.

  • Sassa
    Sassa Member Posts: 98
    edited August 2011

    I had both sides tattooed (reconstructed areolas and nipples on August 15). I was numbed with an Rx grade topical. I had redness (bruising?) around the areolas for a few days afterward. No bleeding.

    Once the topical wore off, my nipple area ached and stung. Two extra strength Tylenol, repeated twice more between 3 PM and 11PM, took care of the pain.

    I was told to keep the areolas and nipples moist with Aquaphor or petroleum jelly and cover with gauze for ten days. I didn't scab at all. Five days later, the top layer of skin started peeling off and was gone by the next day.

    The color has faded as I was told it would. I go back in the end of September for touch up.

  • pkb3937
    pkb3937 Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2011

    Things are all good now....I had mine done at my PS office.  The did bleed the first night, but was better the next day.  I am now putting ointment on them and covering with a gauze.  They look really good.  I had the actual nipple surgery July 15th.  I am all done now!!!

  • DaisyinAustin
    DaisyinAustin Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2011


    Since your tattoos were done in the PS office will they have to be touched up? If so, are touch ups an ongoing thing, like every couple of months? Just wondering how this works.

  • CandDsMom
    CandDsMom Member Posts: 68
    edited August 2011

    I got mine done by Vinnie Myers in Maryland ( and they are AWESOME!!!

    FYI Vinnie says the ones he does never need to be touched up FYI.

  • vinniemyers
    vinniemyers Member Posts: 58
    edited September 2011

    Well... sometimes they do.... I just try to get it right the first time. Its not easy gettin it right the first go round.... but it sure is fun tryin.... and even better when you are successful.  In all reality sometimes it just needs an extra session .... color adjustment or add a little here or there... it's ok to do a second visit if that is what you want to get it perfect.... and thats what its about.... getting it just right. LOL....

  • lesliet
    lesliet Member Posts: 44
    edited September 2011

    Vinnie- Are you going to make a trip to Atlanta in Dec?

  • doschrom
    doschrom Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2011

    I had a tattoo in the doc's ofc early in the year that was very pale and has since faded.  Vinnie, I saw your website and think your work is great.  I looked at flights to Baltimore again, looked up the Pinkink site and found a name of a person in San Antonio.  Just seems like Houston, with a population of 4 million and the MD Anderson Cancer Center, would be a good market and have a few tattoo artists, Any ideas??

  • doschrom
    doschrom Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2011

    Reconstruction was successful 6 years ago.  I've decided to have get the job finished.  Now seeking a tattoo artist in Houston to tattoo the ta-tas!  Recommendations welcomed!

  • vinniemyers
    vinniemyers Member Posts: 58
    edited September 2011

    In all seriousness... There are many differences between what is done at the PS office, Cosmetic practitioners offices and tattoo shops. That is not to say one is better than the other ... they are just very different in many aspects.

     In my opinion there should be very little bleeding after the procedure is completed. There should be VERY little bruising if ANY. From my experience there is not much discomfort and I NEVER use anesthesia... as a matter of fact it makes it more difficult to get a good result when they are used. I have 18 hours of tattooing done on my chest, right up to the edge of my areolas and it is very uncomfortable,  But... while some BC clients feel some level of discomfort it is tolerable in almost all cases I have seen. 

    Sassa... I do not think your tattoos should fade that quickly. Please email me and I will give you as much info on this as I can to put your mind at ease.

       pkb3937   ...Must be great relief to have it all over with. Sounds like you had a good job done on your tats... I would suggest keeping them hydrated with moisturizer as often as possible to keep them looking good.

        DaisyinAust…  ... All nip tats MAY need touchups... no matter who does them. Each individual case is unique ( is that an oxymoron?... individual/unique?) ...anyway... in my opinion they should not be an ongoing project and there should be an end result. But... like all tattoos they will fade over time. Even the best tattoos will.... but the fact that the sun is a tattoos biggest enemy and most ( not ) do not do a lot of nude sun bathing that part of the equation on fading does not play a part. So the mission should be to try to get a COMPLETE result in the fewest number of sittings. After all ... no one wants to keep coming back for more... just those of us that want to torture ourselves to have dragons and tigers and such on our skin...hehehe.

          CandDsMom ... Thanks for your kind words...  you were great....You have no idea how happy it makes me feel to know you feel complete.... I have the best job in the world and would never trade it for any other kind of tattooing or profession.... plus I am scoring some major karma points with the tattoo gods!!!!!

         mawhinney ...  WOW... tattooing the "Good" side without anesthesia would be .....well... not fun. The slight crusting or scabbing is normal... should last 3-5 days at most. Keeping them hydrated with ointment and using a NON STICK pad is essential.   Hope they heal well for you.... if you have any questions feel free to contact me....

    thanks for listening to my ramblings .... for those that have been tattooed by me you should be used to it...... V

  • vinniemyers
    vinniemyers Member Posts: 58
    edited September 2011

    lesliet.... I do not have any trips planned as of right now. I am planning on doing some to certain cities in the near future... just have not worked out the logistics yet... but I will be soon.

     doschrom... I thought about having Houston be the first city in my travels.... I do not know why that city has been on my mind lately and foremost... it just has. If I could get a few ladies that want that tats done there I would be willing to make the trip... just have to get a list started..... know anybody else?.... 

     I will be working regularly at several hospitals in the future... starting with NOLA next month. I am very much looking forward to being a part of that team... I am truly HONORED to be working with them. I can't wait!!!  .... V 

  • thepinkicingonthecake
    thepinkicingonthecake Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2011

    I am a permanent makeup artist and have been practising for over 15 years. I work just about every day on breast cancer survivors. I have never had any of my patients say that their breasts hurt afterwards. It is normal you will have bleeding but that stops right after the procedure and the blood will subside over the next several days. I have not had anyone bruised afterwards so perhaps it is the injection sites. If you need more info, please don't hesitate to ask me.

    Hope this was helpful!

  • millliebutler
    millliebutler Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2011

    Mine bled and then were swollen and crusty for a while. You probably need more time to let them heal at least a few weeks.

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
    edited September 2011

    Everything Vinnie said is right on...and my experience with tattooing

    Earleen in Asheville NC did tattooing on my grafted areolas.  I had a retouch 3 mos later and now 1 year later they have faded somewhat but still look good.

  • IllinoisNancy
    IllinoisNancy Member Posts: 99
    edited September 2011

    Hi Ladies,

    I just got my areolas tatooed today and it was a piece of cake. No pain, no blood.....hope I'm done with all the procedures now.  Ready to start living again.

    Take care,


  • vinniemyers
    vinniemyers Member Posts: 58
    edited September 2011

    IllinoisNancy.... I am so happy for you.... Glad things went the way they are supposed to. You start living again... sounds to me like you never stopped!...

     Linda54... Earleen is wonderful and very good at what she she lives near The Biltmore..... the BADEST HOUSE I HAVE EVER SEEN!!! I would love to go back and visit Earleen and the Biltmoe one day ... we have talked on the phone but never meet it person.... we will soon.   Anyway... like I said, some if not most tattoos will need some kind of touchup eventually. The mission is to get it done in one... maybe two sittings .... but not more. Too many, over the years, have considered it normal to do them over and over. No one would put up with doing the surgery over and over... so why do it with the tattooing. Both make a huge impact on the way things look. I will do everything in my power to change that......

     Millliebutler... They should heal in a few days  to maybe 5. If it takes longer than that other factors have played a roll in why it takes longer.  Sometimes you might get a reaction to the pigments. I don't care what kind of approved pigments... FDA... blah... blah... blah... someone will eventually get a reaction. This might create a healing time of 10 days to 3 weeks but it still heals fine... just takes longer. Only with some old school red.... (and I mean 1960's red)  did the reaction last longer than a few weeks.  I have done more than 20,000 tattoos on human skin and had maybe 10 reactions. Therefore it should take 3-5 days to heal if everything is done correctly.

    Sorry to run on and on..... it seems to be a bad habit of mine..... If anyone needs me you know where to find me.... V 

  • mspradley
    mspradley Member Posts: 11
    edited September 2011

    Vinnie - I am looking for a combination of traditional tattoo and 3D nipple tattoo. I'll private message you with more details.

  • Sassa
    Sassa Member Posts: 98
    edited September 2011


    My tattoos actually look very nice.  The woman that does the tattoos at my PS office is a licensed aesthetician that works with the plastic surgeon on tattooing in color on both BC patients and other reconstruction work.

    She left it up to me if I would want to come back in.  If I did, she would "streak in" additional skin tones and refine the tattooing . I decided to go ahead and book the appointment.

    In any case, I am up in Columbia, MD frequently so you would be my ace in the hole if needed.

  • Sassa
    Sassa Member Posts: 98
    edited September 2011

    I actually think my slight redness was a reation to the dyes and not brusing.  I have sensitive skin and react to a lot of things.

  • shortlady
    shortlady Member Posts: 36
    edited September 2011

    Vinnie how about coming to Los Angeles?  I have seen your work and would loved to get my 3d tattoos from you.  One permant make up person I contacted wanted to charge me $800 to do both sides.  

  • vinniemyers
    vinniemyers Member Posts: 58
    edited September 2011

    Sassa... Sounds like you are on the right path. Just the fact that she said she would add additional skin tones and refine things leads me to believe she knows whats up!  On another note... a reaction to the pigments would look like... Heavy scabbing, cracking, maybe slight bleeding for a week or so... swelling and only in the area of the pigment. But there is a possibility of reaction to other things she used or you are using to aftercare ie... ointment and such. In this case the redness would not be limited to the pigmented area only but be all around the tattoo site. Keep me informed on the progress.... and if you ever need anything from me ... just say the word:)

      Shortlady.... (funny name... i'm LITTLE VINNIE but I should be SKINNY VINNIE ) ... anyway I would love to make a trip to L.A. Is this cosmetic tattooer charging $800 for both or each? If I could get 6-10 clients I will come to the left coast and do some niptats without hesitation... I need to figure out a way to get the word out so women in different cities can know I am coming... and figure out a place to do them. I guess I need a marketing gal to help me out with all that... my tattoo personnel at the shop might not be able to do that effectively. 


  • RaiderDee
    RaiderDee Member Posts: 9
    edited September 2011

    I'm down for a left coast session!  I had a BMX back in July of 09. The nipple graft on the right side didn't take because I had blood flow issues so I'm left with a nipple with no aerola on one side and a scar on the other.  I'm almost a year out from my exchange and would really like to be done with it all but I'm extremely nervous about how the tattoos will will turn out on the side that is scarred, plus it will have to be a 3D tattoo as my PS says she doesn't want to try another nipple graft.  I can't afford a trip to Baltimore but I would move heaven and earth to get to you, Vinnie, if you could get anywhere near the West Coast.    

  • wolfe33
    wolfe33 Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2011


    I live in Philly so I could pop down anytime (wicked lucky for me!!!)...I am just now having stage ll revisions done and will not get nipples till the end of the year so I will be checking you out for sure...but do you do scar tattoos?  I ran into a PS that said that he has had patients that have their DIEP scar tattooed over and have liked the results.  My scar is from the outside of each hip all the way across...and God knows I will never be a nude not real worried about skin tone changes there.

    I am heavily tattooed anyway (whole back is done)....what do you think?

  • vinniemyers
    vinniemyers Member Posts: 58
    edited September 2011

    2new...The  no areola issue usually is solved by simply doing the tattoos. The scar and lack of areola becomes a nonissue.  It is amazing how your eyes (mind) sees the natural looking nips/areolas once tattooed and not the lack there of. The only problem that might arise is the level of scarring and how well the pigment takes on the scars. I could better advise you if I could see some pics.... I can usually determine how the results will be just by seeing photos. If you would like contact me via email and we can take a look...

    wolfe33... There is a strong possibility I will be working in Philly in the very near future on a monthly basis. It is still in the planning stages and the location has not yet been determined but It looks like it is going to happen soon. Keep your eyes on  for more  info coming up about this. As far as the scar camo goes... it can be done and usually works for a better appearance but I can not tell you about your particular case until I see you. As I stated to Dee pics or a consultation in person is best. Hang on for a bit and keep your eyes on for a posting about my coming to Philly soon..... 

    Thanks all..... V 

  • mspradley
    mspradley Member Posts: 11
    edited September 2011


    What is the best way to contact you?  I sent a private message to you through a few days ago, but am not sure you received it.

  • lovesnature
    lovesnature Member Posts: 15
    edited September 2011

    Vinnie I am in Northern California, I would be estatic if you made a trip to the west coast.

  • vinniemyers
    vinniemyers Member Posts: 58
    edited September 2011

    mspradley... sorry bout the PM.... I am responding to it now... V

    lovesnature... Keep your eyes on this forum and I will post when and where I am coming... Cali seems to be on of the places that women have shown a great interest.... keep in touch...V 

  • lovesnature
    lovesnature Member Posts: 15
    edited September 2011

    I will definately keep an eye out for a Cali visit!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited September 2011

    Vinnie-------do you have any recommendation for a Tat person inor near central florida? Thanks

  • vinniemyers
    vinniemyers Member Posts: 58
    edited September 2011

    Yup... Check out Renee Maschinot at   or

    Judy at   both are very good at what they do.... good luck.... Vinnie